Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 586 The gaze of the original witch

Jonathan and ten other members of the Gnostic Society suddenly appeared in the brightly lit courtyard.

Seeing this scene, Jonathan was relieved at first, which proved that Hobert was prepared.

The other members were a little nervous. After all, this was a defection, not a trip.

Hobert nodded slightly to Jonathan: "Leave the person in charge and go pick up the others."

"Okay." Jonathan designated a Sequence 6 to temporarily maintain order here, and he disappeared into the void again to pick up the others.

Just when the nine members of the Gnosis Society were at a loss, Allen asked the servants to bring stools for them to sit on, and then brought up a table with several large teapots and several basins of water cups, so that he could get water when he was thirsty.

There are family members who have moved to the South Colson area a long time ago, and they have been notified to come.

The greetings from their family members and the reception from Allen's servants relieved their tension a little bit.

Immediately afterwards, members of the Gnosis Society arrived one after another, and their families gradually began to appear, including the elderly and children. Allen also asked people to bring up a table of candies and snacks.

More and more family members came after hearing the news, and the scene became more and more lively.

Until now, the Gnosis Society and the Witch Church had not reacted.

The curse of the Abraham family is quite special. It does not mean that if you hear it once, you will die. If you hear it only once, it will only make their condition very bad.

The higher the sequence, the worse the state. Like the demigod Jonathan, he will lose control if he hears gibbering two or three times in a row at most, but for an "apprentice", it won't be a big problem if he hears it ten or eight times.

So before that, whenever Blood Moon asked for the protection of the original witch, there were always people who didn't have time to pray to the original witch for various reasons, or who didn't have time to gather together to avoid the curse.

If the original witch was in good condition, she might have immediately discovered why there were so few Gnostic Society members asking for her protection this time.

But His condition has not been very good. As long as those members who have not revolted still pray to Him for shelter, instead of not praying at all, there is a high probability that He will not notice the disappearance of Jonathan and others so quickly.

It didn't matter if they were aware of it. The Witch Church's obstruction was obviously too late. When the non-rebellious Gnostic Society members left the protection of the Original Witch, Jonathan and the others had already begun to move with the members. Even if they immediately organized people to chase them, they would not be able to stop them. After all, it was too late.

At present, Jonathan and the others have calmly begun to transfer members' families. The Witch Church should not be aware of this yet.

However, just in case, under Hobert's instruction, Donna began to lead people to persuade the families of the Gnostic Society members to leave temporarily.

The reason for the persuasion is also very simple. The enemy may come after him, and a battle may break out here. The Extraordinary must stay and be ready to fight at any time, but it is too dangerous for his family here.

Everyone felt that this was indeed the case, so they asked their families to leave first, and the Extraordinaries remained vigilant at all times.

As Angus and Elliot, who had just been promoted to Sequence 5 "Chaos Mentor", led the team, nearly two hundred Beyonders had gathered in the yard.

Hobert organized everyone to stand in an orderly manner to avoid emergencies.

Next, Jonathan and others began to pick up the "Witch" Path Extraordinary who also participated in the uprising.

The reason for their uprising is similar to the reason why Helen decided to be loyal to Hobert before: for their own better development.

At this time, the Witch Church is actually more like a "Witch Family". The church is controlled by several marriages and families with deep interest ties, which determines how the extraordinary resources in the church should be allocated.

As long as these family members have good qualifications, they can be easily promoted to Sequence 5 and have the opportunity to be promoted to Demigod.

Almost all members of the "Witch" path of the Gnosis Society do not have such a background.

Just like Triss, she comes from the Gnosis Society, so she was arranged to be with Prince Edsac. She is an abandoned child who may be abandoned at any time, and she is also used as a vessel for experiments to become the original witch.

Members of the "Witch" pathway in the Gnosis Society actually don't have a very bright future.

This is what Hobert learned, and it is an exploitable internal conflict within the Witch Church, and it is also the main reason why those extraordinary people with the "Witch" path want to revolt.

But they did not have the same sense of identity as the Abraham family and were full of uncertainty, so they were brought here last.

What Hobert and the others did not expect was that after they arrived at the courtyard of the Lord's Mansion one after another, they immediately started to expose each other and accuse others of being spies. The whole courtyard was panicked for a while.

Hobert did not immediately order the arrest of the suspected spies because he did not yet understand the specific situation, lest the real spies succeed.

"I will send people to investigate clearly later!" Hobert said loudly: "Now everyone looks towards me first."

Whether it was information from relatives and friends or their own conjectures, the rebels in the yard already knew that Hobert was the responder and one of the main planners of the uprising.

Hobert took a box made of "order crystal" from Forsi. The box was opened, and inside was a crystal ball composed of many insects hugging each other.

The eyes of Jonathan and others suddenly lit up. This was the extraordinary characteristic of a "secret mage".

This extraordinary characteristic was a "signpost" that Christine gave to the angels of the Augustus family of the Roen royal family to guide the location during the battle in Feneport City. It was collected by Hobert at the rear.

Later, people from the Loen royal family asked about the whereabouts of this extraordinary property, but Hobert told them that the situation was urgent and he did not have time to take it away.

Because Hobert had made such great contributions, no one asked about this extraordinary property anymore, assuming that it was missing.

Even members of the Abraham family who don't know what it is have a very close feeling for this crystal ball and want to own it.

"Look at this again." Hobert closed the box and took another box with the same appearance from Fors.

Opening the box, there was a delicate ball of thread like silk inside, half of it was pure white and half of it was jet black, with light spots moving rapidly on the "silk".

To Hobert, this extraordinary feature has a sense of science fiction.

The eyes of several "Witches of Pain" also lit up. This turned out to be an extraordinary characteristic of the "Witch of Despair"!

This extraordinary feature comes from the just-concluded operation in the foggy town.

Hobert closed the box again: "I show you this to let you know that as long as you are determined to break away from the control of the Witch Church, the 'Creator' can give you a very good prospect.

"I am also very clear that there must be spies from the Witch Church among you. However, when everyone is forced to accept some tasks, as long as those spies do not do anything to harm everyone, I can pretend that I don't know."

Someone boldly asked: "Mr. Earl, how can we obtain the extraordinary characteristics for promotion?"

Hobert smiled and said: "Let Helen and the others answer this question for you!"

Helen and other members of the second team had already decided to be loyal to Hobert.

They were the first group of extraordinary forces to arrive here to maintain order. At this time, Helen stepped forward and said: "As everyone knows, I have just been promoted to Sequence 5!

"I have worked for the Witch Church for so many years, but I have only obtained one main material of Sequence 5. It may take five or ten years before I get the chance to become a Sequence 5.

"And after I was sent to serve Earl Hobert, I only participated in two battles and got another main material!

"There is even a colleague who got the opportunity to be promoted to Sequence 5 in less than half a year!"

While everyone was surprised, someone else asked: "Are those battles dangerous?"

"Is there any battle that is not dangerous?" Helen smiled: "But no matter how dangerous it is, the lord and his wife will join the battle with us."

This surprised everyone because most of the time, they were cannon fodder. Often when the Witch Church gives an order, they will fight to the death. Only when sharing the credit can the members of the Witch Church be seen.

Helen added: "You should have heard that in those two battles, the members who died in the line of duty received compensation, right?

"The lord will not only ask the angels who serve the 'creator' to help crush the extraordinary characteristics and hand them over to the heirs designated by the martyrs, but he will also receive a considerable compensation."

Everyone has heard about the two compensations. After all, neither the Witch Church nor the Gnosis Society has such a thing as compensation.

This made everyone realize that the Extraordinary team really had the treatment of official Extraordinaries.

Helen continued: "I dare not say anything else. The promotion opportunities here are absolutely fair and just."

She went on to talk about the criteria for redeeming and distributing merit. At the end, after everyone learned that the Second Team of the Special Operations Department only had 10 official member quotas, they all asked Hobert to increase some of the quota.

Hobert followed suit and increased the number of official members to 25, with Helen still serving as the captain.

After drawing a good blueprint for everyone's future, everyone's mood has basically stabilized, and there is no longer the confusion and panic just now.

At this time, Hobert asked Helen, Angus and others to take them to the dock island and prepare a wooden house for them to rest.

But Hobert brought Jonathan and three other "Gate" path demigods, as well as two "Pain Witches" who were elected as representatives, to the study of the Lord's Mansion.

Hobert said: "Members of the Gnosis Society will definitely come after them soon, and even if they don't come after them, they will definitely send people to investigate.

"I will go to Dockyard Island with everyone in a while. We must remain vigilant in the past two days and be prepared for their attacks at all times."

Jonathan said: "Half of the power of the Gnostic Society has been taken away by me, so I don't have to worry too much about the Gnostic Society's revenge. The main reason is that I am afraid that they will ask the Witch Church for help."

Hobert nodded: "I have made corresponding preparations. If they are only chasing after the saint, there is no need to alert the 'creator'.

"But if they send out angels, they will have to pray for help from the 'Creator'."

At this time, Ms. Monica, one of the representatives, said: "I overheard a piece of news before, and I don't know if it is true.

"It is said that there are three angels in the Witch Church! However, two of them are in very poor condition and have not appeared for hundreds of years. There is another one who seems to have just completed his promotion twenty or thirty years ago, and his condition seems to be better."

Hobert nodded: "This is very important information and will be of great help to my subsequent preparations."

If the opponent only has three angels, then it's safe.

He could also use the eye and the umbilical cord again to summon the power of an angel once each.

In addition, there are messengers and the angels from Tony Manor as foreign aid. Although their condition is not very good, it doesn't matter. The angels of the Witch Church are also in poor condition, half a dozen.

Even the "creator" can appear on the battlefield, always ready for a sneak attack.

The reason why it is not the main attack is because the "creator" has only an empty frame and can be easily exposed. Even an angel who is in a bad state can understand his state after fighting with the "creator" for a period of time.

After a few brief words, the six people followed the others to the dock island.

Dozens of wooden houses have been built here with more than a hundred rooms, and all daily necessities and materials have been prepared.

This showed how well prepared Hobert was and made everyone's last trace of nervousness disappear.

Hobert had his own wooden house. After blowing out the candles, he looked at the island scene outside the window and listened to the sound of the waves. He felt the potion being digested.

Sure enough, the rebellion he promoted made the potion of the "Corrupted Earl" very obvious to digest. After all, making people rebel is also a kind of corruption.

Of course, this rebellion had a certain degree of spontaneity, but Hobert played an important role in it. Without his commitment and help, Jonathan and others would not have rebelled.

Hobert thought that if there was a corresponding battle due to this rebellion, the potion might still be digested to a certain extent, but it would definitely not be as obvious as it is now.

Then he lamented that if there were two more rebellions, especially those involving demigods, the potion of "The Fallen Earl" might be completely digested.

Unfortunately, rebellions are easy to plan, but rebellions involving demigods are difficult to encounter.

The development of the situation was just as Hobert expected. In the early morning, the spies of the Gnosis Society accurately found the dock island, but they were soon discovered by Jonathan and others and captured them.

According to the scout's confession, three scouts came together to investigate, but Jonathan and others only caught one of them.

As soon as they arrived at Dockyard Island, Jonathan and others made corresponding anti-divination arrangements. The pursuers definitely did not learn their location through divination.

Then there is only one possibility: someone among the rebels reported their location, which attracted pursuers.

Jonathan and others advocated launching an investigation immediately, but Hobert stopped him and gathered everyone together and said: "As everyone has heard, our location has been exposed, and there must be spies on this island.

“Next, the Gnosis Society and the Witch Church will definitely send people to attack us, but it doesn’t matter, under the watchful eye of the ‘Creator’, we will repel them.

"This is the last chance I give those spies! Before this battle, I still will not find out who the spies are, but after this battle, if our movements are still exposed to the Witch Church, I will A thorough investigation will be carried out immediately and I hope everyone can understand."

Everyone dispersed with their own thoughts. Hobert looked at the sky. It was already early morning and the sun was about to rise. The reaction of the Witch Church made him smile: "That's all."

At this time, Jonathan and others have been rebelling for more than four hours at close range, but the opponent's attack has not yet arrived! Although there is a Gnosis meeting in between, any news will be delayed to a certain extent. Although it will take a certain amount of time to investigate how many forces have rebelled.

But their reaction speed is still too slow.

Just after returning to his room, Jonathan and the other two demigods found Hobert: "You are too kind to spies."

But Hobert smiled: "That's your relative or colleague. It's easy to find out the problem with an investigation. Will you really be able to do it then?"

The three demigods looked at each other. In fact, they speculated that the spy was probably an Extraordinary from the "Witch Path" and not from the Abraham family, so they advocated a thorough investigation.

At this time, Monica and another witch also came to Hobert's room, fearing that the lord would make a decision that was not conducive to the extraordinary people of the "witch" path.

"Haha." Hobert smiled and said, "I happen to have a deck of cards here. How about we 'fight evil'?"

Everyone was stunned, six people fighting against evil?

But they soon discovered that playing cards was just a reason for Hobert to appease them, because Hobert always lost at cards and would talk to them about some of his thoughts after losing.

After a few hands of cards, they all relaxed and even thought that Hobert lost to them on purpose, which made them embarrassed to win.

The core point of Hobert's conversation with everyone is: keeping these spies to report is to let the Witch Church send extraordinary forces to pursue them as much as possible, and take advantage of the fact that everyone is now fully alert to attack the pursuers, otherwise the future life will not be stable. .

And now that they are playing at home, they have a certain degree of initiative. If they can't beat them, they can still run back to South Colson.

If the pursuers don't come for a long time, can everyone continue to gather on this island? Can we still live with this defensive attitude?

Everyone thought that this was indeed the case. What reassured Jonathan and the others the most was that Hobert said that he could quickly invite other saints to support him! Although I don’t know how many saints can come, if only one or two saints come, it should be enough to deal with the pursuers.

So everyone no longer had any objections to Hobert's decision, and began to discuss what their organization would be called in the future.

There are 187 Extraordinaries who defected this time, including 3 demigods, 12 Sequence 5s, and several Sequence 6s and 7s. Nearly half of the Extraordinaries are Sequence 8s and Sequences 9s.

This is already a lineup of a secret organization that is not very strong, but definitely not weak.

Take the Aurora Society, which is the more rampant among the secret organizations, for comparison. The Aurora Society only has 5 saints, and 22 of them are divine envoys. Most of them are Sequence 5 in strength, and there are also some Sequence 6 and Sequence 7 with special abilities.

The current strength of Jonathan and others is roughly equivalent to three-fifths to three-quarters of the strength of the Aurora Society.

This is a comparison based on the past. After Hobert's two blows, the current strength of the Aurora Society may be slightly stronger than Jonathan and the others, or even similar to them.

Then it makes sense for Jonathan and the others to establish an extraordinary organization.

Jonathan also enlisted Hobert's input on a good name for their organization.

Hobert expressed that he respects their opinions. In fact, he hates naming things the most: Don’t ask me, I’ll give you a number.

In the end, Jonathan and the others decided to call it the "Gnostic Council". They still claimed to be called the Gnostic Society to the outside world, and continued to advocate the purpose of the Gnostic Society, and criticized those members who did not revolt for betraying the purpose of the Gnostic Society.

The board of directors, currently composed of five people including Jonathan, is responsible for handling the day-to-day affairs of the organization and allocating extraordinary resources.

Their uprising also brought some sealed artifacts and extraordinary materials. After obtaining Hobert's consent, these things were kept by the council and used in a fair and equitable manner.


While Jonathan and others were having fun playing cards, a scream suddenly came from outside.

The six people immediately rushed out of the room. Many people were running towards this side in a panic, and some people were running outside the wooden houses in a panic.

Jonathan quickly stopped the running people and asked them what was going on.

Hobert "amplified" his voice: "Don't run outside! There may be an ambush outside! Come here!"

"Sequence 5 and Sequence 6 immediately take on the role of command! Command the people around you to come over!"

Although the trees outside the village have been cut down to pieces, the Extraordinaries of the "Witch" path have the ability to become invisible, so perhaps they are already ambushing outside!

As soon as he finished shouting this sentence, Hobert felt a very uncomfortable gaze sweeping over him. For a moment, the blood on the left side of Hobert's body was surging, but the right side of his body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

Just when Hobert was about to open the shield of the "Order Crystal", the sight disappeared.

At this time, Jonathan also inquired and learned the reason for the scream just now. It turned out that there was an Extraordinary of the "Witch" path, who suddenly screamed in great pain, and her hair turned into more than a dozen venomous snakes.

The extraordinary person also completely lost consciousness, and seemed to have become the puppet of the poisonous snake, and began to actively pounce on others.

Everyone was a little nervous at first, and immediately panicked after hearing the screams, and that's when the scene just happened.

Hobert immediately said: "Sidri and Monica came with me to see what was going on. Jonathan stayed here to organize everyone and guard against enemy attacks! Well, I suggest that everyone under Sequence 6 should hide first!"

Sidri is another demigod of the "Gate" path.

Jonathan felt that Hobert's handling was very reasonable, especially the selection of personnel. There were people from the "founder", people from the Abraham family, and representatives from the "witch" path.

So he said: "Yes!"

Hobert pulled out his rapier and walked at the front, arriving outside the Beyonder's wooden house where the accident occurred.

The door was open, and the three people saw that there was indeed a figure with a head full of venomous snakes wandering inside the house.

When those poisonous snakes with colorful scales saw Hobert and the others, they twisted their bodies one by one, staring at Hobert and the other three with pairs of cold eyes, spitting snake messages at them, looking ferocious and terrifying.

The figure also turned around. Her face was dull now, her skin was abnormally white, and she was staring at Hobert and the others with a pair of white eyes.

In the wooden house, there were two people who were almost completely petrified. It can be seen from their stiff facial expressions that the process of petrification must be very painful.

The Extraordinary man with a head covered with venomous snakes suddenly opened his mouth and asked Hobert: "Who are you? Who do you...represent? Why...incite rebellion?"

Both Sidri and Monica seemed to have received a huge shock in their hearts, and they both covered their hearts and took a step back.

Hobert also seemed to realize something, and immediately held up the barrier of the "Order Crystal": "Because the purpose of the Gnosis Society was destroyed by the Witch Church! Because the Witch Church's unfair distribution of extraordinary resources!"

Hobert guessed that it was most likely the gaze of the original witch that caused the extraordinary person to change.

Recalling the uncomfortable gaze just now, Hobert realized that the power that the original witch could project was very limited due to her poor condition.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Hobert, as a demigod, to detect the gaze of a normal true god, or the malicious gaze would immediately turn him into an out-of-control monster.

And that gaze is probably at the level of an angel, which shows that the original witch is actually very weak.

At first, Hobert thought it was the gaze of an angel from the Witch Church, but after seeing what happened to the extraordinary person in front of him, Hobert guessed that it was probably the original witch.

As Extraordinaries of the "Witch" path and former members of the Gnosis Society, this means that they are likely to be marked by the original witch. It is a special connection. Even if the original witch is weak, she can still make the other party look at her. Completely out of control, mentally dead.

Hobert also guessed that the original witch's body should still be sleeping at this time, but she just glanced this way, otherwise Hobert and the other three would not be able to withstand her questioning.

When the other party heard Hobert's answer, the venomous snakes stood up and spat out snake messages, as if they were about to jump over and attack Hobert and the others.

The body with a head full of venomous snakes mutated, like a balloon inflated, and the skin on the face covered all the facial features, turning into a face with nothing at all.

Sidri and Monica hid behind Hobert and breathed a long sigh of relief. They seemed to realize who was questioning them just now.


The extremely enlarged corpse suddenly exploded. After the pieces of meat fell to the ground, they turned into venomous snakes and swam around quickly.

As for the Extraordinary, only a skeleton and a small amount of flesh and blood were left, but the poisonous snakes on its head seemed unaffected, and they were still attacking Hobert and the others with their claws and fangs.

Hobert noticed that the visual impact disappeared. Perhaps the power of this gaze could not be maintained. The original witch had left, so he removed the shield: "Chaos!"

The poisonous snake that was wandering around on the ground suddenly seemed to have lost its sense of direction. It turned left, right, forward, and backward.

The three people were relieved. The power projected by the original witch was indeed limited, and these poisonous snakes were not difficult to deal with.

At that moment, the sword in Hobert's hand changed to the size of a normal knight's sword, and he rushed towards the skeleton with "venomous hair" and claws.

The skeleton also rushed towards Hobert, but Hobert raised his sword and opened a "gap in the underworld", and immediately stretched out an arm covered with black hair.

Hobert was stunned. Originally, he thought that the heads of these poisonous snakes might have to be chopped off one by one, which would be very troublesome and easy to be bitten by them, so he used the power of the underworld to suppress the opponent's spirit body.

Unexpectedly, this time it was not like before, with many arms stretching out from the "gap of the underworld" to capture without any purpose, but only one black arm stretched out.

Those poisonous snakes seemed to have encountered something that frightened them, and they quickly made avoidance movements.

The black arms spread out and grabbed the tops of the venomous snakes, seeming to capture a wisp of black illusory gas. The venomous snakes quickly began to petrify, and then the entire skeleton also began to petrify.

In just a second or two, the poisonous snakes above the head and the poisonous snakes on the ground turned into stone statues.

Hobert immediately realized that this black arm was attracted by the aura of the original witch.

After grabbing that trace of breath, the fist-clenched arm suddenly turned towards Hobert.

Hobert's spirituality immediately recognized the danger and hurriedly closed the "Gap in the Underworld".

But this time, the "Gap in the Underworld" failed to close completely as Hobert wished, leaving an area as thick as an arm. Although the arm retracted to a certain extent, it still did not completely leave.


Hobert was about to mobilize the power of the underworld to "suck" the opponent back, but there was a huge sound in the distance. The arm paused, seemed to think about it, and immediately returned to the underworld, and the "underworld gap" also followed. disappear.

Without enough time to check the stone statue, Hobert and the other three saw that Jonathan and others were being attacked, so they rushed over to provide support. The huge sound just now turned out to be a wooden house being overturned by the aftermath of the extraordinary battle.

When Hobert saw that there were actually six demigods attacking from the other side, a smile unconsciously appeared on his face. The waiting in the middle of the night was not in vain, the fish finally took the bait!

The reason why he did not eliminate those spies was because he hoped that the Witch Church would send out many demigod-level powers to chase them, so that they could be beaten severely.

At that moment, after seeing the enemy's position clearly, Hobert suddenly stopped and said a prayer, and then immediately came to the "Country of Disorder" and took the black dog spirit beast, "Bull Demon King" and "Fu Hai" that had been prepared for a long time. Great Sage”, all threw themselves into their own stars.

Although Jonathan and others were always on guard, the enemy's surprise attack still caught them somewhat off guard.

The opponents were all Saints and Sequence 5s. Jonathan and the others' subordinates immediately suffered casualties. Jonathan and another demigod were also beaten until they were unable to fight back.

Fortunately, Jonathan saw from a distance that Hobert and the others were coming to support him.

Suddenly, everyone's spiritual perception was that a surging force appeared in mid-air, and a huge bronze door appeared there. The giant door opened, and three black figures flew out from inside.

After the thin black mist dissipated, a huge sea snake appeared on the battlefield. There was a black membrane behind its head, and the illusory black scales looked very thick and solid.

As soon as it appeared, the rising sun on the horizon was immediately blocked by thick dark clouds, making the sky dark and difficult to see.

Thunder rolled in the dark clouds, as if there was a powerful force brewing.

Next to the sea snake, there is a black monster that exudes sacred black light and has a bull's head but a pair of golden antlers.

On the other side of the sea snake, there was also a black figure, but everyone's spirituality warned not to look at each other, so everyone only felt a surging fear, but no one could see its overall appearance clearly.

Jonathan almost laughed out loud. Unexpectedly, Hobert invited three saints to join the battle at once! Moreover, these three people seem to have Sequence 3 levels.

At this time, Hobert also returned to the real world. He gave his thin sword to the black dog spirit beast, and then ordered: "Try your best to kill the opponent's demigod!"

The six enemy saints who came to raid were a little confused at this time. According to their investigation and intelligence, didn't the enemy only have four demigods? Why are there suddenly three more?

The situation suddenly reversed. They were sure to win six against four, but now it was six against seven, with no chance of winning!

Just when the "Wanderer" and "Eternal Witch" who were directing this operation were hesitating whether to evacuate immediately, the black dog spirit beasts had already rushed over, and each chose their own opponents to start fighting.

Jonathan and other three demigods also returned to the battlefield, while Monica commanded the Sequence 5 and Sequence 6 people to fight against the opponent's Sequence 5 people.

Hobert, who was wandering around the battlefield, sighed. Fortunately, the battlefield was not set in South Colson. Otherwise, many newly built buildings would have been overturned by the battle until now.

At this time, he seized the opportunity and said to the demigod who was fighting the "Great Sage of Overturning the Sea": "Arrogant!"

The "Witch of Despair" who was about to escape felt that she could hold on a little longer, so she rushed back to fight the "Great Sage of Overturning the Sea".


A muffled thunder struck the "Witch of Despair". Electricity flashed all over her body and she fell into a brief state of paralysis.

"The Great Sage Overcoming the Sea" took this opportunity and whipped her away with his tail. This sea snake with savage power also used its "magnification" ability. The "Witch of Despair" had already vomited a mouthful of blood while she was in mid-air. .

Hobert immediately poured his spirituality into "1-109", used "Flash" to come to the direction where "Despair Witch" flew out, and then changed the grazing spirit body: "Slaughter!"

With one punch, the "Witch of Despair" was directly beaten into a horizontal "V" shape.


The "Witch of Despair" shattered into a mirror. She appeared dozens of meters away, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and immediately entered a state of invisibility.

"The Great Sage of Overturning the Sea" opened its big mouth, and a vortex of air suddenly appeared in its mouth. Stones the size of heads on the ground were immediately rolled up, and the trees around the place where the "Witch of Despair" just disappeared were also uprooted, and even The overturned wooden houses all flew towards the mouth of "The Great Sage of Overturning the Sea".

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hobert poured his spirituality into "1-107": "Invisibility is prohibited here!"

Although the "Witch of Despair" could not appear immediately, she would definitely be subject to many restrictions while in the invisible state.

A second or two later, the figure of the "Witch of Despair" suddenly appeared in mid-air, but she immediately transformed into a cane and appeared outside the suction power of the "Sea-Overturning Sage".

Hobert took over in time: "Twisted!"

He "twisted" the other party's thoughts of escaping into a charge, so she rushed towards the "Hai-Shifting Sage" again, and a gust of wind blew towards the "Despair Witch".

Puff puff puff~

There was the sound of sharp blades cutting flesh in the strong wind, and the front of the "Witch of Despair" was covered with a dense grid of small wounds.


She transformed into a mirror again, but due to the influence of Hobert's "distortion" just now, the "mirror double" was used a little late this time, and she still suffered many cuts on her body.

Hobert stretched out his hand to the "Witch of Despair": "Zoom in!"

The serious injury on the "Witch of Despair" became fatal, and this kind of injury could not be replaced by a substitute, so the injury had to be transferred to the doll.

But as soon as she took out the wooden doll she had made, the water in the pond not far away suddenly seemed to be alive, slapping towards her. The "Witch of Despair" did not dare to neglect and quickly turned over to avoid it.

Hobert on the other side has poured his spirituality into "1-107": "Death!"

The "Witch of Despair" saw that Hobert's size suddenly became huge and majestic, which made her spirit body tremble uncontrollably and she did not dare to go against the other party's "judgment"!

The "Witch of Despair" was unable to dodge such an attack and was hit by Hobert's punch.


The "Witch of Despair" turned into a wooden stick again, and the wooden root exploded immediately, sending sawdust flying everywhere.

She appeared more than ten meters away, and as soon as she appeared, she fell to the ground, and the puppet in her hand also fell far away.

The "death" of the "Law Mage", even with a substitute, could only help her bear most of the damage. She was already seriously injured and suffered new injuries.

"The Great Sage Overturning the Sea" spat out a snake letter towards the "Despair Witch", and the wall of water that had been scattered on the ground appeared again. This time the water turned into the shape of a sea snake, and opened its mouth to attack the "Despair Witch". "Swallow it into your belly.

The "Witch of Despair" wanted to escape, but she found that her body was no longer in control.

At this time, an illusory door appeared in front of her, and an injured "Mystic Mage" appeared next to the "Despair Witch".


The water in the shape of a sea serpent passed through the door, but emerged from another location.

The "Mystic Mage" was holding on just now. After dodging the attack of the water, he immediately fell to the ground clutching the wound on his chest.

The "Bull Demon King", using the method of "distorting" distance, immediately chased after him.

Just now, the "Mystic Mage" also used the "Illusion Gate" to block the attack of the "Ox Demon King", but what he didn't expect was that the "Ox Demon King" actually distorted the space and opened a hole in the "Illusion Gate". One end held him up high.

Among the demigods, the relatively weak "Mystic Mage" was hung on the antlers by this one, and the "Ox Demon King" shook him for a long time before throwing him away.

At this time, Hobert stepped forward, and he, "The Great Sage of Overturning the Sea" and "The Bull Demon King" blocked the escape routes in different directions.

A "Gate of Illusion" immediately appeared in front of the "Secret Mage". At this time, he, Hobert and others were in different spaces, but the "Ox Demon King" and "The Great Sage of Overturning the Sea" used "Distortion" almost at the same time. ".

Their "distortion" of space immediately left this "secret realm" riddled with holes!

This is also the reason why the "Mystic Mage" does not need to "travel" to leave. Once he uses "travel", the surrounding space will become distorted, preventing him from entering the spiritual world.


The "Great Sage Overturning the Sea" summoned the water in the shape of a sea snake and poured it into the "secret realm".

"Mystic" and "Despair Witch" were in the water, and the water pressure became huge, as if it was crushing them into meat pies!

The "Secret Mage" raised his hand with difficulty and quickly released the "Secret Realm".

The water flow dispersed, and dozens of fire crows flew toward them almost instantly. In the huge explosion, the two enemies were blown to pieces and were lifeless.

Hobert was about to attack the other enemies when he saw the other four demigods running away.

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