Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 770 Extra 8: Extraordinary Sports Meeting

In the broadcasting room on the stadium, commentator Brooke said: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first Extraordinary Games. This is a game that transcends time and space!

"I am the commentator Brooke, and the person next to me is the special guest invited today, 'Iceberg Vice Admiral' Edwina Edwards."

The oval-faced "Iceberg Vice Admiral" said slowly: "Hello everyone."

The reason why she was invited to be a special guest today is that she is very knowledgeable and can help explain or interpret some extraordinary abilities.

The audience immediately burst into warm applause. Some of them were the crew members of the "Golden Dreamland", and they were the first to applaud.

Other audiences included the official Extraordinary phalanx of the Atlantis Empire, the phalanx of the Orthodox Church, the phalanx of the secret organization, and the "Amon phalanx" and so on.

Commentator Brooke: "I have already felt everyone's enthusiasm and expectations for the next game.

"The competition will start soon! The first event is the track and field competition, 100-kilometer sprint!"

"Please invite the contestants to enter now. We see that the first athlete to enter is Mr. Hermes, the 'Insighter'!"

There was warm applause at the scene.

Brook laughed and said, "If it weren't for the extraordinary competition, I would have thought that such an old man was the referee.

"Oh, no, the referee seems to be a bit old.

"Okay, the second contestant is on the stage now, that is 'Elder of Dirty Words' Stiver."

There was almost no reaction in the audience, only the Aurora audience in the secret square cheered loudly.

The commentator explained, "I think many people don't know this contestant. He is an angel of the 'True Creator Church' and has been in the 'Forsaken Land of God' since the early Fourth Epoch.

"Okay, the third contestant is on the stage, that is the Pope of the Storm Church, Gad II! "

The square formation of the Orthodox Church applauded enthusiastically, and many members of the Storm Church even released lightning to cheer for the Pope.

Brooke continued to introduce: "Contestant No. 4 is the rarely seen Viyev. Ms. Edwards, I don't even know the origin of this contestant. Do you know her deeds?"

Edwina said slowly: "It is recorded in the Holy Book of the Eternal Sun Church that this is a 'Light Chaser'."

The flattery in the audience has already sounded: "It is indeed a learned captain!"

The commentator smiled and said: "Thanks to the answer of 'Vice Admiral Iceberg'. When we returned to the competition, contestant No. 5 had already appeared. Oh, my God, it turned out to be Amon.

"Hehe, this is Amon who just failed in the competition for the 'Lord of Mysteries'. He is currently just a 'Trojan Horse of Fate'. Are the Amons in the audience just bluffing him?

"Oh, no, my commentary seems to have made Amon a little angry. He is now saying to me..."

In the microphone, the commentator's voice suddenly disappeared. Two or three seconds later, "Lieutenant General Iceberg" cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Amon, please return the commentator, otherwise you will lose the opportunity to compete."

Only then did Brook show up: "Oh, my God, well, I must admit that even if Amon is just a 'Trojan Horse of Fate', he is also a very strong player!"

The commentator calmed down a little and continued: "Let's continue, the sixth player is Antigonus! After losing the uniqueness of the 'Fool' and a 'Secret Servant' characteristic, he has become very normal.

"Oh, contestant number seven is also in place, it's Ms. Fors Wall! She is now also a 'planeswalker'!"

The audience of the Atlantis square applauded wildly!

Brook continued to explain: "All the contestants are in place, and we see that the referee has also arrived.

"Now let me briefly explain the rules. Each contestant can use his or her extraordinary ability, or attack each other. The first contestant to ring the bronze bell 100 kilometers away from the starting point will be the first place in this competition!

"It should be noted that it is a bell provided by the Emperor of Atlantis, Hobert. It will not be 'stolen', will not be damaged by any extraordinary power, and will not be affected by any extraordinary power. Unless the contestant shakes the bell hammer in the middle himself, it will not make any sound.

"While the contestants are making their final preparations, let's ask 'Lieutenant General Iceberg' to introduce us to the hottest contestants to win the championship! ”

Edwina said: "There are many favorites to win this time, including 'Light Chaser' Viev and the Pope of the Storm Church, that is, 'Natural Disaster' Gad II, one is as fast as light and the other is as fast as lightning, and they both have considerable advantages.

"And Amon also has the ability to steal distance and appear at the finish line in an instant, and this ability should not be ignored.

"Not to mention Ms. Fors, for an angel of this path, it's only 100 kilometers, and you can almost 'flash' to the finish line.

"I think these four contestants are all favorites to win."

She paused and said: "Finally, let's talk about the other three contestants. Although 'Insighter' Hermes is an angel of the 'audience' path with strange abilities, he has no obvious advantage in speed.

"There are two other contestants, 'Swearing Elder' Stif and 'Miracle Master' Antigonus. Although they can all travel from the spirit world to the destination, they will definitely be slower than other contestants.

“Of course, if there is a fast path among the spirits herded by ‘Elder Dirty Words’, then this No. 2 contestant can also compete for the first place.

"Finally, I want to explain that the above is entirely an explanation based on extraordinary ability, and the specific results will depend on the players' on-the-spot performance."

Commentator Brooke said: "Let us thank the beautiful 'Iceberg Lieutenant General' for the wonderful explanation. We see that the players have made the final preparations and have come to their respective tracks. The competition is about to begin!

"Okay, the referee has signaled the players to take their positions.

"The referee raised his gun... Wait a minute, the referee clearly gave the order, but why didn't I hear the gunshot?

"Oh, my God, it's not that there was no gunshot, but the sound was stolen by Amon, who used it to interfere with other players and gained a certain advantage.

"Haha, I can only say that Amon is still the same Amon!"

Brooke's speech speed is getting faster and faster: "But other players also reacted quickly, but Amon had already gained the advantage. He stole the distance first and appeared at the finish line.

"Haha, a magical scene appeared. As soon as he appeared at the finish line, his body was covered by an illusory light gate. Oh, it turned out that Fors took action and sent Amon back to the starting point!

"At this time, Viev and Gad II are equally matched with their respective abilities and tied for first place, but we see that Fors did not compete for the first place, but gave priority to sending Amon back to the starting point. It seems that there is some personal grudge between them."

His speaking speed was so fast that he did not need to breathe, and he could say several sentences in one second, but the audience could still hear it clearly, obviously using some extraordinary ability.

Brooke continued like a machine gun: "Oh, I just realized that Antigonus is still at the starting point!

"What is he doing? He seems to be making a wish? Is it too late to make a wish to win the first place now?

"Oh my God, a huge wave suddenly surged at the end of the stadium. Who could have imagined that a tsunami would occur in a stadium without a sea around!

"No, it was Gad II who took action. He easily passed through the tsunami, but the tsunami hit other players.

"This tsunami is really weird. Viyev was about to turn into a ray of light and rush into the sky to avoid the tsunami, but a huge vortex appeared in the tsunami! This vortex actually sucked him in.

"No, no, no, he was not sucked in. It was a phantom of Viyev that was sucked in. He turned into a pure white ball of light and rose into the air.

"He was like a little sun, illuminating the entire arena. It was not just the strong light. We saw that Gad II, who was about to get the rope under the bronze bell, suddenly stopped!

"Viyev's strong light also has the effect of making people not have any thoughts!

"Ah, at this moment, Amon, who had just returned to the starting point, stole Gad II's position. Amon is now closest to the bronze bell!

"But Amon was trapped. He was trapped by his own shadow!

"We saw that Stif and Hermes, as the second echelon, caught up!

"As Vice Admiral Iceberg said just now, although some abilities are faster, the on-the-spot performance of the players is also crucial!

"The first echelon of players have already started a fierce fight, and none of them have been able to grab the rope, but the second echelon has already caught up!

"The competition has become more intense. Viev has turned into a ball of light and landed. He passed Amon and was about to get the rope of the bronze bell.

"Wait, why did He go somewhere else? Why did He shake the pillars supporting the bronze bell? According to the rules, the bronze bell will not ring if it is shaken like this.

"Oh, I understand, He was hypnotized by Mr. Hermes! He regarded the pillars as the rope of the bronze bell!

"Oh my God, as Ms. Edwina said, the ability of the 'audience' path is very strange...

"No, no, no, I take back what I said just now, because a more strange scene happened. Antigonus suddenly appeared next to the pillar supporting the bronze bell without any warning.

"Did He make a wish just now, hoping that he would appear next to the bronze bell instantly?

"Now we don't have time to make specific guesses. A head appeared on each of the shoulders of the 'dirty elder' Stiver, which shows that He is going to use the ability of herding!

" "The head on his left shoulder instantly became very charming. He used the witch's power, and Antigonus' legs turned into stone and fell to the ground!

"Let's see, Antigonus is trying to climb the rope of the bronze bell, but he is still a step slower.

"Steph surpassed Antigonus, He picked up the rope, and the first place was... Wait, He passed the rope to Hermes who was following closely behind?

"This, my God, what is this operation?

"Ah, I understand, Hermes hypnotized Steph, and must have hypnotized this 'dirty elder'.

"When exactly was it? I know, it should be when the two were in the second echelon at the same time, and Hermes had quietly invaded Steph's spiritual world at that time!

"Now the rope is about to be handed over to Hermes. We see that three contestants have gathered next to the bronze bell, namely, Stifo and Hermes who are standing, and Antigonus who is a little further away and still crawling forward.

"To be honest, Antigonus is at a disadvantage in participating in such a competition! His ability is more suitable for some operations in secret, rather than confronting the opponent head-on!

"Just now, in such a short moment, the situation changed again. We saw an illusory door appear on Stifo's chest, and Fors appeared next to the bronze bell!

"Hermes was just a little bit away from taking over the rope, but Fors took the rope first!

"She swung the rope and was about to ring the bronze bell...

"No, no, no, the scene changed again. Amon and Fors exchanged their fates. At this time, half of Amon's body stuck out from Stiver's chest, and Fors was trapped in the distance by his own shadow!

"Oh my God, this round of fighting did not end here. Fors trapped Amon and Stiver in a secret place..."


The bronze bell was struck!

Bruce stood up excitedly: "The bronze bell was struck, and it was unexpected that it was Antigonus who rang the bronze bell!

"Oh my God, it's not an exaggeration to say that this is a miracle, because just now, He was still at a disadvantage and was crawling towards the bronze bell.

"Let's see, at this time He passed Hermes, firmly grasped the rope, and rang the bronze bell!

"At this time, Fors was dealing with Amon, Hermes was removing Stiver's hypnosis, and also hoped to use Stiver to deal with Amon, and Viev and Gad II were also attacking each other.

"At such a time, Antigonus suddenly made a move and won the first place! Such a result is too unexpected!"

The commentator took a deep breath: "Ms. Edwina, from a professional perspective, what do you think of this unexpected victory?"

"This may not be an unexpected victory." Edwina said: "I think when Antigonus made a wish, he was very likely to make himself luckier.

"As you said just now, Antigonus's ability is not very good at confronting other players head-on. When we saw that he made his first move, he took advantage of the chaos in front of other players when he was entangled with other players. He appeared next to the bronze bell.

"This requires enough good luck, because if it is a little earlier or later, it is easy to be affected by the attacks of other players.

"And the moment he grabbed the rope, he needed even more luck. At that time, the other six players were attacking each other. They all thought that Antigonus, who was crawling forward with his legs honest, would need one or two seconds to get close to the bronze bell.

"But Antigonus suddenly got under the bronze bell and grabbed the rope.

"I think his previous crawling was just to paralyze his opponent."

The commentator exclaimed: "So he used wisdom to get the first place?"

"You can say that." Edwina said: "Of course, his tactics also have a fatal flaw. If it is seen through, then he will miss the first place.

"Amon, who has the corresponding power of destiny, is most likely to detect Antigonus's tactics, but at the beginning, Amon rushed too hard and was targeted by several other players because of his poor interpersonal relationships.

"So Amon was too tired to deal with it and didn't notice it."

Brook said again: "I have one last question. How did Antigonus appear next to the bronze bell? I think many people think that his wish is to appear next to the bronze bell."

Edwina smiled and said: "We can watch the replay of this. Please replay the part where he made a wish.

"Please look carefully. While He was making a wish, He turned part of the ground He ran to into His own secret doll. So He reached the bronze bell by exchanging positions with non-living secret dolls many times." Brooke exclaimed: "I heard the applause and cheers of the audience! This wonderful game touched every audience member! "The Extraordinary Games are still going on. Let's take a look at the situation in other venues..."

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