Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 669 The unique way to obtain the Black Emperor

After taking a short rest, Hobert deduced the unique ability of the "Black Emperor" path, and recalled the process when Klein sealed the "Trunsoest Brass Book" as a reference, and quickly formulated an action plan.

This is also the reason why Hobert did not discuss it with Klein at the Tarot meeting. He still has some ways to deal with this uniqueness.

By distorting the real world and the spiritual world, Hobert entered the spiritual world again and came to an uninhabited wilderness in the Honakis Mountains.

After setting up a "spiritual wall" around him, Hobert prayed to the "Creator" and then summoned himself. The "Creator" holding the "Sun Scepter" appeared in the wilderness.

After confirming that there was no danger around him, Hobert summoned a war horse that exuded holy light and a "Chariot of the Sun God" made of gold, and drove the chariot to the small town of Unst not far away.

This time, his idea was that if he appeared as a "creator", he would also have the status of the King of Angels. After descending on Anster, he would quickly capture the Uniqueness in the "Land of Disorder".

However, the Uniqueness is also likely to escape. After all, the power of the "State of Disorder" that Hobert can currently mobilize may not necessarily make the Uniqueness easy to capture.

In that case, recycle a copy of the Sequence 1 characteristics first and continue to pursue uniqueness.

In just two seconds, Hobert arrived over Unst City.

Without any pause, Hobert used his spirituality to sense that the Black Emperor's unique path was still behind the city government office building, and drove in with his chariot.


Ordinary walls couldn't stop the golden horses. They pulled Hobert and stormed into the city hall!

Hobert saw that the hall of the city hall was decorated like a royal court, with the black dog wearing a beautiful crown sitting on a wide wooden chair.

It saw Hobert driving the carriage in, and there was a somewhat surprised expression on the dog's face.

Hobert stretched out his hand and pushed towards the black dog, and the surging power surged towards the crown on the black dog's head.

There was some fear on Black Dog's face, and he immediately "distorted" his position and disappeared from the city hall.

Hobert grinned. Although Uniqueness is a special existence, it is still half a level lower than the corresponding source of matter.

At this time, the surrounding "guards" reacted and shouted: "Protect the 'Emperor'!"

Originally, Hobert didn't take them seriously at all, and drove the carriage to chase the Oneness, but when He was about to leave the city hall, he felt something spiritual and actually saw Trunsoest in the "Guard". and Eris.

Although he only glanced at it from the corner of his eye, Hobert's spirituality could confirm that it was indeed the resurrected Night Emperor Trunsoest and the clone of the Outer God Eris.

It seems that they also found this place through their own methods.

At this time, Hobert had no time to think too much. According to the spiritual guidance, he drove the chariot out of the city hall and continued to pursue the Oneness.

But as soon as he left the city hall, Hobert immediately discovered that it was pitch black outside, the kind of absolute darkness. Even though the chariot emitted light like the sun, nothing could be seen around him.

Hobert immediately realized that this uniqueness had "tampered" and "distorted" the city's light.

For Uniqueness, it cannot confront the power of the "State of Disorder", but the "Chariot of the Sun" and Hobert himself are only at the angel level.

Upon realizing this, Hobert immediately took his chariot into the air.

But it was still a step too late. The light of the "Chariot of the Sun God" was quickly absorbed by the surrounding "absolute darkness". The horses and chariots quickly became illusory. Before they could climb to a high place, they turned into points of light and disappeared. .

"Holy shit!" Hobert realized that "the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light", and now he is in great danger.

Hobert didn't expect that Uniqueness had such high intelligence and laid such a clever trap!

At this time, his spirituality only knew that the uniqueness was not far away, but his own spirituality seemed to be distorted, and he could not determine the specific location of the uniqueness at all.

While he was aware of the danger, he suddenly thought about it: Perhaps the Oneness does not have such high intelligence. It may be its "nature" to find the target's weaknesses and exploit them.

The danger is already right in front of him, but Hobert's eyes are still dark, and his spiritual sense is very dull!

Hobert hurriedly followed the conclusion he just thought of and "used" the "absolute darkness" around him to assimilate himself with the surrounding environment and temporarily join the "absolute darkness".

The source of great danger is not far from Hobart!

This made Hobert heave a long sigh of relief. His guess was correct. Uniqueness did not have much wisdom. The reason why it was so difficult to deal with was because of its own ability.

After a few seconds, the surrounding "absolute darkness" disappeared instantly, and the whole city was bathed in the winter sunshine again.

Hobert saw a black dog with a crown standing on the roof of a residential building, staring at him with two scarlet eyes.

Hobert's legs softened and he knelt down towards the black dog again.

The exquisite crown suddenly flashed with bright light, which fascinated Hobert.

At this moment, the image of himself ascending to the throne and becoming the emperor of this world suddenly flashed in his mind, with everyone worshiping him.

Hobert stared at the crown with a somewhat obsessed smile.

As long as he gets that crown, He can have supreme power and ascend to the throne of God!

But in the next second, Hobert's chest was penetrated by a long black sword.

His brain immediately returned to clarity, his neck rotated 180 degrees, and he looked behind him.

Just when Hobert was affected by the uniqueness, the group of guards had already poured out.

One of the "guards" Eris, holding a black sword that looked a bit illusory, pierced Hobert's chest.

However, Hobert is currently in a spiritual state. This sword will only cause a little damage to his spiritual body, but will not cause him to suffer too serious injuries.

Eris showed a ferocious smile: "Your plan failed!"

Hobert glanced at Eris and then at Trunsoest. The Night King was helping them resist the influence of uniqueness.

Hobert roughly understood: "Obviously, your plan also failed, and you were adopted as a dog by Oneness."

Apparently Trunsoest and Eris were affected by the Uniqueness, and could not obtain the Uniqueness, nor could they escape from this city.

Like Trunsoest, he can only temporarily resist the influence of uniqueness, but he has no way to leave here.

But Uniqueness couldn't kill these two angels for a while, so the two sides formed a stalemate.

Hobert's intrusion gave Trunsoest and Eris a chance to escape.

Eris sneered "hehe": "We don't have the protection of the 'State of Disorder'."

Trunsoest's resistance seemed to be a bit difficult, and he almost fell to his knees several times.

Hobert no longer waited, and immediately mobilized the power of the "Nation of Disorder" to form a towering "Tree of Order" in front of him.

He also thought about using the power of the "State of Disorder" again to try to control the Uniqueness.

Although the power of the "State of Disorder" is half a level higher, it cannot form an overwhelming advantage in an instant, and Uniqueness has a chance to escape.

And Hobert is currently only at the level of Sequence 2. This is where the uniqueness can be used. It will avoid the "Country of Disorder" and the level of Hobert, King of Angels, and attack Hobert at Sequence 2.

After all, Hobert is not the real King of Angels. At this level, he is still a "lawyer" who is good at finding loopholes. There are many ways to attack Hobert.

Using the cover of the "Wood of Order", Hobert and three other angels entered the spiritual world almost at the same time.

They were wary of each other and the other two angels. Neither of them were sure of killing each other in a short time, so they did not take the initiative to attack.

Just when Eris and Trunsoest were about to escape separately, Hobert suddenly stopped them: "We can discuss a way to seal the uniqueness."

The reason why Hobert did not leave by ending the summons but entered the spiritual world with them was to see if he could make use of them.

Trunsoest looked at Hobert in his spiritual state, and then at Eris, whose face was distorted.

He smiled coldly: "If you continue, I will not participate."

For Him, it would be best to obtain the uniqueness of the "Black Emperor" path, but there is no need to take risks because of this. After all, this is just an action to contain Hobert.

At the same time, he felt that the connection between Hobert and the uniqueness of the "Black Emperor" path was closer, so he simply planned to watch the show "on the sidelines" and take action again if he had a chance. If he didn't, forget about it.

After Trunsoest left, Eris, who had a somewhat distorted expression, asked: "After we get it, how should we distribute it?"

In this matter, Eris is not as free and easy as Trunsoest. If he did not obtain the uniqueness and the characteristics of Sequence 1, then he would have completely failed in this competition!

"I hold the uniqueness, you take away the characteristics of 'Prince Slayer'." Hobert smiled.

Eris nodded seriously: "This is a more reasonable distribution method."

The two men looked at each other and smiled, each with their own hidden agenda.

Although Eris seemed very willing to cooperate, the fact that Tamara never showed up was already telling.

Not only did Hobert have no intention of dividing the spoils, if he had the chance, he would also like to avenge his students and obtain another "Duke of Entropy" trait.

The two angels left the spiritual world and discussed the method of sealing the uniqueness under a snow-capped mountain in the Honakis Mountains.

Eris first described his failure experience: "Originally, I was observing the situation in Unst City from a safe distance, but the uniqueness noticed me, and it 'amplified' its own scope of influence, so I had to ask It surrenders.

“After entering its sphere of influence, as long as you keep surrendering to it, it will no longer make direct attacks, but all orders and laws can become its method of attack.

"For example, if my mental state is not very good, it will find all the lunatics within its area of ​​influence and use their chaotic mental bodies to affect my spirit.

"At the same time, some of the seemingly distorted and counterintuitive administrative orders it promulgates on a daily basis are also targeted to a certain extent and difficult to prevent."

He paused and then said: "Trunsoest's process of entering Unst City should be similar to mine.

“He has tried more than once to influence the uniqueness to use and tamper with the rules, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.

"If he continues to influence the rules there, he will be able to escape on his own by night at the latest."

At this point, He suddenly smiled ferociously: "Archangels are just different,"

Hobert found that Eris's condition seemed to be worse than before, and his expression seemed to be out of his control.

But Hobert didn't care about this, but briefly talked about his two failures.

The first failure experience was very similar to Eris's experience. If Hobert had not summoned a "Tree of Order", he would have been forced to surrender to uniqueness.

Eris concluded: "At present, with our capabilities, we cannot even think of solving uniqueness head-on."

As long as he is not the true King of Angels, he is an opponent full of loopholes in the eyes of Uniqueness.

Hobert asked: "What are the consequences if you don't follow the unique decree?"

"I have seen some people turn into fish, chickens, and dogs." Eris guessed: "I guess the dog wearing the uniqueness was originally a person, but the uniqueness was promulgated. A decree directed at the 'Emperor', so he became a black dog."

Hobert nodded slowly and asked again: "How did you and Trunsoest become guards?"

Eris said: "I 'took advantage' of the selection rules for guards. In order to be closer to uniqueness, Trunsoest should also 'stipulate' that all of his conditions meet the requirements for becoming a guard."

Hobert seemed to be asking, or asking himself: "If I make good use of the relevant rules, can I become an 'Emperor'?"

As long as he can get close to Uniqueness, and as long as Uniqueness is not wary of Him for a second or two, He can use the power of the "State of Disorder" to completely control Uniqueness.

"Hahaha!" Eris laughed crazily: "This idea is very 'lawyer'!"

He thought for a while before asking: "But, how to become the uniquely recognized 'emperor'?"

"It is precisely because there are no relevant rules that this is where we can take advantage." Hobert also thought about it for a while: "I have a plan, but I need your help."

Hobert's rough plan is that they all surrender to the Oneness, and while Hobert surrenders, he will resist the rule of the "Emperor".

Eris just said that the "emperor" is also within the scope of the punishment of uniqueness. Hobert believes that uniqueness has the authority of the emperor, but it is not the emperor himself. In other words, there is a relationship between the emperor and uniqueness. difference.

Then Hobert can target the Emperor instead of the Uniqueness.

Hobert's purpose is to use some twisted rules to get closer to the emperor and get closer to uniqueness.

What Eris has to do is to get as close as possible to the "Emperor" and support Hobert.

After the two people roughly discussed a plan of action, it was already evening and the two angels, who did not need to rest, prepared to enter Unst City again.

Eris reminded Hobert: "You'd better act in your own body. In the state of the spirit body, you look too conspicuous, and you are easily vulnerable to attacks from the unique spirit."

Hobert also had this plan: "Okay, let's split up."

After saying that, he ended the summons to himself and returned to his body.

After deducing the plan again, Hobert entered the spiritual world again and arrived outside Unst City.

The winter night came quickly. The tourist city was already brightly lit, and the streets still looked like daytime. There were many pedestrians and it looked very lively.

The place where Hobert entered the real world from the spirit world was close enough to the city, so he immediately saw a pair of illusory scarlet eyes in front of him.

When he felt his legs were a little weak again, Hobert immediately knelt down on one knee: "Salute to His Majesty the Emperor!"

The scarlet eyes looked at Hobert for a while and then disappeared from Hobert's eyes.

The pressure that made his legs weak just now disappeared immediately, and Hobert got up and walked into the city.

Because it is no longer daytime, there is no need to hold a torch while walking on the street.

When he came to the city gate, Hobert felt something spiritual and heard the eunuch's voice coming from the city: "The emperor ordered that only people under 1.5 meters can live in the city!"

There was a certain amount of chaos in the streets that were bustling just now, and adults fled from the city gate one after another.

However, Hobert used the method of "distorting" space to cross the crowd and came to the city. Then he "tampered" with his height, making his height become 1.49 meters.

Walking on the empty street, Hobert smiled and said to himself: This is a good way to experience Xio's perspective.

Soon the streets became empty, and only children and dwarfs remained in the city, as well as people with crippled legs who could not stand up.

After waiting for a few minutes, Hobert saw that he had not been punished. He came to the city to test whether Eris's words were credible.

After expressing his surrender, Uniqueness no longer directly attacks Hobert, but there will be some absurd-sounding and unreasonable decrees in an attempt to punish Hobert.

Just as Hobert was conducting preliminary tests and preparing to leave the city, two teenagers under 1.5 meters tall and dressed as guards came to Hobert.

One of them opened a document and read out: "The emperor ordered, because you have tampered with your height and violated relevant regulations..."

Hobert interrupted and asked, "What rule am I breaking?"

After being interrupted, the guard's eyes were blank. He was stunned for a moment before saying, "What you violated was the order issued by the emperor ten minutes ago!"

"That's an order, not a rule!" Hobert said: "A rule is an order that has long-term binding force after being announced to everyone, while an order is only temporarily binding on a specific target or group."

"Okay." The guard "listened to the advice" and immediately changed his words: "You violated the relevant orders..."

Hobert interrupted him again: "You want to punish me?"

The guard still had a childish look on his face, and his eyes were a little blank again, but soon, his eyes returned to clarity: "Yes!"

"Your punishment has no legal basis." Hobert seemed to have regained the feeling of being a lawyer: "You are His Majesty's bodyguards, and your duty is to protect the Emperor, but you have no law enforcement power!

"Now that you have failed to fulfill your duty to protect the emperor, you are enforcing the law here. This is a serious dereliction of duty and overstep of authority!"

The guard who read out the document became confused for the third time. After seven or eight seconds, he said: "His Majesty the Emperor has given me temporary law enforcement authority!"

"In my opinion, the emperor does not have such authority!" Hobert continued: "Looking at the major political systems in the Northern Continent, the law enforcement power lies in the hands of the courts!

“The separation of law, politics, and imperial power is the national framework that conforms to the current political logic, and law enforcement power does not belong to the imperial power.

"If you want to enforce the law, it goes against the political structure of the Northern Continent. I will question the legitimacy of the emperor! And the rationality of this country!"

This is the classic defense idea of ​​"seeing the big from the small". Its core is to confuse concepts and use some specious conceptual things to make some of the opponent's concepts illogical or unreasonable.

The guard was finally defeated: "You can leave."

As he left the city, Hobert concluded in his mind: Uniqueness must also follow certain logic and regulations as the basis for distortion and tampering. Otherwise, when all logic and laws become abnormal, there will be no distortion and tampering. The meaning of tampering.

This is an idea, but it is quite difficult to make the logic and rules abnormal, because once there is nothing that can be distorted and tampered with, uniqueness has no meaning in existence.

Uniqueness seems to have a certain degree of self-consistency and "final interpretation power", so it should not let such a thing happen.

When Hobert arrived outside the city, he saw a large number of people walking around blankly outside the city. Some people who didn't come and put on their coats had their lips turned purple from the cold.

In the face of extraordinary items of this level of uniqueness, ordinary people have no power to resist at all.

But if he wanted to seal the uniqueness, Hobert had to make use of these people.

So he began to use the ability of "incitement": "The emperor's order is ridiculous! Does living in the city have anything to do with height?

"This ridiculous order shows that the emperor is also very ridiculous!

"We must unite and resist the emperor's ridiculous order! Return to our own home!"

The core of these words is to question the emperor's order and the emperor himself!

Hobert found the idea from the ceremony of promoting the "Black Emperor". People believe that the person who is promoted to be the emperor is an important anchor in the ceremony.

So the emperor created by Uniqueness in this small city, although not a real black emperor, is more like a puppet of Uniqueness.

But the people began to question the emperor's words on a large scale, which should have a great impact on the uniqueness.

People's dissatisfaction with the government decree and their desire to go home made Hobert's "incitement" very successful!

Under the influence of Hobert, everyone began to shout slogans outside the city: "Oppose the emperor's ridiculous order!"

"Let's go into town!"

"Give us back our home!"

"Give us back our property!"

Because Hobert's ability can cover 20 kilometers, almost all the people who were driven out of the city just now are within the scope of his ability!

Gradually, the slogan became: “Against the emperor’s dictatorship!

"A parliament must be formed!"

Hobert successfully channeled everyone's opposition into questioning the "Emperor".

At this time, everyone heard the voice of the eunuchs in the city issuing a new decree: "The emperor orders: Anyone who speaks loudly will turn into a loach."

Hobert said in a low voice: "The person who reads the order is speaking loudly!"

Although his voice is not loud, because he has "tampered" with the sound propagation path, people dozens of kilometers around can hear his voice.

As a result, the man dressed as a eunuch who conveyed the order immediately turned into a loach.

Hobert continued to tamper with the propagation distance of sound waves. Although everyone's voice was not loud, people from different directions in the city could hear the sound of slogans coming from the other direction.

So the slogans continued to "resound" around the city.

After a while, several people under 1.5 meters tall and dressed as guards came out of the city. After they found Hobert, they asked softly: "Are you loyal to the emperor?"

Hobert also replied in a low voice: "Of course I am loyal to the emperor."

"Then why do you question the emperor?"

"It is precisely because I am loyal to the emperor that I question him!" Hobert said unhurriedly: "In order to prevent the emperor from making irreparable mistakes, I have to question his orders. This is my way of loyalty. "

He paused and then said: "In my opinion, questioning the emperor and admonishing him are the real allegiance!"

Everyone around said: "We all question the Emperor because we are loyal to the Emperor!"

This idea obviously went beyond the scope of unique wisdom, and several guards became confused again.

After a long while, one of the guards asked: "How can I dispel your doubts?"

Hobert immediately understood that his plan hit the mark. Although Unique had some wisdom, he seemed to have no idea about fraud.

The fact that the guard could ask this showed that Uniqueness valued the people's doubts about the emperor.

So Hobert said: "The emperor should cancel the order just now and let everyone return to the city."

Immediately, the eunuch's voice rang out in the city: "The emperor's order: Abolish the order that only those under 1.5 meters tall can live in the city! Abolish the order that anyone who speaks loudly will turn into a loach!"

The people immediately applauded and shouted: "Salute to His Majesty the Emperor!

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

The guards were about to breathe a sigh of relief when they heard Hobert say: "The fact that the emperor took back the order means that the emperor is also very aware that his order is ridiculous!

"I still have to question the emperor and whether he has the people in mind when he issues orders?"

Suddenly everything inside and outside the city was quiet.

The uniqueness within the city government is also very strange. Why are the questions about the emperor even stronger than before?

The guard stared at Hobert: "You are not an honest person!

"The emperor has already withdrawn his order, why do you still question him?

"I seriously doubt your loyalty to the emperor!"

Hobert immediately senses danger, and Uniqueness will attack Hobert directly if he is judged to be disloyal.

But Hobert, who had made many attempts and had some understanding of uniqueness, said calmly and seriously: "It is precisely because I am loyal to the emperor that I question him!

"I suggest that in order to prevent the people from questioning the emperor again, a parliament should be established to review the orders issued by the emperor!

"If the people continue to question the emperor, they can put all the blame on the parliament."

The guard shook his head: "This will affect the emperor's authority!"

"No!" Hobert said: "Only when the people support the emperor, the emperor has authority.

"Only people like us who think about the emperor and are truly loyal to the emperor will think about the emperor's future credibility."

The guard was silent again, as if he was deciding the logic and authenticity of Hobert's words.

Hobert smiled slightly. If he were inside the city government at this time, it might be a good opportunity to control the uniqueness.

Immediately afterwards, Hobert thought again in a bewitching voice: "Let me form a parliament. The parliament is still loyal to the emperor, and the power formed by the parliament ultimately belongs to the emperor."

The guards remained silent. After a while, a man dressed as a eunuch came out and announced: "The emperor agreed to form a parliament. At the same time, the emperor ordered: the people's anger and doubts turned into trust and loyalty to the emperor, and the members of the parliament expressed their confidence in power." Desire to be amplified!”

Hobert suddenly felt that he, the speaker, was very impressive, and began to think about how to manipulate other members.

At the same time, a rational voice in his heart said: The uniqueness used the ability of "bribery". He first agreed to form a parliament, and then took the opportunity to "weaken" and "tamper" everyone's thoughts and thinking.

He also realized that the "weakening" of me was very obvious, and I would definitely be targeted in the next period of time.

In the end, Hobert concluded: Although the uniqueness can determine the life and death of the people at will, the basis of all this is that the people recognize the emperor they support and support the emperor's rule. When a large number of people begin to question the emperor, Uniqueness's control over the people will weaken, and there is no way to directly "distort" or "tamper with" people's ideas. They can only use "bribery" to regain control of the people.

Thinking of this, He smiled: This is very similar to the real power relationship! Yes, uniqueness represents the abstract display of certain aspects, among which it should represent the abstraction and conceptualization of power. In theory, power represents not only domination but also the shadow of order.

Power can build a system of rule, which is reflected in trials and legislation, which is the "front" of power. In the same way, power can also be used to create some bizarre or counterintuitive regulations, which is the "opposite side" of power.

These understandings of the uniqueness of the "Black Emperor" path made Hobert's spirituality very active for a while, and the "weakening" of him by the uniqueness was somewhat weakened.

At this time, the guard said: "Members of the Council, please follow me!"

Hobert and a dozen other people who received unique "special care" followed the guards into the city.

Other people also followed into the city and returned to their homes to continue eating or sleeping.

Because of the influence of uniqueness, the MPs have a very bad attitude towards Hobert as the Speaker. As ordinary people, their desire for power is far greater than Hobert, so they very much hope to replace Hobert as the Speaker.

The guards took them outside the city hall: "Get ready to meet the emperor!"

Hobert could still see the big hole that was made in the wall when he rushed into the city hall before!

After the guards entered the door, the hall still had the original structure of a royal court. The "Dog Emperor" was sitting on the throne, looking at Hobert and others like a human and a dog. The gorgeous crown and light ball ornaments were still on its head. and neck.

Excluding the guards, there were more than a dozen "ministers" in the two groups.

Because of the previous one-meter-five-meter order, these "ministers" were generally teenagers of eleven or twelve years old. Among them, Eris, who had a ferocious smile, stood out very much.

He should have "tampered" with his height just now so that he could become a minister according to the relevant rules.

Hobert and other members of the parliament knelt down on one knee before the "Dog Emperor". After everyone stood up, an eunuch standing next to the throne asked: "Why does the parliament question the authority of the emperor?"

"The Parliament was formed under the emperor's order!" Hobert smiled: "If we question the emperor's authority, aren't we also questioning our own legitimacy?

“If the Emperor questions us, he is questioning the previous order to form a parliament!

"So we will never question the emperor's authority, and the emperor should not question us!"

The corner of Eris's mouth twitched a few times, and he sighed in his heart: This line of defense is so stupid! Isn’t this bullying Uniqueness and being brainless?

Immediately afterwards, He seemed to understand why his and Trunsoest's previous actions failed, because their ability to quibble was far inferior to Hobert's.

At the same time, he also knew why the "Dog Emperor" was so "obedient" just now and actually agreed to let Hobert form a parliament. It was obvious that he was not smart enough under the pressure of Hobert's verbal attacks and agreed in a daze.

The eunuch beside the throne paused for a few seconds before saying: "The parliament must also obey the emperor's orders!"

"Of course." Hobert smiled: "But we must also clarify the power of the parliament."

The eunuch said: "You have no right to review the emperor's orders!"

"Then there will be no review, but we have legislative power!"

"You can no longer incite people to question the emperor."

Hobert nodded: "Then we won't incite the people, but we have judicial power."

The two people seemed to be bargaining, clarifying their respective rights.

The eunuch smiled sinisterly and said: "The emperor ordered: Members of the parliament are special in the national system, so they must live in the water like fish!"

This is a very typical "tampering"! Highlight their specialness and then tamper with their form.

Water immediately appeared under the feet of Hobert and a dozen others, but it was only water under their feet. The feet of others were still very dry, as if they were standing in a glass water tank.

Except for Hobert, the other congressmen were like fishes swimming in the water.

The reason why Hobert didn't come along was because he "twisted" the order, twisting "members of parliament" into "members of parliament."

He is the Speaker, except of course.

This is also the reason why Hobert did not try to control the uniqueness until after Sequence 2. If it were the level of Sequence 3, his distortion would have no effect at all!

Hobert shouted: "I want to impeach the emperor! He disrespects the parliament and allows the members to live in water!

"And the most important thing is that the emperor is a dog. Have any of you ever heard that a dog can be the emperor?"

The eunuch next to the throne said solemnly: "The emperor's authority is unquestionable, and no one can impeach him! I seriously doubt your loyalty to the emperor!"

"Others may not have the power to impeach the emperor, but I do!" Hobert smiled and said: "Parliament has legislative power, so the first law is that everyone in the kingdom must abide by the Constitution, including the emperor!

"The emperor has no power to influence other people's life forms, and has no power to judge others. These powers belong to the judiciary!

"At the same time, the judicial organs have the right to judge the emperor, because the emperor must also abide by the Constitution!"

The man dressed as a eunuch was stunned for a moment before saying again: "The emperor is the most authoritative person, no one can judge the emperor!"

"I admit that the emperor is the most authoritative person!" Hobert still maintained a smile: "This is not inconsistent with the fact that the emperor must also abide by the provisions of the Constitution.

"As long as he abides by the Constitution, he is the most authoritative person, but if he violates the Constitution, he must be impeached and tried."

Eris looked at Hobert expressionlessly: This guy is a "good lawyer"! Fortunately, the fight between me and him is not a debate, but a life-and-death battle!

Then he looked at the Oneness with some sympathy, whether it was the "Dog Emperor" or the eunuch, and sure enough, there was a blank look on his face again!

After more than ten seconds, the man dressed as a eunuch said: "Your argument is not valid. If you can judge the emperor, you are the most powerful person in this country."

Hobert said "Yeah": "The moment I became the Speaker, I was the most powerful person in the country!

"This is the power given to me by the emperor. It is a reward for my loyalty to the emperor!"

Eris also said: "Your Majesty, this is indeed the power you just granted to the Parliament! All the ministers can testify to this!"

Uniqueness was obviously confused by the current complicated power structure. The eunuch next to the throne asked directly: "Since you are the most powerful person in this country, why are you not the emperor? Why are you not sitting on the throne?"

Hobert said: "I can be the emperor and the speaker at the same time, so that I have both the authority of the emperor and the power to impeach the emperor!"

He commanded: "Let that dog go, and I will be the emperor."

After a few seconds, the eunuch said: "You are indeed the most powerful person. Please come and ascend the throne and become the emperor."

Hobert left the area with the water and strolled towards the throne.

And the dog jumped down from the throne at the same time.

Hobert sat on the throne, and the magnificent crown on the dog's head floated towards Hobert.

Hobert was very calm and kept sitting upright, as if waiting for the coronation of his uniqueness.

When the crown came to his head, he suddenly raised his hand, grasped the crown firmly, and mobilized the power of the "State of Disorder" as quickly as possible to seal this uniqueness.

At the same time, Eris also took action, but his target was the Sequence 1 "Prince Slayer" attribute still worn on the dog's neck.

He rushed over like a ferocious beast, holding down the dog's head with one hand and pulling down the ball of light with the other.

But the moment he got the Sequence 1 characteristics, he felt something was wrong. He glanced at it with his peripheral vision and found that the light emitted by the light group in his hand seemed to be deeper.

Eris seemed to understand something. He raised his head and looked at Hobert, and sure enough he saw that he was holding the struggling Oneness with one hand, and the other hand was pointing at the Sequence 1 characteristic in his hand.

After Hobert initially controlled the uniqueness, he immediately used the power of the "State of Disorder" to mark the extraordinary characteristics in Eris's hands!

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