Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 597 Promoted to Crazy Mage

"Justice" Audrey thought she heard wrongly: "Wha, what? The goddess destroyed the 'Artificial Death'?"

"Emperor" Hobert replied with a smile: "The 'creator' said so."

Audrey could not maintain the audience's status: God has taken action!

Then she realized why she was so surprised. Firstly, it had to do with her beliefs. Secondly, she had traded information so many times, but this was the first time she had traded "real-time" information.

Audrey seemed to suddenly realize that the gods she believed in were not the stone statues placed in the church, but living beings with their own consciousness and actions.

"The Hanged Man" Alger was shocked and immediately recalled Mr. Fool's reminder just now: Times have changed because of this!

He couldn't help but guess: Adam was going to become a god, Mr. Fool and the "Creator" were further awakened, and the goddess of the night was also taking action. What about the other gods? Did the other gods do anything?

"Moon" Emlyn also had a similar guess as Alger. At the same time, he thought: The gods have been very active in recent times, just like the ancestor of our vampire family. He actually gave me instructions personally and asked me to actively participate in the salvation of the world in the future. Intentional tarot session.

"Hermit" Cattleya was surprised: the orthodox gods also took action? This is the first time I have heard about the real-time movements of orthodox gods!

"Star" Leonard didn't believe his ears: Goddess? Destroyed the 'Artificial Death'? How come I have absolutely no idea? As an elite member of the church and a member of the Red Gloves, I didn’t even know about this!

Then he asked the "Emperor": "The goddess, I mean the goddess of the night, why does she want the uniqueness of the 'Death' path? Is she trying to accommodate it?"

Hobert replied without thinking: "I don't know!"

"No, you must know!"

Hobert smiled: "When you become an angel, I will tell you this information for free."

Leonard wanted to ask, "Are you kidding?"

But in the end, he said nothing because he knew that this information was too advanced. Even if it was just a "yes or no" answer, it was so advanced that he was really not qualified to know!

Finally, Hobert said a little carelessly: "This news will be kept secret for the time being."

Klein said in his heart: "It must be kept secret"! Otherwise, the goddess's plan will be completely exposed, and the consequences will be disastrous!

Hobert said to "Little Sun" again: "I don't know the specific process of being promoted to the 'Ferryman', but I imagine that you should have some contact with the 'God of Death'. After all, he sends the undead to the underworld." 'The Ferryman'.

"If the position of the 'God of Death' is vacant, perhaps he will not be affected at all, but now the uniqueness of the 'God of Death' path has been 'activated', so your former chief has established a certain connection with him.

"So what happened was what the current chief of Silver City saw. The two were connected by those black thin tubes.

"Perhaps without this connection, there is still hope for promotion, but because the state of the 'Artificial Death' is also very strange, it should have greatly affected or impacted your former chief, and ultimately caused his promotion to fail.

"Your current chief has handled it very properly. If it is not handled in time, Silver City may be affected, and it may become a city of the undead."

"Sun" Derrick took a deep breath, which meant that Silver City's attempt failed again!

He hid the sadness in his heart: "I understand, Mr. Emperor, thank you for your answer."

Hobert smiled and then asked everyone: "Do you have any questions?"

Cattleya asked: "Does the disappearance of the 'Artificial Death' have any impact on us and the current world pattern?"

"For the time being, the impact should not be big." Hobert said: "After all, there are very few people who know about this matter.

“As for the changes it will bring to today’s world structure, it’s hard to say.

"As Mr. Fool just reminded: Times have changed because of this.

"I wouldn't be surprised if anything weird happens in the next few years."

Cattleya nodded slowly, understanding that the emperor meant that this matter would have a huge impact on the future.

Alger asked: "So that means Salinger has completely fallen and there is no possibility of resurrection?"

Hobert spread his hands and said, "It's hard to say. I don't know if the Emperor of Hades has any backup plans. Moreover, this path is so special, and I don't know if there is any concept of complete death."

Alger sighed: I forgot again, how can we use the concept of death to imagine the state of gods?

Seeing that the others had no doubts, Hobert said to Leonard again: "How about we trade Zoroastrian's information?"

Leonard nodded: "Okay."

Hobert asked again: "Do you want to listen to it by yourself, or do you want everyone to listen with you? Well, everyone knows most of the information."

Leonard was slightly startled: "Can you still listen to yourself?"


"Then I'll listen to it myself."

No one was very interested in the information about this angel family, and it seemed to involve the privacy of Mr. Xingxing, so no one proposed the idea of ​​joining this transaction.

So Hobert asked Mr. Fool for help to establish a separate communication space, and then began: "As far as I know, the Zoroastrian family is very supportive of the Black Emperor Solomon.

"It is said that this is because in the early Fourth Age, the founder of the Zoroastrian family was killed by Amon, and it was Solomon who helped the Zoroastrian family preserve the Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics.

"After establishing the Solomon Empire, Solomon helped Pales Zoroaster and was promoted to Sequence 1."

Only then did Leonard learn about the old man's past: So, the old man has lived for at least two thousand years!

Hobert began to describe the situation at that time: "Solomon's empire was at its peak at that time..."

After roughly narrating the demise of the Solomon Empire, as well as the establishment and demise of Solomon's Second Empire, Hobert then talked about the Zoroastrian family's long-standing support for the Solomon Empire.

"Especially when Solomon's Second Empire was established." Hobert said: "At that time, Solomon was weak and had huge hatred against the Tudor Empire and the Trunsoest Empire.

"No rational angel would choose to be loyal to Solomon, but the Zoroastrian family still chose to support Solomon.

"I dare not say how noble this behavior is, and there may be some secret deal behind it, but in the extraordinary world, such a choice can already be regarded as a 'moral model'."

"The Fool" Klein, who was listening at the top of the long bronze table, sighed: Maybe the moral bottom line in the extraordinary world is too low. Hey, the more "high-sequence" you talk about, the colder it seems, and there is no aura of humanity.

Leonard didn't know about so many incidents of backstabbing between gods, but he didn't feel anything about it.

Hobert finally said: "With the demise of Solomon's Second Empire, the Zoroastrian family has been in hiding to avoid Amon's pursuit.

"But Pales Zoroastrian should not be dead, he should have been playing hide and seek with Amon for more than a thousand years.

"At this time, he may be hiding in a corner, a corner that Amon can hardly think of, or even if he thinks of it, it is difficult to confirm."

Klein secretly laughed in his heart: Even if you were well-informed, you would never have guessed that Palles is hiding in Mr. Star’s body right now!

Leonard realized why the "old man" was hiding in him. It was because he was an official Beyonder and was protected by the church. Amon would not find Him so easily.

When the transaction was about to end, Leonard considered whether to ask the "Emperor": Are you Hobert?

But he suddenly felt that he was not sure about this, because in his previous contact with Hobert, Hobert had never behaved so knowledgeable.

Leonard felt that if the "Emperor" was not Hobert, and he mentioned Hobert, would it cause inconvenience to Hobert? You are also in danger of being exposed!

So in the end he decided to observe for a while before talking.

After the transaction was over, Emlyn cleared his throat and said: "A big shot in the clan is about to arrive in Backlund and wants to see me by name. How should I deal with him?"

Leonard was stunned at first: Him? An angel?

Alger, who was good at solving such things, thought for a few seconds and said, "Mr. Fool just said that times have changed. Although the big shots in your vampire family may not know the whole story, at their level, there should be more or less Be aware of it and be prepared to respond.

"The big shot will meet you by name. It is both a test and an observation. You just need to behave as usual, but there may be some tests or tasks later."

Emlyn nodded slightly: I think the same thing!

He nodded gently and said to "The Hanged Man": "Thank you."

Hobert waited for their exchange to end and said, "I'm issuing a wanted notice!"

After obtaining the Fool's consent, he manifested the portrait of the little boy: "This is the person we are looking for. Don't be deceived by his appearance, or he may not be as childish as the wanted poster says.

"There is a very terrifying soul hidden in his body. After seeing him, don't try to carry out any aggressive behavior, just pretend you don't know anything.

“He doesn’t have the terrifying abilities like Adam and Amon. As long as you are calm enough, he won’t know that you know him.

"After getting his information, immediately pray to Mr. Fool! Please let Mr. Fool inform me.

"His reward is 100,000 pounds. If you can provide useful clues, you will receive a reward of 5,000 pounds. If you can provide exact clues and capture this guy based on his clues, you will receive a reward of 30,000 pounds!"

Audrey felt very complicated after seeing this little boy. Logically speaking, she should hate him very much, but Audrey felt grateful to him, otherwise she and Hobert would continue to hide their emotions.

Klein, who seems to have raised the reward to 90,000 pounds recently, is a little confused. Did the other party do something so evil?

Alger also had the same question: "Why does he have such a high bounty?"

"You can think of him as a thug of an alien god, or simply say that he is a clone of an evil god! He once wanted to find the 'creator' through me, and use the power of the alien god to attack the 'creator' '!" Hobert said:

"So, an innocent family of five has been killed by him, and a good friend and I were almost killed by him."

Audrey thought about their kiss on another planet, still feeling shy and reminiscing about it.

Forsi frowned: He almost died! Oh my gosh, I didn't know about this! Did it just happen today? "A good friend"? Could this “good friend” be Audrey?

She felt like she had restored the truth of the matter: What had Hobert and Audrey experienced together that made Hobert make that decision?

Cattleya thought of another thing: Did the "Emperor" help the "Creator" get rid of the pursuers and made a lot of achievements, so he got a lot of very high-level information?

Klein manipulated "The World" and asked: "Is the Outer God the Old One?"

Hobert said: "Old Days is a noun, and Outer Gods refers to the gods in the stars."

Klein probably understood what Hobert meant.

Leonard was chewing on the meaning of "gods in the starry sky" in his heart.

Other members also realized that the old ones in the stars had been trying their best to attack the gods of this world.

It was only at this time that Audrey realized that her experience turned out to be related to a struggle between gods. Thinking that she and Hobert were rescued by the Night Goddess, she became more and more convinced that the "Creator" and the Night Goddess were solid allies.

At this point, this Tarot meeting came to an end. "The World" explained to Leonard the parts of the party that needed to be kept secret. Then all the members stood up and bowed to the head of the long bronze table to say goodbye.

The crimson light in Leonard's eyes dissipated, and he returned to the real world, with a red glove that he had not yet put on placed in front of him.

At this time, a slightly older voice suddenly came to his mind: "How long have you been gone?"

Leonard said: "I thought there were only two or three members, but I didn't expect that there were eight people in Mr. Fool's meeting before God, and some very secret information was exchanged."

Palles asked: "You don't need to keep this information confidential?"

"I can't reveal the details of the other members, but I can tell you some information that was traded at the party." This is what "The World" Klein explained to Leonard at the end of the party.

Then Leonard asked: "Old man, do you know 'Redemption Rose'?"

" actually trade this level of information?" Pales, who has lived for more than two thousand years, was also a little surprised.

Leonard then asked: "Is this a very powerful organization?"

"It's more than powerful." Pales smiled: "That is an organization established by the gods and the king of angels."

Leonard thought about it and found out that he had indeed heard from the "Emperor" that the founders of this organization were the "Dark Angel" and the Goddess of Night.

He thought that just like the church, these two were the nominal supreme leaders, and there were angels, demigods and other members below them. From what the old man said, this organization seemed to have more than one god and king of angels?

Leonard asked: "Old man, do you know who the members of this organization are?"

Pales said: "The first batch of members is definitely beyond your imagination. I still doubt whether it was Ourolius bragging."

Only then did Leonard realize that the information acquired today might be the limit of what the old man knew.

Pales suddenly asked: "Are you still trading information about the Zoroastrian family?"

Leonard blurted out: "No."

Pales said in an old voice full of joking: "You answered too quickly! Your true thoughts have been exposed."

He smiled and said, "I still don't know what kind of person you are?"

Leonard, who has always been quite thick-skinned, seemed a little embarrassed at this time.

He changed the subject: "Oh, by the way, I still need to complete a deal with a member.

"Did you know? Tarot Club transactions are completed with sacrifices and gifts."

The place abandoned by God, Silver City.

Derrick returned to the real world, took a deep breath and immediately stood up. He quickly came to the round tower and asked to see Chief Colin.

After meeting, Derrick said: "Your Excellency, I went back and thought about it for two days, and I seem to have figured out what those black thin tubes are."

Colin's eyes became a little dark, but he immediately returned to normal: "What is that?"

"Maybe there is something wrong with the current 'Reaper', which affected the previous chief's condition, and ultimately led to the failure of promotion." Derrick reported the key points of the intelligence he had obtained to the chief:

"Thankfully you cut off those thin black tubes in time, otherwise the 'Reaper' who went wrong might use the former chief to influence the entire Silver City."

Colin frowned slightly: "Are you sure...I mean you really think so?"

"Yes." Derrick replied very firmly.

Colin said "Yes": "Very good, your idea has solved my doubts. In addition to rewarding you with some meritorious deeds, you can also propose some rewards yourself."

Derrick found that he now completely understood what the chief meant: meritorious service was a reward for himself, and the "reward proposed by himself" was actually asking the person who provided the information, what kind of reward he needed?

He thought for a moment and said: "Six extraordinary materials of sequence 7 levels."

Derrick didn’t know what the Emperor wanted, but he knew that the Emperor’s demand for extraordinary materials had always been great!

Colin nodded: "No problem."

Kingdom of Loen, No. 62 Queen's Avenue.

Hobert stared at the roof for a while and heard the slight sound of rain.

I got up and opened the curtains and saw that it was raining again outside. It was only around four in the afternoon. It was already dark outside, as if it was already evening.

He stretched out, went to the study downstairs to sacrifice the magical item for Leonard to The Fool, and then received 9,000 pounds in cash.

The transaction price of this magical item was actually 10,000 pounds, but after deducting the 1,000 pounds for buying the fish from Cattleya, I got 9,000 pounds.

After collecting the cash, Hobert called Dophis and told him that he had recently taken a big action and asked Dophis to participate in the extraordinary war that might break out in the South Colson area.

The responsibilities given to him by Hobert were first to be responsible for logistics, and secondly to protect Jeffrey City as much as possible.

Until nightfall, Hobert had dinner and went to the Brave Bar in the rain. After drinking a glass of beer, he took a carriage and slowly returned to the Earl's Mansion.

But Miss Sharon never showed up.

Hobert muttered: "Maybe Miss Sharon is not in the bar today."

Back at the Earl's Mansion, Hobert was just about to change into his pajamas when he suddenly felt something spiritual and looked at the full-length mirror in the corner.

The scene in the mirror was in the bedroom, but the door in the mirror suddenly opened.

Hobert couldn't help but glance at the door in the real world, which didn't move at all.

In the mirror, Sharon, who had light blond hair, delicate features, and wore a Gothic palace dress, entered the bedroom and stood next to Hobert in the mirror.

Hobert couldn't help but look next to him. He clearly felt that there was someone standing next to him, but there was nothing around him in the real world.

At this time, Sharon came out of the mirror as if she had passed through a layer of water: "What do you want from me?"

Hobert found that Sharon's eyes looked more ethereal, her hands and fingers, and even her clothes became more delicate, as if they lacked realism.

Only then did Hobert remember that Miss Sharon was already a "puppet" at this time.

He said: "I want to trade a batch of extraordinary characteristics with the Temperance Faction again."

Miss Sharon nodded slightly without any change in expression: "Okay, we also have some new needs."

Before the last transaction, many members of the Temperance Sect had been stuck in one sequence for a long time. The batch of extraordinary characteristics traded before basically met everyone's promotion needs.

But now that seven or eight months have passed, the temperance faction certainly has new demands.

"But the transaction method this time is a bit special." Hobert said: "We are going to have an extraordinary war recently. If the Temperance Faction can participate in the war, I will pay you in the form of extraordinary characteristics.

“If you can have three demigods participate in the battle, complete the designated tasks, and there are trophies, even if there is only one sequence 9 extraordinary characteristic, I will pay the temperance faction a ‘puppet’ extraordinary characteristic.

"If you can seize demigod-level loot, I am willing to trade with you on a 1:1 basis! For demigods and below, it is 1:2.

“For example, if you capture a Sequence 4 extraordinary characteristic, you can come to me in exchange for a ‘Puppet’ extraordinary characteristic.

"But if it is an extraordinary characteristic of a demigod or below, it will take two pieces to exchange for one extraordinary characteristic of the same sequence as the "Prisoner" path."

He smiled and said: "Does it sound like a good deal? I will find enemies for you. After destroying them, I can exchange them for the extraordinary characteristics you need."

Sharon said very calmly: "The transaction you initiated is very fraudulent!"

She said: "As long as the power of three demigods participates in the battle, no matter where they are placed, they will definitely attract the enemy's attention. Moreover, we have to complete the task you gave us. It is impossible for us to easily kill a Sequence 9 and then withdraw." Out fighting.”

Hobert didn't feel the slightest bit ashamed that his ideas were revealed. He smiled and said, "What I can guarantee is that you will not be the main attacker."

He spread his hands and said: "As long as you join the war, you can get the extraordinary properties of a 'puppet'. I think this deal is a good deal."

Sharon thought for a few seconds and then said: "I will give you an answer the day after tomorrow whether to join the war."

Hobert nodded: "Okay!"

Sharon turned back to the mirror.

Just when she reached the mirror, Hobert suddenly said: "Gehrman Sparrow will also join the war!"

Although he has not yet sent an invitation to Klein, he mentioned it at the Tarot meeting today, and Klein did not refuse, so this foreign aid representing "The Fool" is almost confirmed.

Sharon turned around: "Does this have anything to do with me?"

Hobert smiled coquettishly: "That's what I said."

He quickly found a good reason: "After all, we know each other through him."

In fact, Hobert was very curious whether Sharon had any emotional disturbances towards Klein, but now it seems that there is not, but it cannot be ruled out that Sharon hides it very well, after all, her emotions rarely fluctuate.

After watching Miss Sharon leave, Hobert asked the kitchen to make a batch of donuts, and then wrote a letter to Klein to extend a formal invitation.

As for the reward for Klein, Hobert asked him to raise it himself.

Soon, Klein sent a reply, and he indeed agreed to Hobert's invitation. As for the reward he proposed, the "ancient scholar" had clues to the potion formula.

Hobert remembered that the goddess of the night seemed to be there. In fact, all he needed to do was pray to the goddess of the night.

He smiled slightly: "This can be considered a clue!"

Hobert opened the map of the South Colson area and planned this extraordinary battle some more. Then he went to lie down, thinking about Fors for a while and then Audrey.

As a result, the more I thought about it, the more energetic I became, and I only slept for more than two hours through meditation.

When he woke up, Hobert felt that he was in good condition. If he could get Liyu, he could try to be promoted immediately.

So Hobert had breakfast early and waited in the study. Around seven o'clock, he got the news from Mr. Fool and could arrange the gifting ceremony.

Hobert immediately arranged the ceremony and got a gray sea fish the size of two palms.

It has fine scales all over its body, and on the surface of these scales, there is a layer of fine crystals that look like table salt.

Hobert waited for a while, and these crystals gradually gathered and turned into something like an illusory gray scale.

All the materials are gathered together.

However, Hobert did not make the potion immediately. Instead, he went to the "Earl's Light" store first and saw that people were buying light bulbs in the morning.

He went to look at the construction site in the suburbs again, and the outlines of the second batch of two large power plants were already there.

Finally, Hobert took a carriage and went around Queens, as well as several areas where the middle class was concentrated, such as Wood District and St. George District.

The wire laying in Queens has basically been completed, and is also being laid in areas where the middle class is concentrated.

After seeing all this, it was already noon before Hobert returned to the Earl's Mansion.

He first told Dophis that no one should approach the study and asked him to guard outside the door. Then he locked the door from the inside, took out all the auxiliary materials he had prepared, and used the method of "giving" to get them from the "Country of Disorder" The extraordinary characteristics of "Frenzy Mage" were revealed.

Because this extraordinary property would always have some impact on the people and environment around him, Hobert simply contained it in a small box made of "Order Crystal".

Taking the new measuring cylinder and scale he just bought, Hobert began to prepare the potion.

The first is the auxiliary materials. Hobert successively added the venom of the white-striped spider with some threads in the clear liquid. It is said that the white-striped spider is one of the main materials for the promotion of the "Eternal Witch".

But they couldn't use the venom of the white-striped spider, so before Jonathan and others rebelled, the Witch Sect entrusted the Gnosis to deal with it to the auction house.

Then there are the scale-shaped Li fish crystals, the jelly-like brain fluid of the six-bearded strange beast, and the eight-year-old red wine.

These four auxiliary materials prepared one-third of the beaker of bright red potion that gave off an alluring smell.

Finally, Hobert opened the small box made of "Order Crystal" and took out a palm-sized piece of metallic liver inside.

This is the extraordinary characteristic of the "Crazy Mage". It keeps emitting black mist, and in the process of squirming and squirming, it just outlines a human face on the outside.

This human face is constantly making expressions such as anger, smile, confusion, etc., and at the same time, the space around it is being distorted, as if it is about to escape from Hobert's hands at any time.

After adding extraordinary properties to the bright red liquid composed of auxiliary materials, it melted quickly and its influence on the surroundings temporarily disappeared.

Hobert looked at the crystal-like gray liquid flashing in the beaker, took a deep breath and drank it.


As soon as the potion entered his mouth, Hobert's mind seemed to explode suddenly, and memories and thoughts burst out uncontrollably.

The scene in his vision swayed back and forth, and soon began to turn upside down, up and down, left and right, as uncomfortable as a hangover.

At the same time, Hobert's ears were filled with chaotic sounds, including the sound of a violin being scratched, Alger's off-key singing, the roar of a train, and Klein's cold words: "This shot is the captain's." "," there was blood on the corner of Dunn's mouth, "We saved the city of Tingen."

Some Fors said "I will never go to Backlund again", some Audrey said "I regret it so much", some...

Hundreds of voices appeared at the same time, ringing and repeating in Hobert's ears. He could no longer distinguish who said what.

Hobert was already uncomfortable with the change in his vision, and now he was about to vomit, but he couldn't close his eyes, cover his ears, or stop his thoughts.

Finally, colorful colors appeared in front of Hobert's eyes, the sound gradually disappeared, his eyes no longer moved so violently, and the thoughts in his brain calmed down.

But it was so peaceful that Hobert had no thoughts.

He felt like he had become this Earl's Mansion. The butler, head butler, first-class servant, second-class servant, cook, gardener, coachman, tailor, rough servant, etc., each had a set salary and residence according to their status. , food and other treatment.

Hobert felt like he had turned into the air outside the window again. As long as he was drier, the fog would not be so severe. As long as he was moistened, it would become a continuous drizzle.

Soon, Hobert felt that his consciousness covered the entire Queen Street, and then the entire Queens District.

At this moment, Hobert thought that he was the god of Queens, who could make a king into a rough servant, and could make a rough servant into a king.

You can move anyone's position, you can change the weather in Queens, you can turn early autumn into late autumn.

Hobert enjoyed this feeling very much and was unwilling to think about it any more.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of Hobert's eyes. The bright light quickly zoomed in, and it turned out to be a huge light bulb! It's the huge light bulb that has gone out in the "Order Square"!

There were circles of people surrounding the light bulb, and they exclaimed together: "This is the Earl's Light!"

Hobert's consciousness began to feel happy, less emotionless, less abstract and conceptual.

The light bulb in front of him suddenly turned into countless small light spots, and those light spots gradually enlarged. In some cases, a family of three looked at the light bulb above their heads and exclaimed: "The light of the earl!"

Some are a young couple looking at the light bulb above their heads and exclaiming: "The light of the earl!"

One is a child, looking at the light bulb and exclaiming: "The light of the earl!"

Behind every spot of light there was a sigh, and every sigh allowed Hobert to regain some ideas.

Because the Sequence 3 ritual was fully prepared, it only took a few seconds for Hobert to come to his senses and find that he was still in the study, but at this time the study was filled with thick black fog.

Hobert tried hard to find his body, and suddenly the black mist solidified, quickly shaping Hobert's body.

At this moment, Hobert felt something. The Sequence 3 potion completely reshaped his body. From now on, ordinary physical attacks would not cause any harm to him.

Because the ceremony was well prepared, Hobert didn't feel any discomfort at all. Apart from his overflowing spirituality, it didn't look like he had just completed his promotion.

For a moment just now, Hobert felt that he had become very abstract, even turning into a symbol or a concept.

But soon, the light bulb and the count's light, an entity and a concept, allowed Hobert to quickly distinguish between abstraction and reality, and then he regained his sanity.

At this time, he finally understood that in Sequence 3 "Crazy Mage" was already an abstract collection. After all, both order and rules were abstract. If he wanted to better utilize and destroy them, he had to become like them. Also abstract.

Then Hobert recalled the promotion process just now, as if his consciousness was spread in every corner of the Queens District. I wonder if he will be noticed by the king of Thordrak Palace?

Or is that just my own illusion?

Hobert smiled helplessly. Why didn't he remember how big the news was about Klein being promoted to Sequence 3? Even when he was promoted to Sequence 2, there didn't seem to be any big commotion, right?

Then he thought that it didn't matter even if he was noticed by George III. After all, he was the earl of the Loen Kingdom, and his promotion would not do any harm to the Loen Kingdom.

If George III sent someone to confirm the promotion, he could admit it openly.

Rather than continue to think about the problem, Hobert began to use his spirituality to see what had happened to his abilities.

The signature skills "Distortion" and "Chaos" of the "Black Emperor" path have been qualitatively improved again.

Sequence 3 level "distortion" can "distort" the thoughts of all targets within a certain range, and can "distort" them in different directions.

The "distortion" at the sequence 4 level is also a ranged attack ability, but it can only "distort" in one direction. For example, it can only allow all targets within a certain range to escape instead of charging.

The "distortion" at the Sequence 3 level can completely "distort" some targets' escape into standing still, "distort" some targets' escape into a charge, and "distort" some targets' escape into lying down, etc. wait.

Overall, it has become more detailed.

At the same time, one "distortion" of space can move about 5 kilometers, which is two to three hundred times more than the previous "distortion".

After thinking about it for a moment, Hobert knew why there was such a change. The previous "distortion" was just a simple distortion of space, but the current distortion was "distortion" together with the spiritual world, so in terms of "distortion" distance, something happened Essential changes.

Hobert also understood why, under the "distortion" of the "Crazy Mage", the Extraordinary people of the "Gate" pathway were unable to enter the spiritual world, because that part of the spiritual world was also "distorted" and had no influence on the "travel" ability. Had a huge impact.

This ability is also more conceptual. For example, it can "distort" the concepts of two goals that have no connection with itself. The "distortion" of Sequence 4 can also "distort" the concepts of two goals, but among these two goals, One must be yourself.

There is no such requirement for "distortion" at the Sequence 3 level.

In addition to ideas, thinking and space, it can also "distort" emotions, emotions, feelings, as well as temperature, gravity, light, etc. It seems that everything can be distorted!

The second ability "Chaos" has also undergone qualitative changes. All the previous functions of "Chaos" can still be used, but two new uses have been added.

The first usage is that it can make people's thinking become crazy and chaotic, causing the target's deepest emotions or desires to explode, and for a period of time it will be difficult to distinguish which ones are real and which ones are their own hallucinations.

And for a period of time, it is difficult to form effective plans and logical thinking.

The second usage is also a conceptual usage, which can plunge the order in an area into madness and chaos.

For example, the identities of people in a large office building can be reversed, with managers becoming employees and employees becoming managers. It will also make all rules, regulations, laws and regulations confusing in people's minds.

This ability is the "Frenzy" ability that the "Frenzy Mage" is best at.

In the "Grey Mist Town", Hobert has experienced the taste of "madness" from a distance, which is more complicated than "chaos". The key is that it can affect the logic and emotions for a period of time. In other words, in battle, the target The probability of misjudgments and mistakes will continue to increase.

Other abilities have been greatly improved, such as "corruption", which can make the target's body and spirit become corrupted at the same time!

For example, by giving away, you can "give away" all the damage, curses, diseases, and negative effects you have received, but it is still difficult to completely give away spiritual pollution and mutation.

Most abilities have become more abstract, such as "correlation". If Hobert is asked to investigate a murder case, he can quickly "correlate" the murderer as long as he sees the victim's body.

If it is someone you have seen, you can quickly identify the murderer. If you are someone you have never seen, you can immediately establish a corresponding "association" if you see it within a certain period of time.

After finishing observing his abilities, Hobert immediately entered the "State of Disorder" to see the changes there.

First, Hobert lifted Trunsoest's seal and asked him to come to his palace: "Let's talk about the Trunsoest family."

As Hobert expected, Trensoest, who was handsome but somewhat nerdy, smiled and said, "No problem."

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