Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 621 Obtaining the characteristics of

"Mountain God" Megli was in a similar state to Rex's guess. Because Rex couldn't get close to the "cocoon" and couldn't see clearly what was going on inside, he guessed that "Mountain God" should be Megli's spirit. Residual formation.

But he was not sure whether the "mountain god" existed in the form of an evil spirit, or whether it was simply a spiritual remnant that used extraordinary characteristics as the "cornerstone" and has remained until now.

However, from Rex's description in his notes, he was certain that the "Mountain God" was not a sealed object, because he seemed to have a certain amount of intelligence, and was not just like a sealed object that could only respond in a simple, mechanical manner.

For Extraordinary beings who have reached the level of angels, their spiritual and spiritual bodies have undergone qualitative changes. Even if they die, it will take a long time for their spiritual and spiritual bodies to completely dissipate.

This process makes it easy to turn into an evil spirit. If the corpse or extraordinary characteristics are not processed in time, it is almost 100% likely to turn into an evil spirit.

Moreover, this seal comes from the power of the underworld. In such an environment, the probability of forming evil spirits will greatly increase.

Thinking of this, Hobert went to look for anything else in the "cocoon".

There was a clear view inside, and Hobert did not see the body, only a thick liquid like ink suspended in mid-air.

It kept twisting its shape, and there seemed to be circles of invisible ripples swaying around it, as if it was constantly tampering with the surrounding environment.

Around the viscous liquid, there is a circle of bright light blue liquid that is as smooth as silk, but this circle of light blue liquid does not change shape along with the viscous liquid.

Hobert's spirituality judged that it was the extraordinary characteristic of the "Duke of Entropy"!

This made him feel a little relieved. In other words, Megli's evil spirit did not exist based on extraordinary characteristics.

So, it is not an evil spirit at the angelic level.

Hobert looked for Megli's body again, but did not find it. He only saw traces of a light blue humanoid underneath the Extraordinary Characteristics.

This is a bit strange. Logically speaking, angel-level corpses should be difficult to decay.

Hobert still remembered the corpses of the Medicis he had seen before. It was also more than two thousand years ago. Their corpses seemed to have some kind of living characteristics.

At this time, Hobert looked at the periphery of the Extraordinary Characteristics again, the bright light blue circle. This circle of light blue liquid was obviously not integrated with the Extraordinary Characteristics. Could it be that Megli was using it to pollute the Emperor of Hades? thing?

Is this what corrupted the corpse of an angel?

Hobert realized that it was best not to touch that extraordinary characteristic. It would be best if he could directly sacrifice it to the "Country of Disorder". If not, then find a helper to snatch it out.

Finally, Hobert took another look at the evil spirit in front of him. It was also staring at Hobert. There was no emotion in its will-o'-the-wisp eyes.

Because of the Emperor's seal, Hobert calmly thought of a safer tactic.

Then he retreated to the other side of the cave, and first went to the "Land of Disorder" to send the black dog spirit beast to the real world.

This is Hobert's helper. In dealing with undead creatures, the black dog spirit beast holding a rapier can play a huge role.

Hobert returned to the real world and after confirming the state of the evil spirit again, the symbol symbolizing the realm of death appeared again on his hand, which was equivalent to his authority to lift the seal in front of him.

He waved the thin sword with his other hand, and the "cocoon" in front of him, supported by the power of the underworld, faded and disappeared in front of Hobert's eyes in two or three seconds.

"Distort!" Almost as soon as the seal disappeared, Hobert "distorted" the location of the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy" to keep it as far away from the evil spirit as possible.

However, Hobert's "distortion" ended the moment it covered the sealed object, and the "extraordinary characteristics" were only moved a small distance.

Hobert immediately threw the rapier in his hand to the black dog spirit beast beside him. Apparently, Hobert's ability was ended prematurely by the evil spirit's ability to "use" it.

Hobert often does this too, and it's a very unexpected move.

As the seal disappeared, a cold wind swept through the entire cave, and the power of the evil spirit spread throughout the cave.

This evil spirit obviously has a lot of wisdom, at least it is much stronger than "The Great Sage of Overturning the Sea". The black dog spirit beast seems to be somewhat sane, but the "Great Sage of Overturning the Sea" and "The Bull Demon King" are almost mechanical. use their abilities.

After the black dog spirit beast got the rapier, the sword once again emitted a pale white light in its hand, and the evil spirit that had just gained freedom unconsciously stepped back.

For undead creatures, the black dog spirit beast at this time has a great sense of oppression. This is the double blessing from the "ferryman" and the underworld.

But the evil spirit just retreated. It "gifted" the pressure and spiritual impact it felt to a stalactite.

This is the most difficult part of the "Black Emperor" path. Although they obviously lack the ability to kill enemies quickly, don't even think about hurting them in a short time.

The black dog spirit beast is extremely special. Not only does it have the status and ability of a "ferryman", it has also been blessed by the ancient god of death. Now it has the blessing of a rapier, and it has an almost overwhelming advantage over ordinary undead creatures.

Theoretically speaking, undead creatures below the level of angels will completely lose the desire to resist in front of the black dog spirit beast.

However, when encountering the evil spirit from the "lawyer" path, the evil spirit's power was only significantly weakened.

On the other side, Hobert, after giving the rapier to the black dog spirit beast, the spirit was immediately injected into the "0-70" Creation Bracelet, "amplifying" its ability to make the spirit very abundant.

After more than a month of feeding, Hobert is now the owner of the Creation Bracelet.

As the spirituality quickly became stronger, for a while, the spirituality in the cave was so abundant that it could be seen, as if the surroundings were filled with a layer of light smoke.

This is spirituality and vitality, which is equivalent to the power of "life", making the coldness of the entire cave disappear immediately.

But it turns out that the interior of the "cocoon" is the domain of evil spirits, and it is still very cold there. However, at this time, the aura of the undead and the "living" temperament are quickly canceling out.

Hobert's operation is destroying the foundation of evil spirits' existence in the real world.

At this time, the evil spirit suddenly let out a scream, and Hobert's spirit body felt obvious vibrations. The black dog spirit beast blocked most of the "Scream of the Undead" attacks with its sword.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the evil spirit stretched out his hand in the direction of the "Duke of Entropy"'s extraordinary characteristics, and then pointed the other hand toward Hobert.

Hobert's belly immediately grew bigger, as if a life was born at this moment.

The black dog spirit beast should have suffered a similar attack, but it was special and could not breed new life within its body.

This is the reason why Hobert chose to keep the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy" away from the evil spirits as much as possible from the beginning, and then consider defeating the evil spirits.

Because there is a strong connection between Megli's evil spirit and extraordinary characteristics, any "connection" can lead to the use of some angelic-level abilities.

The "Black Emperor" path does not have the ability to make people "big belly". Hobert's big belly is obviously a negative effect of the Creation Bracelet.

"Utilization" at the Sequence 3 level can only make the negative effects of the target sealed object more powerful, or shorten the safe use time of the sealed object.

As for the "utilization" at the angel level, it is obvious that the negative effects of the sealed objects used by the target can be used as one's own means of attack.

Hobert used "chaos" to bring the life in his belly to the outside world, and immediately used the creation bracelet to turn it into a ray of spirituality, which quickly dissipated.

At the same time, Hobert ordered the black dog spirit beast to snatch the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy".

The evil spirits distort the surging spirituality in their own domain and let them attack the black dog spirit beasts, which are also undead creatures.

It's just that the black dog spirit beast has the blessing of the ancient god of death, so this attack has no effect.

But this slowed down the pace of the black dog spirit beast, and it was unable to enter the realm of evil spirits for a while.

The black dog spirit beast waved its thin sword, and the evil spirit's domain ignited with pale white flames. The evil spirit's power was used as fuel and was rapidly draining away.

But the evil spirit waved its hand at Hobert and "used" the ability of the Creation Bracelet again. Pieces of soybeans suddenly grew in his field, and pods quickly formed.

These pods opened their mouths and exposed the fangs inside, looking very ferocious.

The evil spirit "gifted" all the "ferryman's lights" on his body to them.

At this time, Hobert who was behind immediately "tampered" with the effect of the evil spirit's extraordinary ability, and the "ferryman's light" burned back to the evil spirit.

The evil spirit immediately passed the "correlation" and used the "chaos" of the angel level. The target attacked by "The Ferryman's Light" was conceptually "chaotic". Not only the evil spirit's domain was attacked, but also Hobert and Black Dog. The "ferryman's lights" were lit on the spirit beasts and the stalactites around them.

Hobert immediately felt his whole body trembling spiritually. His thoughts seemed to have stopped and his body became stiff, as if he was about to return to eternal tranquility.

The black dog spirit beast immediately withdrew the ability of "The Ferryman's Light", and Hobert, who was sweating profusely, let out a sigh of relief. His spirit body had been seriously injured, and he became a little afraid of everything, and seemed to be because of Weak and somewhat nervous.

Hobert realized that if he continued to fight like this, even if the evil spirit was eliminated, he might still suffer a lot of harm.

Just when he was about to simply enter the "Land of Disorder" to deal with this evil spirit, he suddenly found an opportunity.

Just now, the evil spirit "used" the Creation Bracelet to grow a field of monsters with the shape of soybeans. After these monsters opened the pods, in addition to exposing the fangs inside, the black beans inside also popped out.

The beans grew arthropod legs and wings, some flew, some crawled, and were everywhere.

Among them was a little flying monster, which flew not far away from the extraordinary properties of the "Duke of Entropy" without thinking.

If it were normal times, the flight direction and height of this "flying bean" would have been tampered with by the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy".

But now, this extraordinary characteristic is being "associated" and "used" by evil spirits, and its influence on the surroundings has weakened.

This is an opportunity!

Hobert took out a piece of "Order Crystal" and "distorted" the concepts and positions of the "Order Crystal" and the "Flying Bean".

The evil spirit once again used the ability to "exploit" to end Hobert's "distortion" ability early.

But this time it failed, because what was "twisted" was the "Order Crystal". Apart from Hobert, only the King of Angels and above may be able to affect it.

So the "Order Crystal" appeared next to the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy", and Hobert immediately transformed the "Order Crystal" to wrap the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy".

As the "Order Crystal" in the shape of a sphere fell to the ground, Evilton suddenly had no angel-level power to "connect" with.

Hobert breathed a sigh of relief and immediately "amplified" the influence of the black dog spirit beast on the evil spirits.

At the same time, he used the Creation Bracelet to seize control of those soybean-shaped monsters, allowing them to absorb the surrounding power of the undead realm.

The power of the evil spirit was immediately suppressed and weakened.

Just as it was about to "gift" some of these suppressions and weakenings, the black dog spirit beast took this opportunity to open its mouth and let out a silent roar.

This was an attack from the "Language of the Dead", which stunned the evil spirit, which had obviously faded and was very weak.

Hobert immediately made a last strike, taking advantage of this perfect opportunity to "distort" the foundation of the evil spirit's existence, as well as the concept and location of a stalactite at his feet.

In fact, he didn't know what the basis for the existence of evil spirits was, but as long as Hobert had this concept, he could "distort" it.

When the evil spirit "used" the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy" just now, it had a certain level of angels, so "distortion" like Hobert could easily fail. Now it finally has a chance to eliminate the firepower.

The stalactite at Hobert's feet disappeared, and a black badge appeared in its place, which should be the basis for the evil spirit's existence.

Hobert immediately threw a piece of "Order Crystal" over and covered the badge.

The evil spirit lost the foundation of its existence in this world, and its trunk became hollow, with a huge hole appearing.

The black dog spirit beast opened its mouth again and launched another "Language of the Dead" attack. The evil spirit in front of him quickly faded and dissipated like a burst of black smoke.

"Hehehe~" A female sneer sounded in the cave.

Although he only heard a laugh, Hobert seemed to feel her ridicule of the Orthodox Church and her indifference to the world.

That should be Megli's spiritual remnant. More than a thousand years have passed, and her hatred for the Orthodox Church has not weakened.

Hobert sacrificed two trophies to himself and searched again. There was nothing here except stalactites.

So he took back the power of the black dog spirit beast and used "travel" to leave the cave. When he left, he discovered that the cave was actually in the sea, but there was only a small opening on the island.

It's no wonder that the demigods of Loen didn't discover this place back then. In addition to the fact that it was difficult to find a seal at the level of the Hades Emperor, it was also because this cave was not on the island at all.

Returning to the Governor's Mansion, Hobert dove into the study and locked himself inside.

Then he built the "spiritual wall" and immediately came to the "country of disorder".

Sitting on the "Iron Throne", Hobert first opened the spherical "Order Crystal", revealing the extraordinary properties of the viscous liquid inside.

Hobert did not hold it in his hand, but let it float in front of him.

The bright light blue circle was still very conspicuous. Hobert suddenly felt that the breath of the light blue circle was very familiar. Turning his head, he looked at a long box transformed into a "Order Crystal" on the stone platform.

Hobert stretched out his hand and caught the black box in his hand. The lid of the box was opened, revealing the "rotting meteor" inside.

Holding this ice-blue cylindrical sealed object in his hand, he then used his "association" ability to wave towards the light blue liquid ring surrounding the extraordinary characteristics. As expected, this bright The light blue liquid floated quickly, wrapped around the "rotting meteor", and disappeared before Hobert's eyes as if it had been absorbed.

This cylindrical sealed object has become brighter than before, and its attack and abilities seem to have improved!

Hobert put the "rotten meteor" back in its place, re-tapped the lid and placed it back on the stone platform.

obviously! The trap prepared to contaminate Hades and the "rotting meteor" came from the same source. According to Hobert's previous speculation, it was the outer god related to the three paths of "Twilight Giant", "Darkness" and "Death".

It’s no wonder that it’s easier to contaminate the Hades Emperor, while Megli is not so contaminated.

Just like the "Fallen Mother Goddess" is more likely to contaminate the Beyonders of the "Mother" and "Moon" paths.

Then the question becomes, did the God of War or the Goddess of Night ever want to use the things of the outer gods to pollute the Emperor of Hades?

Isn't this helping alien gods invade the earth?

Unless your life is at stake, you shouldn't use this method, right?

Or is it that the God of War or the Goddess of Night has been contaminated by the outer gods?

Hobert shook his head. In his impression, these two gods were not affected by the stars. But at the level of gods, all he knew was their performance in those major events. He actually didn't know the specific situation. not very clear.

Taking a deep breath, Hobert did not continue thinking because he had too few clues.

Now we can only pay more attention to the performance of the God of War or the Goddess of the Night, and first find out who wanted to pollute the Hades Emperor.

Then Hobert thought of another question: Did Adam really just ask me to help seal it when he gave me the "rotten meteor"? Is it also for the purpose of letting me get rid of the contamination of extraordinary characteristics and investigate what arrangements the outer god has on earth?


Hobert almost laughed. Adam should not be so selfless. Even if he had such a purpose, Hobert did not intend to commit suicide.

Then he thought that when Hvin Rambis "sent" the "rotting meteor" before, Hobert realized that he had been arranged when he came to the "Country of Disorder".

But this time he didn't feel anything similar, maybe it was just a coincidence.


Hobert thought of the word now as if Adam were sitting across from him.

He slapped his forehead: I am definitely a severe patient of "Audience Fear Syndrome".

Finally, Hobert thought: "But even if Adam had no other purpose in sending the 'rotten meteor', he should have been aware when he was planning to send it that this thing would be of greater use to me.

"The key is that the extraordinary properties of the 'Manipulator' are obviously the reward paid by Adam.

"If He thought that I was taking advantage of me by giving out the 'rotting meteor', He would not do such a thing as giving me a reward."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Hobert planned to put these things aside, just as he had thought before: You can't just ask stupidly, right?

Excuse me, brother Adam, why did you give me the "rotten meteor"? Are you using me as a rag collector?

And brother God of War, are you the rescuer invited by the outer god?

The reason why he called him brother was because Hobert felt that he should at least be of the same generation as the Giant King. For the sake of him becoming a god, he called him brother to give him a seniority.

I guess if you really ask this question, it's hard to say whether you can get the answer you want, but you will definitely get two big bidou.

Hobert smiled and looked at the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy".

This time the extraordinary characteristics are normal.

Hobert took the characteristics in his hand and immediately heard a sneer of "hehehe".

The extraordinary materials still contain Megli’s spiritual remnants!

Hobert realized that if he used this extraordinary characteristic, he would hate the Orthodox Church for a long time and would be more willing to get close to members of the Solomon family.

Hobert smashed the extraordinary characteristics with his backhand, but no matter how he smashed them, the extraordinary characteristics at the Sequence 2 level would always have some spiritual residue from the "predecessors".

These spiritual residues have long been mixed with the divinity in the characteristics, making it difficult to completely separate them.

At this moment, Hobert suddenly thought, is Megli's hatred of the Orthodox Church affected by the residual influence of her husband's spirit?

He immediately went to look at the extraordinary characteristics. Among them, there was only a little more than one "Frenzy Mage" characteristic, and the other series of characteristics were relatively normal.

For Hobert, it is easy to confirm whether the spiritual residue of the predecessor with extraordinary characteristics is very strong.

If there is no crushing process, the mental residue must be very strong. In this case, the characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy" should have at least two characteristics of the "Crazy Mage".

One was for Meglee's promotion, and the other was for her husband.

There is only one copy now, which means that after being crushed, the spiritual residue of the Solomon family member is not very strong.

This further proves that it is Megli herself who has been hating the Orthodox Church.

Hobert took over the badge that supported the existence of Megli's evil spirit, and heard another sneer of "Hehehe~".

He was stunned, there was actually the remnant of Megli's spirit on it!

This guy has too much spiritual residue!

However, after thinking for a moment, Hobert probably understood that Megli's spirit body should be well preserved by the seal of the Hades Emperor.

In other words, her spiritual residue must be relatively strong, not only forming an evil spirit, but also retaining a lot of extraordinary characteristics and badges.

Then Hobert was suddenly stunned: Isn't there another angel in the "creator"?

Thanks to [High Lord Tal'darin] for the reward.

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