Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 583 The Life Experience of the Night Goddess

"The Fool" Klein waited for other members to react for a few seconds before showing his surprise.

Especially the goddess' believers Klein and "Justice" Audrey, they feel that this is completely blasphemous to the gods!

But they thought that these messages came from the "creator", so they became silent.

After being surprised, the other members felt that this seemed to be an acceptable fact. After all, they had known before that the God of Knowledge and Wisdom was once a giant dragon!

But they were still surprised, could it be that the roots of the gods could be traced back to the Second Age?

"When I heard the news, I was very shocked." Hobert said: "But I think it is very logical. After all, the 'Destruction Wolf' is said to have mastered the two paths of 'Sleepless One' and 'Soothsayer' .

“And when we were trading information about the ancient gods, we mentioned the followers of the ancient gods.

"Among them, the subordinate gods of the 'Destruction Demonic Wolf' include the 'God of the Dead' Salinger and the 'Goddess of Doom' Amanissis.

"I also just learned that this 'Goddess of Doom' is the later Goddess of Night."

Therefore, Amanisis is the real name of the goddess of the night!

Only then did Klein realize that his experience as a night watcher gave him a very unique feeling for this god.

When he heard the real names of other gods before, he didn't think anything of it, but when he heard the real name of the goddess of the night, he felt very blasphemous! He wished he could forget this name immediately, but it lingered in his mind.

Alger began to recall the names of the slave gods he had traded before: he didn't pay much attention to these slave gods at the time, but now it seems that after the ancient gods all fell, their slave gods played a more important role in the third and fourth eras. played a big role. At present, I only know that among those gods, there have been four gods who have become gods, namely the current God of War, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, the Goddess of Night, and the fallen Emperor of Hades.

However, Cattleya realized that when the "Creator" was encircling and suppressing Amon's clone, the "Emperor" asked the "Emperor" to pray to the goddess of the night, and got help from this god. Moreover, the "creator" also knows so many secrets about the goddess of the night. These two gods should be familiar with each other before, right? So, the origin of the "creator" can also be traced back to the Second Age?

Audrey also thought about this: Do the Goddess of the Night, the "Creator" and Mr. Fool all know each other? Did they form a broad alliance?

This made Audrey feel a little better, because in her opinion, these three gods were all gods with a sense of justice, and they should have been on the same front.

Klein also belatedly thought that the "creator" and the goddess of the night might have known each other before.

Then he suddenly realized that this was an opportunity for "The Fool" to speak. Otherwise, the members had just been discussing "The Fool's" approach, but "The Fool" had never expressed an opinion on this. This was very wrong.

So Klein, who was sitting at the top, smiled and said, "Your discussion reminded me of some things!"

Everyone looked at the top of the long bronze table. Mr. Fool did not say what specific things he recalled, but it was enough for everyone to make corresponding associations.

Audrey sat up straight: Let me tell you, Mr. Fool and the Night Goddess must have known each other, but Mr. Fool seemed to have just woken up from a deep sleep last year, and may not have fully recovered his memory.

Alger also nodded with an "I understand" look: Maybe Mr. Fool didn't know Antigonus at all, after all, Mr. Fool was sleeping at that time.

Forsi also confirmed his previous guess: Amon helped Antigonus, obviously to prevent Mr. Fool from suddenly waking up. Unfortunately, Antigonus still failed to succeed, or Mr. Fool's arrangement before falling asleep, No extraordinary person with the same path can take his place as the true god.

"Moon" Emlyn was also thinking in his mind: No wonder the ancestor asked me to come to this party. Mr. Fool must have recalled something about the goddess of the night. Since he knows every god from the second era, it doesn't make sense. I don’t know the ancestor of the blood race who was one of the ancient gods at that time.

Hobert smiled slightly and said to himself: "The Fool" seemed to have said something, but also seemed not to have said anything. But this sentence is just right, this wave of crisis public relations can be done!

At this time, "Sun" Derrick, who did not have a strong sense of identification with the seven righteous gods, suddenly said: "Mr. Emperor, if the goddess of the night and the 'Mother of the Sky' are of the same race, why would the goddess of the night destroy the 'Mother of the Night'?" country'?"

Everyone was stunned: Yes, since they are the same race in the Second Age, shouldn't they help each other? Why did the goddess of the night simply destroy the "Kingdom of Night"?

Hobert took a deep breath and thought about it for two or three seconds before saying: "I have a guess about a conspiracy theory. Since The Sun asked here, I will share this guess with everyone.

"It's okay if you don't agree with me, just think of it as hearing a story."

Everyone looked at the "Emperor" with bated breath. Klein guessed that what the "Emperor" was going to say next would most likely be dirty information about the goddess of the night, or made up by others.

"It is said that after the death of the Blood Emperor, the Church of the Goddess of the Night also hunted down Antigonus." Seeing that everyone did not quite understand what this news meant, Hobert further explained:

"It is understandable if the Church of the Goddess of the Night attacks the 'Mother of Heaven'. After all, the 'Mother of Heaven' is an angel of the 'Sleepless Man' path. The purpose of attacking Him is to obtain His extraordinary characteristics and further strengthen the power of the church.

“But the question is, why is the Church of the Goddess of the Night still pursuing Antigonus?

"Is it just because Antigonus supported the Tudor Empire? Then why don't we see other churches chasing after them like the Church of the Goddess of Night? Until now, they still have no regard for the descendants of Antigonus and related people. attach great importance to the case?

"Is it just because Antigonus is one of the gods of the 'Kingdom of Night'? After destroying the 'Kingdom of Night', are you afraid of his revenge?"

Only then did everyone understand why the "Emperor" emphasized this point. This was indeed a bit unreasonable.

And everyone also heard that although the "Emperor" kept talking about the "Church of the Goddess of the Night," he was actually referring to the Goddess of the Night.

Klein first recalled the series of cases he had caused because of the Antigonus family's diary. The Church of the Goddess of the Night indeed attached great importance to such cases.

Then he guessed based on his previous experience as a keyboard warrior: Could it be that the goddess of the night has some huge secret, and she is afraid that her fellow Antigonus will spread it out?

This time Hobert did not give everyone time to guess, but simply continued: "So I heard such a conjecture. In the divine war that took place in the Second Age, when the ancient god Lilith fell, The two ancient gods, the 'Alien King' and the 'Destroying Demonic Wolf', were buried with him.

“In other words, in that battle, the ancient god Lilith’s opponents were two other ancient gods?

"How did he let the two ancient gods die with him?

"Before this, I also found a piece of relevant information about this divine battle. It is said that Antigonus once saw the blood of the 'Destruction Wolf' sprayed on the body of the 'Goddess of Doom'.

"This information seems to be a specific description of that divine battle, but if you think about it carefully, why is the blood of the 'Destruction Wolf' sprayed on the body of the 'Goddess of Doom'?"

Everyone seems to have thought of something, but they always feel afraid to think about it further.

"Could it be that the 'Goddess of Doom' helped the ancient god Lilith and allowed the 'Destruction Wolf' to complete the 'burial' process?" Hobert said:

"Otherwise, the 'Goddess of Doom' is more likely to be dealing with the followers of the ancient god Lilith. Why did she suddenly appear on the battlefield of the three ancient gods?"

Audrey immediately said excitedly: "Impossible! That's absolutely not the case! Maybe, maybe He is just going to help!"

Klein already felt that this might be the case, and the reason was very simple: if there was a true god in the same path, if he wanted to become a god, he would either jump to the adjacent path, or backstab the god of that path.

A very sad thing that the goddess of the night encountered at that time was that not only the true gods existed in the "Sleepless One" path, but there were also gods in the "Warrior" and "Corpse Collector" paths.

Then, if you want to become a god, there is only one way!

Klein breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't think there was anything shameful about it. If it were him, he would do the same thing.

Firstly, it was because the Ancient God's sanity was limited, and such a boss was terrifying.

Secondly, it is the need for survival. In an era where ancient gods do whatever they say, even angels do not have a complete sense of security.

Alger broke out in a cold sweat: I seem to have a chance to become a god? Haha, what am I thinking? After leaving the Tarot Club, will I be chopped into cokes by lightning?

Cattleya smiled: What a backstab among the gods! How would I know this information if I hadn't joined a Tarot Society?

Derrick understood Miss Justice's feelings very well at this time. Based on this lady's previous performance, she seemed to be a believer of the goddess of the night.

In the previous Tarot meeting where they discussed the death of the ancient sun god, Derrick also acted like Miss Justice.

Some things are like this. If you don't touch them, you don't know their importance in your mind.

Audrey also realized her gaffe: "Sorry, I mean, I mean..."

However, Hobert suddenly said: "If the facts are really as guessed, I think the goddess of the night did the right thing!"

The other members were stunned.

"Humanity was a race that was slaughtered and enslaved by the ancient gods at will in the Second Age. Although they are called ancient gods, I feel that they should be the enemies of mankind!" Hobert said righteously:

"From a human perspective, it is not wrong for the Night Goddess to get the opportunity to become a god from such an ancient god, and as far as I know, the Church of the Night Goddess is one of the earliest secret organizations to protect humans.

"How early is it? Maybe the secret organization at the same time was the creator of Silver City, the church of the ancient Sun God.

"So it is undeniable that the goddess of the night has protected many humans as far back as the Second Age!

"Miss Justice, do you think He did the right thing?"

Audrey fell into a long silence, and she felt that her understanding of justice had changed again.

Before this, she was very disgusted with the view of "not caring about the process, only caring about the results", but today she discovered that caring too much about the process would also put a lot of psychological burden on herself.

So after a few seconds, Audrey breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, I think you are right!"

Hobert smiled and said: "Congratulations, Miss Zhengyi, you are not lost in the maze of universal values."

He put away his smile and said: "Let's continue.

"Maybe it's because the goddess of the night had some conflicts with the demon wolves during the process of becoming a god. In order to prevent the demon wolves from retaliating, she targeted other demon wolves, such as Antigonus and the 'Mother of Heaven'.

"This can also explain why the 'Mother of Heaven' and the Goddess of Night are the same path, but the 'Mother of Heaven', as a sibling, is not the reason why the Goddess of Night teaches angels.

"It also shows that in the Fourth Age, Antigonus was loyal to the Solomon Empire and the Tudor Empire successively, and has always stood on the opposite side of the Night Goddess!"

Cattleya leaned back in her chair and smiled: Although the "Emperor" has repeatedly said that this is a 'conspiracy theory' speculation, it is a very logical guess, and the truth is often that simple.

Alger also sighed in his heart: Among the current seven gods, four already have dark histories. The titles of the Eternal Sun, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, and the Lord of Storms all came from the betrayal of the ancient Sun God. Among them, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom has betrayed twice, betraying the "Dragon of Fantasy" in the Second Age, and betraying the Ancient Sun God in the Third Age.

He took a deep breath and continued to think about these blasphemous thoughts: Today he learned that the goddess of the night's position was likely to come from a betrayal. What about the God of War and the Mother Earth? And what about the God of Steam and Machinery? Where did their divine status come from? Are there any similar stories?

After the "Emperor" finished speaking, Klein suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: The truth is often hard to accept, but it is the truth whether you accept it or not.

Then he operated "The World" and asked: "Why did the 'Mother of Heaven' appear again in the church of the Church of the Night Goddess?"

The other members all looked at "The World": What? "Mother of Heaven" also appeared in the church of the Church of the Night Goddess?

Alger immediately thought: When the "Mother of Heaven" found it difficult to defeat the Goddess of Night, could she escape and simply join the Church of the Goddess of Night? This, this is very contradictory to the "Emperor"'s speculation just now.

Hobert thought about it for a moment and said, "Have you noticed that He seems to have no intelligence?"

Klein understood what Hobert meant: "That's a sealed artifact!"

What? "Mother of Heaven" became a sealed object of the Church of the Night Goddess?

Even Cattleya and Derrick, who had a sense of separation from the Orthodox Church, found it a bit unbelievable.

But after thinking about it, it seems reasonable. "Mother of Heaven" may have formed a sealed object when she died.

Hobert did not nod or shake his head at Klein's words, because it was not just a sealed artifact.

Alger smiled and said: This is the fate of losers.

In his opinion, didn't "Poseidon" Kavitua become a sealed object?

Audrey and Forsi always felt uncomfortable somewhere in their hearts, but they couldn't explain exactly where.

Hobert finally concluded: "The 'Kingdom of Night' finally perished, the 'Mother of Heaven' became a sealed object, and Antigonus also disappeared."

Everyone fell into silence again, recalling the information they had just traded.

Ten seconds later, Klein operated "The World" again and asked: "What is Zaratul's purpose?"

The other members were slightly startled, Zarath?

Then everyone thought of the Zaratul family in the Fourth Age. Cattleya and Alger also thought of the connection between the Zaratul family and the Secret Order.

This made Alger wonder: What kind of ruins did they encounter during their exploration last week? How come you are related to so many big figures in the extraordinary world?

"I have also done some research on this." Hobert said: "Do you want to listen to it by yourself, or everyone should listen together."

This time, Klein ignored everyone's expectations: "Listen to yourself."

Zaratul is different from Antigonus. Antigonus is a figure from the Fourth Age after all, but that Zaratul may be a person from more than a hundred years ago. This may involve some current " The secret of the fortune teller's path.

Hobert nodded: "Yes, I may ask you to do a favor in the future, but the total value of this favor will not exceed 2,000 pounds."

"The World" nodded: "No problem."

So in everyone's disappointed eyes, Klein, who was sitting at the top, established a separate communication space between the "Emperor" and "The World".

"We have traded relevant information before." Hobert said: "The Zaratul family also starts from the Fourth Age.

"It is said that the ancestor of the Zarathu family, well, let's call him Zarathu, and the one we met in the church is called Little Zarathu."

Klein thought of the old man with a white beard, and felt that he had little connection with "Little", but in terms of seniority, he was indeed "Little Zaratul".

Hobert continued: "It is said that Zaratul loyal to the Solomon Empire because he hoped to obtain another Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic.

"But before that extraordinary characteristic could be found, he died in the 'War of the Four Emperors', and his extraordinary characteristic was captured by Antigonus."

When Klein heard this, he thought in his heart: So Antigonus gathered two copies of the extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness of Sequence 1 at that time. This is already the King of Angels who is only one step away from the true God!

He frowned: Two copies of the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1 have surfaced, and both copies were with Antigonus. I wonder if Antigonus has died now, or in what state? In short, the whereabouts of the two extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1 are currently unknown, and where is the last Extraordinary characteristic of Sequence 1?

Klein smiled bitterly in his heart: Hobert thought that the Sequence 1 Beyonder characteristics were with The Fool, so neither Antigonus nor Zaratul had any hope of becoming gods. Only "The Fool" himself knows that as long as there is a copy of the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 4, "Mr. Fool" will not do the dangerous thing of stealing notes from the bottom of St. Samuel's Church.

At this moment, he suddenly thought: Could it be that the clue to the Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics that Solomon or the True Creator asked Zaratul to serve was the third Sequence 1?

The more Klein thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible: After all, during the Solomon Empire era, Antigonus had already surrendered to the Solomon Empire as the "Servant of the Mystery". Therefore, the extraordinary characteristics of this Sequence 1 are obvious, and there is no need to look for it. Later, Antigonus became the angel king of this path first, and Zaratul would not even try to take advantage of him. Then what Zaratul wants to obtain must be the third Sequence 1 Extraordinary Characteristics, and with two Sequence 1s, he can also become the King of Angels, so that he can fight against Antigonus.

Hobert saw that Klein was meditating, so he waited. When Klein's meditation seemed to be over, he continued: "Little Zaratul is interesting. I heard that he seems to be advancing to Sequence 3. An accident occurred during the time, disappeared from the Fourth Age, and appeared directly in the Fifth Age."

Klein was stunned for a moment, then manipulated "The World" to ask: "He was sealed somewhere at that time? Sealed for hundreds or thousands of years?"

Hobert shook his head: "I don't know the specific situation very well. It is said that He felt as if he went from the Fourth Age to the Fifth Age overnight."

"The World" laughed hoarsely: "What a strange encounter."

He thought in his heart: Is this time travel?

Hobert continued: "The reason why we know some information about little Zaratul is mainly because he invested in Russell after successfully being promoted to an angel.

"In some of Emperor Russell's notes, we can occasionally see some descriptions of Little Zaratul."

Klein behind the gray fog: That’s it.

With such an "intelligence source", Klein was even more convinced of what Hobert said.

Hobert continued: "According to some clues we found, little Zaratul seems to have obtained the Antigonus family's notes in order to be promoted to Sequence 1."

Klein had seen this in Russell's diary, and he also knew that the Antigonus family's notes were stolen from the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery with Russell's help.

Just listen to Hobert say: "Do you still remember our previous transaction about the members of the Antigonus family? There is a demigod among the members of the family. It is speculated that their ancestors may have been sealed in Honakis. mountains.

"I have verified this information with the great 'creator', and the answer given by the 'creator' is that if Antigonus is not dead, he should be there.

“It’s just that we don’t know what the status is now.”

When it comes to the high-level information of the "divineer" path, Hobert has to be as vague as possible, because just like the empty "creator", if he talks in too much detail, the "fool" will easily reveal his secrets!

Klein recalled some of his previous divination, and he was quite sure that Antigonus should be in a dilapidated palace in the Honakis Mountains.

Then he can be sure at this time that the whispers in his ears every time he is promoted are influenced by Antigonus!

At the same time, Klein realized that Hobert had something to hide about the transaction between the Kingdom of Darkness and Antigonus.

He couldn't help but think: Maybe he wasn't sure about the authenticity of the information, so he didn't publish it? Of course, it may also be because Hobert felt that the information involved Mr. Fool and did not dare to announce it to everyone.

No matter why, Klein felt that the 2,000 pounds was well spent, and there was no problem asking him to pay the money immediately!

Hobert continued: "I guess Antigonus is indeed in the Hornakis Mountains, and the Antigonus family notebook may have a subtle connection with Antigonus?

"Of course, it may be that this notebook contains what little Zaratul needs, the hope of being promoted to Sequence 1.

"Well, I want to explain again that most of what I say below are my guesses. I only know some fragmented information. These fragments can only be filled with guesses."

"The World" gave a dull "hmm". Hobert's guesses have always been very meticulous. Even if he knew it was a guess, Klein was willing to listen to it, because before he learned the truth, Hobert's guess was very close. the truth!

Hobert continued: "In any case, little Zaratul should have arrived at the Hornakis Mountains and obtained a copy of Sequence 1 Extraordinary Characteristics.

"As for this extraordinary characteristic, I think it is the extraordinary characteristic that Antigonus captured from Zaratul back then. Because of the outbreak of the 'War of the Four Emperors', Antigonus never had time to accommodate this extraordinary characteristic.

"Pursued by the goddess of the night, he fled to the Hornakis Mountains with this extraordinary characteristic, where he was severely wounded by the goddess, or simply sealed there.

"Little Zaratul was noticed by the goddess of the night when he was promoted to Sequence 1 in the Honakis Mountains..."

Klein was stunned, and manipulated "The World" to ask: "Did he be noticed by the goddess of the night?"

"Yes, that is the 'Land of Night' after all, and the 'Misty Town' we escaped from is also there. If we are promoted there, of course the goddess of the night will notice it!" Hobert speculated:

"Perhaps little Zaratul was noticed by the goddess of the night as soon as he entered the Hornakis Mountains, so he had to be promoted in the Hornakis Mountains."

Klein suddenly thought of the palace when they came out of the "Misty Town": Antigonus and Zarathu Jr. wouldn't be in those palaces, right?

Hobert continued: "So the goddess intervened in Little Zaratul, and the specific process of the intervention is unknown. My understanding is that part of Little Zaratul's personality was sealed in the 'Misty Town'.

"I remember you said that Zaratul's promotion failed and turned into a wriggling mass of maggots. It may be that his promotion failed because of his incomplete personality.

"This seal of the goddess of the night may have been sealed for more than a hundred years, until we released part of Zarath's personality a few days ago.

"Of course, many of the above are my guesses and are for reference only."

Klein was surprised and manipulated the "world" to ask: "Antigonus is unique and may not be easy to kill, but for the goddess of the night, little Zaratul should not be difficult to deal with. Even his personality is... Can the seal be broken? Why not just kill Him?

"Also, if we release Zaratul's personality, it won't ruin the plan of the goddess of the night, right?"

Hobert scratched his head and said: "As for your first question, I don't know the specific reason, but I heard that the 'high-sequence' Beyonders of this path seem to be difficult to kill."

Klein suddenly understood: It's not that it's difficult to kill, but it can be resurrected! If the goddess of the night kills them, they will be resurrected! And it is very likely that he will use resurrection to get rid of the control of the goddess of the night. So the goddess just sealed them, which should be the best way to deal with them.

Hobert breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Klein's expression, he knew that he understood it himself, so there was no need to explain it in too detail.

He said: “As for the second question, I think we don’t need to have such worries at all.

"That's the 'Misty Town', the prison of the Goddess of the Night. If He doesn't want to release people, I don't think no matter how hard we try, we won't be able to release them.

"As for the purpose of releasing Zarath, that is not something we should consider."

"The World" was silent for a few seconds before saying: "After leaving the 'Misty Town', I divined Zaratul's current situation again, and found that he seemed to have returned to normal and disappeared from his original position, and his whereabouts could no longer be divined. ."

Even if he uses this gray mist, he cannot divine anything. Klein suspects that it is because his sequence is too low and the power he can mobilize is limited.

However, even after the sequence becomes higher, it should be difficult to divine Zarath's whereabouts. That is Sequence 1 of the "divineer" pathway, and its anti-divination ability should be terrifying.

Hobert nodded: "He should have his own things to do, and he doesn't have time to take revenge on us for a while."

Mainly to take revenge on you! Klein thought to himself: It was you who threatened to spread someone's ashes, but I didn't say anything.

Hobert added: "The 20,000 pounds promised to you will be given to you later by offering a sacrifice to Mr. Fool."

Klein was stunned for a moment, then manipulated "The World" and asked, "You're taking action so soon?"

"No, I will advance this money to you first, and it will take a while before you can use it."

Klein suddenly asked: "Are light bulbs quite profitable?"

Hobert nodded: "I made a lot of money, but I also spent a lot of money. I used all the money to invest in other cities."

Klein added like a notice: "I will be traveling to the Southern Continent soon."

"It's time to go out and relax." Hobert spread his hands and said, "If you stay in Backlund for a long time, you will feel bored."

Then he added: "Write to me if you have anything to do."

"Okay." Klein asked The World: "I need to borrow the 'Tyrant' card to use it. What should I pay for it?"

Hobert didn't ask why he borrowed it, he just said: "I'll lend it to you first, and we'll settle the matter together later."

Then he added: "Oh, by the way, the 'Creator' agreed to let me trade this 'blasphemous card' with you, but the reward is a Sequence 3 level extraordinary material.

"Since you don't have the strength to provide such remuneration yet, I can lend it to you first. After you are promoted to demigod, we will discuss the specific transaction."


The two people ended their individual communication and the transaction continued.

"The World" turned its attention to Forsi: "I have a commission."

Forsi was slightly startled: "Is it a commission for me? I recently..."

"Don't be too busy refusing." Klein operated "The World" and said, "Help me contact the Abraham family. I hope to get information about Calderon City in the spirit world from them. The most important thing is the location."

Cattleya has a certain understanding of Calderon City: Why did the "world" suddenly start looking for this mysterious spiritual city? Mr. Fool’s orders?

Hobert said to himself: No wonder he asked me to borrow the "Tyrant" card. He originally planned to use his own method to summon himself to collect the extraordinary materials needed to advance to Sequence 4.

The rest of the Tarot Club members didn't know what city "The World" was looking for, so they could only remain silent.

Forsi thought for a while and then said: "No problem, I will ask for you."

"The World" asked in a calm tone: "How much remuneration is needed?"

"Let's give it 500 pounds." Forsi smiled and said, "If I get the information you need, I'll add another 300 pounds."

Klein manipulated "The World" and said: "Deal."

No other members initiated new transactions, so this Tarot Club came to a free communication session.

At the beginning of this session, Alger asked "The Sun": "Have you investigated the matter about the former chief's tomb?"

"Little Sun" responded with some shame: "No, I have been assigned patrol tasks during this period, and I never have time to investigate."

Alger was not surprised by this, and he asked a little strangely: "Why don't you ask a friend with whom you have a relationship to help?

"You can not tell them the real purpose, break the whole thing into small, unnoticed tasks, and let them collect different aspects of intelligence.

"This will neither expose anything nor drag them into a dangerous situation."

Derrick was silent for a few seconds and then said with some shame, "I have no friends."

In fact, he originally had some friends when he was taking general education classes and training at the combat training ground. However, when Derrick was burdened with the secrets of the Tarot Club, he unknowingly drifted away from these friends. , no more contact.

The last time someone visited his home was Dak Riggins, who was contaminated by the "True Creator".

Alger choked on "Taiyang"'s answer and took a breath before reorganizing his words: "It's not good for you to be like this.

"You cannot save Silver City by yourself. You must unite a group of people and have some friends who can help you at critical moments."

Derrick said with some concern: "But, this will make them suspicious."

Alger suddenly said seriously: "It is better to be suspected than to be killed!

“Silver City is at a dangerous crossroads, you must think clearly about what needs to be done.

"It is impossible that there will be no sacrifices in this kind of thing, and there will even be a lot of sacrifices. Do you want their sacrifices to be useless, or to be very valuable?"

Everyone listened quietly to the advice of "The Hanged Man". Hobert, Forsi and other members sighed. "Sun" should have been a carefree young man at his age, but he had to bear such a heavy burden in Silver City. .

Only Emlyn thought in his heart: Do we still have to choose? Doesn’t this guy think he has the ability to solve the problem of the God’s Abandoned Land? No true god can do this.

At this moment, Derrick's heart was full of struggle and pain, and he realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his previous approach.

Alger didn't persuade him any more, he needed to figure out the rest by himself.

No one else offered any words of comfort, because at this time, no words could be of any comfort.

There was silence in the hall for a few seconds, and "The World" suddenly looked at "Justice": "Can you treat more serious mental illnesses now?"

Audrey perked up and replied eagerly: "Okay.

"Mr. World, do you have any friends who need therapy?"

Klein sighed silently, making "The World" laugh: "No, I need treatment."

The action with Hobert ended last week. When Klein went back to review, he realized that although Hobert seemed a little reckless, he was in good spirits.

So Klein examined his mental state. It didn't matter if he didn't examine it. Once he examined it, he discovered that his mental state was not very healthy.

The entire grand palace suddenly became quiet.

Alger and Cattleya both knew that Mr. World was the crazy adventurer Gehrman Sparrow, but they never thought that he had developed a serious mental illness?

Hobert also sighed silently in his heart: I have long discovered that Klein put too much psychological pressure on himself and became a little withdrawn. However, I also know that there is only one way to solve this problem: revenge for the captain!

Audrey looked at "The World" carefully with some surprise, and then recalled the words and deeds of the World before: "Mr. World, according to my observation, you should not have a serious mental illness.

“If you are simply anxious, you can recover through self-regulation and self-relaxation, and you don’t need to receive treatment.”

"The World" smiled and said: "I am just making an appointment now. If similar signs appear in the future, I hope to get timely treatment."

Audrey thought for a moment and then said: "No problem, but I may need a friend to send me for treatment. I hope you can be mentally prepared."

She planned to let Hobert use "travel" to take her to a doctor if necessary: ​​it was such a luxury, a demigod would need to be transported to and from a doctor. If she was not a member of the Tarot Club, the medical expenses alone would be a huge expense.

"The World" whispered: "Okay."

Everyone told some interesting anecdotes about what they had encountered last week. When no one spoke, Klein announced that the tarot session was over.

Queen's Road, in Earl Hall's luxurious villa.

After Audrey returned to the real world, she looked at the ceiling in confusion for a long time: The goddess... the goddess turned out to be a demonic wolf!

In the minds of other believers, God is God. This is a sign, a symbol!

But through several transactions in the Tarot Club, Audrey knew that God was once an extraordinary person.

But in her subconscious mind, all righteous gods should be human beings. When she learned that the God of Knowledge and Wisdom was a giant dragon, Audrey was just a little surprised and didn't think much of it.

At today's party, she really realized the seriousness of this problem when it came to the goddess of the night she believed in.

Audrey stood up slowly and stretched.

The racial issue can be put aside for now. The method used by the goddess of the night to obtain the divine status makes Audrey feel blasphemous just thinking about it.

She couldn't help but smile and shake her head, and said in her heart: "This reminds me of what Hobert said before, there are some things that it is better not to know than to know.

"At the time, I just thought he was complaining. I could see a lot of his thoughts through my observation. Today I found out that he was actually reminding me to use my 'mind-reading' ability sparingly. I know too many things. It’s not a good thing either.”

Thinking of this, Audrey stopped smiling: Looking back, Hobert has described to me many times in conversations that this world is not a black and white world. He always wanted me to notice this and wanted me to mature as soon as possible, but I focused on other things.

Thanks to [Obsession_AC] for the reward.

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