Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 127: Hard work pays off

When it comes to vampires, Hydall can't help but think of Emlyn White, and that Backlund has a large group of vampires living in the West End.

"Forget it, such a large group, I'm afraid they will kill the young and old, and they themselves did not do bad things."

Hydall remembered that those vampires were hidden in all walks of life and thoroughly integrated into human society.

As for those guys who can't restrain their own desire for destruction and bloodthirsty, they are either sent to the ancient castle in the deep mountains by themselves, or they are solved by their own people in advance, so as to avoid the official Extraordinary organization of the night watchman, the punisher, and the heart of the machine. Find clues.

Siddall is also a person who sticks to the bottom line, and will not indulge himself in order to digest the potion. If that is the case, then he is not far from losing control.

"Huh? Wait, I never seem to have any signs of losing control because of the spirit remaining in the potion. No, I have never felt the spirit remaining in the potion."

At this time, Admisol brought a cup of hand-ground coffee. The coffee machine and coffee beans were bought by him before, and he didn't take it away and leave it like this.

After seeing Sidor's instructions, he was thinking about things all the time, so he made a cup of refreshment for him, although he didn't know whether God needed coffee to refresh himself.

After Hydall took it, he glanced at him admiringly, and secretly said: Sensible.

Then continue to think.

"Is it true that all the potions given by heaven have such properties?"

He thought of the talisman of 'grant', which is made of potion, directly into the human body, without worrying about losing control, it is equivalent to the current Sequence Beyonder who has completely digested the potion, because there is no residual mental imprint in it.

Thinking of this, he shook his head, "I still have to digest it, so the potion given to me by heaven should not be a talisman made of potion."

At this time, he couldn't help but be a little confused. He didn't need to digest the talisman potion, so why didn't he give it to himself directly. This self promotion is not faster, and the original owner of heaven can not recover faster.

"What's the reason?"

"I need to digest the potion by myself, but there is no spiritual imprint in the potion, so I don't need to worry about losing control because of it. I really don't understand what the original owner of heaven is doing."

Sidor shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He drank a sip of hand-ground coffee made by Admisor himself, and his eyes lit up:



Heidor, who came home at night and was about to sleep, felt the response from heaven, and his spirituality inspired the cross on his chest to come up.

Then I heard Klein's voice:

"God, I just learned that the ancestors of the Antigonus family had a very close relationship with the Mother of Heaven, who believed in the Kingdom of Night. They were all destroyed by the Church of the Evernight Goddess."

At this time, Sidor had blue veins bursting out on his temples, and his gums were sore from his bite. He wanted to pick up the Storm Hammer and give Klein a lightning strike.

Nima....Tell me about the history I talked about in Origin Castle, it's really yours, you want to lick my wool, don't you...Hidor finally held back and gave him a The impulse of lightning, waved to clear the sound that kept coming, and returned directly to the real world to sleep.

In his room, Klein couldn't wait for God's response for a long time and scratched his head.

"It seems that God knows this historical information."

Klein regretted not being able to obtain the gift based on this historical information, but thought that since God knows, He may know more. If he wants to know the details of this matter in the future, he can exchange his contribution with God.

Thinking of this, Klein immediately lay down on the bed beautifully.


For the next few days, Hidal spent the next few days practicing magic summoning circles in the townhouses.

At this time, he was sitting on the single sofa, with his eyes closed, and he focused his attention on the void.

In a certain position in the endless void, a completely complicated magic circle exuding a holy breath is being depicted little by little, and there is no trace of the magic circle being broken.

At this time, the drawing of the magic circle seems to have reached the final stage, drawing to the center, where the lines are the most dense and complicated.

That little white light was moving constantly, slowly, and carefully.

Finally, it came to the very center.


The entire magic circle radiated light in an instant, illuminating the originally pitch-black void into whiteness, and the next moment, it disappeared into the endless void.

Real world, townhouses.

Sidor abruptly opened his eyes, his deep gray eyes were full of excitement, he couldn't help saying excitedly:

"I succeeded! I succeeded in carving out the magic summoning circle!"

Because as long as the magic summoning array is engraved and drawn, it can be used directly when you want to use it in the future, and there is no need to re-engrave it.

It's no wonder that Hidal was so excited. It took him almost a week for this magic summoning formation. During this period, he went through numerous failures, and each failure meant that he had to start over.

Siddall had forgotten how many times he had painted and meditated. Anyway, he only remembered a lot. If he was asked to come again...well, he would still come.

"Who can refuse a ten-winged angel who is good-looking and eye-catching, and looks very tall."

After confirming that there was no problem with the wall of spirituality, Hidall thought about it, and saw a magic circle appear on the ground in an instant, which was exactly the magic summoning circle drawn by Hidall.

An angel exuding a holy breath, with ten wings spread behind him, floated out of the magic circle.

She has a beautiful face, which might be charming if it were owned by a mortal, but in an angel, it only conjures images of holiness and perfection.

She still had long golden hair that wafted in the wind.

Her feet did not touch the ground, but were suspended in the air, looking a little illusory.

The moment she appeared, she immediately saluted Sidor, but didn't say anything.

"It's the same as the Wraith that can't speak? Could it be that they are actually souls?"

Hydall thinks it should be like this. Although he was taken to heaven and turned into 'angels', he couldn't revive them, so they were actually still souls.

"In that case, unless she is a Beyonder, no one will see her anymore."

Hydall nodded, in this case, there is no need to worry about being discovered by ordinary people.

Saying that, he walked towards the ten-winged angel, coughed twice, and after rubbing his hands, he slowly stretched out his right hand and touched the ten-winged angel.

Don't get me wrong, Hydall is on business.

I saw that when he touched the ten-winged angel, the palm of his right hand lit up with white light.

Take the lead!

Heidor didn't want to invite her again, but wanted to see if he could see more pictures of her during her lifetime. Don't forget that this was an Extraordinary of the 'Witch' pathway during her lifetime. what a bad thing.

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