Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 765 Extra 3: The Princess and Prince of the Atlantis Empire

Many years after the "creator" left the earth, in the Atlantis Empire, the Anunnaki District.

In the teleportation array in the city, a pair of handsome men and women walked out of the teleportation array.

One of them wore an Atlantis-style long skirt, and the other wore a long gown of the same style. They were only about twenty years old, with delicate and beautiful faces.

The woman was called Evangeline, and she inherited her mother's golden hair and gem-like eyes.

The man was called Richard, who inherited her mother's brown hair and his father's beautiful black eyes.

After coming out of the teleportation array, he said: "My mother said that this is a very good city."

Evangeline nodded slowly and glanced at the two small suns in the sky: "The temperature is just right, not too cold or too hot."

The Anunnaki District is not on Earth. It is a planet outside the Milky Way, in a stable binary star system.

The two stars are large and small, and the small star also revolves around the big star. Anunnaki is a planet that revolves around an asteroid. The two suns in the sky are a small star and a large star.

Because the big stars are far away, they look about the same size as the small stars.

Although this place is very far away from the solar system, it is connected by a convenient teleportation array. Even ordinary people can get here from the solar system in just a few minutes.

And because it is warm all year round, many people have settled here, forming a large city.

Evangeline and Richard, the brother and sister who came out to travel, first sat down in a roadside beverage shop, each asked for a drink, listened to people chatting, and sometimes joined in.

This is the way their father taught them to get information about a city before leaving: listen more, see more, and ask more.

Currently, more than 30 planets belong to the territory of the Kingdom of Atlantis, which is already a huge interstellar empire.

And Evangeline and Richard began to travel at the suggestion of their parents. This is their first stop. Their goal is to travel to every planet in the empire.

Soon they heard about some very good scenery on this planet, and the "Global Railway Line" here is very famous throughout Atlantis.

But this planet seems to be just an ordinary tourist city, and there is nothing special about it.

The two finished their drinks and walked casually on the street.

Evangeline looked at the Atlantis-style buildings around her and said, "Why did the two mothers ask us to choose this place as our first stop?"

"I've been thinking about this too." Richard scratched his head, "If only my mother suggested this, it must be because there is a unique scenery here."

"But it's unusual that Audrey's mother, who doesn't go to the stars, also suggested this. "

Usually, Richard would call Fors "Mother" and the other queen "Mother Audrey". Evangeline did the same, calling Fors "Mother Fors".

However, if they were in the outside world and not attending official events, they would only call them mother.

Evangeline was also very clear that her mother must have hinted something, so she tried hard to find something different on the street.

But this place is similar to Angelou. There must be an "elven-style" restaurant on the street, an Atlantis-style clothing store run by the Loen people, an appliance store opened by the Feysac people, a bar opened by the Feynepot people, and a hotel and couples restaurant opened by the Intis people. There must also be a snack street in the city.

If it weren't for the two suns in the sky, they would not feel that they had left the earth at all.

After searching half a street, Evangeline said impatiently: "Forget it, let's not look for it anymore. Let's go see what fun things there are here first."

Richard smiled and said: "I agree. "

So, both of them looked at the game room not far away.

There was a game room in the palace, and sometimes the emperor would play a game with them.

Originally, they thought the game room was boring, until one day, when they saw the lively scene in the game room on the street in Angelo, they knew what the game room was like.

But in Angelo, everyone knew them, and they were always followed by butlers or servants, so they didn't dare to enter the game room.

But it was different here, they were not princesses and princes, but two ordinary tourists.

But after they entered the game room, they came out quickly, because Richard accidentally broke the table in half when he was playing billiards with a teenager.

It was only then that they realized that the toys in the game room in the palace were all After being reinforced.

So after Evangelin paid the money, she left with her brother in the surprised eyes of the people.

The two smiled helplessly and decided to do something else. After trying some local delicacies, they prepared to travel around the world.

At first, they planned to take the global train, but then they thought it was boring to stay in the carriage for so long, so they bought tents and other equipment and planned to walk around the world along the railway.

The brother and sister were born angels, so there was no need to worry about diet, and the beasts could not threaten them. Anyway, there was plenty of time now, and they could travel around the world at a leisurely pace.

Even if they didn't want to go halfway, they could use extraordinary abilities to return to the city.

The brother and sister set off excitedly. Although they tried to slow down, they still walked more than 50 kilometers in an hour!

Some indigenous villages can already be seen here. When they were studying history, they learned the "Interstellar Colonization Act" promulgated by their father.

The Act clearly stipulates that if there is intelligent life on the planet to be colonized, all colonization land must be traded with local indigenous people in a reasonable and legal manner.

Unless the other party actively attacks, indigenous people cannot be killed at will. They all have basic personality and enjoy basic right to life.

At the same time, there are also regulations for the colonization process. First, a survey team composed of extraordinary people will determine that there is colonial value here and it is suitable for human habitation. If there is only colonial value but it is not suitable for human survival, it is necessary to pray to the "creator" to transform this place into an environment suitable for both humans and local indigenous people.

If it is another god, it may require certain trade-offs to accomplish this, but the "creator" has no such worries at all.

Even if the air of a planet is poisonous or even has no atmosphere, people can still survive on this planet like on Earth after coming to this planet.

After solving the environmental problem, the vanguard will also communicate with the indigenous people and explain to them the principles of Atlantis colonization.

Only then will officials who "understand" the language of the planet move in, trade land with the natives, and build colonial cities.

Finally, the planet will be systematically incorporated into the rule of Atlantis. After a long period of investigation, the officials will form a report to explain the main role of the planet.

For example, oil or oil-like mineral deposits have been discovered on several planets. At present, the Academy of Sciences of Atlantis is already developing high-power aerospace engines, and the manned aircraft project will soon be realized.

The next question is how to develop. Generally, the local natives do not have the corresponding development technology. In such a situation, they still trade with them, help them with infrastructure, and then obtain local resources.

In this way, not only can resources be obtained, but also excess domestic production capacity can be dumped.

Some civilizations have a high level of technology, and some are even developing outer space.

For such civilizations, those who deal with them are basically extraordinary people, who will sell them teleportation arrays, extraordinary potions, extraordinary treatments, etc., obtain advanced technology from them, and effectively supplement and refer to the technology of Atlantis.

Of course, due to different customs and beliefs, some conflicts will definitely occur.

At this time, it was the turn of the Atlantis angels and Sequence 3s to appear. They would show their magical abilities to the natives, and the natives would basically regard them as new gods.

This not only solved the problem, but also gave the high-sequence extraordinary people a certain number of anchors.

The Anunnaki planet is similar to other planets. The natives here get along well with the Atlanteans, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by the natives.

The siblings walked freely, and when they saw good scenery around them, they would stop to appreciate it. Sometimes they would leave the railway line and go to the mountains and lakes to take a look.

They walked and stopped for four days, and the siblings were very happy, because this way of traveling was unrestrained and made them feel the taste of freedom.

On the morning of the fifth day of the trip, they set off on their journey in the sun as usual.

After walking for a while, they encountered a large train station!

There are also stations along the "Global Railway Line" of this planet. The main reason for setting up stations is to conduct some transactions with local natives.

Before Atlantis developed this place, the technological level of this planet was not high, but this planet had many scarce mineral deposits for earthlings, such as gold, silver, rare earths, etc., not to mention that they were everywhere, anyway, there were a lot of gold sands in almost every river, and you could dig a silver mine by digging a pit at random.

So Atlantis used industrial products to trade gold and silver with the locals, and Atlantis achieved "gold freedom" for a while.

The empire's currency almost dared not to be tied to precious metals, but was ready to be tied to annual power generation.

However, the train stations for trading with the natives are generally small, while the station in front of them is very large.

Another strange reason is that there is no one in the station.

Such a large station was built here, why is there no staff?

Obviously, this station is a station with confidential purposes. Most trains do not stop here at all. Only a certain train with a confidentiality level will stop here.

Behind the station, there is a flat road that leads all the way to the mountains.

The brother and sister were curious and walked along the road to the mountains.

The road was lined with trees that were characteristic of this planet, which completely blocked the two sides. Walking on this road gave people an illusion that there was only this road in front of them.

Suddenly, a barefoot man in a white robe ran out of the woods. When he saw the brother and sister, he first showed a surprised expression, then rushed towards them with some surprise, making a sound of "Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah".

Then, several people in Atlantis uniforms chased up from behind. They pressed the man in the white robe to the ground and arrested him.

The brother and sister did not take action because they did not know what was going on.

The man who was pressed to the ground still only made a sound of "Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah", and he sounded very happy until he was kicked hard, and then he started crying.

After the leader of the uniformed men saw the man being arrested, he asked Evangeline and Richard: "Who are you?"

Evangeline smiled and said, "We are tourists."

The leader carefully examined the two people and said, "Don't go any further."

After that, they left with the man in white robes.

After they walked away, the brother and sister looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

Evangeline asked, "Did you notice? Their badges are the badges of the Institute of Biology!"

Brother Richard nodded repeatedly, "I also noticed that there is an extraordinary person among them!"

As far as they know, as long as the research unit is equipped with extraordinary people, they are basically conducting national key research projects.

There is no need to continue discussing. The brother and sister hid their backpacks in the woods, and then used their extraordinary abilities to avoid the main road and came to a nearby mountain to look around.

On the other side of the mountain, they saw a large-scale building complex.

In the forest, there is a large factory-like building surrounded by a high wall. There are seven or eight buildings, some large and some small, and a tall water tower.

The brother and sister looked at the tall building, and after using their spirituality to confirm that there were no angel-level Extraordinary people here, they used their Extraordinary abilities to appear on the top floor of the building again.

Next, Richard, the "Duke of Entropy", will use his Extraordinary abilities to constantly "distort" the vision of the people around him, so that the people here will ignore them.

So the two of them swaggered into the largest building. Before entering the door, they noticed that there was only a simple "Sixth Research Institute" written on the upper floor, without a specific name.

This is also a bit abnormal, because the names of the research institutes in Atlantis usually contain place names or research project names, but this institute does not have such information.

The brother and sister became even more curious. They came to the building and looked for clues about what was being studied here.

They did not plan to find a researcher for "interrogation", thinking that they would definitely find the truth on their own.

First, they found a large room on the first floor. There were men and women in white robes in those rooms. They were obviously adults, but they were playing slides and swings in the room. It can be seen that they were having a lot of fun and often laughed like children.

However, they seemed to be unable to speak, and could only say "ah ah eh eh" and gesture.

Two people came to the second floor, a younger man and woman in white robes.

Going up all the way, they saw teenagers, children, and babies.

Finally, on the top floor, they saw embryos being cultivated in glass bottles with various tubes.

The brother and sister looked at each other, still not knowing what experiments were being conducted here.

But it was certain that human experiments were being conducted.

As far as they knew, human experiments were strictly prohibited.

At this time, they saw a researcher taking a man in a white robe from the first floor and sending him to a two-story building with almost no windows and even metal reinforced walls.

The brother and sister immediately followed in. They saw the researchers tied up the man in white robes with iron chains, and then an extraordinary person took out a seal with a serious negative effect.

Under the influence of the negative effect, the man in white robes became very unstable and began to scream hysterically, not far from madness.

At this time, the extraordinary person put away the seal and poured a small bottle of medicine into the white-robed man. The researchers around were carefully recording the white-robed man's reaction.

After a minute or two, the white-robed man's mood improved significantly. After letting him rest for a while, the second round of experiments began.

The seal was still used to affect the white-robed man, but this time the effect lasted longer. The white-robed man's eyes turned blood red, his teeth and nails grew rapidly, and there seemed to be small snakes swimming under his skin. There were obvious signs of turning into a monster.

Only then did the seal be put away and a bottle of red medicine was poured into the white-robed man again.

This time, after more than ten minutes, the white-robed man miraculously recovered. Although he still looked painful, the signs of turning into a monster disappeared.

The researchers applauded together to celebrate the results of this experiment.

The white-robed man was taken to a separate room, and it was obvious that he would continue to be observed and tested.

The siblings looked at each other when they saw the man in white who was tortured to the point of almost losing consciousness. The tacit understanding they had since childhood did not need to be discussed at all. Richard "twisted" the minds of several guards who were escorting the man in white away and asked them to send the man in white outside the building.

Evangeline said solemnly: "It is forbidden to ask for help here."

"It is forbidden to exchange information with the outside world here."

At the same time, Richard had "twisted" all the men and women in white in the building to the yard and prepared to send them away.

Woo woo woo ~

At this time, a dull alarm suddenly sounded in the institute. This sound was like a spell that slowed down everyone's movements, including Evangeline and Richard.

At this time, they also understood that the extraordinary arrangement here was more advanced than they had imagined.

The next second, not far from them, a hazy door opened, and the blood clan Duke Olmer came out of the door. He was about to attack the intruder, but suddenly recognized: "Your Highnesses, why are you here? "

Evangeline even spoke more slowly: "Uncle O'Mormo, we are traveling on this planet."

When the two of them went to play at grandma's house, they often saw Olmo, so they were familiar with him.

Olmo looked at the situation around him and roughly understood what was going on: "Nonsense!"

As he spoke, he took out a switch made of "Order Crystal" and turned off the alarm first, otherwise angels would keep coming to support him.

Under Olmo's command, after driving back the men and women in white robes, he invited two "naughty kids" to come to his office.

Evangeline and Richard also knew that even the angels had come forward, and the research here must be very important, so they followed behind without saying anything or asking questions.

It wasn't until she sat down in the reception area of ​​Olmo's office and the secretary served tea and left that Evangeline suppressed the surrounding sounds to prevent them from spreading outside the office: "Uncle Olmo, the empire secretly conducts human experiments here? "

Olmo glanced at the siblings and said, "Yes!"

Both siblings were a little surprised, and Evangelin said: "But, but..."

Olmo raised his hand: "Before I explain the research here, let me tell you something like this.

"Although you were born as angels, you must all know that every time an extraordinary person is promoted, it is very dangerous, right?"

The siblings nodded, they had heard this since they were children.

Olmer continued: "We have done statistics in the past ten years. Based on the knowledge of the 'playing method', the risk of promotion to Sequence 9, Sequence 8 and Sequence 7 is not great.

"The success rate is about 98%. Of course, this statistic must exclude those Extraordinaries who have been injured or mentally contaminated and cannot be promoted normally.

“The success probability of being promoted from Sequence 7 to Sequence 6 is 90%, and the success probability of being promoted from Sequence 6 to Sequence 5 is 78%.

“This is the probability if you have organizational support, know the ‘acting method’, and can check your promotion experience and ‘acting’ experience.

"And it is only the probability of successful promotion. Reasons such as deterioration in status after promotion or inability to continue promotion due to other reasons are not included in this.

"It is said that the probability of a wild Extraordinary being promoted from Sequence 7 to Sequence 6 is less than 60%. There are many Extraordinaries who have completed the promotion process without digesting the magic potion, and the probability of them losing control is also very high."

The siblings probably understood that this should be a place to study the extraordinary crazy and twisted parts.

Olmo continued: "Even if he is below the level of a demigod, Fei Fei is very uncontrollable, so His Majesty the Emperor specially ordered the establishment of this research institute.

"And use the cloning technology traded from the planet Sevas..."

When Richard heard this, he suddenly asked: "Cloning technology?"

It was a word he had never heard of.

"Yes." Olmer explained: "This is the name given to this technology by His Majesty the Emperor, which means that it can reproduce asexually and create life artificially."

He continued the topic just now: "After the transformation of our vampire family, this technology has undergone essential changes compared to the original technology.

"First of all, an embryo can grow into an adult in three seconds if we need to.

“But because the demand for experimental subjects is not that great, we basically rely on instruments to cultivate them. Even so, it only takes three months to go from an embryo to an adult.

"Another change is that we prayed for the help of the 'creator' and 'changed' the process of the birth of life. The experimental subjects you see only have a virtual consciousness in the body, which is not consciousness in the sense of life.

"It is said that this virtual consciousness was jointly developed by His Majesty the Emperor and Emperor Russell. They also gave it a strange name called 'Computing System'.

"Because these consciousnesses are not naturally formed, they will only give normal physiological responses, and will basically not think about themselves and the world view. Moreover, after the death of the subject, the 'computing system' will disappear on its own and will not produce any spiritual body.

"So we all believe that these experimental subjects are not life in the general sense."

Both siblings understood why the man in white robes they met on the road was first surprised, then pleasantly surprised, and even happy after being caught, because in his opinion, it was just a game.

At the same time, they also understood what Olmer meant. These experimental subjects were not life in the general sense, so these experiments did not violate the laws of the empire.

Then Evangeline asked: "What exactly are you studying here?"

"The current research has two major projects." Olmer told the truth: "One project is to use experimental subjects to find ways to use drugs to suppress or even cure out of control.

"According to our research, the normal human body has a spiritual circulatory system that tends to be balanced under normal conditions and can operate on its own. Ordinary people also have it.

“The extraordinary properties of the magic potions taken by extraordinary people will break this balance and cause temporary instability.

“If the initiate uses meditation and other methods to return to a normal state, this spiritual cycle will also be restored.

“But if this spiritual cycle is unstable for a long time, there will be signs of loss of control. This is also the inner theory of loss of control that we have studied.

"So based on this, we have developed many drugs that can restore spirituality to normal within a certain period of time, which can effectively slow down the time and degree of loss of control.

“Coupled with meditation and other methods, even if there are signs of loss of control, a stable state can be restored within a certain period of time.

"At present, this is already a necessary medicine for the official extraordinary people of the Atlantis Empire, but it can only delay the signs of loss of control. In the end, the problem of poor condition must be completely solved by digesting the magic potion.

"In addition, due to injuries or mental pollution, this medicine is only suitable for emergency treatment.

"Now we are studying drugs that can be used for effective treatment after the loss of control process has begun.

"At present, the general idea has been formed. In addition to restoring the normal circulation of the spirituality, it is also necessary to treat the damage to the spirit and the human body in order to achieve the purpose of stopping or delaying the loss of control."

Richard asked incredulously: "In other words, we are going to defeat the loss of control?"

"No, it just means that we have certain means and are trying to treat the loss of control as a disease." Olmer sighed and said: "In addition, these drugs have a miraculous effect on low-sequence extraordinary people, and the effect is also good for extraordinary people of sequence 7 and sequence 6.

"For patients with sequence 5, the effect is very limited, and there will be no effect on sequence 4 and above. Fortunately, at this level, angels can be found to help in a short time.

"So we have another research direction. "

Olmer's expression gradually became serious: "The second research direction is to find a method to basically control the extraordinary characteristics."

The siblings realized that this was a process similar to finding extraordinary ways and exploring potion formulas in the first and second eras.

Evangeline hurriedly asked: "Are there any results?"

"The current results are very limited." Olmer said helplessly: "Our main idea now is to use drugs and training to make the spirit of the extraordinary people stronger to deal with extraordinary forces.

"You should have heard about this. Since last year, His Majesty the Emperor has required official extraordinary people to strengthen their mental training and hold exchanges from time to time to exchange their experience in "acting".

"We haven't found a very good way to directly deal with the distortion and madness of extraordinary characteristics, and we don't even have a feasible idea."

The siblings fell into silence. It was not until now that they truly experienced the distorted side of the extraordinary.

Evangeline said: "I understand why the two mothers recommended that we take this place as the first stop of our tour. They hope that we can understand that the empire is built on the foundation of the extraordinary, and the extraordinary is so uncontrollable. ”

Richard nodded, indicating that he had similar ideas.

Then he asked: "Can we find a way to completely control the extraordinary?"

"I also felt that there was little hope." Olmer smiled and said: "But His Majesty the Emperor said that we have plenty of time. If we can't find a way in a hundred years, then we can find a thousand years. If it doesn't work, then we can find a feasible idea in ten thousand years.

"If you just have a feasible idea, you can become someone who will be remembered forever by the extraordinary world."

Richard and Evangeline looked at each other: the story of the old man moving the mountain.

Evangeline looked at the teacup in front of her: "I hope that day will come sooner."

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