Klein presented the facts and made sense, trying to make the lamp god understand the consequences of slaughtering all the military Extraordinary at the Olavi naval base: the arrival and investigation of the Loen military saints and even angels, and the sudden absence of military power. Changes in the country's political situation, and even a war affecting the entire Ross Islands.

"Saints and angels dispatched alone? Isn't that great?"

The Djinn said that all this was exactly what he wanted.

"War, the so-called what can't be broken, can't be built. Don't you pity the believers of the Sea God who can use war to resist oppression and gain the long-awaited freedom?"

Klein thought for a while, and said slowly:

"War is like a toy in the hands of rulers, but what it brings to ordinary people is damage that cannot be erased by generations. I can't illuminate the darkness that already exists in this world, but I don't want to become the person who creates darkness .Despite my extraordinary abilities, I have always believed that I am a human being, so I can empathize with the common suffering of human beings.”

"Then I sincerely wish you to always remember that you are a human being."

The Genie still replied in that unserious tone, which made it difficult for Klein to judge whether it was advice or ridicule.


"Okay, okay, I got it, I'm getting more and more verbose, have you been holding back playing Gehrman for a long time?"


Holding the advanced spell "Ninth Law" presented by Admiral Amyrius, Klein walked into the banquet hall of the Governor's Mansion with his head held high.

Admiral Amyrius said that this spell was made with his own blood and ancient law codes, and with the power of a level 0 sealed item, so can I use the blood of other arbitrators and the power of a magic lamp to make a low-profile spell? What about the law spell? This also requires the ancient law code as a material. Well, the book of natural disasters is still in the debris pile. I don’t know if tearing off a page can replace the ancient law code.

But what am I making this charm for? Shouting "magic lamp, help", isn't it better than anything else? No, you can't be so salty. The magic lamp has always had a clear mind, and it is still easy to use the spell that cannot raise objections. I have to find an opportunity to go above the gray mist to study how to make this spell.

The high-standard banquet in the Governor's Mansion feasted Klein, who had never been rich in two lifetimes, and made him feel overwhelmed with happiness.

In his previous life, he was able to pass the IQ and have many years of experience in government affairs. It was not too difficult for Klein to deceive Amyrius' younger brother, secretary and mistress, as well as an unidentified member of the Twilight Hermit Society.

It's easy to play a demigod for a short time, not even as dangerous as playing Laticia and Tracy and escorting Roy King.

Three days passed quickly, and at night again, after Klein sent Cynthia away, he fell asleep peacefully on Admiral Amyrius's soft and spacious bed.

In his dream, he came to a space shimmering with illusory stars. There was a blond and blue-eyed noble girl Miss Justice, there was a doll-like delicate Ms. Sharon, there was a charming Mrs. Sharon, and there was a pure and sweet Triss, the heroic and charming Tracy, and Katerina who is as holy as a girl...

While he was embracing Katerina, in the dim space, a ball of orange lights lit up in the distance. A person wearing a black cloak and carrying an oil lamp floated in from far and near.

This figure was false and real, and kept approaching, as if it was constantly shuttling back and forth between reality and nothingness, and it came to him in an instant.

He saw the familiar face and common expression under the hood, arrogant and playful and impatient, and he said:

"Brother, wake up, the next one is the mother tree."

Klein sat up from the bed suddenly, and then he saw the lamp god beside the bed. His expression was solemn, as if he had come to mourn the death of an old friend.

"What happened?"

Klein quickly changed into the general's uniform and gloves.

"You called Senor mother at sea, and his mother sensed the breath of Origin Castle, so the mother tree of desire was very happy and wanted to have a monkey with you."

Klein opened the door and heard noisy and chaotic sounds, which were the sound of people's desires erupting.

Gluttony, vanity, laziness, arrogance and, above all, lust, they are swallowed up by their desires.

"How to solve these people's problems?"

Klein stopped and asked the lamp god.

The lamp god pouted towards the master bedroom.

Following the direction, Klein saw a three-meter-tall monster with a tree body and a woman's head. It was covered with green tree tumors, and flower-like organs spread out from the tumors, which were constantly opening and closing.


Klein's first reaction was to throw the magic lamp over, but he immediately thought that in order to prevent the lamp god from coming to make trouble, he left the magic lamp in the Sweet Lemon Bar.

The upright figure of Admiral Amyrius was reflected in Cynthia's eyes, and she rushed forward desperately.

"General, I want to have a child with you!"

Viper-like branches and vines pulled out from the entangled crowd. They all twisted their bodies and swam towards Klein, as if they were about to grab him and tie him up. The flowers on Cynthia's body opened and closed more frequently.

Klein's gloves glowed with golden light, and at the same time a thick beam of light enveloped Cynthia.

Contrary to Klein's imagination, only some branches of the huge tree were burnt and melted, and the main body did not appear to be harmed at all.

Cynthia seemed to be a little uncomfortable being illuminated by the holy light, she still shouted in a confused voice:

"General, don't you like Cynthia?"

She followed her instinct and wanted to embrace Amyrius with her arms, but only countless green tentacles covered with wet flowers entangled and chased Klein.

Klein jumped and dodged between the gaps in the branches, and helplessly activated the "Ninth Law". He found that the ability below the demigod had no effect on the mutated Cynthia in front of him.

Symbols and signs that symbolize the law are intertwined into a barrier, blocking the power projected from a distant place.

As soon as the barrier was formed, the starry sky he saw in his dream appeared in front of Klein's eyes. In an instant, Klein's eyes, ears, and nostrils were all bleeding, and the barrier made an illusory sound like glass shattering.

Klein felt that the blood vessels in his head were going to riot immediately, and he was held by a hand.

Then, he felt that his ears finally became clear, and a normal voice sounded.

"Look, how dangerous it is not to take me with you, you will soon be tied up by the mother tree of desire, and you will be at the mercy of others."

The connection between the room and the outside world was completely cut off, and Cynthia gradually calmed down. Under the restraint of the prohibition law, she lost her desire, and her huge body suddenly collapsed and melted into a pile of flesh and blood. Among the green pus and tentacle flowers, there was a golden hair Beautiful human head with blue eyes.

"I suggest that you leave as soon as Amyrius comes back. The Mother Tree of Desire has already determined your approximate location, and will soon send someone to arrest you and use it as a cauldron."

The Djinn still had a heavy expression on his face, but Klein could hear gloating from his tone.

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