Mali ran out in a panic with disheveled clothes, and all the companions outside gathered around when they heard the sound.

They surrounded Mali, and the man who had asked before said grimly, "Mary, where are you going?"

Mali watched in horror as the faces of his friends gradually blurred, and then, the faces of people who died in his fatal blow appeared in his memory, and they all opened their mouths, repeating one after another:

"Mary, you pay for your life, you have to give me a baby."

Mali tried his best to break through the crowd and escape, but the crowd was like a sponge. He squeezed for a long time, but not only did not squeeze out the water, but was absorbed like a small drop of water.

The crowd dispersed in satisfaction, and Ma Lisheng lay on the ground helplessly, his memory was vague for some reason, as if he passed out just now, but the pain and fear were exceptionally clear.

He felt that it was getting dark in the blink of an eye, and everyone was lying quietly on the ground, as well-behaved as a corpse, breathing evenly and regularly, and the intervals were as precise as the ticking sound of a ticker.

Ma Li felt that his sanity and strength had recovered a lot, and he thought in his heart that these ghosts who should die a thousand times would not just let him go, and had to run away immediately.

His extraordinary ability makes his body light and agile, especially suitable for moving silently at night.

However, anyone who has watched horror movies knows that the routine of this kind of story is nothing more than the heroine running in front and the murderer chasing behind, always maintaining the quantum state of catching up and almost catching up.

San Draco Church is the largest church of the Church of the Storm on Oravi Island, and the evening is the time when there are the most believers.

The storm priests on duty today quickly noticed a strange believer. He sneaked into the hall, sometimes hiding between the rows of seats, and sometimes sneaking behind the white pillars with spray reliefs. Out of nowhere, sprinting behind a decorative door with blue and yellow painted glass, gasping for air against the glass.

Ordinary priests immediately judged that this person must have a brain problem, and they decided to catch him first, and then poured some holy water on him.

When the priests began to capture the intruder with a purpose, he seemed to have regained his senses all of a sudden. While resisting violently, he fled swiftly like a monkey. The intruder even made him run to the railing on the second floor.

At this time, the bishop who listened to the confession of the believers finally walked out of the confession room, and the substitute who was on duty underground just ran up from the spiral staircase.

The three punishers rushed up quickly, rushing up like a storm.

Mali stopped at the edge of the cliff. In front of him was a bottomless ravine, and behind him was a hideous enemy. The pain of humiliation made him muster up his courage and jump forward.

The Punisher saw the Chaos Maker suddenly jump forward from the second floor, clinging to the gorgeous chandelier on the ceiling of the hall.

"Why is he still hanging on the chandelier? With his skill, it's no problem to jump off."

After staring at the chandelier for a full minute, a Punisher spoke suspiciously.

The person who looked like the captain said a little anxiously: "I'll just jump over and pull him down!" After speaking, he was ready to back up, leaving room for sprinting and jumping.

The previous punisher hurriedly grabbed the captain and persuaded him, "The bishop is below, do we need his consent for our actions?"

The captain took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and whispered dissatisfiedly: "If I can be promoted to Sequence Six, I don't have to report and apply to that old... bishop for everything!"

The bishop was an old man with white beard and hair but a very strong figure. He looked up for a while, and suddenly, with a "swish", a thin piece of wind blade shot out.

Hearing the sound of Gaba, the branch that Mali was holding onto finally broke, and the fear of falling from a high altitude made Mali howl uncontrollably.

When Mali woke up again, he found himself lying in a dark room, ignoring the pain all over his body, he suddenly sat up, and just about to raise his hand, he found that one hand was being fixed on the bed by shiny handcuffs.

A series of thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind: imprisonment,...

Immediately, he burst into great surprise, he was stunned to find that the thing on his chest was gone, and he turned back into a man again!

He sat on the bed blankly, and began to think whether it was a dream to become a woman, or it was a dream to turn back into a man now.

It didn't take long for him to lose his doubts. Mali, who was identified as a Extraordinary at the beginning, was taken away by the Punishers for interrogation. He quickly explained his sequence, the crimes he had committed in the past, and why he came to the church go Ape.

"I didn't go crazy, I didn't, and I don't know why I suddenly appeared here. I was caught by two powerful Extraordinary people on the boat before, and then I escaped, and then encountered shipwreck, drifted to the island, and someone Hunt me down, I have no choice but to jump off the cliff!"

"Captain, I don't think he is out of control. Do you need to find a psychiatrist for him?"

After checking the mental state of the instigator, the reasoning students made suggestions to the captain of the punisher.

"Don't bother, just take it back and hand it over to those researchers."


Klein successfully found Kano in the clock tower, and was taken by Kano to the residence of Destiny Councilman Richjord.

Seeing Raijord wearing a black blindfold, Klein was taken aback for a moment, then thought of Roy King, thought of Ademisor, Extraordinary who understands the path of destiny, there is a high probability that they cannot look directly at Origin Castle breath.

I'm really curious about what they saw. Someday, I will definitely catch an Extraordinary who has done a lot of evil and make a secret puppet to take a look.

After bluntly requesting, Klein brought Richaud to look for Anderson, inexplicably having the feeling of asking a blind fortune teller to bless his brother.

It wasn't until Anderson went to the casino to test his luck with a smile on his face that Klein realized that the Genie hadn't come out to demand debt from Richaud.

I don't know which church he sent the instigator to. Speaking of which, the largest church here is the San Draco Church of the Church of the Storm. Should we wait a while and find out if any church has an accident?

When Anderson walked away, Richaud took out a long and narrow cloth bag less than half a meter from his clothes and handed it to Klein. Klein took it and was about to ask why when he suddenly felt that he was holding a cactus full of steel needles , Klein subconsciously let go of his hand.

Richiord laughed and said: "This is the Extraordinary Item of the Way of Order you want. I searched for a long time before I found it, but its negative effect is too strong."

"It's called the Law Enforcer's Whip. Using it to whip the target has three effects. It can tear people to pieces, with deep scars showing bones. It can fly people far away, and finally has a certain chance of killing them with one whip. Negative effects Yes, if you come into contact with it, there will be continuous intense pain like needle pricks. It will target the person closest to it every 6 hours, prohibiting one thing, most of the time it is irrelevant, but it is said that someone just Get it, and die because you're not allowed to breathe."

Klein paused as he was about to bend down to pick up the cloth bag, and he quickly asked, "What is it forbidden now? When is the next time it will be banned?"

Richiaud continued to smile and said: "It now prohibits me from going to the bathroom, and it will change the prohibited content in about ten minutes."

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