Passengers whose sleep was disturbed by the storm generally got up late the next day.

"Waiter! Where's the waiter? Why is there no water?"

I don't know which room the guest yelled first, and then people were woken up one after another. After confirming the fact that the water was cut off, the whole ship became noisy.

The captain led the first mate and the second mate to the first-class cabin, apologized and explained to every anxious guest, and calmed everyone's emotions, and then rushed to the second-class and third-class cabins to explain the current situation on board.

Although everyone is dissatisfied, they can only accept this fact helplessly, thinking they are unlucky.

This morning, Klein's breakfast consisted of fried steak and grilled sausage, salad, and a glass of beer.

Anderson went out for a circle and came back to tell Klein that there was still a small amount of beer on board, as well as a small amount of red wine and spirits. Even the third-class passengers didn't even get beer this morning.

With limited food and water, Klein stayed in the room and did not go out, and there were always people complaining loudly outside from time to time, as well as the sound of arguing and shouting.

Because he had nothing to do, Klein took a nap after lunch. Not long after he woke up, he heard a hasty knock on the door and Anderson's excited voice.

"Gehrman, are you interested in seeing what this is?"

Idle is also idle, Klein opened the door and saw Anderson holding a cup, which was half full of clean and transparent water.

Klein shifted his gaze to Anderson's bright smiling face.

Without Klein speaking, Anderson took the initiative to introduce:

"Haha, this is the distilled water I made!"

Klein noticed a pile of bottles, jars and jars in front of the sofa in the small living room. There was a crude barbecue grill, and a large iron pot was sitting on it. There was a lid on the pot, and a curved pipe was inserted into the top of the lid. Leading to a glass jar in a large wooden tub sitting nearby, which was supposed to hold sea water for cooling.

Anderson gleefully told Klein Cope:

"Water vapor will condense into distilled water when it is cold, and distilled water is fresh water that can be drunk, you know that?"

Klein ignored him, and even wanted to roll his eyes in his heart.

"When I was in Lunburg, I heard people talk about this principle, but I didn't see the group of priests do it..."

Speaking of the excitement, Anderson drank the fresh water in the cup in one gulp, then rubbed out a small fireball and stuffed it under the big iron pot.

Soon, there was a gurgling sound from the big iron pot, and thin drops of water slowly condensed in the glass jar beside it.

Anderson touched the sea water in the big basin, and said to Klein:

"You should have the ability in the Frost Domain, how about helping me freeze the sea water, this will greatly speed up the condensation of distilled water, and we will have enough fresh water in a short time."

Klein stared at Anderson's eyes full of joy and satisfaction, and didn't speak for a long time. Just when Anderson thought that Gehrman didn't bother to use his extraordinary ability to do such a thing, Klein suddenly took a few steps back.

Seeing Gehrman unhurriedly take out a spell made of white tin from his pocket, he opened his mouth and spit out an ancient Hermes word:


A huge water curtain suddenly condensed in front of Anderson. The thick transparent wall blurred Gehrman's figure, and Gehrman, who used to wear dark formal clothes, turned into a dark mass. The slap hit Anderson's body, and Anderson was chilled from head to toe.

Klein couldn't bear it any longer, he grinned at Anderson a little bit, showing a smile that could make Danitz's heart skip a beat.


Klein turned around resolutely, walked into the master bedroom, and then closed the door with a bang.

In the blink of an eye, it was night, and Anderson never knocked on Klein's door again.

It was getting late at night, and before Klein fell asleep, he suddenly heard a high-pitched shout from outside, followed by hoarse and angry voices.

"You guys are discriminatory! It's not fair!"

"Ah!! Killing!"

"You guys..."

"Everyone go together!"

"Why can they have wine when we can't drink a sip of water all day?"


"Stop! Stop everyone! Stop..."


Klein had already put on his coat, picked up his top hat, and was about to open the door and go out to have a look.

The door of the guest bedroom was also opened, and Anderson still walked out with an unhappy expression on his face.

Klein walked out the door first, and Anderson followed without saying a word.

At a glance, there was a mess on the deck, and a person was being supported by two crew members as he hurried to the captain's cabin. Klein was surprised to find that it was the captain who was being supported, and his chest was bright red.

Dozens of passengers were fighting with more than a dozen crew members including the chief mate. They all held serious or unscrupulous weapons in their hands, and wounded and blood were everywhere. The number of passengers was large and the crew members were skilled, so the scene became a stalemate, neither side would give in, and more and more people fell down.

Anderson's mood was finally no longer depressed, and he showed an expression of interest, but he did not take action to stop the dispute, and his extraordinary ability was not suitable for persuading a fight.

Klein's extraordinary ability is also not suitable for this occasion, unless he upgrades in a second now, it can hang everyone up and wake up, but he has a secret puppet who is good at manipulating emotions.

Kirchies had already walked out of the room by himself, standing behind Klein in a standard servant posture.

The excited people on the deck suddenly quieted down. They first had creepy panic emotions, and then they seemed to have suddenly entered the sage time, losing all emotions, as if being dumped by a bucket of water with ice slag. When they raised their heads, they suddenly sobered up from their anger.

Klein didn't step forward to inquire and mediate the conflict, but just watched from the sidelines with some guests who had just walked out of the room.

The two sides quickly sent representatives to negotiate, but the verbal confrontation was not smooth. The leader representing the interests of the third-class passengers made very outrageous demands, and he seemed to be unable to listen to the explanations of the first officer. A passenger who was supposed to be the leader whispered a few words, and then argued with the chief mate even more excitedly. The passengers who had just calmed down were about to riot again.

Klein frowned. Listening to the speeches of both parties, he felt that the thoughts of these passengers were a bit dark and their emotions were extremely extreme, which seemed abnormal.

Anderson suddenly let out a "ha", and Klein turned his head to look at him, and saw him smile again, and said to Klein:

"Hey, look, look at what I found, I'll just say it feels a little inexplicably familiar."

After finishing speaking, Anderson walked towards a man who kept advising the passenger representatives.

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