Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 600 A large gathering of extraordinary forces

Under the awning in the Eastern Mountains, Hobert looked at the pouring rain outside with a cold face.

His concern just now wasn't all feigned, but he wasn't so panicked that he lost his shoes.

Hobert opened the leather bag with space magic that he carried with him, took out his shoes from inside, and then took out a vest and put it on, so that his image instantly looked much more stable.

After fastening the cuffs, Hobert waved to Angus in the other awning and asked what happened.

After listening to Angus' description, Hobert suddenly remembered a piece of information he had seen before. Sometimes "Mountain God" Megli would show off her power somewhere on Long Tail Island.

For example, it will cause a certain area to lose its direction, another example will cause the order of a village to be fundamentally destroyed, etc.

Is what happened to Forsi a coincidence?

Hobert took a deep breath and waved his hand gently. Angus immediately noticed that the raindrops in sight no longer fell, but were all suspended in mid-air. This made him slightly surprised: the count's power seemed to be stronger. .


Four or five seconds later, the raindrops seemed to have finally escaped the shackles of the strange force and continued to fall to the ground majesticly.

Hobert didn't feel any sudden force just now, so he stood up and took a step slowly. When he landed, he was already five kilometers away.

Angus in the awning was a little surprised and a little excited. He was absolutely sure: the lord was now a Sequence 3.

The reason why he was more excited was because in the Tuduo family, only the patriarch was Sequence 3, and it was very difficult to become the patriarch. Anyway, Angus knew that he would never be the patriarch in this life.

And if you serve the "Creator", becoming a Sequence 3 doesn't seem to be difficult, and it doesn't seem to be the ultimate pinnacle.

A few minutes later, Hobert returned to the awning. He still found no clues about the "Mountain God".

Sitting on a chair under the awning, Hobert saw on the ground not far away that the frozen water droplets were just beginning to melt.

This reminded Hobert of the scene of the "icy water whirlwind" he saw from his "real vision". The state of the mountain god seemed a bit strange, because the "Black Emperor" pathway did not emit an aura of coldness.

Although it is possible to "tamper" with the surrounding temperature to make raindrops freeze, this is not necessary. The main ability of "Black Emperor" is "distortion". If the temperature is lowered, it is only to create more favorable conditions for itself, or for the target. unfavorable conditions.

For example, if the "Hunter" path uses fire-type attacks, it can lower the temperature so that the enemy needs to consume more spiritual energy to complete normal attacks.

At that time, neither Forsi nor Xio needed to suppress them by lowering the temperature.

So Hobert is almost certain that the "Mountain God" is in a strange state, which makes him exude an icy aura uncontrollably.

Hobert thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so he waved his hand, and the surrounding rain suddenly changed its path and went to another place: "Start again!"

So the rest of the trip was a bit magical for ordinary people. The heavy rain was still pouring, but not a drop fell on the team members.

This will definitely expose the existence of extraordinary power to a certain extent, but Hobert feels that he has no obligation to keep it secret.

He would cover it up before, but now that he has become a "Crazy Mage", he is completely too lazy to cover it up.

Moreover, the officials among these people are basically from the "Traveler's Gate". These servants have just experienced an extraordinary event. They have all been exposed to the extraordinary, and there is no need to keep it secret.

After arriving at the river, the rain basically stopped.

Hobert saw that the water in the river had begun to become turbid, and it seemed that it could burst out of the river bank at any time.

Villagers from the villages on both sides have begun to bring their families and prepare to flee to higher ground.

As for the crops in the fields, they cannot be taken away. Whether and how much can be preserved depends entirely on the "will of the gods."

On the way back, Hobert talked with officials in charge of agriculture and water conservancy. The dam must be built, but how high it should be and how it should be built must be consulted by professionals.

Spend money when it's time to spend it, don't skimp on planning.

After setting the tone for this matter, Hobert asked Angus to protect everyone when they returned, while he took the lead in "traveling" back to the Governor's Mansion.

After meeting Forsi and Xio in the office, Hobert said calmly: "The matter of repairing the dam has been basically decided, and we will start discussing how to repair it."

Forsi nodded: "I understand."

Hobert said to Xio, "I have something to do and I want to talk to Forsi alone."

Forsi asked, "Is there anything that Xiu can't know?"

Apparently she wasn't going to give Hobert a chance to talk alone.

Xio looked at Hobert with a smile to see how he would respond.

Hobert cleared his throat: "Well, the 'founder' is going to launch an extraordinary war against the Witch Cult in the South Colson area recently. The main personnel participating in the war have basically begun to assemble in South Colson. They have……"

"Wait." Xio raised his hand: "I'd better go out."

At present, she is not willing to get too involved with the "creator". If she knows the next plan of the "creator" forces, it will be difficult to avoid being implicated.

Forsi was also a little helpless. She knew what her friend was thinking and knew that such things should be kept as secret as possible, so she had no choice but to watch Xio open the door and leave.

"I mean, we have to do a good job of hosting." Hobert smiled: "This is a good time to show the achievements of South Colson."

Forsi rolled his eyes at Hobert: Why are you talking about such non-confidential things again?

"How's the construction going in the factory area?" Hobert asked as he walked towards the wine cabinet, only to find that a bottle of wine was gone: "Where's my wine?"

Forsi, who was sitting on the sofa, replied: "I had someone take him away."

It wasn’t that she was so angry that she asked people to take him away, but that Hobert drank too much wine at the tourist festival last week, so she asked people to put away the wine.

Hobert sighed and had no choice but to pour a cup of tea: "I suggest that we establish a mechanism for discussing work, because the next period of time will be a critical period for the construction of Longwei Island.

“If we don’t want the people here to be like now, taking their children and the elderly to unobstructed high places to avoid floods in the heavy rain, we can’t be careless.

"Maintaining effective communication between you and me is critical in this regard."

Although it was a bit shameless for Hobert to gain sympathy in this way, it was very useful. Forsi had always been sympathetic to the local indigenous people, so he always wanted to do something for them.

At the same time, recently, Fors gradually fell in love with governing because she saw that the policies implemented by Mayor Condra under Hobert's initiative had made the situation of some indigenous people much better.

For example, for those miners, their working environment is much safer, they only work eight hours a day, and their diet is completely better.

Forsi could clearly see that their faces were no longer so sallow, and they had some energy and energy, no longer as numb as before.

At the same time, Fors also knew that her level was limited, so she never pointed out the city government. She only diligently completed the tasks assigned to her by Hobert: review financial allocations, pay attention to the observation of officials' abilities, and cooperate with the supervision department to conduct inspections of the city government. Supervise the work.

When reviewing financial allocations, it is necessary to take into account the actual situation, so Forsi has only recently gone on inspection tours.

Forsi had no reason to refute Hobert's suggestion, so he began to talk about the recent construction of the industrial zone.

This is tantamount to acquiescing to Hobert's suggestion.

At present, the construction of the second batch of relatively high-tech industrial zones has been fully launched. Hobert directly used the name of "founder" to ask Upton to travel back and forth between Longwei Island and Backlund to coordinate these Technical issues.

There are no problems with the planned construction of the second batch of factories, but there are many problems with the planned construction of the third batch of factories.

First of all, the technology content of the third batch of factories is relatively high, such as machinery factories, steam engine factories, shipbuilding factories, etc. Only the steam engine factory Hobert can obtain relevant technology relatively easily through Mr. Dix.

Even if Hobert uses his identity as an earl, other types of technology will be difficult to obtain.

The key is to set up a corresponding R\u0026D institution to transform the acquired technology into a process that can be used for mass production. If this institution is set up on Longtail Island, it will be difficult to recruit people.

There is also the issue of construction land. The entire eastern plain of Longwei Island has basically been used. Unless farmland is occupied, there is no large land available for factory construction.

However, there are many places suitable for building factories in the mountains.

Hobert calculated the time and then said: "I expect that the war with the Witch Sect will be completely resolved within a week. Even if I fail, I will definitely be able to severely damage the Witch Sect.

"Nangwei Island can develop with peace of mind without worrying too much about the revenge of the Witch Sect."

He said: "Then the next step is to solve the problem of the Mountain God Church. There is no need to worry too much about the technical personnel. I estimate that by the end of the year at most, we will be able to get the kind of talents we want.

"So after solving the problem of the Mountain God Church, these factories started to be built!"

Forsi was slightly startled, but he didn't ask why the technical staff's problem could be solved by the end of the year. Generally speaking, if this kind of thing could be solved, it would be solved if Hobert said it could be solved.

After talking about work, she stood up and was about to issue an order to expel the guests, but Hobert said again: "Let's talk about Hugh's problem again."

Forsi sat down again: "What's the problem?"

"It was only during my inspection that I came up with the idea of ​​letting Xio join the 'Creator's' force?"

Forsi nodded first, this was a good opportunity for Xio.

But then she shook her head: "Xio will not join at the moment."

"As long as you think my idea is good, I can think of a way." Hobert said, "Sometimes, it's not up to Hugh to decide whether to join the 'Founder' organization or not."

Forsi really felt that this idea could help Xio. According to her observations, so far, no matter whether they are the favored ones of the "Creator" like Hobert, or they are serving the power of the "Creator" like Angus and others, There were no obvious mental problems.

On the contrary, some people on the west bank of Full Moon Lake have become much better after they started praying to the "Creator".

Moreover, according to some information released by Hobert at the Tarot meeting, as well as some actions of the "creator", it is shown that this is a god in a very normal state.

Xio currently has no faith. It would be great if he could believe in the "Creator".

But Forsi was still a little worried: "What are you going to do?"

"I can ask the 'Creator' to issue some tasks to Xio so that Xio can gradually integrate into our group." Hobert said:

"After I left, you lied to Xiu and told Xiu that when you begged the 'Creator' for help just now, the 'Creator' noticed Xio."

Fors was somewhat confused by such an operation: "Can the 'creator' agree to such a request?"

That was a god. Would he help Hobert solve such a trivial matter?

"Mr. Fool, doesn't he often provide us with help?" Hobert smiled: "Otherwise, why would everyone want to be the favored one of the gods?"

He paused and then said: "I only need to pay some price within the acceptable range, or complete other tasks to offset this request."

Forsi immediately said: "I will pay you accordingly."

Hobert smiled: "No, Hugh is also my friend."

Forsi wanted to say something more, but Hobert said: "If you really want to pay me something, just ask the kitchen to make an extra working meal. After all, it's lunch time soon."

Forsi opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't refuse.

After seeing Forsi agree, Hobert whispered: "When you talk to Xiu later..."

In the office, one of the two people is responsible for coming up with ideas, and the other listens carefully. Occasionally, the two of them discuss things.

Hobert, Forsi and Xio had lunch together. Xio looked at Hobert and Forsi with some surprise. They chatted casually about some things about Longtail Island, and it seemed that there was no longer the barrier they had when they first met. .

After finishing lunch, Hobert left Longtail Island. He knew enough was enough.

It's already good to have reached this point today. This kind of thing should be done slowly and don't be in a hurry.

After Hobert left, Forsi suddenly said to Xio very seriously: "Xio, there is something I want to formally inform you."

Xio was still a little uncomfortable with her friend suddenly becoming so serious: "What's the matter?"

"When we were attacked by unknown forces in the morning, I prayed for help from the 'Creator'." Fors said, "Hobert told me just now that the 'Creator' has noticed you."

Xio was a little surprised. He immediately felt his spiritual body and spirit, but found no discomfort anywhere.

"Don't be surprised," Forsi smiled and followed Hobert's instructions: "Hobert asked me to remind you that if the 'Creator' issues any tasks to you in the future, then congratulations, you will have the opportunity to become The favored ones of the 'Creator'."

Xiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What's there to congratulate about?"

Then she asked: "What task will the 'Creator' give me? What should I do if I can't complete it? Why are you looking at me instead of you?"

Seeing that Xio had indeed followed Hobert's guess, Fors began to take the initiative to learn more about the "creator", so she began to tell what the "creator" had done in the past year or so.

She didn't make a summary, but the focus was on how the "creator" was a very normal god and how he could help the people at the bottom. She also described this attention as an opportunity.

It was also said that Hobert was in Sequence 7 and got the attention of the "Creator" due to some coincidental events. In the past six months, he has not only done a lot of things to help ordinary people, but is now a demigod. .

Xio had always felt that the "Creator" was an evil god who was both good and evil, but after all, he was still an evil god similar to the "True Creator", "Original Witch", etc.

After listening to Forsi's narration, and recalling the scenes I saw recently on Longwei Island, it was true that there was no trace of blood or distortion at all. Instead, it was filled with the beauty of a new order.

The more he listened, the more Xio felt that this might really be an opportunity.

Hobert returned to Backlund and continued preparations for the war.

He estimated that he might have spent less time in Backlund recently, so he went to the General Director Georgina to ask for a period of leave.

Hobert has no actual responsibilities in MI9. When he goes to work, he is completely fishing, so he can take time off at will.

Then Hobert took a carriage to Earl Hall's mansion, first met with Audrey's mother Catherine, and gave her gifts.

Earl Hall and his eldest son Hibbert were both not at home today, so Hobert came to visit Catherine first.

Catherine didn't have a good impression of Hobert, but she didn't have any ill intentions. The main reason why she didn't have a good impression was that there were too many bad rumors about Hobert. In her opinion, he was not a stable nobleman.

The reason why there is no malice is because Hobert is indeed very capable and has great ideas, and he can always bring unexpected surprises to people.

Considering that Hobert was likely to marry his daughter, Catherine still received him warmly.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, Hobert made a request to see Audrey.

Although this was against the rules, as their "romance" had not been made public yet, Catherine did not refuse.

So Hobert met Audrey who was having afternoon tea in the garden.

She wore a relatively loose long dress, and her hairstyle and jewelry were relatively casual, but paired with her beautiful face and perfect figure, these clothes and jewelry became glamorous.

Next to Audrey, there was a golden retriever lying down. There was half a bowl of dog biscuits in the rice bowl in front of it, and there was water in the other rice bowl. It seemed to be enjoying a pleasant afternoon.

After seeing Hobert, she stood up and smiled: "Hobert, I thought you had forgotten me."

Hobert smiled and stepped forward quickly, picked up Audrey and spun her around: "How could that be? My elf."

The moment Audrey was picked up, she had received a reserved aristocratic education since childhood. The first thing she thought of was to break free, but she soon felt that being held in circles was quite exciting, so she only kept "giggling" laughter.

After all, this is the residence of Earl Hall, and Hobert can't do too much, so he put Audrey down, took her hand, and kissed the back of her hand: "Because of that little boy, during this time I quite busy."

Audrey nodded slowly and asked the servant to serve Hobert tea and snacks.

She smiled and asked: "You won't have time to attend the dance next Thursday, right?"

Next Thursday, Duke Kristen will hold a ball to announce the "love affair" between the two.

Hobert sat next to Audrey: "Of course I don't have time. I have to dance the opening dance with the beautiful Audrey at Duke Christine's ball next Thursday, so I don't have time to accept your invitation."

Audrey was stunned for a moment before she understood Hobert's joke: "Hobert, you seem to be different now than before, but I... But this is good."

Originally she wanted to say "but I like it very much", but the habit she had developed since childhood prevented her from expressing it so directly.

Hobert took a sip of tea and smiled: "That's because I was Earl Hobert before, and now I am Miss Audrey's lover."

Audrey's cheeks turned a little red: "This is great."

Then she asked: "I heard from my father that Earl's Light has started selling equipment for making light bulbs?"

Audrey smiled: "It is said that many shareholders are very surprised by this."

In the past few days, she began to be "upright" and pay attention to the operation of "Earl's Light" without any disguise. Earl Hall would usually help her pay attention to this information. Only Hibbert expressed dissatisfaction with this. Audrey was reminded to be reserved for the first time.

Hobert tasted another snack: "This is also the reason why I don't want to meet those shareholders, because it is too troublesome to persuade them one by one. The facts will 'convince' them."

Then he asked: "Are you willing to take up a position in the 'Earl's Light'?"

Audrey was slightly startled: "I already work in a charity organization."

Working before marriage is the main way for noble women to experience life.

"It depends on your ideas." Hobert smiled and said, "I just feel that the decision-makers of 'Earl's Light' are too young and a little worried."

The current decision-making team of "Earl's Light" consists of Hobert's two close friends Todd and Upton at the top, and several noble children of Backlund in the middle. At the same time, the decision-making team also includes several lower-level workers' representatives. .

Although these people do not own shares, they receive dividends every month in addition to their salary.

Audrey smiled and shook her head: "Hobert, I am younger than those managers. If I participate, their average age will be younger, right?"

"The meaning of your joining is different." Hobert said very seriously: "My strategies are generally fine, but I'm afraid that they will do something unsafe while I'm away.

"As long as you are in 'Earl's Light', even if you do nothing, they will think more about it when making decisions."

In fact, at present, "Earl's Light" completely obeys the decision-making of Hobert alone. The company's decision-making level is more like a department that discusses how to implement Hobert's decision.

Audrey immediately said: "After going to 'Earl's Light', I have to do some practical work."

"Of course!" Hobert smiled: "You become the financial director."

Audrey was stunned: "I don't know much about finance."

"So I asked you to be the director." Hobert said: "Specific tasks can be left to professionals, and the director may not necessarily know everything.

"Well, I'll find a teacher for you to familiarize yourself with the specific business while working."

He smiled and said: "Your main responsibility is to supervise the source and whereabouts of every money. Just don't have a situation where a roll of toilet paper in the factory costs 3 pounds to buy."

As the daughter of a banker, Audrey immediately understood that Hobert wanted her to supervise and spend the money where it should be spent.

The two chatted for a while about the "Earl's Light" and the dance next Wednesday, before Hobert stood up and left.

Audrey did not ask how far the investigation into the little boy's matter was, or what Hobert was busy with during this time, but just reminded Hobert to be careful.

After coming out of Earl Hall's mansion, Hobert took a carriage to Christine's mansion.

They also discussed the ball first, and then Hobert told Christine about his upcoming actions in South Colson and asked him to participate in the operation to provide cover for possible accidents.

Christine knew that Hobert might have close connections with the "Maker", but he had never asked about it.

Today, Hobert asked him for help, and he readily agreed.

After having dinner with his parents and brother at the Duke's Palace and chatting for a while, Hobert returned to the Earl's Palace.

When he came to the study, Hobert called Dennis again, because Dophis had gone to South Colson yesterday, and Hobert planned to leave the Earl's Mansion to him during this time.

After explaining this matter, Hobert sat at his desk and thought about his arrangements for the next few days.

As he thought about it, he thought about Forsi and Audrey again.

Suddenly, Hobert recalled a problem, which happened not long after he was promoted to "Fallen Earl". Hobert was very worried that if he continued to be promoted, his humanity would become weaker and weaker, and he would become more and more weak. Ice cold.

At this time, Hobert suddenly realized that after being promoted to "Frenzy Mage", not only had his humanity not weakened, but he had become warmer than before.

He realized that this was probably the influence that Forsi and Audrey, as well as his parents, sister, brother, subordinates and others had on him.

Theoretically speaking, friendship, family affection, and love can strengthen and fix human nature.

Hobert recalled the previous conversation with Trunsoest. He said that Ornia had given him a lot of humanity. He, a "judge", or at least a "Prince Killer", could control his own queen. Get more humanity in you.

Hobert is now a "Crazy Mage", and he can get double the blessing of humanity from Forsi and Audrey.

For a Sequence 3, this kind of humanity is enough to fight against its divinity, and it should even be enough for a Sequence 2.

Along this line of thinking, Hobert also thought that although his humanity showed no signs of being weakened, it did not mean that divinity had no influence on him at all.

Hobert thought carefully about his behavior in the past two days. He noticed that he seemed to hate today's rules more and more. No matter what rules he encountered, he always wanted to break them.

Just like when he visited Dr. Allen yesterday, he could obviously use magical items to change his appearance and take a taxi to "see a doctor."

But at that time, Hobert felt very tired of the middle-class routine, visiting habits and so-called respectable behavior, so he simply pretended to be an acquaintance of Dr. Allen and went to visit.

Even if it would cause some trouble later, he felt it was acceptable.

Looking back now, Hobert realized that some time ago, he was breaking some of his habits and some of the principles he had set for himself.

But at that time, he was not so disgusted with normative things. This was obviously due to the influence of divinity unconsciously.

Regarding this, Hobert believes that he should be more vigilant, because there are some rules that are not necessary to break, or it is not cost-effective to violate some rules.

When encountering such rules, don't violate them if you can.

Taking a deep breath, Hobert calmed down and used "travel" to come to the Lord's Mansion in South Colson.

After asking the servants to tidy up his bedroom, Hobert went to the villa area to meet Lawrence of the Balk family, Barnett of the Tudor family, and Osmond of the Tunney family.

Hobert only personally greeted them when they arrived. After that, Hobert asked Donna, who had been promoted to "Sheriff", and the butler Dophis to entertain them.

In the past few days, Donna took the three families to visit the entire scenic area, as well as the plantations, factories and farmland on the West Bank, and explained to them the current governing strategy of South Colson, as well as some special policies.

At this time, the three families had a deep understanding of the South Colson area. The first thing they realized was that the power of the "Founder" actually had a place in the northern continent where the seven orthodox churches gathered.

Even though the South Colson area is small, with a population of only a few hundred thousand, as long as there is such a place, it means that the "Founder" has been widely recognized in the Northern Continent, and at least serves the organization of the "Founder". Like the Aurora Society and the Witch Cult, they are well-known secret organizations.

Secondly, they realized that the policies in this territory were hugely different from those in other places, which seemed to demonstrate some of the will of the "founders."

This made them further aware of the influence of gods on the real world.

Finally, there was their mutual suspicion. The reason why Hobert asked the three families to come together was to make the power loyal to the "creator" appear less weak.

So these three families all felt that they were just part of the "creator's" power.

Hobert met with the patriarchs of the three families respectively, and after briefly discussing the arrangements for the next few days, he used "travel" to reach the highest peak on the east coast of Full Moon Lake.

Under the still bright moonlight tonight, Hobert looked at his territory in front of him in a daze for a while.

At this time, Hobert felt somewhat unreal. This time last year, he was still a college student with only 15 pounds of pocket money.

Now Hobert's assets are not even clear to him. Whenever he has time, he is thinking about how to spend the money.

As for his current status, he is already an earl, with two territories, thousands of subordinates, a regular army of 3,000 people, and nearly 800,000 subjects.

And all of this only happened in the past year.

This makes Hobert not only feel that this mysterious world is magical, but his own destiny also seems very magical.

Thinking that he was about to organize a large-scale extraordinary war, Hobert couldn't help but feel a little excited, with a bit of "the world is in my hands" pride.

"You advanced as fast as if you were on a train!" Bernadette's voice suddenly sounded.

Hobert looked along the sound and saw Bernadette sitting on a swing surrounded by flowers and vines. The rope of the swing seemed to be tied to the void, and the top of the rope could not be seen.

Bernadette looked unreal, like a character on TV or in a movie.

She wore a very smart shirt, a pair of neutral pants, and a pair of boots with long shafts.

Her hairstyle is very fashionable, but it is obviously different from the hairstyles of women in the entire Northern Continent. It looks very elegant and chic.

Coupled with Bernadette's stern expression, Hobert had the illusion that he had met a beautiful woman in the square downstairs of the community.

Bernadette sat on the swing and swung forward, jumped off the swing surrounded by some unreal flowers and vines, and stood right in front of Hobert.

Her whole person immediately became real and no longer had any sense of illusion.

The swings, flowers, etc. behind her also disappeared.

Hobert smiled slightly and replied like a magician: "This is all a gift from the Lord."

Bernadette did not continue the topic, but asked: "I heard that you are going to fight an extraordinary war?"

"Yes, the opponent is the Witch Sect." Hobert said: "If you participate in the war, I will pay you a certain amount of compensation. As for the spoils, the sealed artifacts can be yours, and the extraordinary characteristics should be mine."

Bernadette asked again: "Do you have any chance of winning?"

"At present, the odds of winning are not small." Hobert replied.

Bernadette thought for a while and then said: "What kind of reward do you plan to give me?"

Hobert smiled and said: "A copy of the extraordinary characteristics of a 'occultist'."

He got this extraordinary characteristic from the second Aurora Society demigod he killed. It would be of no use keeping it in the "Country of Disorder". He might as well trade it with Bernadette.

Hobert added: "Of course, if there are no extraordinary characteristics at the demigod level among your captures, all the trophies of Elemental Dawn must belong to me, so that you can obtain this extraordinary characteristic."

The conditions offered by Hobert surprised Bernadette. There were currently only two demigods in Elemental Dawn, and Bernadette was one of them.

Although Cattleya is about to become a demigod, she is still one step away after all, and besides, she is still a member of the Moss Ascetic Order.

Even if Cattleya is promoted, Element Dawn's high-end combat power is very limited. This is why everyone knows that Element Dawn is fighting against the Moss Trappist Order, but they have never heard of a large-scale battle between them.

It is because the Dawn of Elements has always lacked high-end combat power, so it tries its best to avoid decisive battles, and the Moss Trappist Order is a relatively loose organization. Therefore, the two sides have been facing each other for more than a hundred years, but rarely fights have broken out.

Bernadette smiled and said, "It sounds like a good deal."

She said: "But in addition to these rewards, I also want you to make a promise."

Hobert asked, "What promise?"

"If I need some help, you can't just sit back and watch." Bernadette said, "Of course, I will also pay you."

Hobert probably guessed what kind of help Bernadette wanted from him: "No problem."

Bernadette nodded: "Tomorrow, the Beyonders from the Dawn of Elements will arrive at your Lord's Mansion one after another."

Hobert said: "I will do a good job of reception."

He added: "We will have a combat meeting around 10 a.m. the day after tomorrow. Please be sure to attend."

"No problem." Bernadette agreed and stretched out a hand. The swing she had been sitting on appeared again, but she still couldn't see where the top of the rope was.

Then flowers and mysterious-looking vines appeared. Bernadette sat on the swing and said, "Goodbye!"

She swung forward and disappeared from Hobert's sight.

After inviting the last foreign aid, Hobert also returned to the Lord's Mansion to rest.

As he lay down and was about to fall asleep, a picture suddenly appeared in Hobert's mind.

It was Emlyn who informed Hobert through Mr. Fool that the vampires had decided to send a demigod to join the battle.

Hobert sat up and smiled helplessly: "Do these vampires just like to discuss things in the middle of the night?"

However, before "The Fool" returned to bed, Hobert immediately prayed to "The Fool" and asked Mr. Fool to tell Emlyn: There will be a war meeting the day after tomorrow. Please come quickly and invite the demigods from the vampires to join the battle. Be sure to attend this meeting.

Then Hobert asked Mr. Fool to tell "The World" and also invited Mr. World to attend the meeting.

After doing this, Hobert was completely sleepless. He guessed that Klein should have been woken up by Emlyn, and he was completely sleepless at this time!

In this way, Hobert looked at the ceiling and thought about his thoughts until dawn.

On Friday morning, Forsi also came early because he had to receive many people today.

First, the Temperance Sect of the "Rose School" came in three groups under the leadership of Sharon and two other demigods.

They are different from Balk and other families. They are foreign aid forces, and relatively speaking, they are also guests.

Therefore, Hobert and Forsi had to receive them in person to avoid being rude.

Basically, they all gathered in Backlund and came through the "Traveller's Gate" set up by Hobert.

At noon, the power of Elemental Dawn came in two batches.

They use ancient space witchcraft, which they came from the sea and the northern continent respectively. Currently, only some members of the Elemental Dawn know how to use this witchcraft.

In the afternoon, the vampire count Rosalind led a dozen vampires, including Emlyn, to arrive.

At this point, all foreign aid forces have arrived.

After entertaining these foreign aids, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Hobert and Fors had just gone to the study to have a sip of tea, when the housekeeper Allen came to report that Mrs. April was here.

Hobert quickly came to the front yard and saw April waiting in the main hall. She looked in high spirits and her mental state was much better than the last time they met.

Apple also seemed to look at Hobert again: "My child, you look more energetic."

Hobert smiled slightly: "Mother, are you okay?"

"Thanks to the black jade ring you gave me." April said: "It helped me get through the most difficult moment."

Of course, Hobert's "mother" also plays a big role.

Hobert was very happy: "That's good, that's good!"

Then he said to Forsi who came in from behind: "Go and ask the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous dinner!"

"Maybe you need to prepare a few more tables." April smiled and said: "I heard that the Witch Sect is secretly gathering to attack South Colson?"

Hobert nodded: "Yes, but unfortunately I only know their two assembly points."

Therefore, he could only report to the Zhengshen Church twice. Otherwise, his first wave of reports would be enough to kill the Witch Sect.

April said: "I have long disliked these witches, so I also brought some extraordinary powers to join the battle."

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