Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 716 The world pattern has undergone tremendous changes

Inspired by Hobert, Fenebaud, Lemberg, and Maxi also began to describe their country's demands.

The losses of Lundborg and Maxi were actually caused by the Kingdom of Feneport, but at this time they were also seeking compensation from the defeated countries.

Even with the prerequisites of the League of Nations, the negotiations were going back and forth. It took a long time to argue before a resolution could be reached, and it could easily be overturned at the meeting the next day.

The only thing that was accepted by everyone was that the Principality of South Balam obtained the five colonies they requested.

After all, both Intis and Fusac had little morale at this time. As soon as the war began, those colonies surrendered or abandoned their cities one after another. With little effort, Medici had actually taken control of these five colonies. .

There is no dispute on this matter.

But Hobert's other demands have been under negotiation.

Although Hobert still looks very strong, he knows very well that with the current power of South Balam, it is already the limit to control these five colonies and the three states that Roen ceded from East Balam.

Before South Balam entered the war, it had completed negotiations with Loen. After entering the war, the Principality of South Balam had successively taken over the territory of three states from East Balam.

This is the condition for Loen to agree to send troops to South Balam. At the same time, the Principality of South Balam has obtained franchise rights in many areas of the Kingdom of Loen.

Precisely because there were too many benefits at once, a large number of manpower was needed to supplement them. At this time, Nanbailang was recruiting troops and conducting nationwide mobilization to establish rule in new territories.

Therefore, Hobert has not launched a new war. Instead, he has asked Audrey and Benson to use diplomatic strategies to negotiate with representatives from other countries.

Hobert, on the other hand, seemed not to focus too much on the negotiations, but often chatted with Leonard, his old friend in Backlund, as if he was too lazy to argue with this group of politicians.

Over the next month or so, Backlund staged a diplomatic strategy drama.

Under the auspices of Audrey and Benson, the Principality of South Balam first formed an alliance with Feneport and Lemburg to deal with Intis, requiring Intis to withdraw from the central plateau, and requiring that the number of troops in this republic should not exceed 150000.

This is very much in line with the interests of Feneport and Lomborg. If the Republic of Intis becomes weaker, they can gradually become stronger.

Intis Prime Minister Bivis's counterattack was to invite a delegation from the Balam Empire to attend the meeting.

Although the Balam Empire did not participate in the war, the reason given by Intis was that it was a major country in the southern continent and should have a seat in the "League of Nations".

At the League of Nations meeting, this proposal was approved by some countries for various purposes, and the Balam Empire gained a legal seat in the "League of Nations".

The Balam Empire borders South Balam and feels threatened by South Balam, so this delegation is naturally hostile to the Principality of South Balam.

While dealing with the counterattack of the Republic of Intis, Audrey also joined forces with the Kingdom of Loen to plan the establishment of the Ring Sea Industrial Zone.

The entire Jianhai coast was built into a huge industrial park. As a victorious nation, Loen took the lead in the management of this park.

Regarding the occupied area on the north coast of the Sea of ​​​​Jianhai, Benson proposed a proposal that was very beneficial to Roen: the victorious countries would jointly send troops to occupy it, and all the expenses incurred by the supplies and stationing of these soldiers would be borne by the Fusac Empire.

This made Agushid waver again, because Roen had always had the desire and idea to completely lose Fusac's industrial potential.

Most of the industries of the Feysac Empire are on the north coast of the Middle Sea. If they get there, Feysac will no longer be a threat, and Roen's industrial strength will be enhanced.

The key is that the plan proposed by Benson solves Loen's current shortage of soldiers and dispels Loen's last concern.

Intis's counterattack was to propose the establishment of a country in the northern part of the Southern Continent, with the Pas Valley as the center, to protect the interests of the countries in the Northern Continent.

The meaning of this proposed confrontation is already obvious: it protects the national interests of the Northern Continent, while South Balam is a country of the Southern Continent! The reality is to create an enemy for South Balam.

Due to geographical considerations, both Roen and Fusak strongly supported the establishment of this country.

The delegation of the Principality of South Balam used its veto power, and the restored Kingdom of the South Continent lost the chance of restoration. At the same time, Audrey accused Bevis of using the interests of the people of the South Continent as a bargaining chip.

Just when the negotiations had been going on for a month and a half, but still no decent agreement had been reached, Hobert once again showed his strong ability to control the field.

The negotiations on December 16 had just begun. Hobert spoke first: "First of all, I would like to announce a very important thing. The religious negotiations in York City officially ended yesterday.

"Everyone may have received some news. For example, most of the power of the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery must leave Loen, and the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth has been given the opportunity to preach in Loen and the Feysac Empire.

"But there are some contents in the agreement that you may not know. The Church of the Goddess of the Night will begin to preach in the South Balam Principality.

"At the same time, the original parishes and churches of the Church of the Storm in the Principality of South Balam will be returned to the Church of the Storm. Among the newly acquired colonies, the La Baston District will become the missionary area of ​​the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom."

Representatives from various countries once again showed surprised expressions. The Zhengshen Church did not announce all the resolutions of their negotiations yesterday, but only informed the governments of various countries of future changes in the Northern Continent Diocese.

These changes were expected and did not surprise them.

At this time, their main focus was on the peace talks in Backlund, so they did not pay attention to the changes in various churches in South Balam.

Hobert continued: "If you don't understand what this means, you can consult the professionals around you."

He has been meeting with Leonard frequently recently, just to inquire about the status of religious negotiations, and to facilitate the large-scale missionary work of the Church of the Night Goddess to the Southern Balam Principality as soon as possible.

At the same time, Hobert also wrote to "Vice Admiral Iceberg" Edwina, asking her to contact the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, promising that she would be willing to provide a territory about the size of a state to the Church of Knowledge.

In the end, with Alger's secret help, the contact with the Church of Storms was completed, and the Church of Storms was asked to resume preaching in the South Balam Principality.

As a result, the Principality of South Balam became a gathering place of religions. The main religions include the Church of the Mother Earth, the Church of the Goddess of the Night, and the Church of the Fool.

The Church of Storms and the Church of Knowledge also have separate parishes that are not adjacent to each other.

This is Hobert's binding to the winner of the God War, and at the same time, it once again brings the negotiation back to a game centered on strength.

After all, this world is based on the extraordinary, which gives the church huge power and influence.

The negotiations in Backlund will ultimately take the results of the religious negotiations in York City as an important reference.

It's just that the part of the York City negotiations on the northern continent has been anticipated for a long time, but everyone just ignored the part on the southern continent.

Subconsciously, politicians still regard the Southern Continent as a vassal of the Northern Continent, and their thinking about the economy, politics and religion there is still in the colonial stage.

The only fly in the ointment is that in the negotiations between the Principality of South Balam and various churches, the contradiction between the principality government and the church also emerged.

At this time, the Principality of South Balam is a brand new political system. It has strong control over the grassroots. The influence of the church in the southern continent will be far lower than that in the northern continent.

Even with the Church of the Mother Earth, there were some unpleasant encounters over the Inquisition.

At this time, another characteristic of religion is reflected: gods are gods, and the church is the church.

In other words, if Hobert is in danger at this time, the Earth Mother Goddess and the Night Goddess will never sit idly by, and even the Storm Lord will help.

But this does not affect the Church of the Goddess of the Night and the Church of the Storm, which oppose the national policy of the South Balam Principality.

This incident also made Hobert feel that before he became a god, he could only make certain compromises with the church, so he successfully completed the negotiation with the church.

The final result of the religious negotiations was enough to shock other countries, and they seemed to suddenly wake up: the Principality of South Balam has also become part of the center of the world.

The major churches agree to preach in the Principality of South Balam, which means that those churches support the regime of the Principality of South Balam. This is also a demonstration of the power of the Principality of South Balam.

The subsequent negotiations went much smoother. No one mentioned the establishment of a new country in the Southern Continent again. The main theme of the negotiations returned to war compensation and the construction of a new world order.

Now that the church has recognized the political model of the South Balam Principality, what else do they have to object to?

After more than half a month of negotiations, the peace talks finally came to an end.

The Principality of South Balam received a war reparation of 3 billion pounds, which was paid by the two defeated countries in two years, and obtained business concessions in the areas of electricity and machinery in the defeated countries.

At the same time, the South Balam Principality evacuated the angels in other countries and released all the captives within a year.

However, the game of geopolitical relations between major powers still exists. Roen is unwilling to see Fenebaud's influence increase, so he does not agree with Intis's withdrawal from the central plateau.

Fenebaud was also unwilling to see Loen become stronger, so he was very clearly opposed to the victorious country occupying the northern coast of the Sea of ​​​​Jiang.

After long discussions, these two bills were finally invalidated.

The Principality of South Balam is quite satisfied with the current layout of the northern continent and is not willing to see a powerful Loen, so it did not raise these proposals again.

On January 22, various countries signed the Thordrak Agreement, marking the end of the three-month negotiation and the re-division of the world.

However, the conflicts among the countries in the Northern Continent have not been alleviated by this agreement.

After the signing ceremony, dignitaries and heads of state from various countries took photos.

Govington II, King of Loen, stood in the middle of the first row. To his left was Hobert, and to Hobert's left was Bevis, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Intis.

While waiting to be photographed, Hobert extended his hand to Beavis and smiled: "You are a well-deserved diplomat."

Beavis held Hobert's hand tightly: "Your diplomatic talent is also admirable."

Facing Beavis's compliment, although Hobert did not refute, he gently shook his head.

The reason why Hobert was very strong in this negotiation and achieved very good diplomatic results was based on the strength of the Southern Balam Principality.

As the prime minister of a defeated country, Bevis became the third most active national representative after Hobert and Agushed. It can be said that he used the game between big powers to preserve the status of the first-class Intis country. status, and also preserved the Fusac Empire.

At the subsequent press conference, representatives from various countries answered questions from reporters.

In fact, this is just a formality. The reporters' questions have already been put in front of the dignitaries, and they have been prepared for it.

When reporters asked Hobert questions, he was well prepared for the first two questions and answered them flawlessly.

A reporter from the "Lun Evening News" asked the third question. After it was his turn, the reporter stood up and asked: "Grand Duke, why does the South Balam Principality not allow people to become rich? Why does it block itself?"

This question immediately surprised many because of its obvious offensive nature.

Then everyone looked at Hobert to see the Duke's reaction.

Audrey in the audience was secretly worried because this issue was not part of the plan.

Hobert gave the reporter a cold look: "Have you been to South Balam?"

The reporter was slightly startled: "I...I have been there. I once went with the special envoy's delegation."

Hobert asked again: "So what did you see then?"

Before the reporter could return, Hobert took the lead and said: "You can check the report of the Luen Evening News after the Luen Special Envoy's delegation returned.

“If I remember correctly, the newspaper at that time praised South Balam’s initiatives in infrastructure development and supporting the poor.

“Now I don’t know what purpose this reporter had in asking such a clearly biased question.

“I refuse to answer such a ridiculous question and express doubts about the professionalism of the Luen Evening News.

"At the same time, everyone is welcome to come to South Balam. You can observe this country for yourself. Is there any malicious slander by some 'bad evening newspapers'?"

Other reporters immediately took note of Hobert's response, and the episode was enough for a feature story.

The press conference ended, and Xio, who had passed through the disguise, was already waiting for Hobert outside the conference venue.

She followed Hobert and Audrey onto the tram very naturally and then said: "I have just sent people to investigate the reporter. It is said that people from Loen's Ministry of Foreign Affairs had contact with him yesterday."

Xio was so efficient thanks to the "Extraordinary Communication" system. After she assigned the task to Backlund's subordinates, she received feedback in just over twenty minutes.

No one from the South Balam Principality delegation even left the main venue, and Xio had already gotten the information she needed.

Audrey, who was sitting on the other side of Hobert, sighed: "This is not surprising."

During the talks, she could always vaguely feel the isolation of the southern Balam Principality by the northern countries.

This is not a problem that can be resolved by the church's willingness to preach in South Balam. They feel that South Balam's national policy is very unfriendly to them.

Of course, Audrey still felt the fear in them.

Fortunately, during the peace talks, Hobert was also causing conflicts among the countries, making it impossible for these countries to work together to deal with South Balam.

"I understand." Hobert smiled and said, "It just so happens that we are currently the rotating president of the League of Nations, so we can give Lun a big gift."

So three days after the peace talks ended, the heat of the peace talks had not faded. As the rotating president of the "League of Nations", Benson Moretti, the representative of the Principality of South Balam, initiated a hearing on the independence of the Rhoad Islands.

At the hearing, independent representatives from the Principality of South Balam explained their desire for independence. They said that national independence is the best interpretation of democracy and freedom in a civilized society, and they hope to get the support of every freedom-loving country.

This hearing caught Loen off guard. During the war, Loen's control over the Rhoad Islands weakened, and there was indeed a wave of national independence.

After the war, although Roen immediately mobilized a lot of forces to rush to the Rhoad Islands, the power of the independent faction was already considerable. The Duke of Southwell personally went to the Rhoad Islands to suppress the momentum of the independent faction.

However, the terrorist attacks on the Governor's Mansion and the colonial army have continued. At the same time, the low-level Extraordinaries of Loen, who have experienced more than a year of brutal war, are generally war-weary. This has led to the very low efficiency of the Governor's Mansion, and there has been no Completely eliminate the independent faction.

At this time, Poseidon, the former main force of the resistance, proposed a proposal to establish a coalition government.

They are called the Unionists, and they advocate the establishment of a parliament in the Rhoside Islands to rule this wealthy archipelago. The Loen people occupy half of the seats in the parliament, and the locals occupy the other half.

Although Hobert is very clear, if a country is not established in the flames of war, even if the country has complete sovereignty, it will be restricted everywhere.

But He had no intention of paying too much attention to this matter. This was obviously a proposal instructed by Klein from the Poseidon Church.

Loen basically agrees with the proposal to establish a coalition government, and the two sides are currently negotiating.

At this time, the Principality of South Balam suddenly invited the more radical independent faction to participate in this hearing. Although Loen finally used the "one-vote veto" to resolve the matter, it made the mess in Loen known to everyone. .

Of course, Intis and other three major countries would not give up this opportunity and joined the ranks of supporting the independence of the Rhoad Islands.

This change forced Roen to speed up the construction of a coalition government and gave up many benefits to this end.

Politicians realized at this time that although the war was over, it did not mean that the world had entered a peaceful era.

So just after the peace conference ended, various countries announced their military expansion plans one after another!

Hobert left the matter of arguing with the Northern Continent to Benson, and he returned to South Balam to inspect the construction situation in recent months.

After seeing the appearance of the villages in the St. Nosay area, Hobert sighed: "It feels like I have been talking to those politicians in Backlund for several years."

Rows of new houses have been built in the village. They are tall and bright. The architectural style is obviously different from the architectural styles of the northern and southern continents. They have red walls and high tiles. There is a section of eaves protruding from the front, as well as a gatehouse and a simple cloister.

Everyone felt awkward at first, but after living there for a while, they realized the benefits of these buildings, because the windows are usually opened very scientifically, so the lighting is good, and the moisture-proof effect is also very good.

Not only is it tall, but the use of the room is also very flexible, and gradually people are getting used to it.

Especially as autumn is coming in the Southern Continent, the fire kang and fire dragon "designed" by Archduke Hobert are deeply loved by everyone.

Of course, what people talk about most is the speed of construction.

After completing the harvesting and storage of grain, some people in a village will go to the small town to burn bricks and tiles, while the rest will concentrate their labor on building houses one by one. Every two or three days, the whole village will go to the small town. Pull bricks and timber.

It seems that there is no end to the bricks and tiles in the South Balam Principality. No matter when they go to collect them, they always give them as much as they ask for.

At this rate, a house can be built for one family in an average day. Hobert has been away for more than four months, and basically half of the construction tasks of private houses have been completed.

When He left, all he could see were tents. When He came back, it was half tents and half new houses. Of course, it looked like a big change to Him.

At the same time, Hobert sighed: "This is extraordinary power."

If we just use the normal busy farming time to do construction work, it may take several years to reach such a scale.

Only when spring arrives early and two crops of grain are harvested in one season can all manpower across the country be devoted to large-scale construction.

Hobert took a carriage and inspected all the way north. In some places, the speed of housing construction was slower than that in the Saint-Nosay area, and in other places it was much faster.

The slower places are basically poorer villages. The houses of the local people are similar to the adobe houses in Hobert's impression. The houses must be demolished first, the adobe cleared away, and then brick houses built again. So it's slower.

The areas that are progressing faster are small towns or cities. The construction quality in these places is quite good and they only need to be renovated, so the progress is faster.

However, according to data collected from various places, it may not be until the end of the year, when the second wave of major construction is carried out, that all private houses can be rebuilt and renovated.

Only then will there be manpower to build some public facilities and build a number of more factories.

Hobert is not in a hurry, because he has already felt that the potion has been clearly digested. This is a tampering of architectural style and culture, and it is also a kind of "killing".

This not only digests the magic potion, but also prepares for the "Black Emperor" ritual.

The second wave of large-scale construction will definitely not be able to digest as many potions as the first wave, but Hobert estimates that after the second wave begins, his own potions should be able to be digested almost as much.

In addition, when people now see their houses, see those universities, see those factories, and every time they think of owning land, they can deepen the impression of Hobert and the "founder".

This is the political task assigned by Hobert to grassroots officials. They must often publicize the rights given to them by Grand Duke Hobert and the "founder", as well as the new changes brought to their lives.

When Hobert was patrolling his territory, he gradually felt that the number of his anchors was rapidly growing. This should be the role of the grassroots officials' propaganda.

The people had only listened to the officials' propaganda before, but now the Archduke Hobert in the propaganda appeared in front of them, allowing them to connect the illusory image with the real person.

So after one tour, half of the country's people have become Hobert's anchors.

These many anchors are enough for a god.

After returning to Angelou, Hobert began to worry about his tomb again.

At present, the second batch of mausoleums has been built or renovated, and the construction of the third batch of mausoleums has also begun.

Among the remaining three mausoleums, Hobert planned to build one in the middle of a mountain. Hobert directly used his extraordinary ability to hollow out the mountain, and then arranged a teleportation array inside, without moving any grass or trees outside the mountain. Build a mausoleum without realizing it.

There is also a Hobot that is planned to be built in the dense forest in the eastern mountains of Angelou. Although it is also built secretly, he will reveal some information about this mausoleum.

This violates the "secret construction" rule and makes this mausoleum different from other mausoleums and does not fall into the category of the nine mausoleums.

Because Hobert suddenly had the idea of ​​a tomb of doubt, he estimated that when he was promoted, he would not be very peaceful, so he might as well build such a tomb to attract the attention of the enemy.

Hobert planned to build the real mausoleum at the bottom of a lake in that hilly area. He planned to be promoted there when the time came. After successfully being promoted, he would rush out to the Doubt Tomb, which was not far away, to kill people.

As for the location of the last mausoleum, Hobert is very entangled. He really wants to build it in the "Country of Disorder", but because the "Country of Disorder" is not in the real world, it may be difficult to pull him up when he is promoted. Return to the real world.

Hobert thought for a while and decided not to take the risk. After all, the process of being promoted to the "Black Emperor" was the process of becoming a "Shadow of Order" and becoming an illusion.

And the "State of Disorder" is a source of matter that is separated from the real world. The mausoleum built here may have a very limited role.

So Hobert finally decided to build the ninth mausoleum on Longtail Island, where the Hades once sealed the "Mountain God" Megli.

After the construction of the third batch of mausoleums was completed, Hobert planned to try to accommodate uniqueness.

If the time is right, you can actually try to accommodate them now. After all, six mausoleums have been completed. As long as the corresponding connections are established, there should be no problem in accommodating the uniqueness.

Hobert guessed that Trunsoest should have become the King of Angels, but he did not think this was a threat.

I believe that after the war between gods, Trunsoest should have roughly known the relationship between the Earth Mother Goddess and Hobert. In addition, his body was obviously shaped by gods. He should be very clear that if Hobert had Danger, the Earth Mother will not sit idly by.

Therefore, Trunsoest has not dared to cause trouble to the South Balam Principality.

After finishing his domestic affairs, Hobert began to plan against foreign enemies.

The first is the issue of the Balam Empire. Although the "Pale Queen" had helped Trunsoest before, their diplomats pretended that nothing had happened and continued to discuss the establishment of mutual embassies with the Southern Balam Principality. .

Hobert also asked the diplomats to continue talking to them, and then quietly contacted the "Artificial Death" in an attempt to provoke a fight within the "Spiritual Order".

But when Hobert sent Dophis to contact the "Artificial Death" faction, he learned that this faction was disintegrating.

The reason is that more and more members cannot feel the "God of Death". To be precise, they can no longer feel the unique existence of the "God of Death" path.

Since the goddess of the night took away the uniqueness of the "God of Death" path, this faction began to question its own cause, and many members have defected to the "Royal Faction".

Before this, the "Spiritual Religion" was mainly divided into two factions, the "Artificial Death Faction" and the "Royal Faction". The purpose of the "Artificial Death Faction" was to activate the uniqueness to a certain extent through rituals and prayers, in an attempt to The "Emperor of Hades" is resurrected.

The "Royal Faction" supports the descendants of the "Pluto Emperor" to become the new Emperor Bailang, and looks for opportunities to be promoted to the new God of Death.

There are other small factions such as the "Sleep Sect" and the "Underworld Sect", and Dopheus is a member of the small faction "Revival Sect".

They realized that the fighting between various factions had caused serious internal strife in the "Spiritual Religion". At this time, it was impossible to revive the Balam Empire. They hoped to revive the Eggers family first through external force or joint efforts.

Because the goddess of the night took away the uniqueness of the "God of Death" path, the intention of the "Artificial Death God Faction" obviously could not be achieved. At this time, the "Royal Faction" led by the "Pale Queen" became stronger and stronger.

Regarding the enemy "Spiritual Religion Group", Hobert still attaches great importance to it.

This organization is not as well-known as the "Rose School" simply because they are relatively low-key and not so crazy and evil.

Hobert has done a simple investigation and found that the "Spiritual Religion Group" is stronger than the "Rose School of Thought".

There are three angels known to Dopheus alone, two of the "Royal Faction", one is the "Pale Queen", and the other is the "Death Archon".

The "Artificial Death Sect" also has a "Death Archon" Heitel, but this angel was suspected of being eroded by uniqueness during a previous ceremony and was not in good condition.

It is said that the angel's behavior is getting more and more strange now, and Hobert seriously suspects that the goddess of the night is using the uniqueness of the "Death" path to influence this angel.

Judging from the current situation, the disintegration of the "Artificial Death Sect" has become a foregone conclusion, and even their leader may defect to the Church of the Goddess of the Night.

The leaders of other factions are basically "ferrymen". According to Dophes, the leader of the "Underworld Faction" is also suspected to be an angel, but he has not appeared for hundreds of years. If he is really an angel, I believe it. His condition wasn't much better.

Hobert suspected that the guy might have been killed by the "Rose School" and formed a sealed object. Later, this sealed object was captured by Hobert and named "0-73" Death Realm.

In addition, Hobert still remembers that there is an angel-level monster with the "God of Death" path in San Diego City. Since Trunsoest has harvested all the extraordinary characteristics there, Trunsoest is very likely to Use the characteristics of the "Death Archon" to cooperate with the "Pale Queen".

In terms of angel-level power, the "Spiritual Religion" is stronger than the "Rose School".

Although the "Spiritual Order" does not have the King of Angels like the "Bound God", the "Pale Queen" is in much better condition than the "Godly Sin" Si'a!

In addition, there are a lot of demigods, as well as backbone forces like Sequence 6 and Sequence 5.

The reason why Hobert's diplomatic strategy towards the Balam Empire was based on peace talks at the beginning was because the war in the northern continent had to be focused before, and it was impossible to start a war in the southern continent, so the Southern Balam Principality behaved Extremely restrained.

But it is different now. The main force of South Balam, including Hobert himself, has also returned to the country. The occupation of five colonies and the task of receiving three states from East Balam have been completed. The ministries are gradually gathering in Asun City. At present, 90,000 regular troops have been assembled there, and various special forces are also being deployed there.

However, the territory of the South Balam Principality has just doubled again. The entire southern part of the Southern Continent is already the territory of the Principality. In addition, those places in the central region of the Southern Continent that either have fertile farmland or are rich in mineral deposits have been used by Hobert for war. Opportunity taken.

In Hobert's view, there is a huge area of ​​land that needs to be ruled and a new order needs to be established. These actions are the key to digesting the potion and preparing for the ritual of becoming a god. To Hobert, it is an important thing.

But considering that the enemy could not wait for the Southern Balam Principality to accumulate strength and kill the Balam Empire in one fell swoop, Hobert had to prepare for the worst.

Gathering forces to respond to emergencies as quickly as possible is the first step.

In the second step, Hobert once again used the strategy of "you fight yours and I fight mine" to establish dominance without affecting the promotion of a "balancer" and a "Duke of Entropy" with his support. .

If there are two more angels, the Balam Empire, which seems to be relatively active now, will definitely become afraid to even fart.

In fact, now the Balam Empire does not dare to take the initiative to attack the Southern Balam Principality, because this country is currently dominated by the power of the four orthodox churches, and the Balam Empire will not mess with it at all.

But the power of the church can only be used to find out. For Hobert, there is no need to use the church to deal with opponents at the level of the Balam Empire.

He is also unwilling to ask the church for help, because the more he uses the extraordinary power of the church, the more he has to rely on the church. This is a situation that Hobert does not want to see.

The first choice for the "balancer" is Hobert's adoptive father Christine. Hobert has absolute trust in him, and his "Chaos Hunter" potion has almost been digested.

But if Christian was promoted to an angel now, it would be equivalent to giving up everything he had gained in Backlund.

It was impossible for Roen to trust an angel who had such a close relationship with Hobert. If he continued to stay in Backlund, it might be in some danger.

Hobert took advantage of his mother Monlisa's birthday to quietly discuss the matter with Kristine. Kristine thought about it for a few minutes and agreed to go to the South Balam Principality.

After all, this is an opportunity to become an angel. The title of Duke and the seat in the House of Lords are not worth mentioning in front of angels.

Then Hobert considered the candidate for the "Duke of Entropy". It would take some time for Elliot to digest the potion. In theory, Lawrence was the most suitable, but he represented the power of the extraordinary family to a certain extent.

Hobert had previously spent a lot of effort to reduce the influence of the Extraordinary Family on the Extraordinary Army.

After much consideration, Hobert thought that it would be better to use the extraordinary properties of that "ancient evil object" to promote Sharon to an angel!

Hobert has no trust in the "Duke of Entropy". After all, the process of promotion to Sequence 1 is a process of betrayal.

At least it would be more reasonable for another "Duke of Entropy" to appear after he became a true god. By then, Hobert's crony Elliot should have digested the potion.

As for Sharon's promotion to an angel, Hobert did not talk to Sharon directly. Instead, he asked Mr. Fool for help and first discussed the matter with Klein "Above the Gray Fog".

After Klein heard about this, he once again lamented the "richness" of the "creator", who actually had extraordinary characteristics at the angel level as soon as he made it.

But this extraordinary characteristic is not surprising. After all, in the previous war, the South Balam Principality killed at least one of the enemy's angels!

Then Klein leaned back in his chair and said, "The war is over."

Hobert smiled and said: "As you said before, the end is coming."

Klein took a deep breath: "Okay then, you go talk to Sharon."

The reason why Hobert went to find Klein first was because after Sharon became an angel, she would completely join the forces of the "Creator" and no longer belong to the demigod of the Church of Fools.

Of course, based on the current cooperative relationship between South Balam and the Church of the Fool, Sharon can definitely go back to help when the Church of the Fool needs it, but she must give priority to completing the tasks assigned by the Principality of South Balam.

Hobert nodded: "For this, I will give you the extraordinary characteristics of a 'Puppet' and a 'Silent Disciple' as compensation."

Klein did not refuse, and he currently lacked the means to control the "temperance faction". With these two extraordinary characteristics, he had a lot more room for maneuver.

After this meeting, Hobert went to Asun to find Sharon and talked to her about the matter.

Of course, Sharon would not refuse the opportunity to become an angel. Her teacher Renette Tinichole had already told her in advance that if the South Balam Principality wanted to recruit her to become an angel, she must agree immediately!

Reinette knew very well that in the process of destroying the Highland Kingdom, the South Balam Principality acquired at least one extraordinary characteristic of an "ancient evil object."

It will be a long time before the "prisoner" path Extraordinaries trained by the South Balam Principality can use such high-level characteristics.

If the South Balam Principality faces external pressure, Hobert, as Sharon's friend, is likely to make Sharon an angel and help the South Balam Principality relieve the pressure.

Regardless, this is a great opportunity.

After talking about the business, Hobert asked Sharon: "Are you okay in your current state?"

Sharon, who looked like an exquisite doll, nodded, indicating that it was not bad.

Hobert said "Yes" and nodded: "After becoming an angel, you will have to further fight against divinity. If the potion of the 'Silent Disciple' is digested, it is best not to be so taciturn?"

Sharon listened quietly.

Hobert said: "I suggest you get in touch with others more, and if you have the opportunity, try to fall in love or start a family.

"It all helps you stay human, and from what I've observed, the scraps of life are very helpful in fighting against divinity.

"Of course, this is just my personal opinion. I don't know if it is useful to you, but it can be used as a reference."

Sharon gave Hobert a deep look.

"I know what you mean by that look in your eyes." Hobert said helplessly: "I already have two wives, and if I have one more, my humanity will be too strong.

"What I mean is that you can go to places with a lot of people, such as the Angelou Night Market, and immerse yourself in life."

At that time, for the same reason, Klein will also go to the Angelou Night Market to see if there is a chance that the two of them will meet.

Sharon nodded, indicating that she understood.

After talking about the business, Hobert said goodbye and left.

After selecting two people to be promoted to angels, Hobert began to organize people to go to the northern part of the Southern Continent, which is currently the area mainly controlled by the Kingdom of Loen and Feneport, to promote the politics of the South Balam Principality. model to see if there is an opportunity for a national independence movement.

This is also a precautionary measure. If they become hostile to Roen and others, the South Balam Principality will immediately support the local national independence movement. It would be great if these places can become independent.

Even if it is not independent, it can still bring a lot of trouble to Loen and other countries.

After all this work, it’s already March.

The southern section of the Southern Balam Principality has entered winter again.

In the west of the Star Plateau, in a secret mausoleum deep in the mountains.

Heitel, who was pale and thin, looked at the wall deep in the mausoleum. That wall was very illusory and seemed to be filled with very scary things.

Suddenly, a human face appeared on the wall. The human face glanced at Heitel with empty eyes, made a very painful expression, and then disappeared from the wall.

Heitel couldn't help but frown: "What are those people from the Underworld Sect doing?"

That wall was connected to the underworld, and he could feel that some changes seemed to be happening in the underworld.

At this time, the whole mausoleum suddenly shook, and a breath that made Heitel tremble fell in the mausoleum.

As if he had been prepared, Heitel waved slightly, and the two huge stone tomb doors opened. The person coming outside was none other than the stern-looking "Pale Queen" Shia.

Heitel said coldly: "It seems that Palenque has really rebelled."

Palenque was His confidant and knew the location of His tomb.

Shia also said in a cold tone: "You should have contributed your uniqueness long ago and made me the King of Angels!"

He just glared at Heitel, and Heitel knelt down on the ground without any resistance.

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