Mystery: the Outer God is Myself

Chapter 12 The Law of Immortality of Extraordinary Characteristics

Chapter 12 The Law of Immortality of Extraordinary Characteristics

"Heras, Baylis, Katie, Parker... It seems that the Extraordinary who protects Kapin is the same as in the original book."

After getting the information he wanted, Lin Ruo didn't directly kill the two sinful human traffickers because he was worried about scaring the snake away. He just gave them an order to commit suicide tomorrow night. Then Lin Ruo picked up another scum who was trying to rape a woman nearby, and returned home.

He first recalled the content of the original book, roughly judged the sequence and ability of the four Extraordinary people who protect Kapin, and then began to formulate a detailed hunting plan based on his own abilities and items.

The night became darker and darker under these circumstances.


Although she knew that she would definitely be dragged to Klein's side again, Lin Ruo was still a little dazed when it really happened.

Because it was three or four o'clock in the morning at that time, Lin Ruo had already fallen asleep at that time, and was in a drowsy sleep, when he suddenly woke up, and after only a second or two of waking up, his eyes went dark again.

At the same time, in another city, he became a spirit body again and opened his eyes. And the first scene Lin Ruo saw after opening his eyes was Klein's lonely figure standing alone by the side of the street.

This made Lin Ruo blink his eyes, and he floated to Klein's side with a bad taste, and suddenly greeted him loudly: "Hi, good evening, or, good morning?"

This sentence is naturally in Chinese.

Klein, who was staring in a certain direction, trembled, apparently startled by Lin Ruo's sudden greeting.

But he immediately reacted and looked towards the direction where Lin Ruo's voice came from. Although he didn't see anything, he still said, "Lin Ruo?"

"It's me!" Lin Ruo nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

"You scared me to death." Klein complained, but he was obviously relieved. After Lin Ruoqian disappeared suddenly, he was still quite worried about Lin Ruoqian, since he was a fellow townsman after all.

But now that Lin Ruo appeared alive and kicking again, Klein couldn't help but asked in doubt after he was relieved for a long time, "What happened to you before, why did you suddenly disappear?"

"This, I told you before, I was suddenly pulled over to establish contact with you. And the reason why I disappeared in the morning is actually returning to me just like when I was pulled over place." Lin Ruo didn't intend to hide too much, and replied directly, but didn't say that she had a body.

"Go back to where you came from? But can't you stay a hundred meters away from me?" Klein was a little dazed, and then realized: "The inexplicable connection between us is broken?"

"That's not true!" Lin Ruo shook her head and said, "The connection between us is still there. Regarding this, you should be able to perceive it after you become a Extraordinary."

"As for what happened in the morning, to be honest, I don't know what's going on, but after I returned there, although the connection with yourself is still there, there is no limit to the scope of action. But now the limit has appeared again Now, it seems that this distance restriction only takes effect here." Lin Ruo explained, and did not hide her ignorance in this regard.

After all, Senior Traveler doesn't mean omniscient and omnipotent, he doesn't have to pretend to be ignorant about this matter.

Hearing Lin Ruo's words, Klein immediately thought about it, and then asked, "Then what is the rule for you to be brought here? What were you doing before you were brought here?"

"Sleep, but I've been asleep for a while, so it shouldn't be this." Lin Ruo shrugged and replied.


Klein was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that this was a normal thing. After all, it was about four o'clock in the morning, and most people were asleep at this time.

Although he knew that Klein couldn't see, Lin Ruo still floated in front of him and asked, "Speaking of which, you are in the middle of the night, why didn't you sleep and ran outside?"

The question is so, but Lin Ruo has already guessed the reason.

After all, according to the plot, at this moment Klein should have already contacted the Nighthawks because of the Fourth Epoch Notes, and even passed Dunn's inspection by relying on the blessing of sobriety from dreams given by the Evernight Goddess. He would be standing alone on the side of the street. He should have just met with the psychic Dali, accepted further investigations, completely cleared his suspicions, and had a high probability of receiving Dunn's invitation to join the Nighthawks.

The fact is the same. After hearing Lin Ruo's question, Klein hesitated for a while, and simply explained what happened after Lin Ruo left, which was basically the same as the original plot.

After the narration, Klein asked: "Lin Ruo, you should be a Extraordinary, right? Do you know what happens when an Extraordinary loses control?"

"Out of control..." Lin Ruo didn't answer Klein's previous question, but just sighed, and said, "Out of control is a threat that every Extraordinary faces, and it has something to do with the source of the Extraordinary characteristics of this world."

"Extraordinary characteristic? What is that?" Klein obviously heard this word for the first time.

"I probably haven't told you about the law of indestructibility of Extraordinary characteristics. Extraordinary people become Extraordinary by taking potions, and if an Extraordinary dies, the potions he took will be precipitated and condensed into corresponding Items, that is Extraordinary characteristics."

"Extraordinary characteristics can be used as the main material of the corresponding sequence of potion formulas, and then formulated into potions again, so this world will never lack extraordinary people." "Isn't that... cannibalism?" Hearing Lin Ruo's words, Klein was taken aback immediately, and felt the cruelty of this world's Extraordinary Domain straightforwardly.

"You can put it this way, but it's not really true. After all, extraordinary characteristics can only be regarded as the condensate of potions. You can treat it as Flammulina velutipes,... Do you think it is acceptable to say this?" Seeing that Klein was a little bit Unable to accept it, Lin Ruo couldn't help saying a witty remark.

"Enoki Mushroom..." Hearing the familiar words, Klein, who understood that Lin Ruo was comforting himself, felt less chilled by facing the cruelty of the Extraordinary world, and said, "Are there Flammulina velutipes in this world?"

"Yes, there are all kinds of mushrooms in this world, and some mushrooms are quite... special." Lin Ruo said meaningfully, and then said: "And it is not necessary to use other people's extraordinary characteristics to Those who concoct potions, you also know potion formulas, and the ingredients in potion formulas are basically materials from Extraordinary creatures... To put it bluntly, Extraordinary properties are just substitutes for Extraordinary materials."

"In fact, there are not many people who know about Extraordinary characteristics. Most Extraordinary people don't know about Extraordinary characteristics and the law of indestructibility of Extraordinary characteristics. This includes most of the basic official Beyonders. This matter has nothing to do with Sequence 0. It belongs to the secret that most people don’t know.” Lin Ruo paused and said, “But this is a good thing in a sense.”

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