Mystery: The Lamp God’s Path To Freedom

Chapter 156 The Red Theater Strange Story

"I heard that there is a batch of new products at the Red Theater. How about going to try something new?"

In a very ordinary bar, two idle gangsters chatted while drinking.

Unexpectedly, the other one actually showed a hesitant look. He picked up the beer, took another sip, and said hesitantly, "Let's forget it."

"You can't do it, can you? Did you play badly there? Haha!"

"You son of a bitch, do you want to try your shitty thing." The latter cursed back angrily.

After cursing, he picked up the wine glass again, drank it in one gulp, and then deliberately lowered his voice, and said mysteriously, "Don't you know? It's haunted over there! Do you know the alley diagonally opposite the Red Theater? There was a shop selling The black store of that kind of medicine is in that alley, recently many people passed by there at night to go to the Red Theater, and they all said that they saw a green-haired devil, and then their souls were eaten by the devil."

"I've heard about this too." The drinker at the next table suddenly said. He was attracted by the swearing here before. Although he lowered his voice here, he deliberately paid attention and heard the latest rumors. .

He sat down with a glass of wine, and then continued enthusiastically: "I have more information here. It is said that the green-haired monster was the fat owner of the herb shop before. He was not young enough to marry a good man. The girl was tortured and killed in the alley by some people who came to the Red Theater, and the shop owner died in grief and anger, and became a ghost, wandering in the alley looking for enemies to avenge."

Seeing the stunned and shocked expression of the person who said he was going to the Red Theater before, he added a little smugly: "It's not that everyone who saw the green-haired monster died, only those who had raped | You will lose your soul, and you will die when you go back, and ah, it is said that some corpses have lost their heads, and some corpses will walk to the police station by themselves."

The regret of not being able to go to the Red Theater, the horror of hearing the rumors of ghosts, these emotions were mixed together, and the person who first proposed to go to the Red Theater was faintly excited, and even wanted to risk his life to see the rumored vengeful devil. Can't help but ask: "Is there no one to care about this?"

"I mean, those military hyenas don't care?"

"What is this? Are there still few supernatural events reported in Bayam every year? Besides, this matter is not a treasure secret, and the dead are all pirates or people like us. Perhaps in their view, this is Take out the trash."

"You're trash! Damn military hyena..."


Klein was currently in a livable room above a second-floor shop. In front of him stood the green-haired Kirchies and a rough-skinned man. Klein held a stack of reward lists, compared the man's face, stared at the price list for a long time, and then sighed: "You have done so many bad things, how is it worth this little money?"

Using Gilchies' ability, Klein can easily tell the degree of evil and depravity of these people. When he encounters a person who is too dark to see, he will be caught and interrogated to see if he really deserves to die. If there is no reward, let them go to the gate of the police station and lie down.

In the beginning, he could only control one secret puppet. Since he realized a rule of the secret puppet master, he set up the image of a late-night devil for Kirchies and asked him to follow this setting, manipulating him every night in the red After wandering around the theater and bringing fear to more and more people, he felt that the potion was obviously digested, and now he can control the second insect, fish, bird, beast or ordinary human puppet that requires less spiritual energy up.

Klein bought a false identity from a black market merchant, currently called John Yold, and those severed heads were also exchanged for cash through the intermediary they introduced, with only 50% of the cash. This made him miss Us Kent who didn't take a lot of money, but he hadn't been Gehrman Sparrow for a long time, but there were still legends of crazy adventurers circulating in countless bars.

After cutting off the prey's head, Klein controlled Gilchies to put the headless corpse in a suitable place, and Klein walked out of the dusty shop that had been unoccupied for a long time, and there was still a folk herb shop hanging at the door. brand.

Back then Darkwell left too hastily. He paid a year's rent for the second-floor store, which has not yet expired. He participated in such an important matter, so he dared not come back to open the store again. I don't know now. Which city I went to, because there is no one living there for the time being, it is convenient for Klein to deal with prey at night. After all, bringing people back to a decent hotel will inevitably cause suspicion, and there is no extra charge here.

Klein received the prize redemption voucher, asked Gilchies to put on the hooded cloak, and returned to the rented Moonlight Hotel to rest.

This is the most affordable hotel among the several hotels near the Red Theater. Because there is no relationship with the Red Theater and no internal coupons are given to the hotel guests, the price of ordinary rooms here is relatively low.

After turning off the lights and laying down on the bed, Klein could still see a cloud of pale green fluorescent light floating in the room. He could only sigh, and closed his eyes to pretend he couldn't see it.

In order to camouflage Kirchies, Klein's first thought was to change the color of his hair and facial skin. He chose a cheap dark blue dye, and a lot of ginger juice, and chose the herbal medicine store operates.

However, due to the rampant battle between rats and wild cats, the unknown powder that was not taken away from the herbal medicine shop was sprinkled into the dye. Since it was used by a secret couple, he was not afraid of toxicity. In order not to waste it, Klein directly used the dye mixed with sundries to put on Gilciais's makeup. As a result, when the color was fixed, Gilciaise could only top it off. With a head of hair that can absorb sunlight and glow green in the dark, not only can it not be washed off, but even the top of the head is green when it is demonized.

The next day, when Klein brought a head to the part-time bounty-collecting bar owner again, the owner's complexion became uglier every time. Broadcast to everyone, Bayam has a new crazy bounty hunter named John Yold.

After lunch, he returned to the Moonlight Hotel. Today was another Monday. After a short sleep, Klein came above the gray mist early to count his wealth. During this period of time, he not only sold the Extraordinary characteristics that he had saved before and the newly harvested ones, but also received a lot of bounties, which were almost enough to repay the debt.

After a few more orders, I'll wash my hands, leave Bayam, and go to Backlund to prepare. It's time to think about what kind of new identity I need.

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