Mystery: the Outer God is Myself

Chapter 166 The Hanged NPC Shocked (Subscribe)

Chapter 166 The Hanged NPC Shocked (Subscribe)

Hurricane Admiral Chillingus is dead!

This is the fact that Alger the Hanged Man learned from the Punisher members who led the way on his way to meet "Singer of God" Ace Snake.

To be honest, although at the last Tarot meeting, Alger the Hanged Man knew from Mister Fool that Qilingus was the target of one of Mr. So quickly got the death of Vice Admiral Qilingus in Hurricane.

It's not even a day!

No, even counting the time he had determined for Vice Admiral Qilingus to go ashore, it would only be three or four days at most!

Mister Fool's favored one locked onto Qilingos in such a short period of time and killed him.

Thinking of this, Argel's heart trembled, but because he didn't know how Lieutenant General Qilingus died, he could still maintain his composure.

Soon, he came to the study of "Singer of God" Ace Snake, and met the Cardinal of the Church of Storms, the head of the Backlund Diocese.

Argel the Hanged Man immediately saluted the other party politely, and then heard the other party's magnetic voice ask:

"The information that Qilingus sneaked into Backlund secretly, does anyone else know?"

"I'm not sure, I got this information from an informant, and I haven't told anyone else, but I'm not sure if it was leaked from the source of the information, and if anyone else knows about it." Argel the Hanged Man, who guessed what "Singer of God" Ace Snake might ask, replied respectfully.

"Singer of God" Ace Snake didn't seem surprised by this answer. After thinking for a moment, he asked Alger the Hanged Man:

"Do you know the purpose of sneaking Chillingus into Backlund during the hurricane?"

"Sorry, I don't know the purpose of Qilingus sneaking into Backlund." Argel the Hanged Man shook his head. He really didn't know the reason why Qilingus sneaked into Backlund during the hurricane, so he didn't answer guilty conscience.

"Singer of God" Ace Snake was also not surprised by this. It seemed that he just asked a routine question. Then he looked at the captain of the Punisher team next to him and said:

"Investigate the purpose of Hurricane Admiral Chillingus's visit to Backlund, investigate whether he came to assassinate Duke Negan, and if it is true, investigate who hired him."

"Singer of God" Ace Snake naturally wouldn't directly believe what the black-haired angel said. Although what happened last time gave him a certain degree of credibility, the investigation still needed to be done.

Assassinate Duke Negan? Why did Qilingus assassinate Duke Negan?

How did Archbishop Snake know about this?

Argel the Hanged Man shrank his pupils when he heard that, and subconsciously began to think.

After receiving the order, the captain of the Punisher Squad couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "Your Excellency, Archbishop, who killed Qilingus?"

"Singer of God" Ace Snake glanced at him, which made the latter immediately lower his head, regretting that he didn't hold back his curiosity just now, and heard the archbishop say:

"An angel, the one in the Cappin case."

"I remember that you haven't investigated any clues related to him so far."

The captain of the Punisher Squad was stunned for a moment, cold sweat immediately appeared on his forehead, and he buried his head even lower.

"This is my dereliction of duty..."

That's right, the captain of the Punisher team is the one who was responsible for investigating the clues about the angels that appeared in the Capin case.


Mister Fool's favored one is actually an angel!

Alger, the hanged man next to him with his head bowed, almost exhausted all his self-control at this moment to not lose his composure on the spot, but his hands covered by his sleeves couldn't stop shaking.

He had guessed which sequence Mister Fool's favored person would be, guessed that the other party was Sequence 5, and even boldly thought that the other party was a demigod.

But at this moment, after hearing the words of "Singer of God" Ace Snake, Argel the Hanged Man realized that his guess was too conservative.

Mr. Fool actually has an angel as his favored one. You must know that an angel is absolutely at the top even in the Orthodox Church, and can even be the pope... No, it should be like this!

If Mr. Fool is a real god, he will naturally have angels serving him!

But how could an angel kill Qilingus himself?

Even if the other party is a big shot in Five Seas, he is just a small guy to an angel...

Unless there is a deep meaning in it that he doesn't know!

By the way, Qilingus seems to have come to assassinate Duke Negan, and there may be some big secret hidden in it...

Alger, the Hanged Man, once again had doubts in his heart, and with the personal certification of "Singer of God" Ace Snake, a serious leader of the Church of Storms, he would naturally not because of Mister Fool's angel He suspected that there was something wrong with the angel itself when he killed Qilingos, but instinctively thought about the deep meaning behind this incident.

"This is indeed your dereliction of duty."

"Singer of God" Ace Snake naturally didn't know that there was a Tarot Society boy in front of him. He looked at the captain of the Punisher Squad and said:

"He reminded us again."

When he said this, the expression of "Singer of God" Ace Snake became more and more icy, which is not surprising. It is a complete shame to be reminded of the dark conspiracy twice.

"I don't want to repeat what I said last time. Continue to investigate him. Don't let go of any clues this time."

"Yes." The captain of the Punisher Team replied firmly.

Another reminder?

Alger, the Hanged Man, caught the key words suddenly. Although he has never been in contact with the Kapin case because he has been at sea all year round, as an old fritter, he still tasted a thrilling feeling from this sentence. fact.

This is not the first time Mister Fool's angel has made a move! And the other party seemed to remind the Church of Storms something important, more than once.

Sure enough, there is a big conspiracy that I don't know about behind the Qilingus incident this time!

Mister Fool's favored one came not so much to kill Qilingos, but to remind the Church of the Storm!

And could this be Mister Fool's will... Alger the Hanged Man was full of guesses for a moment, if he hadn't had the experience of being an old fritter in the past few years, Alger the Hanged Man might lose his composure on the spot at this moment.

After "Singer of God" Ace Snake finished his orders, Argel the Hanged Man left the study room with the captain of the Punisher team.

He went back to his room first, calmed down his mood, and then got up again.

Alger the Hanged Man is going out for a trip. He is going to learn the details of Qilingus' death, and if possible, he will even inquire about the Capin case just mentioned by Archbishop Snake.


At the same time, in the Saint Samuel Church belonging to the Church of Evernight—

"According to the results shared by the Church of the Storm, is it suspected that it is an angel from the doorway?" Looking at the information shared by the Church of the Storm, he was delayed due to some incidents and arrived at the scene a little later, so that he did not see Lin Ruo's St. Anthony with his own eyes. The archbishop was thoughtful.

Then St. Anthony told the captain of the Red Gloves Squad who was on standby:

"Investigate all cases related to tarot cards in recent years..."

"A secret organization with angels, it is impossible to leave no trace."

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