Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 729: The Contaminated Roselle

The black figure in front of her couldn't see clearly, but Bernadette could tell that the black figure was her father, the man who called himself "Caesar", Russell Gustave.

Her eyes were slightly red and she took a step forward.

Russell laughed: "When I was making picture books for you, compiling teaching materials, and inventing various little games, you were only a little old, but now you can come and save your poor old father.

"I remember that when you were a child, you liked all the clothes I designed for you. Unfortunately, when you grow up, you can no longer wear cake skirts..."

Hobert complained on the side: Emperor, please put quotation marks around the words "invention" and "design".

Bernadette walked faster and faster while listening to her father's babble. Suddenly, Russell put his shadow-like palm on his forehead: "Stop!"

His voice was filled with indescribable pain.

Bernadette was stunned for a moment and stopped immediately.

Russell's other hand tightly grasped the armrest next to her and said in great pain: "No, come closer.

"I'm tainted."

The sadness in Bernadette's eyes became a little stronger. When she got this information from the Tarot Club through Cattleya, she thought it was a bit incredible, but then she realized that it might be true.

After confirming the truth at this time, she still felt sorry for her father.

Russell took a deep breath, as if he had regained some form, and then looked at Hobert: "As for you..."

"I was asked to bring you a message." Hobert smiled.

Russell was stunned, why did this sentence pattern sound so familiar?

Then, Hobert said in Mandarin: "Palace Yu Ye Liquor."

Russell: "One hundred...I...I rub, you are..."

Bernadette looked at the two people with some surprise. They were speaking a language that she had never heard before.

At this time, bright red cracks suddenly appeared on Russell's face, as if there was a crimson moon in his body.

He took a deep breath, looked at Bernadette, and said with difficulty: "Seal me!"

Hobert didn't expect that his own code would allow Lao Huang to "break his guard", and he immediately mobilized the surging "power of order" to help Russell contain the pollution in his body.

The bright red cracks on Russell's body gradually closed. He took a deep breath and sat weakly on the giant chair: "How are you going to save me?"

Of course he could feel that the person in front of him was the King of Angels in the "Black Emperor" pathway. Since the other person was not directly promoted, but chose to come to the mausoleum to see him, he should have found a way to save himself.

This time Russell spoke in Intis language. Bernadette stepped back to one side and looked first at her father and then at Hobert.

She couldn't understand why the two of them established mutual trust so quickly after each said something she didn't understand.

You know, she hesitated for a long time before choosing to believe in Hobert and the "Creator". As Hobert said, if the "Creator" wants to be detrimental to Russell, there is no need to do anything and become a "black man". After "Emperor", Russell completely fell.

Hobert did not answer Russell's question immediately, but first said: "The power just now can only temporarily suppress the pollution on your body. You can stay sane for about half an hour, but it will be difficult to tell after a long time." ”

He has just "weakened" the power of the outer gods on this island, so there is no need to worry that the creatures outside will disturb them.

Then Hobert said to Bernadette: "I will discuss a few key issues with your father first, because it will involve some pollution, so you can't listen!

"When we finish talking, I will give you time to get together."

Bernadette said "Yeah", what else could she say? But she was also very concerned: "How are you going to save my father?"

"As I said just now," Hobert said: "Seal him temporarily, but it shouldn't last long."

Because your Uncle Klein will be promoted to "The Fool" years ago and will soon become "Half Old One".

Hobert paused and said, "And you have to seal it."

Bernadette opened her mouth, but then she nodded as if she understood something, indicating that she had no problem.

The ability of the "Master of Prophecy" gave her a premonition that this was the opportunity for promotion. She smiled sadly and lamented the trick of fate.

Hobert "tampered" with Bernadette's hearing and vision. Russell on the chair breathed a sigh of relief: "When you said that 'password' just now, there was a feeling that the old father's secret was suddenly discovered by his daughter. Feel."

Hobert smiled. Their subsequent conversation, even if it did not involve some polluting issues such as the old days, was not suitable for Bernadette to hear.

Russell asked again: "Do you know the truth about the doomsday?"

Hobert nodded and responded: "I know."

The emperor continued to ask: "Do you know this is the earth?"


When Russell heard this, he smiled mockingly: "You actually knew it so early. I didn't dare to confirm it until I went to the moon and saw the true appearance of this planet from a height."

At this point, he sighed and added: "It's very weird on the moon. I clearly felt the terror, but I didn't think about whether I was contaminated at all. After I came back, I became more and more extreme.

"However, I occasionally gain some clarity from the opinions of people around me, but I dare not write a diary in that state for fear of leaking secrets and losing the last chance.

"I finally decided to use all the previous preparations to switch to the 'Black Emperor' path. Not only because the doomsday is coming, only Sequence 0 can protect the people I want to protect, but also because the miracle of the 'Black Emperor''s resurrection made me See the hope of getting rid of pollution.

"However, the horror of the past exceeded my imagination, and accompanying my resurrection was the pollution that was reborn..."

Having said this, Russell paused and asked: "Speaking of which, why did you choose the path of the 'Black Emperor'? How do you plan to save me specifically?"

"I can only choose this path..." Hobert briefly described his family's curse.

After hearing this, Russell let out a "hum": "These old bastards are always very difficult to kill, but Solomon was completely killed by me."

Hobert added: "As for the specific plan to save you, we need to ask another of our 'fellows' to help..."

"Fellow..." Russell suddenly stood up from the chair: "There is... there is another... are time travelers as worthless as cabbage these days?"

Hobert put away the "Brass Book of Rules" and explained with a smile: "Our time travel is all because of the same being in ancient times. I will explain this to you later.

"Let me talk about my plan to rescue you first. I have a few more questions to ask you later."

Russell said "Yeah" and sat back on the chair.

Hobert continued: "Our 'fellow' is an extraordinary person of the 'divineer' path. In the near future, he will have the authority of 'grafting' and 'fooling'. At the same time, he also has the ability to summon the 'historical projection'." ability.

"Before that, I had already taken advantage of a previous battle between gods and took the risk to seize the 'Emperor of Knowledge' properties from your body from the God of Steam and Machinery..."

"Wait a minute," Russell interrupted: "The God of Steam and Machinery had a divine war with someone else?"

"Yes, it was a divine battle in which all seven gods participated, and the God of War fell as a result." Because time was limited, Hobert simply said:

"I guessed your current state from your diary, so I have been thinking about how to save you for a long time in advance, and actively searched for the extraordinary characteristics extracted from your body."

There was no expression on Russell's shadowy face. He paused for about two seconds before saying, "Thank you for thinking that I can save him a little more."

He was very aware of the high level of pollution he suffered. In fact, Hobert could just pretend he didn't know he existed and then be promoted like that.

Then Russell asked: "How many of my diaries have you read?"

The sentence "The witch tastes really good" suddenly appeared in Hobert's mind, but he said truthfully: "Not much."

To be precise, I haven't seen many diaries since I came to this world.

Russell was silent for a few seconds before saying, "Okay, I'll just treat it as if you really only read a few pages."

Then he returned to the topic: "You plan to use the ability of that 'fellow fellow' to 'graft' the extraordinary characteristics between me and myself, and use the 'projection' of me who was once the 'Emperor of Knowledge'" Fooling 'history and reality', turning from 'resurrecting black emperor' to 'knowledge emperor'?"

Hobert nodded: "Yes, in this way I can successfully be promoted to the 'Black Emperor', and you can also regain... Well, the word 'regained' sounds more like a curse, and you can also get new ones." Life."

"Have you ignored a question?" Russell said: "The 'Primordial Moon' will definitely thwart your plan. How do you plan to stop it?

"You should know that His power may be limited on earth, but His status is very high."

Hobert had already planned: "Leave this to me."

After accommodating the uniqueness, the "Clock of Order" can temporarily suppress the pollution of the past.

Then he said: "However, there is no way to completely remove the pollution in your body, I can only help you suppress it within a controllable range.

"Theoretically, as long as you don't continue to be promoted or encounter new pollution, you should be able to basically control your own state.

"When the time comes, I will use a magical item to help you suppress the pollution, and you can return to the real world, but you must be careful not to pollute others."

"This is already very good." Russell described: "It's like a hemiplegic patient who can finally get out of bed and walk after treatment."

"Well, this metaphor is very life-like." Hobert said: "Okay, time is limited, I have to ask you a few questions."

"you say."

"I got a piece of information." Hobert's expression became serious: "After being promoted to the 'Black Emperor', the 'Lord of Mysteries' will awaken to a certain extent?"

Russell sighed: "Your preparations are more detailed than my preparations at that time.

"When I knew this, I couldn't take any more precautions."

Hobert couldn't help but frown: Now this problem is the biggest problem in promotion.

Regarding the special characteristics between Hobert and "Tianzun", he suspected that when he was promoted, "Tianzun" would not just "initially wake up".

"But this problem is not difficult to solve." To Hobert's surprise, Russell then added: "You just need to keep the sealed artifact 'Deng Shen' next to you when you are promoted."

Hobert was stunned: "Can the 'Djinn' stop the 'Lord of Mysteries'? Wasn't he sealed by the 'Lord of Mysteries'?"

"It is precisely because it was sealed by the 'Lord of Mysteries' that he can stop it." Russell explained: "This is the characteristic of the 'Black Emperor' path!"

Hobert suddenly understood: He was using the seal of "Tianzun" to interfere with the arrangement of "Tianzun"!

Then he thought: In this world, the "Deng God" is the person who least wants to see the "Tianzun" plan succeed, because as long as the Tianzun awakens in the "Black Emperor" or the "Judge", he can easily become the corresponding person. In the old days, then the "djinn" will lose everything.

Hobert wanted to understand again: No wonder Trunsoest never talked about the problem of "Tianzun" when he was promoted to "Judge". Before, he thought that the Six Gods helped him solve this problem. Now it seems, He may have obtained the "genius" at that time! Maybe it was one of the trophies from killing Solomon.

As for Solomon, he had the help of the true Creator, so there shouldn’t be much of a problem when he was promoted, and he also received a “djinn”! Finally, the "Lamp God" fell into Russell's hands again!

This is definitely not a coincidence, it may even be that the "Deng God" is actively sabotaging the "Tianzun" plan.

Hobert's only worry now is that his situation is quite special, and it's not certain whether the "Djinn" can help him.

At this time, Russell said again: "As for the reward of the 'Djinn God', you must help it escape after becoming a god, but I don't know its specific purpose, because it doesn't seem very eager to escape. .

"When I made the deal with it, I deliberately didn't promise the time to help it escape, and it didn't care."

Hobert asked: "How exactly does it do this?

"Hmm... To be honest, I have doubts about its capabilities."

Russell had no reservations: "I know this from the 'Uncertain Fog'..."

Hobert was stunned: "You have also contacted the 'Uncertain Fog'?"

"He took the initiative to contact me after I became the 'Black Emperor'." Russell said: "The specific theory should be similar to the law of mutual attraction between adjacent paths. After I was promoted, I had a few minutes to Connect with Him.

"It's just that I wasn't very conscious at the time, so I only chatted with Him for a few words."

Hobert nodded slowly, recalling that when he was promoted to Sequence 1, Tamara and Trunsoest both noticed that when he was promoted to true god, he should attract the attention of higher-level beings.

"The power He can project onto the earth is very weak and difficult to cause pollution. You can safely chat with Him." Russell continued: "He told me at that time not to be deceived by the 'Djinn', and gave me I have a complicated coming ceremony. He hopes to come to the earth to deal with the 'djinn'.

“My idea is that none of their words can be trusted, but we can use their mutual criticism to obtain some intelligence.

"For example, I got a piece of information that seems to be very reliable from the 'Uncertain Mist': 'The Djinn' is in a seal most of the time and looks innocuous, but at a certain moment, It can show power beyond the gods!”

Hobert couldn't believe it: "How did it do that?"

Although the old personality of the "Son of Chaos" may still be there, that is the seal of the "Tianzun"!

Russell said: "I had the same question as you at the time. After all, I have done research and found that the influence of the 'Deng God' on the outside world is almost negligible.

"Moreover, He is sealed by an extraordinary characteristic at the angelic level."

Having said this, he spread his hands: "This is the first time I have encountered such a luxurious seal!

"But the 'Uncertain Mist' told me that there are very powerful extraordinary characteristics in the 'Djinn God', and even the 'Lord of Mysteries' can't tear these extraordinary characteristics away from it!"

Hobert suddenly thought of what the "Dark Angel" said when he communicated with him before: "The 'Child of Chaos' is a life directly conceived by the 'Primordial', and is closer to the 'Primordial' than the 'Fallen Mother Goddess'!"

At that time, Hobert didn't pay much attention to this sentence, but now there is more than one piece of evidence proving that although the "Son of Chaos" is not a pillar, he is a very special old man!

In that case, how many extraordinary characteristics does the "Son of Chaos" originally have? There are only two on the earth, the "Black Emperor" and the "Judge", there seems to be some more "Uncertain Mist", and the "Child of Chaos" also has special characteristics!

"I think this information is basically accurate." Russell said: "Otherwise, there would be no need to use an angel-level extraordinary characteristic to seal the 'Djinn'."

Hobert nodded slowly, expressing his agreement with Russell's conclusion. With the strength of the "Tianzun" at that time, if the "Son of Chaos" had no source of essence and no extraordinary characteristics, it would only be able to use the "grey mist" of Origin Castle. Seal this guy somewhere and never get out.

However, the "Tianzun" took a copy of the "Miracle Master"'s extraordinary characteristics from himself and used it for sealing, which shows that he attaches great importance to the "Son of Chaos" who has torn out the "Uncertain Mist".

But this is good news for Hobert. Although his situation is quite special, the "Djinn" should also be able to help him solve the problem.

Thinking of this, Hobert asked again: "Do you have any other advice about the 'Black Emperor'?"

"This path seems to be a bit special." Russell, who was sitting on the iron chair, considered it and said: "I don't know if the 'Judge' is like this, but as far as the 'Black Emperor' is concerned, before becoming a god, the external God has little influence on extraordinary people on this path.

"But after becoming a god, whether it is the 'Djinn God' or the 'Uncertain Mist', it is easy to influence or notice you.

“Because I have been contaminated for a long time, their influence and gaze will not have any impact on me.

"But thinking about Solomon and Trunsoest, the probability of these two pathways being contaminated seems to be very high!"

Hobert was slightly startled when he heard this. He had not made any association with this before, but it was indeed the case. Russell's situation was a bit special. Let's not talk about it for the moment. Solomon and Trunsoest were both contaminated, or was affected in some way.

Some of Solomon's behaviors were very strange, and he seemed to be affected by the "uncertain fog" or the "djinn". Trunsoest was completely contaminated by the "Uncertain Mist" and even tried to destroy the "Djinn".

Although they may have their own purposes, it is an indisputable fact that they are all influenced by external gods.

Relatively speaking, the other four extraordinary characteristics that "just" came from the starry sky look very dangerous, but there seems to be room for relaxation.

Currently, "Demon King" Fabuti is still fighting against the "Mother Tree of Desire". Lilith was polluted on the "Moon" pathway. After switching to the "Mother" pathway, the pollution was basically suppressed.

Only the "Black Emperor" and the "Judge" seem to be related to the "Djinn" and the "Uncertain Mist".

Thinking of this, Hobert took a deep breath and said, "Thank you for your answer. I have no questions."

Russell smiled and said: "Friend, your arrival has given me great hope. I hope you and the fellow villager can work hard to rescue me as soon as possible.

"To be honest, the feeling of being polluted by the past is too painful."

This is his most helpless side. He has never shown his weakness in front of others before.

Hobert said seriously: "We will do it as soon as possible!"

Russell took a deep breath and said: "What you just held should be the uniqueness of the 'Judge' path, right? It seems that you are already preparing to become the old one.

“It must be a very difficult road, take a break when you are tired.

"Fuck the end of the world. The people we come from there just have a strong sense of responsibility. It doesn't matter if they are a little egotistical."

Hobert sighed with a wry smile: "I will pay attention."

Russell paused for a moment, got up from the chair and took a few steps closer to Hobert. He lowered his voice and asked, "Is Bernadette married?"


"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"As far as I know, there doesn't seem to be one."

Russell looked Hobert up and down: "You don't have vampire blood, do you?"

"Uh...a little bit."

Russell said "Hmm" and asked, "How did you and Bernadette meet?"

"I understand what you mean." Hobert said dumbfounded: "I already have two wives, and I love them very much."

"That's good, that's good." Russell seemed relieved, but then he became wary again: "Two...wives?"

Hobert raised his hand and pinched his forehead: "Well... we are peers. Technically, Bernadette has to call me uncle."

"Haha." Russell laughed twice: "You are right."

After saying this, he slowly returned to his seat: "Yes, you have to call me uncle."

"The rest of the time will be left to you, father and daughter." As he spoke, Hobert released the "tampering" on Bernadette: "I will go out and wait for you. If you need my assistance in sealing later, use the 'Order Crystal' contact me."

Bernadette said "hmm".

Hobert did not eavesdrop on the conversation between the father and daughter. Instead, he came to the open space outside the mausoleum and looked at the situation on the island.

Because the power of the outer gods was weakened, the entire island had become quiet at this time.

While waiting, Hobert pondered the information he had just received from Russell. He was somewhat surprised that the biggest problem of promotion was solved in this way.

However, to be on the safe side, you still have to have a chat with the "Deng Shen" before preparing for promotion.

About ten minutes later, Hobert's spirit was "notified" and he came to the mausoleum again.

At this time, the blood-red cracks on Russell's body appeared again, and Bernadette had already put on a pale metal mask. The pale lines on the mask continuously outlined an extremely complex mysterious symbol. Like a bird with long feathers, it suddenly turned into a coiled feathered serpent.

Under the mask, Bernadette cast an indifferent gaze, which seemed to have substance, forming a layer of pale white light that surrounded Russell on the huge seat.

Russell's breath disappeared immediately, and the bright red cracks closed one after another, and he seemed to fall into a peaceful sleep in an instant.

But the next moment, several more blood-red gaps appeared on Russell's body. After his aura had declined to the extreme, it gradually took on new life, fiercely confronting the mist-like pale white light around him.

Hobert immediately realized that the mask was not qualified enough.

He immediately took action, "using" the "pale death" that Bernadette wore on her face, and tightly wrapped that pale white light around Russell.

And use the power of the "State of Disorder" to improve the status of the seal, "amplify" the power of "pale death", and "tamper" with the intensity of Russell's "rebirth".

In this way, the pollution suffered by Russell was completely suppressed by the "pale death". Before breaking through the seal, the power of the "pale death" would turn "rebirth" into "disappearance" again.

"Pale Death" will continue to provide power to this seal until Bernadette takes the initiative to lift the seal, or its state changes for some reason, and this seal will become ineffective.

Russell looked at Bernadette and smiled weakly: "This seal is good, I can finally sleep peacefully."

His eyes slowly closed: "Let's go, get out of here..."

In the blink of an eye, Russell had fallen into a deep sleep.

Bernadette opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the blink of an eye she found that she had returned to the edge of the original island.

She stared blankly at the peaks in the middle of the primitive island for a few seconds, then slowly turned around and walked towards the sea.

Hobert's double did not follow, but "tampered" with his own status, became "invisible" again, and waited on the beach.

After a while, Hobert heard a melodious whistle coming from the "Dawn" not far away. Bernadette whistled a melodious, slightly sad, and enchanting song. Calming melody.

After more than a hundred years of searching, she finally found her father, but she had to seal her father away.

Although Russell repeatedly emphasized that there was still a possibility of his resurrection, Bernadette didn't know why, but she always felt an unspeakable sadness in her heart.

It may be more than a century apart, and I still feel regretful without even a hug.

Maybe he was secretly regretting why he left his father back then?

may be……

After being silent for a while, Bernadette's eyes became clear again.

She no longer hesitated, blamed herself, or had all kinds of negative emotions. She firmly raised her right hand and summoned a spiritual creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of wind, and got the "Sage" potion from him. some auxiliary materials.

The remaining parts, which do not need special preservation, are in the collection room of "Dawn".

Not long after, Bernadette used "Pale Death" to smash the "Sage's Forelock" and prepared the magic potion.

She picked up the magic potion, and at this moment her heart was full of hope to help her father get rid of the pollution and completely resurrect, which required a higher sequence and stronger strength.

Bernadette had never been so determined as she was now. She drank the potion in one gulp and saw her body becoming illusory at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She decomposed it into streams of complex knowledge, and was transforming into the form of information torrent.

Bernadette tried her best to maintain her own rituals, and soon established a certain connection with the spiritual world information that prevented a high-level disaster from happening.

That information bears her distinct imprint, involves a very high level, and appears to be extremely "solid."

This information prevented Bernadette from being washed away by other information in a short period of time, and helped her initially stabilize her consciousness, so she had time to collect the torrent of information from her body bit by bit.

Just when she was about to completely contain the huge torrent of information, a stream of secret information came from nowhere. Taking advantage of Bernadette's opportunity to reorganize her body, she tried to merge with her.

This is interference from the Hidden Sage.

As a certain incarnation of knowledge and information in this world, and as an approximate sequence 0 of the "Peeper" path, the "Hidden Sage" can exert a certain influence on extraordinary people with the same path that are lower than itself.

At this moment, Hobert suddenly appeared in the captain's room. He waved his hand like a conductor, "distorting" the direction and status of the "foreign information" so that they all flowed towards him.

Then Hobert picked up a glass bottle from the table, and the "foreign information" rushed into the glass bottle. Hobert plugged the bottle cap, built a "spiritual wall", and sealed the information.

While watching Bernadette adjust her state at the end, Hobert made a judgment: the state of the "Hidden Sage" is similar to that of the King of Angels who can accommodate the uniqueness!

Finally, Bernadette completely reorganized her body. At this moment, she truly became Him, a Sequence 2 Angel of the "Secret Peeper" path, and a big figure in the mysterious world who could be honored as a "Hidden Existence".

After adjusting her state, she looked at Hobert with a strange expression: "Thank you, Huo...Uncle Hobert."

Hobert twitched his lips: "You should continue to call me Hobert."

Utopia mid-air.

Hobert looked at this small city with complete supporting facilities, as well as several small villages and a few reclaimed farmlands in the suburbs.

Originally, He had planned to come here for a long time, but after returning from the mysterious island discovered by Russell, he had to deal with the affairs of the Kingdom of Atlantis, and he had not come here until now to take a look.

The next second, Hobert appeared in the small square of Utopia, listened to a young man playing the lyre for a while, and chatted for a few words with an old gentleman.

He "inquired" that the elf restaurant in this small town has a unique flavor and is worth trying.

The architectural style of this restaurant is a unique "Atlantis style" with smooth lines and beautiful appearance.

Entering the restaurant, there are "Atlantis-style" tables and chairs with a rather heavy texture. Because it is not time to eat yet, there are only two tables of guests inside.

Among them, sitting by the window was a young man wearing a black formal suit, with black hair and brown eyes, and a rather scholarly temperament.

The young man stood up immediately after seeing Hobert: "Haha, Hobert! My friend, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Hobert, wearing a Loen-style windbreaker, walked in as if from another world, with a warm smile: "Klein, my friend, you look very good."

The person in front of Him is exactly Klein in the appearance of Klein.

Hobert couldn't remember the last time he saw this appearance.

"Yes." Klein smiled: "The wine and food in Utopia have cured my inner loneliness."

The two shook hands vigorously before sitting down separately.

Hobert asked: "Have you ordered anything?"

"I ordered braised prawns, sweet and sour cod and cold spinach." Klein smiled and said, "The sea here backs us, and the seafood is very good."

At this time, the waiter handed over the menu, and Hobert took a look at it. As he expected, the so-called "elf dishes" were all familiar dish names.

Hobert also ordered two dishes, and the two of them chatted while drinking beer.

"I met Russell not long ago, and he turned out to be our 'fellow countryman'." Hobert had no intention of hiding the matter, and briefly recounted his experience exploring the mysterious island with Bernadette.

He focused on Russell's current state. Regarding the method to rescue him, Hobert did not tell Klein for the time being. It would require a good time, such as after Klein was promoted to Sequence 1.

Klein listened quietly and finally sighed: "It would be great if he could come here and sit here."

Hobert picked up the beer glass: "Yes, we can fight the landlord."

"No, it's a fight against evil."

The two of them laughed, clinked a glass together, and took a few sips.

After eating a few bites of food using "elf tableware," Klein said, "I have long suspected Russell's identity."

Hobert put down his chopsticks and said "Hmm": "When he called himself 'Caesar', he had completely exposed himself."

"What about the elves?" Klein raised the "elf tableware" in his hand and asked, "What's going on with them?"

"Maybe they came from the Western Continent." Hobert said: "I study history, and I know very well that our ancestors paid great attention to recording history from very early on.

"Especially the enemies who have invaded us and harmed our compatriots will be clearly recorded."

"Yes, ancient history has used two volumes for several thousand years." Klein smiled and said, "Modern history has also used two volumes for one hundred years."

Hobert looked at the hops in the beer glass: "So, will the people there still know their ancestry?"

Klein's expression gradually became serious: "Probably not. After all, there was a period of madness in the First Age."

Hobert said "hmm": "Maybe I'm overthinking, I just... just..."

"Are you homesick?"

Hobert suddenly raised his head and met each other's eyes. Hobert suddenly smiled: "Originally, I felt that I had a home here, so I wouldn't have such feelings."

"As you said before." Klein said in a gentle tone: "We are all wanderers who work hard outside. We bought a house and got married in a big city, but it doesn't mean that our roots are born there."

"I used similar words to comfort you before, but I didn't expect to be 'returned' again." Hobert smiled.

After returning from the mysterious island, Hobert's inner loneliness gradually grew. Especially when he recalled Russell saying "fuck the end", a sense of sadness appeared in Hobert's heart:

Why am I here to fight these monsters instead of doing my research?

Why is it that when you have free time, instead of playing games, eating and drinking beer, you are forced to survive and have endless things to deal with, so you have to think about promotion all the time?

Why am I not as happy as playing Minecraft when I already own a country?

Why am I going through this? Why can't I say "no"?


At this time, Hobert realized that he was actually a little tired, but he had been ignored by him before.

So after taking care of the things at hand, he gave himself a holiday, and his first stop was Utopia.

Klein added: "I'm not very good at comforting people, but I always feel that the driving force for us to move forward are those who have helped us or need our help.

“Because we are already in this world, because we have family and friends in this world, we cannot retreat.

"This is our responsibility."

Hobert repeated: "Responsibility."

His mood became much clearer: "Sorry, we haven't seen each other for a long time, but we talked about such a heavy topic.

"Let's talk about something else, um... how are you preparing for the ceremony?"

Klein looked out the window and saw that the people in the square and on the streets each had their own lives and personalities, and they were each doing their own things.

"As you can see, it went very smoothly!" A smile spread across Klein's face.

Hobert also followed Klein's gaze and looked outside. After hearing this, he said, "Let me help you again."

As he spoke, He strengthened the "connection" between the city and the spirit world.

For a moment, the light in the entire city dimmed a lot, but the dimness disappeared in an instant.

Looking outside, people are still coming and going, the square is still the same square, the church is still the same church, and the city is still the same city, but it just gives people a different feeling.

It seemed as if everything around me became more real, as if the city had a solid sense of history.

Klein took a deep breath and felt the subtle changes in Utopia. Everyone here was different from before. In the past, they were like "black households" in this world, but now everyone's relationship with the world has become very different. rapport.

The ritual that he originally planned to complete by the end of the year has now been basically completed. In another week or at most half a month, he can try to be promoted to "Attendant of Secrets".

Hobert drank up the beer in front of him in one gulp: "Thank you for your hospitality. It's rare to have a few free days. I want to go around.

"Oh, by the way, I have a friend who needs to strengthen his humanity. You are a good choice here."

Klein stood up and said, "Then let him do it."

The two shook hands again and said goodbye.

Klein sent Hobert away, sat on the chair and continued to enjoy the food while sighing in his heart.

Suddenly, his spirit was touched and he looked at the door of the restaurant.

A young lady wearing a palace dress, with very delicate features, like an exquisite puppet appeared there.

Klein was stunned for a moment before standing up: "Miss Sharon."

Then He realized: "You are the friend Hobert just mentioned!"

After seeing Klein's appearance, Sharon's face became more joyful: "Long time no see."

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