Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 611 Klein plans to hunt Amon’s clone

"The Hanged Man" Alger was a little surprised: "The dark side of the universe" is the "Devil King" Fabuti? This, this feels like taking off a layer of mask.

Then he thought: I really don’t understand how these gods divided themselves? What will happen after the split?

"The Fool" Klein thought: Fabuti's failure is inevitable. After all, he only has the True God level, while the 'Mother Tree of Desire' has the old level. Even if we don’t know why, these outer gods cannot project too much power into the real world, but in many cases the little power they project will be a little higher than the real gods.

"Hermit" Cattleya thought: I heard that the "dark side of the universe" occasionally answers prayers, so according to the "Emperor"'s description, Fabuti is affecting the real world through his identity as the "dark side of the universe", and Fabuti is influencing the real world. Buti himself went into hiding?

At most, the other members have heard of the "dark side of the universe" and don't know the specific situation, so they have no corresponding associations.

"Emperor" Hobert continued: "The struggle between Fabuti and the 'Mother Tree of Desire' can be roughly divided into three stages. The first stage is when Fabuti hides and the 'Mother Tree of Desire' searches.

“The second stage is when the ‘Mother Tree of Desire’ finds Farbuti, and Farbuti has to face the ‘Mother Tree of Desire’ head-on, but if it is a head-on fight, Farbuti knows that he is definitely no match.

“So He divided the ‘Dark Side of the Universe’ and used the ‘Dark Side of the Universe’ to pull against the ‘Mother Tree of Desire’.

“In this way, even if the ‘dark side of the universe’ is contaminated, Farbuti’s body can effectively avoid contamination.

"At the same time, Fabuti can also use the 'Mother Tree of Desire' to compete for control of the 'dark side of the universe', allowing the 'Mother Tree of Desire' to focus its main energy on this 'battlefield'."

Klein smiled: What a move to turn retreat into advance!

"Justice" Audrey thought: The struggle at the level of gods becomes... unimaginable!

"The third stage is the stalemate stage. The 'Mother Tree of Desire' still cannot fully control the 'dark side of the universe'." Hobert said:

"Fabuti, who is hiding in the dark, has no chance of winning in the battle for the 'dark side of the universe' so far, but he will not lose for a while.

"So they got into a stalemate."

He paused and then said: "Also, as far as I know, since Farbuti went into hiding, he basically stopped responding to the prayers of the 'devils'.

“According to Fabuti himself, he once used the ‘dark side of the universe’ to give some oracles, asking all ‘demons’ to pray to the ‘dark side of the universe’.

“But there are still many ‘devils’ who are smart and think that their king has encountered some difficulties or may have been sealed by some force.

“So some of them continued to pray to the ‘Demon King’, while others simply offered sacrifices directly to the ‘Abyss’.

“Although Farbuti has not responded to them, the prayers and sacrifices themselves still caused a lot of trouble to Farbuti.

“Everyone should have heard that there are three ‘Devil Families’ in the extraordinary world. Among them, the Andrelade Family and the Beria Family began to decline more than a thousand years ago.

"The reason for their decline is that they always sacrificed to Farbuti, which put Farbuti in a very dangerous situation, so Farbuti simply killed the angels of these two families."

Klein leaned back in his chair: Every god who needs to be hidden has some followers who are as smart as they are. The same is true for the Hades Emperor Salinger. His followers made his resurrection plan very tortuous. "Demon King" Fabuti wanted to hide to avoid a direct conflict with the "Mother Tree of Desire", but the "devils" repeatedly "called" to him.

"Star" Leonard crossed his arms: It turns out that the two "Devil Families" began to weaken because of this.

Then he thought: From the information available to me at my level, I only know that two "Devil Families" have become weak, but the information does not explain why they have become weak. I wonder if the church has complete information on this issue?

"Moon" Emlyn smiled: It was Fabuti's misfortune to encounter these brainless demons. Like us vampires, although we know the state of our ancestors or that they are in a bad situation, we have never offered sacrifices or prayed randomly. , just waiting quietly for some response from the ancestor.

The knowledgeable Cattleya has already made a guess: "Are those 'demons' affected by something? Otherwise, why would they disobey the oracle of the 'dark side of the universe'?"

Hobert smiled: "I think so too, the 'Mother Tree of Desire' can easily have a certain impact on both the 'criminal' and the 'prisoner' paths.

"The 'Mother Tree of Desire' probably realized that the 'dark side of the universe' was just a bait, so it tried to influence the 'devils' to offer sacrifices and pray to Fabuti and find the whereabouts of Fabuti.

“And if the ‘devils’ were allowed to pray, Farbuti would risk exposing his hiding place, so he had no choice but to kill the angels from those two families.

"But it also exposes Farbuti's plan, because even if the 'Dark Side of the Universe' is allowed to kill those demons, it means that the conjecture of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' has been confirmed. The 'Dark Side of the Universe' is really It's just a bait.

"This is where the genius of Fabuti's plan comes to light. Even if the 'Mother Tree of Desire' knows that the 'Dark Side of the Universe' is a bait, it cannot just sit idly by.

“So the ‘Mother Tree of Desire’, which had difficulty penetrating power into the real world, had to fight on two fronts.

“On the one hand, we must continue to fight for control of the ‘dark side of the universe’, and on the other hand, we must also search for the whereabouts of the ‘Demon King’ Farbuti.

"But Fabuti can hide and just compete with the 'Mother Tree of Desire' for control of the 'dark side of the universe'."

Alger suddenly realized: This is a struggle between gods, with unimaginable wisdom and methods.

Leonard lamented: Is this really just the "Emperor's" speculation? Why is his guess always so detailed? It's like... it's like he also participated in the planning.

Cattleya breathed a sigh of relief: I had never had any idea about the 'criminal' path before, but I didn't expect that there were so many stories behind this path.

Then she noticed: Why would the "Emperor" say that the "Mother Tree of Desire" tends to have a certain impact on the two pathways of "criminals" and "prisoners"?

Klein also thought about this question: Could it be that the "Mother Tree of Desire" has a certain connection with some extraordinary paths in the real world?

At this time, Hobert said again: "According to some information I got, the abyss seems to be a little strange now. It is said that even demons can't survive there.

"Based on what we learned about the struggle between the 'Mother Tree of Desire' and Fabuti, it is not difficult to make a corresponding guess: 'Abyss' should have been affected by the 'Mother Tree of Desire', so some changes have occurred.

“It may even be the influence of the ‘Mother Tree of Desire’ on some ‘demons’ through the abyss, so that they have been praying and offering sacrifices to Farbuti.

“In short, there have been some changes in the abyss, some not so good changes.

“In addition, we must beware of the Extraordinaries of the ‘Devil’ pathway. This pathway represents depravity and malice. The ‘Prisoner’ pathway can also control one’s desires and distortions through restraint.

"But according to my observation, the Extraordinaries of the 'Criminal' path basically have no good intentions after going through the 'Cold-blooded' sequence. Even if they don't act as 'Devils', their Extraordinary characteristics will gradually make them evil. .”

As soon as Hobert finished speaking, Leonard immediately said: "The Extraordinaries of this path are originally the enemies of all our Extraordinaries."

Alger also made a rare positive statement: "Yes, the appearance of 'devils' is generally accompanied by heinous tragedies. They... they seem to like to destroy all good or well-intentioned things."

Audrey and Forsi both recalled the "serial murder" case last year. One of them nodded and the other said "yes" to express their agreement.

At this time, "The World" suddenly said: "I have received a piece of news that Amon's clone can enter and exit the 'Forsaken Land' through the 'abyss'!"

Before everyone could be surprised, he asked again: "Do the changes in the 'Abyss' have any impact on Amon?"

Cattleya and others were surprised by Amon's methods. They didn't expect that he could even use the "abyss"!

Only Derrick the Sun looked at The World: "Mr. World, are you saying that you can reach your world from the Land Abandoned by God through the Abyss?"

It was Hobert who answered his question: "Amon can use the 'abyss' because he is the King of Angels.

"I think only angels or higher levels can guarantee that they will not fall immediately in the 'abyss'. According to legend, even angels will fall in the 'abyss'. It can be seen that even if you reach the angel level, you cannot fall in the 'abyss' Rikuru.

"So don't think about using the 'Abyss' to leave the 'Land Abandoned by Gods', otherwise everyone in Silver City will easily turn into demons!"

"Little Sun" was not that disappointed: "I understand. Thank you for your answer."

Then Hobert went to answer Klein's question: "Theoretically, the changes in the 'Abyss' will have little impact on Amon's actions."

"The World" thought thoughtfully for a few seconds and then asked: "So, can Amon's clone use the 'abyss' to quickly support other clones?"

Hobert smiled: "I feel that it should be easier for his clone to do this through the spirit world."

Of course, Klein also thought of this. He asked just to confirm his own thoughts: In other words, Amon's clone would most likely use the "abyss" to enter and leave the "Land Abandoned by Gods".

So he controlled the "world" and said to the head of the long bronze table: "Dear Mr. Fool, I hope to communicate with the 'Emperor' and 'Stars' alone."

Leonard was slightly stunned, wondering what Klein wanted from him.

However, Hobert roughly guessed what Klein wanted to do.

After establishing a separate communication environment, "The World" said in a hoarse voice: "I met Amon's clone in Backlund."

Hobert said "Sure enough" in his heart, and then asked knowingly: "Backlund?"

Leonard is already considering whether to leave Backlund with the old man, or whether to hide in the church during this period and not go out?

Then he carefully checked whether "The World" had the habit of wearing a monocle.

"Yes, the suburbs of Backlund." Klein manipulated "The World" and added: "He seems to be attracted by a demigod from the Jacob family, but I don't know if this is his real purpose."

Hobert smiled and said: "Perhaps that guy is here to find the 'Creator' or the one favored by the 'Fool'."

After becoming Sequence 3, when he faced Amon's clone again, he would be more confident than before.

Of course, in a head-on battle, it would still be impossible to win, but he was confident that he could run.

This is Hobert's "confidence". After all, as long as he is not killed instantly, it is not difficult to deal with Amon's clone or something, but he may not even have a chance to escape.

Leonard was slightly startled: Are you here to see the old man? And the words of the "Emperor" seem to have some profound meaning!

Hobert asked Klein: "What are your plans?"

"Positive response."

Hobert nodded, glanced at Leonard, and asked as if without knowing anything: "This Mr. Star...?"

"The World" explains: "He can contact an angel of the 'Stealer' path."

Hobert said "Oh", seeming to think of the information "Star" had traded about the Zoroastrian family before.

Then Hobert said: "You also know that I participated in an operation to hunt for Amon's clone..."

Leonard didn't change much on the surface, but he was very surprised on the inside: What? Did I hear it wrong? Has he participated in the hunt for Amon's clone?

Then, he carefully observed whether the "Emperor" had the habit of wearing a monocle.

"...The most important thing about such an action is its stealth!" Hobert continued: "If we cannot isolate the spread of information between Amon's clones, after the battle begins, batches of clones will be attracted.

"It would be best if we can ask the goddess of the night for help in this operation."

Klein said: "After the Tarot session is over, I will perform the corresponding prayer ceremony."

Leonard was a little confused: Will the goddess respond to Klein's prayer?

However, although he is a night watcher, he does not dare to pray to the goddess of the night. He does not think that when performing the corresponding rituals, the goddess will not notice that there is a "stealer" channel angel "living" in her body.

Hobert added: "The power to deal with Amon's clone must be sufficient."

"The Fool will send an angel to participate in the battle, and that is a Sequence 1." Klein was referring to the "Snake of Destiny" Will Auceptin, who has already confirmed that he will participate in the battle.

Then he looked at Leonard: "Will the angel behind you join the battle?"

Sequence 1! Leonard was a little surprised at first, then took a deep breath and said, "I can't make a decision for him, but if it's 'secret' enough and our power is strong enough, I think he will join the battle."

Klein looked at Hobert again, and Hobert smiled and said, "I don't dare to help the Creator make decisions, but the Creator doesn't like Amon either.

"In addition, I want to inform you in advance that the 'Creator' will not send angels to Backlund at the moment."

Hobert suddenly felt like two braggadocios were sitting together chatting. One said that The Fool would send an angel, and the other said that the Founder would not send an angel to Backlund at the moment.

It all sounds very powerful, but Hobert knows that those angels who serve "The Fool" may actually serve them many years later, but now, it can only be regarded as one-sided service in the mouth of "The Fool".

As for the angels of the "Creator", not only will they not be sent to Backlund at the moment, they cannot be sent anywhere, because the "Holy Infant King" and the "Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord" have been offline.

If Hobert wanted to "send" an angel, he would have to find the messenger Beverly or Raymond at Tony Manor. They would most likely be willing to help, but Hobert was not completely sure.

So it is better to simply say that if the cooperation intention is reached, the "creator" will personally take action. After all, now the "creator" has no problem facing Amon's clone.

Among the three people, Leonard was probably the only one who felt that their previous conversation was very powerful: What? Will Mr. Fool send angels to join the battle? The old man will most likely agree. What? The "Creator" won't send angels to Backlund yet? Does He have a certain agreement with the Orthodox Church or the royal family?

Klein finally said: "I will make corresponding preparations in the next few days, and I hope you will also make corresponding preparations."

Hobert immediately expressed his position: "After the meeting, I immediately prayed to the 'creator' and reported this matter."

Leonard also said: "I will also give you an answer as soon as possible."

Klein was very satisfied with the result, and the three of them ended the process of communicating alone.

Because no one initiated any new transactions, this Tarot Club entered into a free communication phase.

Alger was about to ask the "Emperor" about some details of the extraordinary war before, but Emlyn cleared his throat first and said: "Everyone, I have encountered a problem.

"The senior leaders of the vampire clan seemed to be investigating me, and I only realized this after an unintentional conflict with a vampire clan member.

"what should I do now?"

Alger thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know why you are being investigated?"

"I know." Emlyn glanced at Hobert: "Because I have served as the liaison between the 'Emperor' and the vampires twice.

"Especially after this extraordinary war, the Marquis of the Blood Tribe and the Duke who just arrived in Backlund seem to be very interested in the power of the 'Creator'.

"Theoretically speaking, there is no way to know the 'Emperor' in my life trajectory. I think this is because they mainly want to investigate how I met the 'Emperor'."

Everyone nodded and understood Mr. Moon's situation. If the "Emperor" had only initiated a transaction with the Vampire Clan before, the Vampire Clan did not pay much attention to the force to which the "Emperor" belonged.

In this large-scale extraordinary war, the vampires realized the power of the "creator", so they began to pay attention to this power. Of course, they must first investigate Mr. Moon, who has been the liaison twice, and see if Mr. Moon Is it reliable?

If they think it is reliable, then Mr. Moon is likely to be responsible for liaison with the "Emperor" in the future. If Mr. Moon is not reliable, then they may find someone else to do it.

Hobert thought about it for a moment before smiling and said: "I think this is not so much an investigation by your senior management, but rather that your senior management wants to observe my reaction to this matter."

He paused and then said: "According to the 'creator''s long-standing intention, the Blood Clan has always been an ally that we can win over, so after this war, I once again extended an invitation to the Blood Clan for long-term cooperation, and your senior management No reply yet.

"They should be discussing this matter while testing you, and at the same time testing us through you."

Emlyn didn't quite understand: "Testing you?"

"Yes." Hobert said: "First of all, I want to congratulate you. You have become a special one among the senior leaders of the vampire clan. You are even regarded as the link to the 'creator' forces, so of course you have to be tested. you.

"Furthermore, the vampire clan will definitely give careful consideration to our long-term cooperation, so we will have to observe us again through you.

"I think the vampire you have a conflict with, even if you don't find him, he will find a way to let you find him.

"In this case, if I ignore your experience, it means that we have no sincerity. If I kill the vampire, it means that we have some malice towards the vampire, at least we do not show so much goodwill."

Emlyn opened his mouth. Before this, he didn't know that the two parties were preparing for long-term cooperation. After the "Emperor"'s analysis, he felt that this seemed to be the case.

Everyone also felt that this analysis was clear enough and clearly sorted out the relationship.

Forsi complained in his heart that the vampires were too cautious: they did not cherish the invitation sent by Hobert, and there would be times when they would regret it.

Audrey was also a little unhappy: the vampires were too cautious, what could they have to be suspicious of? If it really hurts the vampires, they won't send out the invitation for alliance.

Emlyn asked Hobert again: "Then what should I do?"

Hobert held out two fingers: "It's a two-step process. The first step is for you to take the initiative to admit your mistake to the senior management, explaining that you had an unintentional conflict with another vampire, and tell them the process of our acquaintance... "

Emlyn was a little surprised: "You, you want us to expose the Tarot Club?"

Hobert looked at Emlyn helplessly. Emlyn was stunned for a moment before he seemed to come back to his senses: "I, I remembered, we have met a long time ago, there is no need to expose Tarot skills."

The other members suddenly understood: It turned out that "Emperor" and "Moon" had known each other for a long time.

Alger even doubted: "Moon" didn't join the club after being introduced by the "Emperor", right?

Hobert continued: "As for the second step, that vampire must be punished, and I can't participate yet. It must be another force of the 'creator' force, so that there is enough buffer between us and the vampire." .”

Finally, Hobert said to Emlyn: "As for the punishment, you have the final say."

Then he sighed in his heart: Originally, I thought that if Forsi and the others had not encountered danger because they were searching for extraordinary materials, the punishment against the vampires would not have happened. But what I didn't expect was that the joint action of the Tarot Club turned into an action planned by the "Emperor".

Emlyn had some thoughts on this: "I think the vampire was acting under orders, and there should be no need for him to pay the price with his life."

He hesitated before saying: "I hope to trick him into coming to the Harvest Church and make him a believer in the Church of the Mother Earth."

Klein, who was behind the gray mist, almost covered his face: How vicious!

Cattleya leaned back in her chair: Maybe Mr. Moon knew the psychological impact of becoming a believer of the Mother Earth God on a vampire, so he had such an idea.

Audrey smiled and said, "This is a very appropriate punishment."

Then she asked Hobert: "Is this punishment easy to deliver?"

Everyone was slightly stunned. Miss Justice seemed to be very concerned about this matter.

Only Forsi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Justice, and then at Hobert.

"It's not difficult." Hobert looked at Forsi openly, and then continued to smile: "I just recruit a demigod from elsewhere and 'distort' his ideas.

"Actually, the focus of this operation is scale. Although we want to punish the vampire, we can't fall out with the vampire or put too much pressure on them."

Cattleya and Alger nodded one after another, feeling that the "Emperor"'s words got to the point of this matter. No matter how the punishment was, no matter what Mr. Moon did, it was all for their senior officials to see.

And when Forsi looked back at Hobert so generously, she felt that she had guessed wrong? Somewhat embarrassed.

Finally, Hobert said to Emlyn: "Give me two days, I will transfer people to Backlund, and at the same time, you must make some preparations in these two days.

"When we have all the people, I will go to you and discuss the entire plan with you."

Emlyn nodded: "Okay."

Because this was a matter between the vampires and the "creator" forces, no one planned to ask too much, so Alger moved on to the next topic: "Mr. Emperor, the extraordinary war that is happening in the central plateau has already begun. It spread across the sea.

"It is said that 'Vice Admiral Disease' went to participate in the war and has not returned yet. Her fleet is likely to be disbanded or incorporated by others."

Cattleya nodded slowly, but did not say that she also participated in carving up the fleet of "Vice Admiral Disease".

Hobert said: "'Lieutenant General Disease' was probably killed in the battle, because in this war, the mid-level Extraordinaries who died the most in the Witch Sect were the mid-level Extraordinaries. I think 70% to 80% of their middle-level members died."

Although they knew it was a big victory, other members, including "The World" and "Moon" who participated in the war, showed their surprise to varying degrees.

They knew very well that for such an extraordinary organization, such a blow would be absolutely devastating!

Leonard thought to himself: The guess made by the church was still too conservative. This war has achieved such a great victory! Then the Witch Sect will be hiding in secret and licking its wounds for a long time to come.

Cattleya sighed: This is the power of extraordinary war! One war may determine the fate of both parties for decades or even hundreds of years!

Klein thought: In that case, the strategic effect achieved by this war will be quite huge! In addition to defeating an opponent, neither the Zhengshen Church nor the royal families of various countries will despise the power of the "founder" again! In other words, the influence of the "Creator" is not small anymore, and may be almost the same as the "God of Craftsmen" back then. The only thing missing is that the Orthodox Church will recognize him as an orthodox god.

Then he thought: But the "creator" didn't seem to be anxious about it. He didn't really care whether the righteous gods acknowledged it or not.

Just listen to Hobert continue: "Even if he is not dead, 'Lieutenant General Disease' will not dare to appear in the public eye again, because that will inevitably attract the search and encirclement of the 'Creator' forces."

Finally, he smiled and said: "After all, we are ready to develop maritime power, and we can practice our skills by encircling and suppressing 'Vice Admiral Disease'."

Cattleya sighed inwardly: We "pirate generals", who are recognized as strong men at sea, don't take the "emperor" seriously at all.

Alger is also very concerned about the opponent's desire to develop the power of the sea: Could it be that the forces of the "founder" feel that the various forces in the violent sea are very mixed, so they also want to infiltrate their own power here?

He was a little worried: he didn't know if the power belonging to the "creator" would conflict with the Church of Storms. After all, the real ruler of the Raging Sea was actually the Church of Storms, "Sea King" Yarne Coatman.

Klein recalled the members of the Tony family. At that time, some members of the Tony family would occasionally wear costumes with the style of the Rhoad Islands. He believed that that should be the main strength of the "founder" on the violent sea.

Forsi roughly understood Hobert's plan. At this moment, he smiled slightly and felt a sense of pride filling his heart.

Audrey is also very curious about this, but now is obviously not the time to ask questions.

At this time, Emlyn asked Hobert: "So the biggest result of this war is the blow to the middle-level power of the Witch Sect?"

"No." Hobert said: "The Witch Cult has two angels who are in very bad condition. One of them was beaten to an even worse state. I think she will be on the verge of losing control for a long time.

"The other angel who was in bad condition was killed by the 'Creator' and two other angels. Therefore, the high-end combat power of the Witch Sect also suffered a lot in this battle."

An angel died!

Even if he is an angel in bad condition, he is still an angel!

Other members, including Klein, felt a little untrue after hearing the news!

Last year, they heard about the angel-level battle for the first time, and thought it was quite high-end. Then they suddenly heard that an angel had died. They always felt that such a thing was far away from them, but it did happen. around.

Klein sighed: This time the "creator" made a lot of money. Just the extraordinary characteristics of this angel are priceless trophies!

Then he smiled helplessly: Originally, I thought that the loot would be quite rich if I harvested a level 1 sealed object, but now it seems that my layout is still too small.

Forsi was a little unhappy: Hobert didn't tell me about this!

But thinking back, it seemed like Hobert hadn't been given a chance to talk about these things recently.

Audrey was also a little unhappy: we all attended a dance together, and Hobert didn't even tell me about it.

At the same time, she also seemed to think that it was not appropriate to talk about such things at the dance.

"Little Sun" asked curiously: "Mr. Emperor, did the 'Creator' send a total of two angels this time?"

"No." Hobert had long wanted to brag in this regard. He smiled and said: "Both sides sent four."

Klein was shocked: In the battle that just ended, there were actually eight angels participating in the battle! this actually a war we are participating in? Why do I feel that the biggest enemy I have encountered is the "Eternal Witch" who was beaten back to the "resurrection point" by Hobert?

Alger changed his sitting posture somewhat uneasily: in terms of the number of angels, the power of the "Founder" is enough to challenge the Church of Storms. Are they not trying to start a new war in the Sea of ​​Storms?

Cattleya was slightly startled, and once again broke her understanding of the power of the "Creator": I used to think that the power of the "Creator" was similar to that of the Moss Ascetic Order, but now it seems that this force must be more powerful than the Ascetic Order. Strong, I am very sure that the Trappist Order does not have four angels!

Even Forsi was a little surprised, feeling that the force used in the war that just ended exceeded her expectations.

After receiving a wave of surprise from everyone, Hobert smiled and said: "But two of the angels are invited foreign aid."

Then he added: "The Witch Sect has also brought in a foreign aid, and the enemies of the 'founder' have come together.

"At the same time, the 'Creator' also took action, and the corresponding 'Original Witch' also received power, but in the process of receiving power, she was stopped by the 'Creator'."

Everyone sighed: This is the real inside information of this battle.

Then almost everyone believed that the foreign aid invited by the Witch Sect was probably an angel from the "Rose School", and everyone knew that they were the enemies of the "Founder".

Audrey thought of the very advanced information she had received from Mr. Fool during the Backlund Smog Incident: The "original witch" was named Chike.

So she asked: "How did the 'Original Witch' gain power? Is she very powerful?"

"Using his own idol." Hobert did not hide this: "According to the 'creator', the 'original witch' is in very bad condition."

Klein recalled some of the information he had received from previous transactions: Could it be that the injuries suffered by the "Original Witch" in the "War of the Four Emperors" have not healed yet?

Other members also recalled the "Emperor's" description of the "Original Witch" in the previous transaction with the Hades Emperor, but everyone immediately came to a realization: No matter how bad the condition is, she is still a god! And it’s a god at the level of a true god!

Members who have never seen the image of the "Creator" thought along this line of thinking: The "Creator" blocked the "Original Witch", so does that mean that the "Creator" is at least at the level of the King of Angels?

Alger cleared his throat and said, "Even if foreign aid is great, not everyone can hire angel-level foreign aid."

Klein suddenly discovered that he could do this.

Leonard pursed his lips and smiled: There is an angel living in my body.

Emlyn was also thinking: I wonder if the Duke of our vampire family will participate in such a war because of my request?

Other members do not have such a channel. The only channel they can think of is to ask Mr. Fool for help.

Alger also noticed the expressions of the three of them: I'm not surprised that "The World" can invite angels to help, but can "Stars" also be invited? The identity of the new member is not simple either!

Audrey also noticed this: Did Mr. Star ask the angel-level members of his family for help? You can't ask the angels of the church for help, right? Mr. Moon can also invite angels. Oh, yes, he mentioned that angels from the vampire tribe have come to Backlund.

Finally, she smiled slightly: The forces behind our Tarot Club members are very powerful!

Cattleya couldn't help but frown: When did angels become so "cheap"? Half of the members can actually ask for angels' help?

Regarding Alger's compliment, Hobert smiled slightly: "It's not that I can do this. They mainly come for the 'creator'."

He did not continue the topic about angels, but added: "As for the losses at the demigod level of the Witch Sect, they are not small. The only losses that are not big may be the "low-sequence" Extraordinary who participated in the battle in small numbers.

"An indisputable fact is that the Witch Sect has been completely defeated by us. A more intuitive manifestation is that most of the courtesans in the Northern Continent countries will disappear!

"In addition, the high-end combat power of the Gnosis Society was almost completely wiped out in this battle. Since then, the Gnosis Society has become a third-rate secret organization. They don't even have a Sequence 5 member now!"

Audrey immediately asked: "Mr. Emperor, what is the relationship between the Gnosis Society and the Witch Sect?"

"Originally, the Gnosis Society was an organization established by some members of the Abraham family." Hobert briefly explained: "However, after a long period of infiltration by the Witch Sect, the Gnosis Society has become a subordinate organization of the Witch Sect.

"After the Gnosis Society suffered a heavy blow, they became increasingly inseparable from the Witch Sect. In the future, this may be an extraordinary organization mainly composed of 'low-sequence' extraordinary people."

Audrey nodded slowly: Then the Gnosis Society is also an evil organization!

After describing the eight angels participating in the battle, the other members were no longer surprised by the subsequent descriptions.

"Little Sun" saw that everyone had finished talking about this extraordinary war, and then he asked: "Everyone...well, the ceremony for me to be promoted to the 'Priest of Light' is to bury my whole body in pure darkness, which will not melt. In ice cubes.

"Well, in Silver City, similar ice cubes are not difficult to find, but how to create pure and safe darkness?"

Almost everyone was stunned: It turns out that the promotion ceremony of the "Priest of Light" is like this.

Audrey smiled slightly: "Little Sun" is so honest and simple.

Hobert immediately thought of using "tampering" or "distortion" to create a safe dark space, but he also thought that Silver City was Klein's "private place", so he should leave it to him.

At this time, Klein has thought of a way, which is to ask Leonard to provide the spell of the dark field, and let the "little sun" pray to the "fool". Klein mobilizes the power above the gray fog to provide the "little sun" with a " Artificial Darkness”.

But he thought that there were too many sources of danger in the "Land Abandoned by Gods", and he didn't know if this was feasible. He wanted to verify it in advance, so he manipulated the "world" and said to Derrick:

"I will help you search for information and find methods, but during this process, you may need to make some cooperation to verify whether it is feasible."

Derrick immediately said: "No problem!"

Then he thanked: "Thank you, Mr. World!"

After this topic ended, no one started a new topic. "The Fool" Klein said: "That's it for today."

Everyone stood up and saluted, and this Tarot session ended.

In Green Manor, Hobert and Forsi returned to the real world together. Forsi's first words when he opened his eyes were: "I want that fish-man cuff pin!"

Thanks to [Baili Heping] for the reward.

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