Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 677 Build this place into your hometown

Although the engagement ceremony between Hobert and Audrey was simple, not a single guest was missing.

As for the royal family, the Queen and the Queen Mother attended the reception together, which gave Duke Christine and Earl Hall a lot of face.

If not for the obstruction of noble etiquette, Govington II would have wanted to attend and highly praised Hobert's victory in the Southern Continent at the reception.

The nobles who attended the reception were mainly relatives of Earl Hall, or relatives of Hall family relatives. Basically half of the nobles of Loen Kingdom were present.

Christine's guests were relatively simple. He had no relatives in Backlund and didn't want to contact the Tudor family, so he invited some comrades and colleagues.

As for Hobert, his only noble relative was Christine, so he mainly invited the managers and shareholders of "Earl's Light".

As a result, those shareholders had already received invitations from Earl Hall or Christine. In the end, Hobert only invited Lord Bradley, his crony who had been installed in the House of Representatives.

Because it is a drinking party, there is no need to do an opening dance, just start socializing with a glass of wine as soon as you get up.

Hobert and Audrey didn't need much preparation, so they arrived at about 10:30, but they each changed into a more formal dress.

They were definitely the protagonists of this cocktail party today. As soon as they appeared, many nobles gathered around the two of them.

So Hobert began to boast: "...the general staff of the South Balam Principality is very competent. He was keenly aware at the beginning of the civil war that although the rebels were 20 times larger than our army, their combat effectiveness was not strong.

"I am very satisfied with the decisive battle plan made by the staff... Hey, Earl Taylor, please don't leave. At the previous ball, didn't you really want to talk to me about the civil war in the South Balam Principality?

"Ahem, cough, cough, I will continue to describe the excitement of this war. We have preset the venue for the war in a hilly area, so that it will be difficult for the enemy's strength advantage to be shown.

"On the day the war started, I personally led the soldiers to charge again and again... Hey, hey, you guys, do you want to leave too?

"I haven't talked about the exciting part yet. Those agents were chased by me and fled in panic..."

Audrey smiled helplessly on the side and watched the nobles leave one by one with unhappy expressions.

In the end, during the second half of the reception, no noble came to chat with them again.

Earl Hall in the distance was also a little helpless. If he hadn't known what Hobert was capable of, he wouldn't have been willing to let his daughter marry such a young man who was determined to avenge himself.

For young people, it is a sign of youth to show their temperament by taking revenge.

But it is not suitable for nobles, who often have to show their big heart.

At the end of the reception, Archbishop Anthony personally presided over a brief engagement ceremony for Hobert and Audrey.

In addition to exchanging rings, Hobert also gave Audrey the prepared seal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Principality of South Balam.

Of course, the nobles all understand that this seal means a political binding. In the future, Audrey will not only be the Grand Duchess, but also have real power in a certain field.

However, several experienced politicians such as Earl Hall have been keenly aware that Hobert has no intention of letting Backlund's nobles influence the internal affairs of the South Balam Principality.

This made Earl Hall sigh in his heart: I have seen many people who are talented in certain fields, but few people who are talented in politics and governance. Often this field requires constant training to find the tricks, but Hobert has reached an extremely high level without much training!

After the ceremony, the reception was basically over.

Although it follows the principle of simplicity in everything, the identities of the engaged parties cannot be too simple.

So in order to celebrate the successful conclusion of the ceremony, there was a banquet and a dance in the evening, and the day's social activities officially ended.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Hobert was the last to leave Christine's mansion and took a carriage back to the Duke's Palace alone.

Although after becoming an angel, he would not feel tired unless he was spiritually exhausted, but he did not really want to participate in such boring activities anymore.

It's not that Hobert hates cocktail parties or dances, it's just that he can't chat with the nobles.

Returning to the Duke's Mansion, Hobert called Dophis to come to the study with him.

"I have sent a request to the 'Creator', and the great 'Creator' agreed to help you digest the potion as soon as possible." When talking to the indifferent Dopheus, Hobert would habitually go straight to the topic.

Dophis said expressionlessly: "Thank you."

The "immortal" potion requires death three times and resurrection three times before it can be basically digested.

Calculating the time from resurrection to death of 60 years, it would take 180 years to completely digest the potion.

However, there are some tricks in this process, such as "tampering" with the year of resurrection to usher in death early.

This is the same idea as Archibald's "tampering" with the ceremony of being promoted to "ancient scholar". Even the effect is similar, both are tampering with his "year".

Dophis mentioned before that it was recorded in his family's classics that if you want to digest the magic potion in advance, you either need the "blessing" of the "Pale Emperor" or ask the "Prince Slaughter" for help.

Dophis does not seem to belong to the faction that supports the "Pale Queen" of the Southern Continent, so he is more inclined to wait for Hobert to be promoted and help him digest the potion.

At present, if the "creator" wears the uniqueness, he can make more thorough distortions and tampering than the "Prince Killer". It only takes 6 days to resurrect each time to usher in death and resurrection.

In other words, it only takes 18 days for Dopheus's "immortal" potion to be basically digested.

If it doesn't work, just try it again and add another 6 days.

Hobert asked again: "How are you preparing for the ceremony to be promoted to 'Ferryman'?"

"When I became an 'immortal', I already asked my family to help build the tomb." Dophis replied: "Now I just need to complete the corresponding extraordinary arrangements."

Hobert nodded: "The merits you gained from the previous battle to guard Angelou are not enough to exchange for the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Ferryman', but I will help you apply for the characteristics in advance and make up for the merits after you are promoted."

Dophis said dryly: "Okay."

Hobert has long been accustomed to Dopheus's way of speaking. He continued: "After becoming a Sequence 3, you can go to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Dophis was the helper arranged by Hobert for Audrey. This arrangement was due to the fact that Dophis was a descendant of the Emperor of Hades and a member of the Eggers family. He was very familiar with the situation of various forces in the Southern Continent.

In the future, when the power of the South Balam Principality further expands to the north, it will definitely deal with the remaining Balam Empire forces, and Dopheus is the best candidate to deal with them.

Dophis was very surprised by this arrangement: "I'm not good at words."

Hobert smiled and said: "Who stipulates that working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requires you to be good at words? You are mainly responsible for diplomatic strategic affairs."

Dophis thought about it for a moment and then said: "Okay."

Hobert added: "Before you go to digest the potion, help me find a competent butler."

Early the next morning, Hobert went to Longtail Island and asked his servants to tidy up the pavilion that had been set up to entertain Klein.

After being prepared, Hobert asked the servants to leave the backyard of the Governor's Mansion, then took out "Lemanno's Magic Book" and used the ability to summon "historical projection". He successfully summoned a confused man in one go. Gehrman Sparrow.

At the same time, lightning continued to meander in the sky, and the "God's Abandoned Land" was dominated by darkness and deathly silence.

In the darkness, there was a solitary light, moving slowly.

That was Klein, and he was walking alone, as if he was the only one left in the world.

But it's best not to run into other people. Those you meet in the wilderness of the "God-Forsaken Land" are either people from the Church of the True Creator, or Amon's clone.

Suddenly, Klein felt something.

He realized that the time he had arranged with Hobert had come, and immediately entered the historical void.

The moment Klein disappeared, Gehrman Sparrow's eyes immediately brightened up on Long Tail Island.

"Please sit down." Hobert knew that Klein's consciousness had come over: "I have just 'tampered' and 'used' your historical projection.

"If there is no battle, this historical projection can last for 3 hours."

He raised the "Lemano's Magic Book" in his hand: "It also has the ability to summon historical projections twice, which is enough for you to stay here for a day."

Klein sat opposite Hobert: "It shouldn't take that long."

Hobert poured him a cup of tea: "What did you want to talk to me about at the Tarot meeting?"

Klein stopped when he stretched out his hand to take the tea cup. He suddenly didn't know what to say. He paused for four or five seconds before asking: "You...after you came to this world, have you ever thought about going back?" ?”

Hobert thought to himself: I really want to talk about this.

He replied, "Of course I have thought about it, what's wrong, is there any problem?"

Klein organized the language and then asked: "Then have you ever thought about why this world is so similar to the world before we traveled? For example, a year also has 365 days and 24 hours a day..."

Hobert sighed pretentiously: "You know the truth."

Klein was a little surprised: " have been aware of this problem for a long time?"

"No." Hobert told the truth: "I only found out about this fact after I was promoted to an angel, and it was also thanks to your help."

"My help."

"Yes, you will know this later." Hobert continued: "So what you want to tell me is that this is the earth!"

Klein wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed: "It seems you don't really want to go back."

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have said this matter so plainly.

Klein's inner loss has always been hidden in his heart and he has never shown it to anyone, but he did not hide anything from Hobert.

Hobert smiled and said: "I know that feeling, just like a wanderer who has been wandering for a long time and misses his hometown very much. Finally one day he can go back, but his hometown has changed.

"The green mountains and green waters in my memory are gone, the neighbor's little spotted dog is gone in my impression, and the villagers have become strangers."

Klein took a sip of tea, leaned back in his chair, and said very calmly: "How did you get through the mental torture during that period?"

Just because Klein hasn't shown these negative emotions all this time doesn't mean that he doesn't care about this matter.

He only has someone to confide in, Hobert, so he will only express his disappointment and helplessness when he meets Hobert.

Every sentence of Hobert's description struck a chord in Klein's heart, making him think that Hobert was also very disappointed because he could not return to his hometown.

Hobert did not answer Klein's question, but said: "Let's go out for a walk."

Klein was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Hobert meant, but out of trust in Hobert, he immediately stood up and followed.

Arriving at Long Tail Port, the port has become very lively. Bustling pedestrians greeted Hobert one after another, and some even dedicated their recent harvest to Hobert.

It's the kind of offering that you kneel on the ground and hold in your hands.

Hobert ordered them to stand before accepting their offerings.

After walking down the main street, Hobert and Klein were both carrying a lot of coconuts and other tropical fruits, as well as sea fish, shrimps, crabs and other seafood.

Hobert led the way, and the two of them came to the shade of a deserted tree. Hobert handed Klein a mango: "Try it, this is a mango that has been improved by the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. There are not many strands. Still very sweet.”

Klein held it in his hand but did not eat it. He watched as Hobert waved his hand and a gust of wind blew by, blowing all the dry firewood around them to the two of them.

Hobert built a fire pit on the beach, lit some dry wood and started grilling the fish.

He grabbed a handful of salt from the sea and sprinkled it on the fish while asking, "Do you think the people here are a little too enthusiastic?"

Klein took a deep breath: "This is because you have administered the government properly and protected their rights."

Then he asked: "Is it because of the people's love for you that you came out of your loss?"

"You misunderstood what I meant." Hobert smiled and said: "Most of the people in Longwei Port have just moved here recently. They have one thing in common. There must be someone in the family who works in Tutujia Port. Street girl."

Klein was stunned. This was indeed something he didn't expect.

"You should have heard that I recruited a group of street girls in Backlund. For this, I suffered a lot of abuse and criticism. At one time, my butler Mr. Dophis even stopped ordering the Backlund Times. and "Lun Evening News."" Hobert took a coconut and opened it with a slight twist.

He took a sip of coconut juice and said: "But every street girl here is grateful to me. It is said that they no longer believe in gods, but want to make a statue of me and believe in me as a god.

"I rarely go to Tutuga Port, but Forsi often told me that she was picked up by a street girl in Tutuga Port. While expressing her gratitude, she told her previous tragic experiences in tears, and finally sent them to them. Sincere blessing.

“Starting about two months ago, the street girls used the money they earned to buy houses on Longtail Island and brought their families over.

"Compared with Backlund's East End, Longtail Port is paradise."

Klein smiled with some relief and said, "You are the god who can help these poor people."

"Poor God?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, then laughed separately.

After laughing a few times, Hobert said: "Don't feel that you don't belong to this world, we have brought many, many positive things to this world.

“For example, your trial of Kapin, such as your help to Freya’s family.

"You have been in this world and you have done something for this world, then your existence is meaningful to this world."

Klein was stunned for a few seconds, then silently took a bite of the mango in his hand: "It's so sweet!"

Hobert smiled and patted his shoulder: "Friend, that's because you have been bitter for too long!"

Klein suddenly stopped chewing, took a deep breath and said, "Thank you."

Hobert didn't say anything, but pulled out the grilled fish around the fire pit: "Eat it."

Klein took a bite and said, "It's delicious."

"What's that saying? Oh, yes, the most high-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods."

The two looked at each other and smiled again.

Klein had a great appetite and ate three grilled fishes in a row.

Hobert extinguished the fire pit and "sent" the remaining fruits and seafood back to the Governor's Mansion in a "twisted" way. Then he took Klein to wander in the fields and told him the current policy on Longtail Island.

Many farmers working in the fields say hello to Hobert in Loen language. Thanks to the constant influence of the "New Mountain God", they have now basically learned some daily Loen language, as well as more modern living habits. .

Klein sighed: "In other words, you moved all the Eastern systems here?"

"It's almost the same, but the situation is different." Hobert explained: "At that time, New China was poor and had nothing to do, and it was still blocked and sanctioned. The process of completing primitive accumulation was very difficult.

"But I took advantage of the fact that the capitalists had not yet reacted, harvested them severely, and then used the harvested wealth to quickly complete primitive accumulation."

Klein smiled sincerely: "This is the legendary God's perspective of a time traveler."

He asked again: "What are you going to do after you complete primitive accumulation? Continue closed development, or carry out a five-year plan?"

"In my opinion, capital is a force that can be utilized." Hobert also stated some of his future plans and policies for the first time:

“Capital is more like an invisible magic potion that looks glamorous and can make people rich and civilization prosperous.

“But it’s twisted and crazy on the inside, and the human world needs it but needs to control it.

“The problem with the countries in the Northern Continent now is that they allow capital to develop wildly, so their societies look very deformed.

"But it is unrealistic to not need capital at all. This level is difficult to control. Our country has made some attempts before, some succeeded and some failed.

“We have all been harmed by capital, but capital has not completely lost control. Those attempts are very precious to me.

"In addition, from the perspective of the situation, it is also very beneficial to me now. I can make a fortune across the violent sea just like the United States during World War I.

"We will also artificially relocate manufacturing talents and technical workers to the south and take the opportunity to complete industrialization."

Klein lamented: "Sure enough, everything has two sides, and war is an opportunity for many people."

At this time, a group of Loen gentlemen came on the field ridge. They were far away from Hobert and raised their hands to say hello.

Klein learned through their polite exchanges with Hobert that these people were officers from the Loen Air Force and were invited to visit Longtail Island.

One of the Lords named Locker said: "Grand Duke, this is simply the kingdom of God described in "Apocalypse of the Night"!

"There are no congressmen here who only want to make money, no arrogant nobles, and no rich people. There are only farmers, workers, and soldiers. But there is still good order, and people here can still get rich.

“Most of the officials here are the sons of farmers and workers, with only a few nobles, but they are also approachable and will even explain to the farmers how to dry their excrement...

"No, they are no longer nobles. They have integrated with the world and are competent officials."

Hobert smiled and said: "Yes, nobles are dispensable here, but when this place becomes rich enough, some rich people will definitely appear here, but they don't want to do whatever they want."

Other officers were also very excited, as if they had seen the ideal country they had dreamed of.

Currently, the northern countries are facing conflicts between the military and the nobility. The nobility needs soldiers to maintain their status, but they do not want to give too many benefits to the soldiers.

Locke and the others are the same. They hate the nobles very much, but they must support the nobles so that they can be a legitimate armed force.

The civil-military relations on Longwei Island and the relationship between the government and the military opened their eyes. It turns out that when soldiers put down their guns, they can help farmers harvest crops.

In order to express their gratitude, the people would also send some agricultural products to the soldiers, but the officers had orders not to take anything from the people.

After asking them carefully, they found out that the officers were all the sons of farmers, shoemakers, and carpenters. It was said that their commander-in-chief, Schier, was once a crew member of a cargo ship.

The soldiers are basically the sons of miners and farmers. They basically come from Longtail Island and were slaves like animals a year ago.

The concept of disciple soldiers shocked Locke and the others! The officers who came to participate in Longwei Island basically came from middle-class families or slightly affluent families.

In the sneak attack on Saint Milon, they would be sent to die by the air force because they did not have a noble backing.

Now the nobles of Loen have no fiefdoms and no army of their own, but their influence is reflected in all aspects of the various countries in Loen.

Locke and the others had been complaining that senior military officials were "hereditary" before, but they never thought that there was another way out.

The civil-military relations on Longwei Island allowed them to see another way out.

After getting permission to return to Loen to promote what they saw and heard on Longtail Island, Locke and others happily bid farewell to Hobert and continued to visit Longtail Island under the guidance of the foreign affairs staff of the Governor's Mansion.

After they walked away, Klein smiled and said, "This reminds me of the public intellectuals and the Leading Party."

Hobert also smiled: "I remember one of my teachers once said that the earliest leading party appeared in the Han Dynasty.

“The guides in the Han army at that time were all Huns, and they were Huns who yearned for Han culture very much.

"As you said, things generally have two sides. If the Leading Party is so easy to use, why can't I use it?"

While talking and laughing, the two continued to walk in the fields, discussing topics that only the two of them could understand.

After Hobert summoned Klein's historical projection for the second time, he took Klein to Angelou.

It seems a bit noisy here. The newly arrived immigrants need to be resettled, and many grassroots officials are hoarse from shouting.

The city walls of Angelou have been demolished, and the area around the fortress looks like a large construction site, with construction and repairs going on everywhere.

Hobert "distorted" space and took Klein to a high mountain in the west of the Saint Nosay Basin, where Angelou was just a small dot.

"In the future, this basin, which currently seems to have a small population, will be home to 800,000 farmers who immigrated from Loen, and an urban population of about 300,000!" Hobert outlined the future blueprint to Klein:

"The price of food in Backlund has increased recently. As the war progresses, there will definitely be a large food shortage in this international metropolis.

"I have now asked people to purchase food in the Rhoside Islands and the Southern Continent. Then I can use the food to attract some more immigrants.

“For Ruen, I very much welcome my current immigration policy. These poor people are a huge burden to them.

"As the Loen Kingdom's front line on the southern coast of the Sea of ​​​​Jiang is tightened, I have recruited a large number of skilled workers in industrial cities such as Kangston who are willing to bring their families to the southern continent to work."

Hobert lamented: "This is the benefit of having immigration space! I can quickly replenish some of the people I need."

Klein sighed: "800,000! In that case, there will be no homeless people in Backlund."

"No, there must be more!" Hobert said resolutely: "It's just not as many as now."

Klein took a deep breath: "I neglected Roen's system."

Hobert talked about another topic: "What troubles me most now is the problem of transforming the local indigenous people. The place is rich in natural resources and has suitable conditions for growing crops, but like our times, there is no decent country.

"People here are very short-sighted, which reminds me of the princes of Outer Mongolia in the early 20th century...

"Oh, sorry, after I recall some memories, I always like to use some analogies to historical events."

"It doesn't matter." Klein smiled and said, "I also want to hear about those past events."

"Okay." Hobert said: "At that time, in order to drive away the Chinese army, the Mongolian princes invited the Russian White Army to help.

“As a result, the Tsarist White Army exploited Mongolia too much, and the Mongolian princes invited the Soviet Red Army.

"Yes, you heard it right. A group of princes and nobles invited the Red Army. After the White Army was driven away, the Red Army tried and eliminated all the Mongolian nobles."

Klein smiled and said, "Is there such a thing?"

"I can only say that the world is so big and full of wonders." Then Hobert put away his smile: "The short-sightedness of a nation is a very terrible thing.

"People here are very short-sighted. They are exploited and live a very difficult life, but no one stands up and says: We can't go on like this, otherwise we will perish!"

Hobert said seriously: "Since they have no plans for the future, I will help them plan!

“Spread our culture here, spread our values, and build this place into what our hometown looks like!

"Whenever you feel homesick again, come here and take a look."

Klein was trembling with excitement. He took several deep breaths before calming down, and finally said with a trembling voice: "I also want to join your plan."

Hobert looked at the large plains below him: "I hope to build a large number of Church of the Fool churches in the territory of the Highland Kingdom in the future!"

"No problem." Klein realized that he had made a mistake and explained: "I mean, I will definitely report this matter to Mr. Fool seriously."

Hobert added: "This is also the idea of ​​the 'creator'. I hope to have a deeper cooperation with Mr. Fool."

Klein nodded slowly and agreed with this kind of cooperation.

Hobert took a deep breath: "How are you? Are you feeling better?"

"Much better!" Klein felt that he had another goal: to build a red utopia with Hobert!

"It's time for us to eat." Hobert smiled: "I asked the kitchen to make a few 'Intis-style' dishes that I modified."

Klein understood instantly: "It's really exciting!"

The two of them returned to the pavilion in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion on Longwei Island. Forsi was already greeting the servants to serve food.

So-called "Intis-style" dishes include salads with onions, ginger, garlic and hot oil, but they are also known as cold dishes.

In the hot Changwei Island, it is very pleasant to drink beer and eat a few cold dishes.

The second dish is a broth made with hot oil and minced garlic, using condiments such as chili and Sichuan peppercorns. Of course, it also has another name: boiled pork slices.

The next dish is to thicken the gravy with sugar and vinegar and pour it on the fried fish. Its other name is sweet and sour fish.

The fourth dish is cooked tender chicken, cut into long strips, and then eaten with a sauce mixed with vinegar, garlic, etc. Its other name is white-cut chicken.

Hobert and Klein drank beer, ate these familiar yet unfamiliar delicacies, and chatted casually.

After all the dishes were served, Hobert asked the servants to leave the backyard again.

Forsi knew that they were going to talk about some more secretive topics. She was sighing inwardly at this strange dining method of serving all the dishes together. At this time, she cheered up, straightened her back and listened.

Hobert first "tampered" with the propagation path of the surrounding sound waves, and then said: "Yesterday, I got important information about the 'Land Abandoned by God' from the 'Creator'.

"Amon is in a place called Chernobyl, looking for some clues about his father."

"Chernobyl?" Klein couldn't help but glance at Forsi, but thought that even if she said the name of this place, she wouldn't know what it meant.

This reminded Klein of a time when he tried to commit suicide and used dream divination to see an image of the ancient sun god seeming to wake up from the ground. So he confirmed again: "Is this the place where the leak occurred?"

Forsi was originally surprised that this conversation actually involved Amon and the ancient sun god. When she heard Mr. World's question, she was a little surprised: leaked? What is leaked?

Hearing Klein's question, Hobert was slightly startled at first, and then immediately realized that because the "creator" rescued Klein from Amon very quickly, Amon had not had time to tell him about Chernobyl. things.

He nodded first and said: "That's the place."

Then he said: "According to the 'creator', the ancient sun god awakened in that place!"

Forsi suddenly felt numb on the back of his head: Such high-level information! Me, is it appropriate for me to still sit here?

But having heard this, she was unwilling to leave just like that, so she threw the question behind her and continued to listen to the conversation between the two people.

Klein was also very surprised that this matched his divination screen.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "I will explore there."

"Be careful." Hobert warned: "There must be a clone of Amon there, and maybe his body is also there."

Klein nodded: "I will be careful."

After arriving at Chernobyl, he planned to use his "real vision" to check it by praying to himself. If Amon's true body was there, he would definitely be able to detect it.

Then Klein asked: "When did the ancient sun god fall into a deep sleep?"

"I don't know." Hobert replied: "This is also a very strange thing to me. When he wakes up from such a place, could he have fallen into a deep sleep a long time ago?"

Klein pinched his chin: A long time ago...the AD era! This coincides with my previous conjecture.

When Amon said before that the ancient sun god described his ability as "bug", he guessed that the ancient sun god might be a "fellow fellow".

Originally, Hobert wanted to talk to Klein about the ancient sun god, but obviously Klein didn't know much relevant information, so he changed the topic to another topic.

Klein did not continue to discuss this issue. He just kept it in mind and waited until he investigated Chernobyl before continuing the conversation.

They continued chatting until after two o'clock in the afternoon, when the time for summoning Klein's second historical projection was about to end. After he had had enough wine and food, and regained his confidence, he said goodbye to Hobert.

The two shook hands and cherished each other. The next second, Klein disappeared, leaving only a ball of air in Hobert's hand.

This made Hobert suddenly feel a little disappointed.

At the same time, in the "Land Abandoned by God", Klein emerged from the pores of history.

He still held the summoned lantern in his hand. At this time, the bright light of the lantern shone on the surrounding ground, bringing a gleam of light to this dim world.

Looking at the dark space in front of him, Klein suddenly pursed his lips and smiled.

He continued to move forward, but now his back was much straighter and he looked much more determined.

December 1, the southwest end of the Minsk Mountains.

This place is located on the south coast of the Jianhai Sea and belongs to the territory of least it still belongs to the territory of Loen.

In the remnants of the Minsk Mountains, there is a peak called Pendel Mountain. There is a famous winter resort hotel here. The hotel has a huge ski resort and a seal fishing project. However, you have to take a sled to the north. Many hours.

At this time in previous years, the hotel was already full of tourists, and the carriages going up and down the mountain came and went, making it very lively.

But this year the place is a bit deserted, with only some guests who love skiing staying here as in previous years.

This is because the sound of gunfire from the front line can be vaguely heard in the hotel.

The manager and waiters lamented that those guests loved skiing too much. The war was about to start here, but they could still come to ski! I was a little anxious, thinking about what to do if the war spread to this hotel?

There were more than twenty tourists in total. Some of them were familiar to each other. They sat together chatting during breakfast, while others sat in the corner to eat alone.

At around 8:30, they had breakfast and headed to the ski resort.

But the ski resort did not receive any tourists.

If you follow their footprints and search for it, you will find that they entered a small path in tacit understanding halfway, and in front of a rock, they took out a stone key and twisted it against the mountain.

The cliff immediately becomes illusory, and now you can step into the interior of the mountain.

There is a large space in the mountain, with stone chairs and tables. The top of the space is a crystal that emits soft light. It looks like a large stone conference room.

After the more than 20 tourists came here, they greeted each other first. It turned out that they all knew each other.

Because they have one thing in common: both have the surname Solomon.

This is the annual gathering of the Solomon family. In previous years, they blended in with the skiing team and were inconspicuous, but this year they were somewhat conspicuous.

After everyone chatted for more than half an hour, the conference room gradually became quiet, and everyone turned their attention to Bunir, the family member at the head of the long table.

This is the only demigod present. In previous years, the nominal patriarch of the family, Ryan Solomon, would appear when everyone was basically present. Sometimes the "King of the Five Seas" Nast would also attend the party. But this year they have not arrived.

Bunir, who looked to be in his fifties and dressed as a gentleman, said somewhat helplessly: "Last year we finished the party, and the clan leader said he wanted to go to Backlund. This year, I haven't heard from the clan leader."

Thinking of the rumored news that Nast was dead, everyone had a bad premonition.


At this time, a muffled sound suddenly came from the direction of Shimen.

Everyone stood up immediately, and Bunir was just about to tell everyone to hide in the stone room further inside.


The stone door had been knocked open by an external force, and the flying stones hit everyone. Two low-ranking members did not have time to dodge, and were immediately killed by the stones.

Standing at the door was a middle-aged man with symmetrical left and right sides and a sallow complexion, who looked like a wax figure. It was Tamara, who had been promoted to "Prince Killer".

Just as the members of the Solomon family were about to escape, they were shocked by the huge sense of oppression coming from the angels on the same path, and they knelt down towards Tamara one after another.

Tamara said without any emotion: "Nast has been killed by me, and now I am here to receive the members of the Solomon family.

"You can either join the Tamara family on your own initiative, or join with extraordinary characteristics. It's your choice."

The members of the Solomon family looked ashen, and all of them were silent.

"It seems that I have to help you choose." Tamara suddenly raised her hand, and the air turned into a sharp sword, stabbing a family member to death: "He chose to join with extraordinary characteristics."

At this time, several members of the Solomon family could not resist the pressure and wanted to join the Tamara family.

Tamara suddenly looked in the direction of the door.

Suddenly, a handsome and energetic young man wearing a black trench coat appeared at the broken stone door. With one hand, he threw and picked up a stone key of the same style as a member of the Solomon family: "It looks like this one The key is useless."

A sneer flashed across Tamara's face, this young man was Hobert!

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