Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 660 The ceremony of promotion to angel is basically completed

Princess Ethel's second condition is something that the Kingdom of Feneport needs to confirm.

The Kingdom of Feneport has long been prepared to invade Lundborg. The reason why it has not declared war on Lundborg is because the Kingdom of Loen and Lundborg are allies and have signed a "Military Mutual Assistance Treaty".

If Lundborg is invaded, the Loen Army can immediately send troops into Lundborg based on the Treaty.

Judging from the current situation, the main force of the Loen Kingdom is basically dragged by the Fusac Empire on the southern coast of the Sea of ​​​​Jianhai and the Amanda Pass. Their extraordinary power is also deployed in large quantities to the east, and the power in the west is relatively empty.

This is a good time to attack Lundborg. The reason why they have not taken any action is because they are afraid that the Kingdom of Loen will ask the power of the "founder" to help Lundborg.

Hobert replied: "We have a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship, and Luen has offered a sufficient price, which is the tone of our cooperation.

"But this does not mean that we are completely bound to Loen."

He paused and then said: "As for the attitude towards the Kingdom of Feneport, we can also cooperate, but the level of cooperation is lower than that of Loen.

"In addition, we will try our best to avoid conflicts of interest or war with the Kingdom of Feneport in the Northern Continent."

Ethel thought for a moment before asking: "In other words, we may have a conflict of interest in the Southern Continent, right?"

Hobert smiled and said: "About this, it was already doomed from the moment we established our country in the Southern Continent."

Ethel also understood why Hobert had to emphasize just now that even if there was a war in the future, Fenebaud could not harm the interests of "Earl's Light".

She thought for some time before saying: "I am very satisfied with your answer, we can complete the transaction.

“While we are negotiating on ‘Earl’s Light’ in Jeffrey City, we can talk about the handover of Ovalye State at the same time.”

Hobert smiled and said, "Okay."

Then he took out a "Complete Map of Backlund Region", pointed out the locations of the two mausoleums on the west side, and told Ethel how to enter the mausoleums.

Finally, Hobert said: "Before we complete this cooperation, we don't need to meet again. I will send a messenger to send you the blood and spells.

"If you have anything to ask me about, please also ask the messenger to deliver the message."

Then he told Athel how to summon his messenger.

After completing the negotiation, Ethel breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere in the conference room relaxed a lot. The two chatted about agriculture and tourism in the South Colson area.

South Colson is now a popular attraction in the whole of Fenneport, with many tourists visiting even during the war.

Port Jeffrey is also an important port on the Taidig River channel. It is rare to see such a wealthy and prosperous scene in a city in the mountains.

In the second half of this year, South Colson's grain production has been similar to that of Feneport County.

The area of ​​South Colson is only one-third of the county, and it is basically mountainous.

In particular, the production of vegetables and fruits even accounts for 30% of the entire country!

But because all the excess products here were sold to "Earl's Light", Tutuga Port and other places, not much was shipped to Feneport City for sale.

The light and heavy industrial bases currently under construction in Angelou City and the Southern Continent also require a large amount of food and vegetables.

However, because agriculture on Longtail Island has also developed, this gap has just been filled.

When the two agricultural bases in the Southern Continent are built in the San Nosay region and Cordoba state, there will be no shortage of food and vegetables for a long time in the future, and it may be possible to export a large amount of food.

As the conversation came to an end, Princess Ethel suddenly asked: "In what direction do you think the situation in the Northern Continent will develop in the future?"

Then she added: "Let's just treat it as a discussion between friends."

Hobert said to himself: I have "seen" the people who answered the question, but only I can know the answer.

He said: “From the current point of view, whether George III can succeed is a key, but no matter whether he succeeds or not, I estimate that the situation of the Loen Kingdom will not be very good.

"Even if George III becomes a god, the Fusac Empire, Intis, and Fenebaud will probably try harder before the Seven Gods clearly recognize each other's identity as the Black Emperor."

Ethel smiled and said: "That's for sure. After several deductions, we all believe that even if George III becomes a god, he will not be in good condition.

"So we will try to see if we can defeat him in the initial stage of his becoming a god.

"If we cannot defeat him, then we will swear to recognize Emperor Loen's rule."

Hobert smiled and said to himself: You are quite capable of bending and stretching, but whether George III can accept you or not is not the final say of the Feneport royal family, but depends on the outcome of the negotiations between the gods.

He added: "If George III survives the initial siege stage, then I believe that the Republic of Intis will immediately declare war on the Fusac Empire.

"But if George III fails to be promoted, then I think the other three countries will not miss this opportunity."

No matter what, this is a war sweeping the world, and this is Adam's "script".

Ethel saw that Hobert's thoughts were similar to her own. She drank all the tea in the water glass with a smile and stood up to leave.

Watching Ethel disappear into the spirit world, Hobert recalled the conversation just now and suddenly realized that George III might also have thought that the process of becoming a god was very reluctant and that his condition must be very poor.

So if the archangels of the Feysac Empire, the Republic of Intis, and the Kingdom of Feneport attacked him when he first became a god, it might be part of his plan.

George III is likely to use the method of dying and resurrecting to adjust his condition.

Thinking of this, Hobert shook his head: "So, we can't let him become a god!"

With the dawn of a new week, gas canisters and gas stoves go on sale.

As Hobert suspected, sales were dismal at first.

But he got enough feedback. It is said that Duke Negan was so angry that he threw a lot of art in his study.

Just three months ago, Duke Negan still held shares in several gas companies. However, due to the failure of the competition with "Earl's Light", the business of the gas companies was bleak, and the industry seemed to have no future.

So Duke Negan sold all his shares in the gas company at a low price, and never wanted to touch this industry again in his life.

Since last year, he has been investing heavily in the charcoal and anthracite coal industries, preparing to make a fortune by taking advantage of the government's opportunity to control air pollution.

But he never dreamed that Hobert would buy those gas companies and develop new uses for gas!

The key is that this new use is a hit at first sight, and now residents throughout Backlund use briquettes, or simply coal, for cooking and boiling water.

Since the government started promoting the use of anthracite and charcoal, the prices of these fuels have skyrocketed.

Because the government has simply cut off the supply of most ordinary coal, ordinary residents can only bite the bullet and buy it even if the prices of charcoal and anthracite increase.

With the emergence of gas as a fuel, the price of smokeless fuel will definitely be impacted.

It is currently during the war, so it is not immediately reflected in the market, but it is foreseeable that once the war is over, this thing will definitely reap another wave of Loen's wealth.

In other words, Duke Negan's new investment will definitely be affected by the gas industry, which is the most difficult thing for him to accept.

However, he still had nothing to do with Hobert. First of all, Hobert was currently the only duke in Loen who had his own principality.

Secondly, after Duke Negan was defeated last time, he secretly investigated Hobert and learned that his background was very powerful and he could not shake it.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, Duke Negan, one of the most powerful nobles in the Loen Kingdom, could only hide at home and throw things.

Hobert also heard that many of the original gas company shareholders were so angry that they were hospitalized.

When "Earl's Light" won a great victory before, they hated Hobert with gnashing of teeth.

But later I had to face reality and sell my shares at a low price.

They never dreamed that the person who quietly acquired their shares would be "Earl's Light"!

What they didn't expect was that the product launched by Hobert would obviously reshape the gas industry!

But they missed this wealth.

It is too late to establish a new gas company. First of all, an important part of a gas company is the site and equipment for storing gas.

The site must be approved by the government, and some equipment requires a lot of time from the factory to be specially manufactured.

Whether it was approval or production, it was already too late.

In addition, gas tanks and gas stoves are obviously new technologies.

Putting aside the issue of patents, even developing it yourself will take some time.

At present, it is a war period, and the industry must give priority to serving the military. It is likely to cost a lot of investment, but the equipment ordered by itself will be delayed again and again.

What Hobert needs is feedback from this group of people. At the same time, this week, the Loon government also released the "Quality Standards for Products in the Electric Power Industry" and the "Quality Standards for Household Gas and Supporting Facilities."

At the end of both documents, special thanks are given to the quality parameters provided by "Earl's Light".

This is Hobert using his influence to reshape the order of the two industries. It is also preparing for the promotion ceremony.

For a time, the upper class in Backlund were all discussing Hobert's recent big move, and it seemed that the clouds of war had been dispersed.

At this time, the military suddenly purchased a large number of gas stoves and gas tanks.

Defense Minister Amyrius and the military shareholders of "Earl's Light" have not yet had time to play a role in it. This is purely a procurement based on military needs.

In wars, especially in wild wars, cooking and boiling water require making a stove first, and then collecting firewood from around to start a fire, which is very troublesome.

It's different with a gas stove, you can heat food and water instantly!

Moreover, it is said that the Loen warriors on the front line have also developed new uses for gas tanks. Because the new gas tanks have higher pressure, they can be used as bombs. This thing is more powerful than grenades.

So the military immediately placed a second batch of orders for a batch of gas tanks!

This surprised the nobles, and they all lamented that Hobert might be too weak to count money now.

At this time, a shocking news came from the southern continent.

The agents previously trained by the East Balam Company in the southern part of the Southern Continent were dissatisfied with the New Deal of the South Balam Principality and officially announced the formation of a coalition to attack Angelou, the capital of the Principality, arrest and try the proposers of the New Deal, and ask Hob to Duke Te was no longer beguiled by these people.

When Klein saw this report, he thought to himself: This is a typical "Qing Jun side"!

To say that he was "arresting the proposers of the New Deal" was actually to force Hobert to stop the New Deal.

In any case, less than a month after the establishment of the Southern Balam Principality, a civil war broke out!

Hobert immediately rushed to Angelou. He was not in a hurry to quell the rebellion, but hurried to his own territory to digest the magic potion.

But to his disappointment, the potion was still a little short of being fully digested.

On a relatively flat grassland in Mirhe State, a large number of tents were set up. This was the camp of the rebels of the South Balam Principality.

This grassland is not large, and is closely followed by woods that spread onto the hills.

On a big tree halfway up the mountain, Abt, wearing his own grass shirt and holding a telescope, lay on the branch and looked at the camp below the mountain.

Abt was one of the scouts sent by Schir, closely observing the movements of the rebels.

In Abut's view, these rebels had no military discipline at all. When marching, the team was scattered and slow, and during the march, they even looted villages along the way!

According to their marching speed, they might not be able to reach the San Nosay Basin in ten or eight days.

While he was thinking wildly, Abt suddenly saw several people wearing Highland Kingdom costumes coming out of the rebel commander's tent.

The costumes of these people are very special, so they are very conspicuous.

Abt looked at their faces carefully and planned to use the ceremony to draw their faces.

At this time, one of the people from the Highland Kingdom with a tattoo on his face suddenly looked in the direction of Abt.

The other party's eyes seemed to come from a wild beast, which made Abt feel hairy all over. At the same time, he realized that he had been discovered.

Although they were far apart, Abt was quite sure that they had just looked at each other.

With almost no hesitation, he jumped down from the tall tree and immediately ran towards the hills.

As a "fighter", he has agility and very good physical strength. He prayed while running, and reported the matter to his superiors using a new contact method: "The founder of the shadow of order...

"Please tell Colonel Bader that I found people from the Highland Kingdom in the rebel tents and are being hunted now.

"Their looks are..."

This was the new method of communication they were required to learn before departure, so that Colonel Budd could hear them, it was said.

And if there is any scene that needs to be seen by the colonel, you can try to present that scene in your mind when reporting.

This sounds very magical, but because it is vigorously promoted by Lord Hobert as a method of emergency or secret communication among insiders, Abbot has no doubts about it.

Abut is a native of South Colson, and he has witnessed with his own eyes the changes that have taken place in his hometown after the lord came to his hometown.

Many officers like him were conditioned to trust Hobert and never question it.

After Abt made a quick report, his spiritual sense felt the danger coming from behind.

At this moment, the muscles in his legs seemed to be suddenly frozen, and the inertia caused him to fall hard to the ground and roll far away.

Abt struggled to get up and saw two figures chasing him close. One was frighteningly pale, like a dead man, and the other had sharp claws and fangs.

This is a "living corpse" and a "werewolf"!

They were running extremely fast, and the "living corpse" continued to stiffen Abbot's muscles, making him unable to get up.

The "werewolf" was still accelerating. He stretched out his sharp claws and prepared to shovel off Abt's head.

Just when Abt was preparing to welcome death in fear, a wall of fire suddenly ignited in front of him, temporarily blocking the "living corpses" and "werewolves".

The temperature of the fire wall immediately returned Abbot's muscles to normal.

Turning his head slightly, he saw Commander Schier and Chief of Staff Archibald.

At this moment, Abbot had tears in his eyes. Colonel Bader heard his report, and even asked the commander and chief of staff to save him!

After seeing Archibald, the "living corpse" and "werewolf" turned around and ran away, but within a few steps their movements became very slow, as if they were performing a slow-motion performance in a pantomime.

A "blazing spear" flew out of Sil's hand and pierced the heart of the "werewolf".

That was the biggest weakness of the "Werewolf". He struggled for a while and then fell to the ground.

In front of the "living corpse", a "staff officer" wearing a military uniform and a stern face appeared.

This "staff officer" Abbot had met, and he was often seen next to Chief of Staff Archibald.

At this time, this "staff officer"... was actually Archibald's marionette. A light blue "magma sword" appeared in his hand and pierced the chest of the "living corpse".

The "living corpse"'s eyes were full of fear and helplessness. Now he still couldn't move. Soon, magma filled his entire chest and abdominal cavity, and the "living corpse" also fell to the ground.

All this happened very quickly, and the battle was over as soon as Abt got up from the ground.

He was about to salute the two officers when he suddenly felt a spiritual change in the surrounding woods.

Squeak, squeak, squeak~

The trees began to shake abnormally, and some leaves were shaken down. These leaves only fell slowly at first, but soon, the falling speed became very fast, like flying knives, stabbing at Abt and others.

Several fireballs appeared around Sil, and a circle of fireballs also appeared around Archibald's marionette.

These fireballs flew out and burned the leaves into ashes.

At the same time, the surrounding space became illusory again. Angus and two Sequence 5s came out of the spirit world, and support from the special operations force also arrived.

The trees became normal again, but Abt could still feel the malicious glances in the surrounding forest.

After a brief confrontation between the two sides, Archibald and others collected the spoils.

Schier also said to Abt: "Soldier, you have completed your mission very well."

As he spoke, he took Abt and left first, while Archibald, Angus and others left one after another.

This hasty confrontation ended in a hasty manner.

Back in Angelou, Abt reported his investigation results in detail. When he returned to the military camp to rest, he still felt that it was very unreal.

Originally, he just thought that the new contact method was good news for the scouts. As long as he had key information, he could easily report to his superiors using this contact method.

If there are any new changes in the situation, the command post in the rear area will be informed immediately.

But now Abbot realizes that this magical communication system can also provide rapid support for extraordinary power. In the future, this will be a huge information advantage!

In the past few days, Hobert often observed the "mysterious communication system" he had just established in the "Land of Disorder".

So far, the effect is very good, not only making it more convenient to obtain information, but also making it very convenient to convey orders.

The ensuing civil war will be the best test of this system.

After a routine observation of the "Small Town of God's Country" at the foot of the mountain, Hobert returned to the real world and once again lamented that this communication system was actually more suitable for the "divineer" approach.

Because when you reach the level of Sequence 3 "Ancient Scholar", you can place a "Spirit Worm" in the source material to perform an "automatic response" operation.

Hobert also communicated with the messenger Beverly some time ago that the Beyonders of the "Black Emperor" path, at least to the angel level, cannot create clones.

In other words, unless this channel has the corresponding sealed object, it will be difficult to "automatically respond".

This may be the reason why there is a "City of God's Kingdom" in "The Kingdom of Disorder", and also the reason why the "Country of Disorder" seems to have a wider space than the "Origin Castle".

Since I couldn't do anything else, of course I could only recruit people to work for the Kingdom of God.

A normal god would rather leave the "small city of the Kingdom of God" empty than easily allow ordinary extraordinary people to come to his Kingdom of God.

After all, judging from the Bibles of major churches, if one has not made a huge contribution to missionary work, one must at least be at the demigod level to be qualified to serve the gods in the Kingdom of God.

But Hobert has different ideas from those gods. In his opinion, practicality is the most important. It would be a pity to leave such good conditions in the "Disordered Country" unused.

So before he became an angel, he established this communication system and recruited several "mysterious operators" headed by Moira and Vina.

As soon as Hobert returned to the real world, the butler Dophis came to report: "Grand Duke, Grand Duke Georgina is here."

"What's he doing here?" Hobert thought to himself. Is it because I haven't gone to work for too long and he's planning to fire me?

In his wild thoughts, Hobert came to the living room, exchanged a few words with the duchess, who was dressed somewhat conservatively, and then asked him to go to a small reception room to talk.

After the servant who served tea went out, Georgina immediately said: "I'm here to convey an order: Starting from early Saturday morning, you have to garrison a very important place!"

Hobert was stunned and thought to himself: You are not asking me to "visit the grave" of George III, are you? Such an action is equivalent to asking a mouse to guard the rice vat!

As she spoke, Georgina took out a map, pointed to a location in the suburbs and said: "Starting from Friday night, the 195th Division will set up checkpoints in this area.

"At three o'clock in the morning, you need to rush there to assist the 195th Division in defending this position."

The 195th Division is the elite force in the Backlund Defense Zone.

Hobert took a look at the map. There was no mausoleum of George III at that location. In other words, this mission was completely a smoke screen.

Without information about the exact location of the tomb, the power of the Feysac Empire or the Kingdom of Fenebaud could easily be tricked into coming here.

At the same time, this is also to keep an eye on Hobert. Although the "creator" has not shown any intention to oppose George III becoming a god so far, and the cooperation between the two parties is very harmonious, this kind of thing still needs to be prevented.

After all, the "creator" seems to be the "Black Emperor" path, or the god of the adjacent path.

Hobert smiled and said: "It's a pity that I can't listen to the king's speech."

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