Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 656 Preparations for digging the grave of His Majesty the King

Forsi has always respected Dorian. On the one hand, he has indeed given Forsi a lot of help, and on the other hand, Forsi has lacked fatherly love since she was a child.

The appearance of Dorian somewhat made up for her regret for her father's love.

So she was very happy to see Hobert and Dorian talking happily.

The carriage moved forward slowly, and Dorian saw the clothes of the local indigenous people again: "The dressing style here is obviously different from that in the northern continent. Is that a vest?"

Hobert explained: “When we first came here, the locals didn’t even have the habit of wearing clothes, so we modified some Northern Continent clothing based on the local environment.

"Their tops are similar to vests, except that the shoulders are slightly wider so that their skin will not be rubbed when they carry the load. We call it a waistcoat.

"There's nothing much to say about the pants. They're just made a little shorter. They're called shorts."

The waistcoat was not suitable for farm work, so Hobert used the waistcoat he remembered.

Dorian sighed: "This is a land with an innovative atmosphere."

He smiled and added: "If I knew there was such a place when I was young, I would definitely move here."

Hobert smiled and said: "I can prepare a house for you here, and ask Fors to give you the corresponding pass. With the pass, you can use our teleportation array to come here often.

"Especially during the winter in the Northern Continent, it is still very warm here, so you can come here to spend the winter."

Dorian was a little moved: "Thank you!"

But he then added: "But I can't accept your gift, but I can buy a house."

Hobert was not polite: "Okay, leave this matter to Forsi."

As he spoke, he glanced at Forsi. Of course, Forsi understood and would just give Dorian some discount.

Dorian added: "About the teleportation array, Forsi told me about it in his letter. It is said to come from the relics of a Mr. Sect of Faith, right?"

After the teleportation array was built on Longwei Island, Forsi first communicated with Hobert before writing a letter to Dorian about it.

"That's right," Hobert replied.

Dorian asked again: "Can you tell me where the ruins are?"

Hobert said: "I can't tell you for the time being, because the ruins are very dangerous now, and no one can go there at the moment."

Dorian couldn't hide his disappointment: "What a pity."

"At least the teleportation array has reappeared." Hobert smiled.

Dorian also smiled and said, "That's right."

"Let's go visit the teleportation array again!"

When Dorian saw the teleportation arrays that were constantly operating, he suddenly felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He recalled the relevant records in the family notes that the Abraham family had been in charge of all the teleportation arrays in the north and south continents.

The family was so prosperous at that time, and look now...

Soon it was lunch time, and the atmosphere at the table was also very good.

While chatting, Dorian asked tactfully about the situation of the "Founder" forces.

Hobert smiled and said, "You should be an Extraordinary on the 'apprentice' path, right?"

Dorian nodded: "Yes."

Hobert seemed to be very casual and said: "Some of the original members of the Gnosis Society are currently serving the 'Creator', and among them there are many Extraordinaries on the 'Apprentice' path."

Forsi had also revealed the news about the Battle of South Colson to Dorian before. At that time, she mainly hoped that Teacher Dorian could also lead the tribe to be loyal to the "Creator", so as to obtain the protection of the "Creator" and avoid Continue to be tortured by the "blood moon curse".

But at that time, and even until now, Dorian did not mention to Forsi that he was a member of the Abraham family, only that he came from an organization.

Dorian is so cautious because this family currently does not have a demigod-level Beyonder, but they do have level 0 sealed objects and a lot of extraordinary accumulation.

Their strength is not enough to protect these accumulations, so they dare not reveal their details.

When Hobert talked about this, Dorian was also filled with emotion. To him, that was news about another family member.

Dorian smiled and said: "This is one of the purposes of my coming today. I hope to know more about them."

He finally decided to be frank and not hide his purpose.

Hobert thought for a moment before refusing: "Sorry, if you reveal too much information about them, it will violate our relevant regulations."

Dorian then smiled and said: "You don't need to apologize for this. I know this will make you very embarrassed. I shouldn't have made such a request, but I still want to know where their extraordinary characteristics come from?"

Hobert smiled and said: "You can allow a few Beyonders on the 'apprentice' path to participate in the Traveler Research Society established by Forsi. This research society also recruits members from outside.

"Many low-sequence members of the Gnosis Council have already joined this organization."

After all, Hobert doesn't want to recruit these Abraham family members represented by Dorian. It's not that he doesn't want to compete with Klein, but their highest sequence is only Sequence 7.

For the current "creator" forces, there is no shortage of extraordinary people of this level.

Especially after the establishment of the Traveler Research Society, Hobert was able to quickly cultivate a group of "Apprentice" Extraordinaries who were loyal to him.

After all, there are still a few demigods in the Gnosis Council, but Dorian and the others are too weak.

They do have many sealed artifacts, but it is impossible to sacrifice them to the "creator".

At present, the "founder" does not need their sacrifice, but because of Forsi's kindness, Hobert allowed Dorian to send several members to join the Traveler Research Society.

Regarding this, Hobert has very clear principles. As long as the interests of the organization are not involved, he respects Dorian very much because of Fors's relationship.

But when it comes to the interests of the organization, he will not give Dorian and others too much preferential treatment.

Dorian thought about it and realized that this was a solution.

In fact, what Dorian wants to know most is what kind of protection the "Creator" gave to the Abraham family members of the Gnosis Council?

He knew very well that if members of the Abraham family wanted to be promoted to demigods, they must be protected by the gods to free them from the "Blood Moon Curse".

Otherwise, after being promoted to Sequence 6, the state will be very poor, and if there is a chance to be promoted to Sequence 5, it will almost go out of control after experiencing a "Blood Moon Curse"!

Through the information fed back by the Gnosis Council, Dorian will decide whether to show off to the forces of the "founder" after evaluating it with the main members of the family.

However, in Hobert's opinion, Dorian may not understand the current situation, and by the time they made a decision, the day lilies were already cold.

The subsequent conversation centered around the current war in the Northern Continent, and of course also talked about the air raid on Saint Milon.

Because under the vigorous publicity of the Loen Kingdom, everyone in the extraordinary world had heard that the "creator" had taken action.

After Dorian confirmed the matter again, he sighed: "The 'Creator' is a benevolent god."

He also knew very well that ordinary gods were unlikely to take the risk of a divine battle to rescue a few subordinates. Of course, this could not be ruled out as a sign of "standing in line."

The whole lunch ended in a pleasant atmosphere, and they walked together on the beach for a while before Forsi left with Dorian.

Through this half-day observation, Dorian could confirm that Hobert was in very good condition, which proved that he had not been negatively affected by the "creator".

Dorian decided to convene the main members of the Abraham family to talk about his trip to Longtail Island after returning, and discuss what attitude he should take towards the power of the "founder".

Hobert didn't have time to pay attention to the affairs of the Abraham family at the moment. He used the afternoon to go to Angelou and informed several demigods that there would be action tomorrow, so that they could prepare in advance.

Then Hobert learned about the current movements of the earth kings and warlords. He was very pleased to find that these former agents of the Loen Kingdom finally understood and had begun to threaten Angelou with force.

At present, Hobert's intelligence network in the Southern Continent is in the newly established stage and cannot provide very useful information. However, according to his guess, the Tuwang and the warlords should have received strong support, otherwise they would not have just heard about Huo Bao. Bert wanted to arrest them, so he became hardened.

There is a high probability that this reinforcement will come from the Highland Kingdom, because before a full-scale war breaks out, there will not be much conflict between the Republic of Intis, the Kingdom of Feneport, and the Principality of South Balam.

This is an excellent window period. At present, Hobert will wait a little longer. If these warlords do not openly rebel before and after George III becomes a god, he will take the initiative.

End the civil war at the very beginning of total war.

There will be opportunities to digest magic potions in the future, but this strategic opportunity cannot be missed.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon when Hobert returned to Longtail Island and asked his servants to set up a pavilion and set up tables and chairs on the beach in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion. He planned to have a meal here with Klein later.

While the servants were setting up the pergola, Forsi also came wearing a light skirt.

The two were walking and chatting on the beach at sunset. Forsi said, "I'm sorry Hobert, Teacher Dorian has suffered a serious betrayal, which made them very cautious."

"There's nothing to apologize for." Hobert smiled: "Because it's not your fault, it's just our hospitality to Dorian."

Forsi sighed: "But in my opinion, Teacher Dorian's group of Abraham family members have lost many opportunities. They should be more proactive."

Hobert said seriously: "One thing I hope you can understand is that you should not give them too much help before Dorian actively requests it, otherwise it may make things worse."

Forsi nodded: "I know."

Just as he said this, the space on the beach suddenly became illusory, and Klein, wearing the face of Gehrman Sparrow, stepped out of the spirit world and appeared in front of the two people.

Hobert opened his arms and smiled warmly: "Welcome, welcome! Haha, our legendary adventurer!"

Then he introduced Forsi to Klein. Klein had attended the wedding of Hobert and Forsi before and knew that Forsi was the "Magician".

But this was the first official meeting between the two people. They greeted each other. Hobert invited Klein to the arbor and chatted while drinking fresh coconut juice.

At this time, the sun has set on the horizon, and it does not look as bright as during the day. A few seagulls are hovering on the sea, occasionally swooping down to catch fish on the sea, and then flying back into the air.

The waves, which were reflected in the golden color by the setting sun, lapped leisurely on the beach, making a "swishing" sound.

When the three people in the pergola saw this scene, they suddenly felt very peaceful and calm.

Hobert lamented: "Twilight always makes people think of some sad things."

He sighed and added: "Just now I thought of the victims of the Backlund Smog Incident. At that time, I saw pedestrians all over the street falling to the ground.

"They struggled painfully, and may have struggled to seek help before they were alive, but the ruthless virus still took their lives."

Hobert looked at the sun on the horizon: "Now, people have forgotten this tragedy, and the Air Pollution Inquiry Committee has become an institution where politicians attack each other and compromise with each other.

"No one remembers those who died, and no one knows how brutally those who died in the mist struggled during their lifetimes."

Forsi looked at Hobert's profile. They had talked about the Backlund smog incident, but Hobert did not express these feelings at that time.

Klein understood very well why Hobert would express such emotion. People who come from a peaceful country and a peaceful era can hardly imagine that such a tragedy would happen in a peaceful country and a peaceful era.

"So, with my unremitting efforts, I severely attacked the Witch Sect and the Aurora Society." Hobert waved his fist:

"At present, the Witch Sect has basically disappeared in the Northern Continent. In addition, under my organization, four saints of the Aurora Society have been killed, causing this group of lunatics to suffer huge losses."

Klein sighed: I had doubts before. Is there any other reason why Hobert is targeting the Witch Church? Now it is clear that maybe after the Backlund smog incident, he planned to take revenge on the perpetrators of this tragedy!

When everyone forgot about the ordinary people who died in the Great Smog, or in other words, everyone did not care about those lives, Hobert cared about it very much, and he never forgot the people who died in the smog!

"At present, only the last murderer is still at large." Hobert suddenly smiled, and then waved his hand to "distort" the path of the surrounding sound waves, so that no one outside the pavilion could hear their conversation. .

Klein knew that when Hobert came to him, he must be talking about George III becoming a god. He said in a cold tone that belonged to Gehrman Sparrow:

"I thought that since you became the Duke of Loen and cooperated with Loen, you wouldn't object to George III becoming a god."

Hobert smiled and said: "I am the Duke of Loen and I cooperate with Loen. What does it have to do with him, George III?"

Klein almost lost his character and almost asked Hobert: Where is your moral integrity?

But thinking about it seriously, he didn't know how to refute it.

"Besides, I'm not stupid and will not openly oppose George III becoming a god." Hobert smiled: "I will only tell the Fusac Empire and the Kingdom of Feneport the key to George III becoming a god.

"Besides, I also know that you and the Queen of Mystery are not just sitting idly by."

Klein nodded solemnly: "That's right."

The gods all acquiesced in George III's plan to become a god, but "The Fool" objected, and so did Klein.

If this kind of person who could sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives in order to become a god really became a god, then in Klein's opinion, the god would be too cheap.

For him, if he doesn't stop it, it will definitely affect his mental state in the future.

"Since our front is united, I will release some key information about the Black Emperor's godhood ceremony." Hobert retracted his gaze and looked at Klein.

Forsi was slightly startled. Only then did she realize that it turned out that Hobert invited "The World" to discuss how to prevent George III from becoming a god.

Then she got a little excited: This is destined to be another great cooperation between the "Creator" and the "Fool".

Klein knew that the key information was coming, so he held his breath and listened carefully.

"According to some information provided to us by the great 'founder'," Hobert said: "The ceremony for promotion to the 'Black Emperor' is:

"Have your own country, let your name be associated with the title of emperor, and become the common sense of the people. Furthermore, you need to establish a set of strict and complex rules that are contrary to normal conditions, including architectural style. Then, drive the people , secretly build nine pyramid-like mausoleums, and then enter one of them, and take the sequence 0 magic potion in the corresponding sacrificial ceremony scattered in different cities that involves the majority of the people."

Only then did Klein know the complete ceremony for promotion to the "Black Emperor": "The King's Speech to the Nation!"

Major newspapers have been promoting the King's National Speech in the past few days. It is said that brand-new technology will be used so that all squares across the country can hear the King's speech at the same time.

The time for the speech is just ten days later!

"I think so too." Hobert said: "This is in line with the article 'sacrifice in which the vast majority of the people participate'."

He paused and then said: "As for other conditions, George III basically met them. First of all, he had his own country after he ascended the throne.

“And for decades, it has become common knowledge among Loon people that George III is the king.

“Perhaps the only thing he didn’t do well was not to establish a set of rules that went against normal conditions, although he did establish new rules through actions such as the Corn Acts, civil service examinations, and support for the rise of electric lighting.

"But for the promotion ceremony, he didn't do it very well."

Klein nodded slowly, finally understanding the source of some turbulent factors in recent years.

Hobert added: "The most important thing in this ceremony is the establishment of nine tombs.

“The royal family’s excavation of ancient ruins actually found nine tombs left by Tudor.

"We have said before that Tudor made a lot of preparations to become the 'Black Emperor', including driving the people to secretly build nine mausoleums.

"At that time, the 'audience' was already secretly supporting Tuduo, so it is very likely that the 'audience' told the Luen royal family the locations of the nine tombs..."

Both Klein and Forsi knew that the "audience" Hobert referred to was Adam, because once he mentioned the other party, the other party also knew about Hobert, and it was very likely that he learned about their secret conversation today.

So Hobert simply used "audience" as a pronoun.

Hobert continued: "Of course, it is also possible that the Loen royal family found it on its own. As far as I know, after becoming a 'judge', it will have some kind of connection with its own territory.

“One of the specific manifestations is that you can roughly perceive some secret ruins in the territory.

"I believe that the Sequence 1 'Hand of Order' of this pathway should also have similar abilities, but this ability is relatively weak compared to the True God.

"For more than a thousand years, William I has been the 'protector' of the Loen Kingdom. He should have a mystical connection with his territory, and may also know the locations of the nine tombs."

The diary that Klein just saw yesterday also contained many descriptions of the nine tombs, but they were not as detailed as Hobert's. He asked: "If you destroy the tombs, can you prevent the king from being promoted?"

"Theoretically, this is the case." Hobert said: "But the timing of destroying the tomb must be just right. If it is discovered too early by the royal family, the promotion ceremony will be terminated early.

"If it's too late, there's no point in destroying it."

As he spoke, he took out a "Map of Backlund Region" that he had prepared a long time ago. Nine red dots were marked on the map: "This is the location of the nine mausoleums."

Klein took the map and took a look. The locations of two mausoleums were consistent with the information he had received. However, he was somewhat surprised: "When searching for the locations of the nine mausoleums, you were not discovered?"

Around those ruins, the royal family made many defensive arrangements.

Not only is it difficult to detect, but if a suspicious person approaches, some extraordinary traps will be triggered.

Hobert smiled and said: "You may have forgotten that before the Loen royal family became the owner of that land, Trunsoest was the owner of that land!

"And He is also the 'Judge'. In the Fourth Age, Tudor was forced to go to Intis and proclaim himself emperor. These tombs do not have corresponding protection and cannot be hidden from Trunsoest."

Klein nodded slightly. He really hadn't thought of this level just now. He remembered that Hobert had mentioned that among the extraordinary people who served the "Creator", there were many members of the Trunsoest family.

Hobert pointed to the two mausoleums in the northern suburbs of Backlund and said, "I have already told the Fusac Empire about these two locations."

To be precise, these two locations were used to exchange for a colony with an area equivalent to half a county.

Then he pointed to two locations on the west side: "I plan to tell the Kingdom of Feneport about these two locations."

Klein confirmed again: "I heard that destroying two or three of the tombs can prevent the promotion ceremony. Do we need to destroy all the tombs?"

Hobert smiled slightly: "To be cautious, we should destroy a few more."

Then he pointed out the two mausoleums in the south of Backlund: "We are responsible for these two mausoleums. Which of the remaining ones do you plan to destroy?"

Klein could only point to the two in the east and said, "These are the two."

He destroyed one and told Triss about the other.

Hobert nodded: "The last one is reserved for the 'Queen of Mysteries' Bernadette. Haha, George III is so unlucky. All nine mausoleums have been claimed."

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