Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 607 Hobert’s recruitment operation

During lunch, Fors told Hobert that someone was dealing with the extraordinary properties of the "Gate" pathway and the "Witch" pathway, and she knew that the spoils had not been divided yet.

Hobert didn't pay much attention and asked her to take as much as she had.

When the time came in the afternoon, Hobert first went to the "Land of Disorder" to bring out the extraordinary characteristics he had traded with Miss Sharon in the morning and asked the servants to deliver them to the Temperance Party.

At this time, guests had arrived one after another. Hobert first met Barnett, who was meticulously dressed and styled.

It's just that this "old gentleman" didn't look good at this time, because the Tudor family suffered the greatest losses in this war.

When the Witch Church launched a counterattack, its main targets were the Tudor family and Elemental Dawn.

Element Dawn is also headquartered on an island and often engages in naval battles, so its team combat capabilities are very good.

But the Tuduo family is different. Having been hidden for more than a thousand years, they have no idea about extraordinary wars!

If Barnett was not a Sequence 3 "Chaos Hunter", the three demigods of the Tudor family would probably all be wiped out in the war!

Fortunately, Hobert's support was timely and he quickly withstood the pressure of counterattack.

However, one demigod from the Tudor family was still killed in the battle, Barnet and another demigod were also injured, and about a quarter of the family members were killed in the battle.

"I will ask angels to help crush the extraordinary characteristics of the fallen members." Hobert said first: "It is up to you to decide how to distribute the crushed extraordinary characteristics."

Barnett's face improved a little.

Hobert continued: "In addition, I will give you the main material of the 'Law Mage' in my hand, the crystallization of the Article Spotted Tiger.

"It's up to you to decide who you want to hand it over to."

Barnett was visibly relaxed.

Hobert has already thought about compensation for the Tudor family: "Angus team will add ten more places, but the additional personnel will be selected by Angus.

"In Jeffrey City, free housing is provided for members of the Tudor family on a per-household basis. Members of the Tudor family are welcome to move in at any time."

Barnett finally had a smile on his face, and he was satisfied with the compensation given by Hobert.

Hobert asked again: "How is your condition? Is there any sign of losing control due to the injury?"

"My problem is not big." Barnett said: "But Darnell's condition is not very good."

Darnell is another demigod from the Tudor family. He once traded extraordinary characteristics with Hobert on behalf of the Tudor family.

Hobert nodded: "You can let him pray to the 'Creator'. I believe that with the help of the 'Creator', his condition will definitely improve."

"I'll tell Darnell," Barnett said.

Only then did he put the wooden box at hand on the table and push it towards Hobert.

Inside the wooden box were simply separated extraordinary properties. The Tudor family also gained a lot, because they had been in the fiercest battlefield and had two extraordinary properties of the "Witch of Despair".

Hobert said: "You have two choices. The first choice is to exchange for merit medals according to relevant regulations, but what I want to tell you is that now I don't have so many extraordinary characteristics of 'arbitrator'.

"You may not be able to exchange all the meritorious deeds you exchanged for into extraordinary characteristics. Instead, you can consider exchanging some sealed artifacts or extraordinary characteristics of the 'lawyer' path."

He paused and then said: "The second option is to form a team of 25 Beyonders, with the captain and team members designated by you.

"You just have to obey my command and be loyal to the 'creator'.

"After they are trained, they will be sent to the southern continent."

Barnett thought about it for a moment before saying: "I choose the second option."

Because the family had just suffered a lot of casualties, he would temporarily have many extraordinary characteristics available for use.

Barnett knew very well that the opportunity to designate a captain and team members might only be once, so he should cherish it. This may be the key to continuing the family's will in the power of the "founder".

Hobert smiled and said, "Okay."

In fact, no matter what choice Barnett makes, it is acceptable to Hobert, or it is the result he hopes to see.

This is the benefit of being a resource allocator.

With the end of this conversation, most of the Tudor family's forces were organized and received by Hobert, and they were prepared to play an important role in the subsequent operations on Longtail Island and the Southern Continent.

After seeing off Barnett, Lawrence of the Balk family was welcomed.

The family patriarch, who was a full head taller than Hobert, seized all the extraordinary characteristics of this battle and pushed them to Hobert.

Hobert also prepared for him 7 copies of the extraordinary characteristics of "Lawyer" and "Barbarian", 4 copies of the extraordinary characteristics of "briber" and "Corrupted Baron", and 2 copies of the extraordinary characteristics of "Chaos Tutor" .

"I won't let you suffer." Hobert smiled and said: "After you go back, you can choose three 'Chaos Mentors', then set up an altar, and describe their character and ability aloud by praying to the 'Creator', and Some previous deeds.

"In the end, the 'creator' will designate one of them and give him the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Fallen Earl'."

Lawrence was very happy and drew a gesture on his chest: "Praise the founder!"

In this case, the Balk family can add a demigod.

Hobert smiled and continued: "Elliot's team needs to be expanded to 25 people. As for you, Chief Lawrence, this is prepared for you according to the oracle."

Hobert handed Lawrence an exquisite wooden box. Lawrence seemed to realize something and opened the wooden box. It turned out to be a mask made of black crystal.

This is the symbol of "God's Favored One"!

Lawrence was so excited that he almost shed tears, feeling like he had finally been recognized by the gods.

He carefully touched the mask and suddenly felt that there seemed to be a power in the mask that was very consistent with his own extraordinary characteristics! And this power level is very high!

This surprised Lawrence, but he also took it for granted.

The things given by the gods must be very high-end.

"I believe you have heard of its function." Hobert smiled: "It has extremely high-level anti-divination capabilities and can effectively prevent loss of control."

"Yes." Lawrence closed the lid carefully: "I heard Elliot talk about it."

He carefully put away the mask and seemed to cherish it very much.

Hobert added: "In addition, for you and the Balk family, the 'founder' will personally make arrangements."

He smiled: "Congratulations, we will be on the same level from now on."

These words really made Lawrence shed tears of excitement. Originally, he thought it would be this "god's favored one" who would recruit the Balk family, but he didn't expect that it would be the "founder" himself.

So the gains from this battle are really great!

Hobert continued: "Let us pray to the Creator."

As he spoke, Hobert stood up, knelt down on the soft cushion that had been prepared nearby, clasped his hands together, put his chin on his head, and made a prayer gesture.

"Large" is online.

Lawrence slowed down for a moment, then immediately followed and knelt down to pray.

Just after whispering the honorable name of 'The Creator' silently, Lawrence's mind immediately had the majestic image of 'The Creator'.

“The Founder” said in a rich voice: “From today on, in my name, I will spread the light and shadow of order.

“When you are in danger, you can pray to me, if you have any requests, you can pray to me, if you have doubts in your heart, you can pray to me.

"My orders are my will, and my thoughts are your will. Do not allow any disloyal thoughts."

Lawrence was moved to tears and kept saying: "Praise the creator!"

The “Founder” began to issue specific orders: “Go back and organize all the fighting forces of the Balk family, organize them, and prepare them for deployment at any time.

“From now on, they are first loyal to my extraordinary power, and then members of the Balk family.

“You must always be prepared for the next great changes, expand your power, and gain true dominance.

"Hobert will explain the specific plan to you."

After speaking in general terms, the image of the "creator" disappears.

Lawrence sat there for a long time and couldn't help himself. This was an order from the "creator", an order given directly to him. This was the legendary "oracle"!

After more than half a minute, Lawrence regained his thinking ability and began to think about the "creator's" order.

At this time, Hobert had sat down again, lifted the teapot, and refilled Lawrence's tea.

Lawrence stood up, thanked him first, and then asked: "The 'creator' said that he wants to ask you about the specific plan?"

Hobert said seriously: "The 'Founder's' plan in the Southern Continent has two parts. The first part is to build a light industrial base, a heavy industrial base, and a large agricultural production base in the Southern Continent.

“All the investment and technical aspects of these constructions are handled by me.

"You have to help find a safe location. When building, you have to think about how to protect these places."

Hobert paused and then said: "The second part is to gather as much extraordinary power as possible to the Southern Continent within three months!

“At the same time, during this time period, all the extraordinary powers of the Balk family should take turns to go to South Colson to complete the official Beyonder training.

“Only those who have completed the official Beyonder training can enjoy the formal official Beyonder treatment.

“I will then send out statistics and audit personnel to become official members of the Beyonders, and their merits and salaries can be exchanged for meritorious service.

"At present, I will be distributing the merits for the time being. I will give you the relevant documents in a moment regarding the specific usage of the merits."

Lawrence nodded, picked up the teacup and drank tea, and said to himself: These tasks are not difficult to complete. After all, the Balk family has now participated in the extraordinary rule of two generals and a local king. As long as there are enough funds, There is no problem in expropriating a few pieces of land.

Then he sighed in his heart: From today on, family members are all official Beyonders. This is something worth celebrating.

But suddenly Hobert asked, "Do you know what this means?"

Lawrence was stunned when asked: "What?"

Hobert said seriously: "Lay the foundation for the founding of the country."

Lawrence was startled and dropped the teacup in his hand.

Hobert waved his hand and used his "exploitation" ability, and the teacup dropped instead of falling slowly.

Lawrence quickly caught the teacup: Jianguo! The "founder" wants to establish a country in the Southern Continent! Dominate South Colson and Long Tail Island in just two tries! The ultimate goal is to build a nation!

Hobert added: "Only a few of the 'God's Favored' have received the relevant orders, so don't announce this news for the time being."

"I know." Lawrence put down the tea cup with a somewhat trembling hand. Of course he knew that this would be the highest level secret.

Then he let out a sigh of relief. His family used to be the royal family of the Northern Continent, but now, it has long been tortured by the curse of the family and has lost its ambition for the country.

Even he, the patriarch, felt a little unreal after hearing the concept of Jianguo.

Hobert added: "You go back to acquire land first. Write to me how much money you need and I will raise it as soon as possible."

He is going to let Audrey supervise the money, and the initial investment plan is 500,000 pounds!

With the current size of "Earl's Light", such a sum of money can be transferred just by making false accounts.

In the future, apart from part of the massive funds earned by "Earl's Light", which will be set aside for dividends, he will use all of them to invest in the Southern Continent.

Of course, doing so seriously violates relevant financial regulations, as well as regulations on shareholders, dividends and other business practices, so there must be an absolutely trustworthy person to operate and supervise.

That person is Audrey.

Hobert also knew that with Audrey's character, she would feel very guilty if she did such a thing, but Hobert had already thought of how to persuade this kind-hearted noble lady.

This idea flashed through Hobert's mind. He chatted with Lawrence for a few more words about gathering extraordinary power, and then politely sent the newly promoted "god's favored one" away.

Hobert took a short rest before continuing to meet Jonathan and Monica, who had been waiting for more than half an hour.

After the two people came in, they first saw the stone boxes, wooden boxes, leather bags, etc. piled next to Hobert.

"Sit down." Hobert smiled and said, "I've kept you waiting for a long time."

After the three people took their seats, Hobert still poured them tea and then looked at them.

Jonathan took out a small wooden box and handed it to Hobert.

The wooden box was opened, and inside was a space the size of a wooden box, which contained the captures from this battle, including the captured sealed items.

According to the previous agreement, all the spoils they obtained from the war against the Witch Sect belong to Hobert.

Their loot was not much, because in this battle, the Extraordinaries of the "Gate" path in the Gnosis Council mainly acted as scouts and quick support tasks, while only the Extraordinaries of the "Witch" path participated in the front-line During the battle.

Hobert nodded and put the wooden box aside.

"This is an extraordinary characteristic that needs to be shattered." Jonathan handed over another small cloth bag, which also had space magic on it.

Hobert smiled and took it: "I'll give it to you the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Jonathan and Monica looked at each other before saying, "We have a request."

Hobert made a sign of please speak.

The person who made this request was Monica, who still had her charm: "We hope to increase the number of people in Helen's team."

After witnessing the power of the "Creator", the entire Gnosis Council has undergone a huge change towards the "Creator".

Previously, most members of the Council felt that the power of the "Founder" was similar to that of the Gnosis Society before the split.

It was not until this war that the forces of the "Founder" exploded with frightening strength, and actually had a huge advantage in the head-on war with the Witch Sect!

So the current council complained that when Jonathan was negotiating the conditions before, the number of official Beyonders was reduced.

Hobert sighed and said: "There are not that many places."

Both Jonathan and Monica were a little disappointed.

"But I expect that there will be some quotas next year at the latest." Hobert smiled: "If there is another extraordinary war before then, I will give priority to the quotas for the Gnosis Council."

Finally, he said: "After all, when I first came to South Colson, we had relatively good cooperation."

Both Jonathan and Monica sighed in their hearts: Fortunately, they decided to cooperate with Hobert against all odds!

Hobert smiled and said: "In addition, I will form two research groups. You can pay attention to the relevant announcements. If you are interested, you can go and take a look."

In this battle, a large number of extraordinary characteristics of the "Witch" pathway and the "Gate" pathway were obtained. If they were only used by Helen's team, it is estimated that one-tenth of them would not be used by the end of the world and the turn of the era.

And if it was sold to the Zhengshen Church, Hobert didn't think it was appropriate.

When Hobert was alone before, it was normal to exchange extraordinary characteristics for money.

But now that Hobert is the leader of an extraordinary organization, his thoughts have also changed. Since there is such an extraordinary characteristic of forming a large-scale organization, why not form his own extraordinary power in this way?

Because Hobert didn't have a complete plan at the moment, he only gave a rough idea. Jonathan and Monica didn't understand what Hobert meant, so they didn't take it too seriously.

"Before this, members of the Gnosis Council can continue to live on the dock island." Hobert said: "If you want to buy a house in Jeffrey City, you can enjoy a 50% discount.

“If you want to buy a house and settle in Longwei Island, you can enjoy a 40% discount.

"Of course, the premise of all this is that you must obey the relevant local management. After registering with the government department, you will all enjoy the rights that citizens should have."

The reason why houses on Longwei Island are so cheap is mainly because Hobert's previous operations on the island cut off the financial resources of many Loen people, and they were forced to leave Longwei Island.

Before leaving, they hoped to sell their properties and assets that could not be taken away, but at that time most of the Loen people were leaving the island, and no one was willing to take these assets.

And the local indigenous people don’t have much money.

Therefore, a large number of properties and assets were abandoned. The Governor's Mansion, which had conducted an asset census, of course confiscated all of them without hesitation.

Jonathan and Monica were quite satisfied with the conditions given by Hobert.

For them, as long as they live in South Colson or Longtail Island, they don't have to worry about safety.

After seeing off the two members of the Gnosis Council, Hobert's work came to an end. He took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Above the gray mist, it looked like a palace for giants.

This Tarot session has come to the stage of free communication.

"Justice" Audrey glanced at the empty "Emperor" position, and then asked towards the bottom of the long bronze table: "Mr. World, is the war started by the 'Creator' over?"

Although she had already heard that Kristen appeared in Backlund today.

Then the war should be over, and Duke Christian and Hobert should not be too seriously injured, otherwise Audrey must have gotten the news.

But she still wanted to confirm it here in the "world".

Others are also very curious about this matter. Among them, "Star" Leonard in Backlund has heard some news, but does not know the authenticity of the news.

Other members, except "Moon" Emlyn who participated in the battle, and "Magician" Forsi who was responsible for part of the logistics work, have not received any relevant news.

"The World" sitting at the bottom said in a hoarse voice: "The war is over."

"Hermit" Cattleya asked: "Did you win?"

"The World" said in his usual way of describing: "From today on, the power of the Witch Sect in the Northern Continent will almost collapse, and many courtesans from various countries will disappear."

Everyone was a little surprised, and each of them sighed in his heart about the power of this extraordinary war.

"The Hanged Man" Alger said to himself: If I hadn't received the news in advance, I would have found it hard to believe that a first-class secret organization could be almost disintegrated in just one war!

Audrey smiled slightly: This is the "creator", this is Hobert! A force dedicated to fighting evil forces!

Then she thought: Mr. World also joined the battle on behalf of Mr. Fool's power, another collaboration between the two gods.

Cattleya recalled Mr. Fool’s reminder last week: Times have changed because of this!

She thought: Obviously the god who will move the times in the future is Adam! They are the "creators", Mr. Fool, these gods of the old era!

At this time, Emlyn raised his chin and said: "From now on, the members of this organization can only survive by hiding in the corner carefully."

Everyone was slightly startled, what's the matter with the "moon"?

But everyone immediately realized: Mr. Moon also joined the war!

Forsi was already thinking about the vampire members he had seen and wanted to find Mr. Moon among them.

But she quickly gave up, because the male members of the vampire clan looked very arrogant, and many of them liked to raise their chins.

At this time, Alger asked: "How much extraordinary power has the 'Creator' sent out?"

"The World" seemed to recall for a moment before saying: "There are three Beyonder families loyal to the 'Creator', and an organization loyal to the 'Creator'."

The organization he was talking about was the Gnosis Council.

Because they were responsible for scouting during the battle, and after the war began, they were responsible for support and logistics.

The key is that they are not like the members of the Elemental Dawn and the Temperance Faction, who occasionally fish for fish. They are very dedicated in this battle, so Klein mistakenly thinks that they are loyal to the "creator".

"The World" continued: "There are also the Church of the Earth Mother, the Dawn of Elements, the Temperance Faction of the Rose School, and the Blood Race participating in the war. There is also an organization that seems to be established by the Trunsoest family."

The so-called "organization established by the Trunsoest family" refers to Apple's organization. Because Hobert called Apple mother, Klein thought it was an affiliated organization of Trunsoest.

Everyone is very surprised by this lineup!

Leonard first asked: "The Church of the Mother Earth also participated in the war?"

"Yes." The World simply replied.

In Leonard's view, this is a war between two secret organizations. If the Orthodox Church joins the war, the nature will change.

As for Element Dawn's participation in the war, it is not surprising. After all, the "Emperor" made an appointment with the "Queen of Mystery" at the last Tarot meeting.

When they heard about the Blood Clan, everyone was not disturbed. Similarly, last week, the "Emperor" also proposed an alliance to the Blood Clan.

It is reasonable for the temperance faction to participate in the war. The "Emperor" had a deal with the temperance faction a long time ago.

And although "The World" did not explain it, Mr. Fool's power must have participated in the war under the leadership of "The World". After all, they are allies.

But when these very reasonable organizations are added together, it's terrifying.

Cattleya made a rough calculation and found that there should be about 600 extraordinary people participating in the battle on the "creator" side alone.

Since she entered the extraordinary world, she has never seen so many extraordinary people at once in any battle.

Audrey asked curiously: "Mr. World, what is the specific situation of the battle? Are there angel-level forces participating in the battle?"

"Yes!" "The World" replied: "During the evacuation, I even went to the angel-level battlefield to see it.

"There is a midsummer snowfield there, and a bottomless rift valley!"

Everyone followed this description and tried to imagine how fierce the battle between angels would be, but they soon discovered that they lacked relevant materials in their minds and could not imagine the specific scene at all.

"The World" added: "In addition, the 'Creator' also took action and directly destroyed the headquarters of the Witch Sect."

Because he did not dare to spread his spirituality at that time, and Sharon was by his side. He did not enter "Above the Gray Mist" and did not know the specific battle situation.

Therefore, he thought that the corpse of the ancient god of death entered the battle because the "creator" took action.

The other members who were still thinking about the angel battle scene just now smiled in relief: After all, it is a god, and it is normal to not be able to imagine what kind of abilities it has!

South Colson, Lord's House.

Hobert came to the backyard, the courtyard where April lived.

All her subordinates were accommodated in the hotel, and only April stayed in the Lord's Mansion.

The beautiful and dignified April was not surprised by Hobert's arrival. She smiled and asked, "Are you done?"

"Almost." Hobert smiled.

April nodded, and when she raised her hand, a small hazy door appeared in the room.

The door opened, and a standing cabinet made of spiky bones that was larger than the wardrobe came out.

Hobert's spiritual feeling was that this standing cabinet seemed to be a spiritual creature.

Aprile snapped her fingers, and the cabinet door opened on its own. Inside was an arch made of crystal. The center of the arch was very illusory, and the space behind the arch could not be seen clearly.

"Try to keep it in a closed space with nothing, and further seal it." April said: "It will constantly lure people around to enter this door, and then send them to a certain corner of the universe. .

"And there is a certain probability that it will be sent to the 'Primordial Moon'.

"I haven't figured out the other negative effects yet. You can figure it out on your own, but you must be careful. It's best to have a higher-sequence helper."

Hobert smiled and said: "Mother, this trophy..."

Before he could finish speaking, Aipuli smiled and said, "Just think of it as a return gift of your piece of black jade."

"But the trophies obtained by my subordinates should be disposed of in the auction house."

Then she spread her hands and said: "Our organization is a bit special. Although I can order them to fight, I have no power to ask them to hand over their spoils."

Hobert sighed: "This has exceeded my expectations."

At noon, Hobert heard the news from Forsi that someone was dealing with the trophies. The auction house had just sent Hobert all the extraordinary characteristics it had received.

For him, receiving those trophies for just a little money was indeed beyond his expectations.

Originally, Hobert had promised some benefits, but according to April, her subordinates had no intention of asking for any benefits.

After chatting with April for a while, Hobert returned to the main hall of the front yard again.

His work is not over yet, but the rest is a tribute to his own people.

After receiving the notice, Angus, Helen, Elliot and Shear came to the side hall to present the spoils of war.

The first three represent the Special Operations Division, while Schill represents the military.

This time, Hobert also arranged for the military's Extraordinaries to participate in the battle, but they were more responsible for cleaning the battlefield. This gave them the opportunity to watch the Extraordinaries fight.

After this period of development, the military already has three Sequence 7s, and the total number of Sequence 8s and Sequence 9s is more than a dozen, which is already a moderately extraordinary force.

There were a lot of trophies presented by Sil, but they were basically obtained from the headquarters of the Witch Sect during the process of cleaning the battlefield, and they were all Extraordinaries killed by the corpses of the ancient gods of death.

There were only two trophies that belonged to them, but Sil was not discouraged, because the way military extraordinary men earned merit was not in such battles. They now basically earned merit in battles against pirates.

Angus and three other people went through a ceremony to arrange the gift before the war, and each of them received the temporary use right of a level 1 sealed item from the "creator".

Each team also got the temporary use rights of 5 more level 2 sealed objects, so the total of the loot turned in by the three of them was quite considerable.

It’s just that there are no demigod-level trophies in it.

After converting the trophies they submitted into relevant merits, Hobert seemed to say to Angus: "Ten more places have been added to your team. You will return to the family to select people in the next two days."

Angus nodded happily: "Yes!"

In this way, his subordinates reached 35 people! This is larger than the extraordinary organizations established by most wild demigods.

Hobert said to Helen: "At the right time, I will initiate a battle with the Mountain God Church. You must take the main force of the second team to participate!"

Helen smiled and said: "No problem!"

This is what the members of the second team are looking forward to. After all, it is too slow to earn merit just by investigating cases.

Finally, Hobert said to Elliot: "Next, the eastern port where you are stationed will be opened, so the number of your subordinates will also increase.

“This is the last time to replenish manpower from the Balk family, because the Balk family accepted the reorganization of the ‘Founder’.

"If you want to replenish manpower in the future, you can only choose from the two seminars."

Elliot didn't know what Hobert meant by the research conference, but he was still very happy. After all, this was the family's long-standing expectation.

This made both Angus and Helen very envious, because after this battle, they also hoped that their family or organization would be incorporated by the "founder".

After the four of them left, Hobert sighed helplessly.

After the Tony family's team and the Tudor family's second team are formed, he will have 125 official Beyonders.

That's not all. When the Balk family's power is reorganized, the number is likely to exceed 200!

In terms of the current size of the territory, such official power is too bloated.

But these official extraordinary people need to be trained in advance and make corresponding preparations in advance. They must prepare for the war in the northern continent now!

Hobert lamented: This is equivalent to an early investment.

Next, Hobert invited Mr. Dophis.

After taking his seat, Mr. Dophis handed over an extraordinary characteristic of the "Witch of Despair", which was his only trophy in this battle.

Hobert smiled and said: "I have clues about the Ferryman's extraordinary characteristics. If you need it, I can help you get it."

Now that the Artificial God of Death is gone, the sealed object obtained by killing the feathered snake can be crushed into extraordinary properties for use.

In addition, Hobert also remembered that there was a stranded ghost ship on the island he and Alger had explored before. The person on the ghost ship was most likely a "ferryman" in a very strange state.

"It's not needed yet." As Dophis recovered more and more memories, his character became more and more cold: "I need time to digest the potion."

Hobert asked: "How long do you think it will take to digest the potion?"

"Resurrection three times."

Hobert opened his mouth: "After 180 years?"

He remembered that the interval between each resurrection of the "immortal" was 60 years.

Dophis said with a somewhat indifferent expression: "Perhaps the 'Creator' can help me digest the magic potion."

He explained: "As far as I know, Extraordinaries of 'Prince Slayer' and above can 'tamper' with the interval between each death of the 'Undead' from 60 years to 60 days."

Hobert felt a little helpless in his heart: You may not imagine that the "Creator" currently only has Sequence 3.

But he thought about it again. In theory, the status of the "creator" should be enough, and he could give it a try: "Leave this matter to me. I will pray to the 'creator' for help."

Dophis drank up the tea in front of him, stood up and said, "If there is another war like this, remember to call me."

Then he said: "I'm going back to Backlund."

Without waiting for Hobert to reply, he had already left the side hall.

Hobert, who knew Dophis well, could tell that the words he said when he stood up were an implicit way of expressing "at your disposal at any time."

The last person Hobert met was Archibald.

The two people sat across from each other, and Hobert smiled and said: "In the blink of an eye, we have been working together for more than half a year."

Archibald also sighed: "Yes, time flies so fast."

Hobert said: "I would like to thank the 'creator' for sending me such a capable assistant."

"I am also very grateful to the 'creator' for saving me back then." Archibald seemed to have realized something and dealt with it carefully.

Hobert stood up: "Let us pray to the 'Creator' together."

"This is exactly what I expected."

So the two men knelt down on the cushions together and prayed to the Creator.

Soon, Archibald felt the gaze from the "creator".

In the past six months, Archibald has prayed to the "Creator" every few days to absorb the pollution from his body, so he is very familiar with the gaze of the "Creator".

This time the "creator" stared at him for seven or eight seconds before beginning to absorb the pollution from him.

During those seven or eight seconds, Hobert was watching Archibald to see if he had mutated due to such a long period of pollution, or if he had any arrangements from that little boy?

After careful observation, Hobert confirmed that Archibald only had ordinary trace amounts of contamination on his body. After it was completely absorbed, there would be nothing strange.

Archibald felt all the pollution on his body being sucked away, and he excitedly said repeatedly: "Praise the Creator! Praise the Creator!"

After praising him for more than ten seconds, he smiled and said to Hobert as if he had come back to his senses: "Thank you to the 'God's Favored One'."

After all, half a year ago, the "creator" ordered Hobert to observe his conduct. Now the "creator" has completely removed the pollution from him. Of course, it was Hobert who made the relevant report.

"The main thing is that your performance in the past six months has earned the trust of the 'Creator'." Hobert smiled and said: "The 'Creator' has issued an oracle. From today on, you will officially become my deputy.

"Mainly responsible for war planning, military training and deployment, and the cultivation of military extraordinary people."

Archibald smiled and said, "I'm good at this."

Hobert asked again: "If you get another main material of 'Ancient Scholar', can you be promoted to a real 'Ancient Scholar'?"

"Yes." Archibald said: "Not long after I was born, I mastered my own extraordinary characteristics."

Hobert nodded and said: "I have another clue about the main material of 'Ancient Scholar', and I will work hard to facilitate related transactions."

Archibald immediately said: "I will always show my loyalty to the 'Creator' and to you."

Hobert nodded, this is a smart man.

After Archibald left, the work of dividing the spoils and praising his subordinates came to an end.

Hobert breathed a long sigh of relief. He had fought all day yesterday and spent a tense day today. After suddenly relaxing, he felt a little tired.

Looking at the sunset outside, Hobert showed a somewhat tired smile: After this battle, the "founder" has the qualifications to carve up the world.

Central Plateau, the destroyed headquarters of the Witch Sect.

There was a priest wearing a simple white robe and a pale golden beard that covered the lower half of his face. He looked very ordinary, so ordinary that no living being would notice him.

It is Adam, the "King of Angels".

He looked at the rubble on the ground in front of the former stone statue of the "Original Witch".

After a long time, he spoke: "Where did He come from? Why does He seem so abrupt in this world? Who gave Him the destiny to re-create the order of the world?"

South Colson early Tuesday morning.

The West Bank's Picking Festival officially opened. Due to the popularity and surprises of the previous tourism festival, this time the Picking Festival once again attracted a large number of tourists.

The West Bank does not have as many dense buildings as the East Bank. Here, more emphasis is placed on creating pastoral scenery.

The only thing that doesn't fit in well with the pastoral scenery may be the long food street.

Klein arrived early and was hesitant about what to eat first.

At this time, he saw a very familiar food, pork belly cooked with spices and a little vinegar, and green chili, sandwiched in a round pancake.

Klein was stunned: Damn it! Isn't it Roujiamo?

Could this delicacy also come from Russell's notes?

Thanks to [Tutu Loves Fish] for the tip.

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