Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 665 Promoted to the Duke of Entropy

Hobert had never worried about the civil war in the South Balam Principality.

Before, it was because he needed a certain amount of chaos in the principality to digest the potion, but now that the potion has been completely digested, this civil war can be over.

For the power currently deployed by Hobert in Angelou, it is fully capable of stopping the war.

But after George III died, he had more important things to do.

First, with Adam's help, Hobert got an excellent opportunity for promotion, so promotion is now a top priority.

There is also the fight for the uniqueness of the "Black Emperor" path, which is more important than the civil war.

Although all the gods have already acquiesced, the uniqueness of the "Black Emperor" path belongs to the "creator" to deal with Eris, the clone of the outer god.

But the uniqueness is not yet in hand, which makes Hobert very uneasy.

These two matters must be resolved first before Hobert has time to end the civil war.

However, after hearing what Hobert said, the surrounding nobles thought he was bragging, and they all showed playful smiles.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is difficult for Roen to provide any substantial help to the principality.

In their view, without the help of the Loen Kingdom, the civil war in the South Balam Principality would be difficult to end in a short time.

So they started talking to Hobert about the strength of the rebels, and the meaning was very obvious: we know some information, don't try to deceive us.

Audrey was about to tell them how powerful the South Balam Principality was, but was stopped by Hobert's eyes.

Hobert smiled and said: "There are still 10 days before our engagement. I plan to give you a seaside villa built by the local warlord in Port Lanagua as a gift for our engagement."

Port Lanagua is the capital of Milhe State, a relatively wealthy place in the principality, and the territory of the main force of this rebellion.

By saying this, Hobert was tantamount to saying that he was confident that the civil war would be completely ended within 10 days.

After the nobles heard these words, some expressed disdain, some seemed to be reconsidering the situation in the South Balam Principality, and some did not quite understand what Hobert meant because of the limited information they received.

Of course Audrey understood that Hobert had this ability. She smiled and said, "Okay, I'm hoping to get a seaside villa."

With the two people singing and harmonizing, this topic ends here.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, the dance ended in a relatively harmonious atmosphere. After seeing off all the guests, Hobert, Audrey, and Earl Hall also said goodbye to Christine one after another.

When they parted, Audrey took a deep look at Hobert and was quite worried about the test that Hobert mentioned.

Hobert smiled slightly and said there was nothing to worry about.

Audrey was not comforted by Hobert's smile, but she also knew that it was useless to worry about some things.

After returning to the Earl's Mansion, Hobert thought about it and went to the Governor's Mansion on Long Tail Island.

At this time, the northern continent has entered winter, so Forsi now lives on the tropical Longtail Island almost every day.

Forsi was already asleep, and Hobert lay down next to her.

After a while, Forsi seemed to react, yawned and asked, "Is there any more bad news?"

Otherwise Hobert would have "woke" her up long ago.

Hobert smiled and said: "I came here to tell you that I may have to participate in a somewhat dangerous operation tomorrow."

There was no reason to tell Audrey, but not Forsi.

Forsi was completely awake this time. When digging the king's grave, Hobert didn't even use the word "danger" to describe it.

She saw Hobert's profile in the dim light: "Are you sure?"

"There is some certainty." Hobert said.

Forsi lay on top of Hobert: "Then we must overcome the danger. The Principality of South Balam still needs you, the people of Longwei Island need you, and I need you too,"

Hobert patted Forsi on the back and said with a smile: "I worked hard to overcome it."

The next morning, Hobert got up early and prepared the "Duke of Entropy" potion in the study of the Governor's Mansion.

The main material comes from the extraordinary characteristics of "Mountain God" Megli, and the auxiliary material is inherited from Rex.

He checked his preparations one last time, and after making sure that everything he could think of was prepared, he came to the church in South Colson with a trace of Eris's spirituality.

The church has just opened and no believers have come to pray yet.

Hobert stepped into the church and said to the two servants of God: "I want to perform a secret ceremony, please close the door first."

The servants were stunned for a moment and closed the door according to Hobert's order. One of the servants immediately went to the backyard to report to Archbishop Simpson.

After Simpson heard the report, he seemed to be spiritually inspired and hurried to the chapel.

At this time, Hobert had already arrived in front of the altar, placed a glass bottle wrapped with a "spiritual wall" on the altar, and then seemed to lower his head to pray.

Simpson quickly asked: "You, what ceremony are you planning to perform? Do you need my help?"

Hobert glanced at Bishop Simpson and smiled and said, "Please help me shape a body."

Simpson opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. Hobert had talked about this matter with him before. At that time, he argued that as long as his belief in the Mother Goddess was pious enough, the Mother Goddess might be able to help.

What makes Simpson helpless is: Didn't Hobert hear what I really meant?

Hobert said nothing more and continued to pray quietly to the Mother Earth.

Simpson was thinking about how to tell Hobert the truth when he suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the whole church was different.

Following spiritual guidance, Simpson looked at the Holy Emblem of Life.

Then he realized with hindsight: The Mother Goddess was really watching here!

Simpson quickly lowered his head, prayed devoutly to the Holy Emblem of Life, and repented.


The ampoule in the altar was suddenly crushed by some force, and an illusory spirituality floated out. It quickly solidified and formed a body.

This body looks like fifteen or sixteen years old, and the face still seems to be somewhat immature. It is the clone of "Uncertain Mist" Eris.

It's just that his eyes were closed tightly and he didn't seem to have any consciousness. He was obviously different from a normal person. Only the ups and downs of his chest proved that he was alive.

Immediately after the oppressive feeling from the Holy Emblem of Life disappeared, Simpson glanced at the altar in shock. He was somewhat strange, why was it not Hobert's body?

Hobert put a prepared robe on Eris' body, said hello to Simpson, and left with Eris' body on his shoulders.

After a few seconds, Simpson recovered from the shock and hurriedly reported to the Pope in prayer.

On the other side, Hobert carried Eris's body and came to the northern mountainous area.

This mountainous area is too remote and steep, and has always been an uninhabited land. The Skeleton Lord had been hiding here for more than ten years without anyone noticing.

After finding a secluded valley, Hobert placed Eris's body on a stone and was about to pray to the "Fool".

Suddenly, a somewhat familiar voice came from behind him: "I heard that you are preparing to be promoted to Sequence 2?"

Hobert felt that all the hairs on his body stood up. He turned around and saw Amon, who was wearing a formal suit of Fenebaud style and a monocle, sitting on a rock not far away, leisurely. Looking at myself.

Hobert was about to recite the spell to summon the messenger, but Amon stretched out his hand and stole the idea.

Amon smiled and said: "Messenger? It seems that your messenger is very powerful!"

It was like a stress reaction for Hobert. His spirituality was injected into the "Order Crystal" without any thought.

This was a plan for dealing with Amon's clone that Hobert had researched before.

The moment spirituality was injected into the "Order Crystal", a black barrier appeared. Amon in front of him stole it several times, but failed to steal Hobert's thoughts again.

Hobert breathed a sigh of relief at first. The person in front of him was Amon's clone. If it were Amon's true form, there was a high probability that he could even steal the barrier created by the "Order Crystal".

Under the cover of the black barrier, Hobert pronounced the word "messenger" in ancient Hermetic language.

The space around him immediately became illusory. A classical heavy coffin floated out from the spiritual world. The lid of the coffin was opened. Wearing a classical dress, her face was very pale. Beverly, who was beautiful and playful, smiled and said: "Again. Amon’s clone!”

She asked the clone in front of her: "Why are you here to join in the fun?"

The Amon clone was slightly surprised: "Beverly! You, have you found an opportunity for resurrection?"

"Oh?" Beverly smiled with a playful expression: "It seems that you are Amon's more important clone and know a lot of things."

The surprise on Amon's clone's face gradually disappeared. He ignored Beverly's words, but said with a very relaxed expression: "You are busy with your business, I am just here to watch the fun today."

After saying this, Amon's clone disappeared from the rock in front of him, and appeared on the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye. He stole a small rock with a wave of his hand, and the mountain just formed the shape of a stone chair.

Amon's clone sat down on the stone chair, looking like he was watching a show.

Hobert, who was behind Beverly, was very strange: Where did Amon's clone get the news that he was about to be promoted?

Beverly said to Hobert: "You go ahead."

Perhaps seeing that Hobert was a little worried, Beverly explained: "He really doesn't have the will to fight."

Hobert nodded and chose to believe the messenger. After all, he knew Amon very well...well, he understood it fairly well.

Hobert took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and continued to pray to The Fool.

Although there was an accident when Hobert's plan started, he still planned to continue to be promoted. After all, if he waited for other opportunities, other accidents might occur.

Klein, who was above the gray mist, also took his place in advance and responded immediately after hearing Hobert's prayer.

When he saw Amon's clone in the distance, he was slightly startled, but when he saw Beverly ready to confront Amon at any time, Klein retracted his attention.

He was holding the "Card of Blasphemy" with the "wrong" path, and the gray mist in Origin Castle immediately rolled up like boiling water and condensed around Klein.

At this time, Klein can leverage more power above the gray mist. Like a "creator," he has a personality two levels higher than his actual sequence.

He waved slightly, and the surging power was transmitted to the real world through the stars representing Hobert.

Hobert suddenly felt as if something had been stripped out of him, and both his body and spirit felt lighter than ever before.

But at the same time, Hobert also feels as if the real world is rejecting him.

Without his bloodline, he is equivalent to becoming a person without "origin", but fortunately, his life in the past twenty years is the best "evidence" of his existence, so he has only been ostracized to a certain extent, temporarily. It won't be much affected.

"Oh!" Amon's clone, who was sitting on the top of the mountain watching the show, suddenly sighed and said with a smile: "Things are getting more and more interesting."

At this time, Eris, who was lying on the rock, also showed some changes. He seemed to have some micro-expressions and became more like a normal human being.

The next second, he stood up suddenly, still with his eyes closed, and ran towards the mountain opposite Amon's clone.

This body only has blood, so it certainly cannot move freely.

Hobert felt something spiritual and looked towards the top of the mountain over there.

From behind a big tree on the top of the mountain, Eris walked out slowly, still holding a thin-necked glass bottle in his hand.

However, Hobert immediately reacted. According to "Demon King" Fabuti, the "Uncertain Mist" has brought power to the real world three times in total, and it seems that it always existed in the form of such a thin-necked glass bottle.

Of those three powers, one was used for the birth of Eris, and the other was pierced by a rapier when competing with Hobert for extraordinary characteristics not long ago.

So what Eris has in his hands now is the third power that came before.

Hobert remembered that this thin-necked glass bottle seemed to have been found in some Quaternary Age ruins some time later, but now it seemed that it was used by Eris.

At this time, the mist in the thin-necked glass bottle flashed with seven-color brilliance, and it was obvious that Eris was using its power.

The body of Eris that Hobert had just created was influenced by the main body and the thin-necked glass bottle, and it suddenly rushed towards the main body.

Beverly was about to use her "distortion" ability to bring Eris's body back, but Amon's clone suddenly stood up and waved towards Eris, and the thin-necked glass bottle instantly appeared in his hand.

He smiled and said to Eris: "I will take it back and play with it for two days, and then return it to you after a while."

As he spoke, Amon's clone was about to leave immediately. He had to send the glass bottle to the main body as soon as possible, otherwise it would be easily affected by the mist in the bottle.

But suddenly Tamara emerged from the space in front of him to take back the bottle.

Beverly in the valley shouted: "If you want to leave, I will deal with you with Tamara.

"If you help me entangle Tamara, you can leave with peace of mind after the battle is over with the bottle."

Amon's clone frowned: "What a troublesome woman."

Although he complained, He immediately waved his hand and stole Tamara’s “imprisonment”: “Tamara, it’s been a long time, you have become more like a wax statue.

"Hey, I told you a long time ago that this is the consequences of believing in foreign gods. You might as well just believe in me!"

Although Amon's clone kept talking, he did not slack off at all. He first returned the "imprisonment" to Tamara and "imprisoned" Tamara in the same place. Almost at the same time, he also "imprisoned" Tamara. Just use "Deprive" to steal.

Parallel smoothly "deceived" Tamara, causing errors in Tamara's "balanced" goal. Therefore, Amon's clone was not affected by Tamara's extraordinary attack.

In the valley, Beverly seemed to have a premonition that there might be some twists and turns in Hobert's promotion today, so she planted the "Tree of Order" in the valley and summoned Raymond.

The two angels returned to their full glory one after another and were always ready to fight.

On the top of the mountain on the other side of the valley, after Eris lost the thin-necked glass bottle, a hazy door suddenly appeared behind him. The door with complicated occult symbols opened, and a hand stretched out to grab his two Shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, a human figure flashed past at an extremely fast speed, stretched out its sharp claws, and scratched a deep and revealing wound on Eris's chest.

April stopped not far from Eris and shook the blood from her long nails: "I heard that you took away the extraordinary characteristics that belonged to my son?"

Eris smiled bitterly. He did not answer Aprile's question, and immediately shouted into the valley: "When do you plan to wait? If Hobert succeeds in being promoted to an angel, your organization will be destroyed!" "

As if in response to his call, the space in the valley suddenly became illusory, and a very magical-looking mirror appeared.

From the illusion, a middle-aged man wearing a Southern Continent-style wizard robe walked out.

And an old man with evil thoughts in his eyes and an evil aura all over his body. He was leaning on a crutch made of long leg bones and skulls. It seemed that his legs and feet were not very flexible.

Hobert's eyes narrowed. These were the angels Baranca and Kleist of the "Rose School". Hobert had seen them before during the extraordinary war between the "Rose School" and the Balk family.

And there appeared in the magical looking mirror a woman who met all the aesthetic characteristics and made men and women obsessed with her appearance and figure. She was the only normal "Disaster Witch" Shirley in the "Witch Cult" .

At this time, Hobert also understood that Eris must have noticed that he was going to be promoted today through the blood connection of the Trunsoest family, so he informed all his enemies of the news.

It's just that Amon's clone didn't play according to the routine. The main purpose of appearing here was to watch the fun and steal the glass bottle of Eris.

Not only did He fail to become Eris's helper, but he also became Tamara's opponent under Beverly's "persuasion".

The angel war in the valley started instantly. Barranca, the angel of the "Rose School", issued a vicious "curse" to Hobert, but this curse was "twisted" by Beverly. A rock was cursed, and immediately Turned into a hen without any consciousness.

Raymond fired several "Blazing Spears" and exploded in front of the two "Rose School" angels. Beverly "amplified" the effect of the explosion in a tacit understanding, causing the valley to shake violently for a while.

Barranca and Kleist did not take the "Blazing Spear" attack seriously at first, because they were no longer afraid of physical attacks.

After the explosion, the two people's spiritual premonitions of danger immediately separated to avoid it.

It turns out that Raymond hid the flame that can burn "essence" in the "Blazing Spear". After "amplification", even angel-level targets will be injured if they are contaminated by such an attack.

But after Shirley appeared, she kept hovering on the edge of the battlefield and did not take the initiative to attack.

Therefore, Christine, who was holding the "Box of the Old Days", was also on the edge of the battlefield. She did not join the battle group, nor did she take the initiative to attack Shirley.

During this period, Hobert was not idle. He used his ability to "distort" space to once again catch the body of Eris that was running towards his own body.

Then he injected his spirituality into the corresponding "Witch Spirit" sealed object, and under the cover of Beverly and the others, he entered the "Hidden World".

Even though the battle outside became increasingly fierce, the "Hidden World" was not greatly affected. It was very quiet inside and no one came to disturb Hobert.

Throwing Eris's body aside, Hobert quickly took out the potion he had prepared in the morning.

The potion is contained in a glass bottle, and there is a layer of "Order Crystal" on the outside to block the effect of the potion on the surrounding area.

Hobert opened the "Order Crystal" and saw a liquid like strong liquor inside, a potion that formed a small vortex every few seconds.

It seems very gentle, even a little unreal.

Taking a deep breath, Hobert raced against time to take the potion. When he put the glass bottle to his mouth, his spirit immediately reminded him that what he was about to drink was very dangerous.

Hobert smiled helplessly. Taking this level of potion was almost like committing suicide by taking poison.

The next second, he drank the potion in one gulp.

There was no real feeling in Hobert's mouth, as if he had swallowed a breath of air, but his esophagus and stomach felt very cold.

Suddenly, Hobert's legs seemed to be in a long and freezing river, and his whole body seemed to have lost all heat in an instant.

His vision suddenly changed drastically. The surrounding area suddenly dimmed, and all the scenery turned into dense geometric objects such as black cuboids, cubes, and cylinders.

Among these geometric bodies, there are also many three-dimensional digital models mixed in, like a large-scale art exhibition.

Hobert's consciousness became a little chaotic, and questions appeared in his mind. Why is the number 1 1 and not something else? Why is the cube called a cube and not something else?

These questions are increasing. Why is there gravity in the universe? Why are there three laws of mechanics? Why are there three laws of extraordinary characteristics?

Why is the entropy value constantly increasing? Why does the universe have a beginning and an end? Why do you have time?

Each question made Hobert's brain work at a high speed, making him tremble all over.

Each of these questions made Hobert become more and more transparent, as if he wanted to blend with the surrounding air.

Just when Hobert was about to completely lose himself and disappear completely, a starry sky suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Hobert stared at the stars with some confusion, and suddenly he realized that those were not stars, but Backlund's electric light at night.

Overlooking the metropolis from mid-air, the lights illuminate one building after another against the dark background, making the night very bright.

Hobert's eyes were also filled with soft light, and he saw Duke Negan, who was full of shame and unwillingness, slamming a piece of exquisite porcelain to the ground.

He saw that because of the emergence of gas stoves, many of the original shareholders of the gas company climbed to the top of the tall building. They were lingering on the top of the building with unwillingness and annoyance on their faces, wanting to jump off and end all the mental torture, but they stopped after reaching the edge. Coming back is like gathering courage again.

He saw the nobles who had learned about the engagement between Hobert and Audrey, and cursed Hobert loudly behind their backs, hoping that he would die in the civil war in the principality before they got engaged, but in the end they only left Reluctant and helpless.


who is he?


Hobert raised his lips: I am the villain who is about to be engaged to "Backlund's most dazzling gem". I am the bastard who cheated the gas industry twice. I am Hobert!

At this time, Hobert completely regained his self and reason, and he figured out the previous problems: "The reason why 1 is 1 is that people gave 1 a mathematical concept.

“The reason why a square is a square is that the human world has given an abstract figure a unified meaning.

“The reason why there are three laws of mechanics is because humans have summarized the rules through observing the universe.

“These abstract things are all given meaning by humans, but humans do not know what their essence is, only their appearance.

"Just like time, people can only see the changes of the seasons, the beating of the clock, and the aging of people, but these are the appearance of time, not the essence of time.

"The so-called 'distortion' and 'tampering' are temporary changes in the nature of all laws and concepts, so that the appearance changes."

Taking a deep breath, Hobert completely found himself, and his consciousness returned to the "hidden world". At this moment, he had completed his promotion and became a "Duke of Entropy."

Hobert looked at his hands and felt the huge changes that had taken place in him.

First He, no, now Him.

He feels that he can see the essence of all things and then change the laws or rules of these essences.

Of course, the premise is that the character is sufficient. If it is an extraordinary attack by a god, because this god mobilizes essential power, even if it can be understood, it will be difficult to change it.

Another intuitive feeling that Hobert has is that he can dissect all the structures he sees, including the human body.

Theoretically, given enough time, he could dismantle the human body into countless cells.

Hobert realized that this should be the core ability of the "Duke of Entropy". After all, "entropy increase" is a process of changing from order to disorder, and it is also a process of "spillover".

This is the ability to essentially destroy and change a target, and is a demonstration of the core authority of the "Black Emperor" path.

Hobert felt the changes in his main abilities again. Almost all of them had undergone qualitative changes. "Distortion" could already distort the concept itself, such as twisting "being" into "nothing" and twisting "light" into "darkness".

"Tampering" can also "tamper" with the concept itself, such as changing a square into a circle, or changing a liquid into a solid.

As for the "tampering" of the physical level, it is even more meticulous. Hobert feels that he can perform operations at the atomic level and even rub a nuclear bomb with his hands.

It just takes a while to prepare and is of little practicality in combat.

At the same time, because Hobert has recovered all his memories before traveling, he has the concept of the four forces of nature. After becoming the "Duke of Entropy", he can perform some preliminary operations on the four forces of nature.

This is absolutely unmatched by other Beyonders of the "Black Emperor" path.

For example, he can use strong interaction forces to create a shield in which molecules are closely arranged. It will be harder than any object in nature. Such a shield is only a theoretical thing in the physical world, and Hobert does not I thought that one day I could try rubbing one with my extraordinary abilities.

As for the other more core "chaos" ability, in addition to using the principle of "entropy increase" to carry out essential damage, it can also produce conceptual attacks on the target.

For example, if the position of the target's brain and liver is confused, angel-level targets may have certain ways to avoid it, while extraordinary people below angels will basically die in strange postures.

The two abilities of "utilization" and "amplification" have also undergone essential changes.

Not only can it extend and shorten the duration of the target's ability, but it can also "use" the extraordinary abilities used by the enemy, as well as the abilities and negative effects of the sealed objects carried by the target.

For example, if the target uses the "imprisonment" ability, you can "use" this ability to "imprison" the target's teammates, or the target himself.

To put it bluntly, you use the enemy's abilities as your own abilities, and you use the enemy's sealed objects as your own, and you don't have to bear the negative effects yourself.

"Amplification" can also perform essential operations. This is very similar to some of the abilities of the "Arbiter" path. For example, "amplification" of the power of the real world in an area, then it is not unreasonable for ordinary people to tear apart "low-sequence" extraordinary people. possible.

The ability of "gifting" is also abstracted, and you can "gift" the enemy's hostility towards you to the enemy's companions, so that you can happily watch two people killing each other.

The "bribery" ability that he had at Sequence 7 has undergone tremendous changes after this promotion, and he can "bribe" the laws of nature.

For example, if you "bribe" water into the air, it will soon usher in a heavy rain.

However, this ability is somewhat useless in actual combat, and is more suitable for use as a magic stick.

The "weakening" that was previously regarded as useless by Hobert has now become a very practical ability again.

The reason why Hobert felt that this ability was not easy to use before was because it was a negative state. In the battle between demigods, the fighting speed was very fast. It would be a waste of time to add this negative state to the target, and at the same level, Almost all targets can be evaded to some extent.

But now this ability is very aggressive and can weaken all the enemy's ability levels within three seconds. For example, for a Sequence 2 target, all abilities used during these three seconds are at the Sequence 3 level.

It's a pity that what is "weakened" is the ability rather than the sequence. The target's level is still there, but during these three seconds, Hobert can ignore all the target's attacks.

At the same time, you can also add a negative status to the enemy. Even after three seconds, you can continue to "weaken" the target's ability. It just makes the enemy's ability weaker without changing the level.

The last ability that undergoes a qualitative change is "association". Things that are not related can be related. For example, if you associate the target with a madman, the target is likely to become crazy as well.

By establishing a relationship between an ordinary person and an extraordinary person, that ordinary person can temporarily use some extraordinary abilities.

The remaining psychological attacks are more like abilities that target ordinary people on a large scale, such as "charm" becoming "incitement".

People within 20 kilometers and within 20,000 people can be influenced by Hobert and voluntarily do things that meet Hobert's requirements.

"Arrogance" turns into madness, which can also make people within 20 kilometers and within 20,000 people lose their minds and regard Hobert's words as truth and the meaning of survival.

Of course, these two abilities can also be used to deal with a single enemy at the same level, but the effect is only strengthening, but there is no qualitative change.

After Hobert understood his current abilities as quickly as possible, he carried Eris's body and left the "hidden world".

The moment he left, Eris's body opened its eyes.

At this time in the "Land of Disorder", Hobert's seal on Trunsoest had already moved from the pool at the foot of the mountain to the front of the Sacrifice Gate, and a gap had been opened in the Sacrifice Gate. .

Trunsoest felt the huge suction from the Sacrifice Gate. He glanced at the Iron Throne, sighed, and was involuntarily sucked into the real world.


The doors of sacrifice are immediately closed.

At this time, in the Southern Continent, a member of the Balk family became very bad because of the whispering in his ears. After praying to the "founder" but getting no response, Lawrence and others came to help him fight against the madness and the whispering. variations caused.

Suddenly, the murmur in the family member's ears disappeared. He thought he had lost control, which was why he had such an illusion.

But seeing the disbelieving expressions of the clan leader and others, he realized that things were not that simple.

Lawrence and others also felt that the pressure on their mental and spiritual bodies disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented clarity.

At this time, in the "Non-Existence Town", some crazy members of the Balk family have basically returned to normal. The previous hazy life of a madman feels like a dream.

Many people shed tears of reluctance. They were still teenagers when they became madmen, but now they are gray-haired and have reached their twilight years.

Trunsoest's consciousness hidden in the descendant's bloodline gathered together and rushed towards Hobert.

But the moment it entered Hobert's body, it turned uncontrollably and crashed into Eris's body.

Because Hobert's current bloodline is in the body of Eris, and the influence of Eris on Trunsoest, or to be precise, the influence of the "Uncertain Mist" on Trunsoest, the relationship between them It has a very strong attraction.

So Trunsoest couldn't help himself and got into Eris's body.

Almost instantly, the entire Trunsoest was resurrected in this body.

He looked at his hands and suddenly smiled: "Succeeded!"

Hobert also smiled and said: "Succeeded!"

All the plans were successful, and now He has completed his promotion and successfully tricked Trunsoest into the created body.

Trunsoest completed the resurrection process, and the family curse finally disappeared.

Hobert immediately raised a finger, letting the air at his fingertips "tamper" very sharply, forming an air sword, ready to cut off Trunsoest's head from the neck of the body.

After all, the newly resurrected "Night Emperor" was almost like an ordinary person before his personality returned.

Eris, who was fighting with April on the top of the mountain, suddenly took out the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy" and swallowed it in his mouth.

Then he reached out towards Hobert and "tampered" with Hobert's "tampering" with the air, which made Hobert's attack fail.

Aipuli shouted in surprise: "Be careful!"

At this time, Eris suddenly had the level of an angel!

Eris "distorted" Trunsoest who was beside Hobert, making him appear on the edge of the battlefield.

Hobert frowned and looked at Eris.

At this time, Eris, who looked very twisted, said with a ferocious smile: "I never thought that I could use my status to forcibly suppress the distortion and madness caused by being promoted to an angel."

The price is that this body becomes abnormally distorted and it is no longer possible to continue to advance.

But Eris knew that he had to do this, because after killing Trunsoest, Hobert would definitely use his personality to crush him and kill him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Trunsoest waved slightly, and the space around him became illusory for a moment.

At this time, on the battlefield at the Amanda Pass, the "Brass Book of Trunsoest" in the hands of the Patriarch Larion of the Church of the God of War suddenly became very restless. He immediately prayed to the God of War and used the pressure of the God to stabilize it. This sealed item.

Larion frowned, wondering why this sealed artifact suddenly became so uneasy.

At the same time, William I, who was in the palace on Oak Island, and Philip I, who was in the royal manor on the outskirts of Feneport, both felt that the extraordinary characteristics in their bodies were very unstable!

But fortunately, they had already completely digested the potion, so this restlessness was fleeting.

In the west of the Northern Continent, in Trier, the capital of the Republic of Intis, the Archbishop of the Contract Church of the Eternal Sun Church suddenly noticed a powerful force that caused one of the Level 0 sealed objects underground to break free of its seal.

Before he could rush to strengthen the seal, the sealed object had already broken through the surface, like a hurricane, blowing several praying believers into the air.

The final seal pierced the top of the church and then disappeared.

The archbishop caught the fallen believers one after another and immediately reported the incident to the angels at the headquarters through prayer.

The angel quickly responded: "Repair the church and appease the faithful."

The Archbishop was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood what the headquarters meant: Don't worry about the sealed artifact.

In the nameless valley north of South Colson, something shaped like a gavel used in a court appeared in front of Trunsoest.

The gavel is obviously a sealed object that corresponds to the "Hand of Order" sequence 1 of the "Judge" path.

Hobert immediately realized that Trunsoest's resurrection plan was not just about the moment when the descendant became an angel, but it was as simple as him merging with divinity and awakening in the body of the descendant.

After his resurrection, he should be able to summon the uniqueness of the "Judge" path and the extraordinary characteristics of the "Hand of Order" to restore himself to his peak state in the shortest possible time.

Of course, it is also a state without pollution from the "fog of uncertainty".

This is why Trensoest explained his plan to Hobert, made suggestions for Hobert's promotion, and patiently answered all of Hobert's questions.

Because He only told Hobert part of his plan, because as long as Hobert becomes the "Duke of Entropy", it is equivalent to starting the process of His resurrection.

Even if Hobert knew all of Trunsoest's plans, he would have to follow Trunsoest's plan.

Under the huge pressure from the outside, it is impossible for Hobert to never be promoted to an angel.

Regardless of whether he was resurrected in Hobert's body or not, Trunsoest's goal was achieved.

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