Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 36: candlelight dinner

After sending the letter to Miss Fors Wall, Ignat briefly tidied up the room, then sorted out the outline and timeline of Sherlock Moriarty's Detective Collection for a while, and found that it was evening again.

Another day is coming to an end.


Ignatius was thinking about whether to eat the light meal prepared by Mrs. Hudson in the evening when he heard the voice of Jennings returning.

"Da-da, da-da-"

Jennings' footsteps up the stairs were still steady, but the rhythm was tight, very light, and sounded in a good mood.

Sure enough, when Igna saw Jennings, he seemed in a very good mood.

After hanging the top hat and trench coat on the coat rack at the door, Jennings greeted Igna excitedly: "Good afternoon, Sherin. Because the criminal confessed and the case was solved, today is a day to be able to leave work on time. ."

"Getting off work on time really makes one feel good, doesn't it?" Igna nodded and smiled.

Although Igna has not worked seriously in this life, he still worked as a social animal for a period of time in his previous life. Even the day before the crossing was still working overtime. So this moment is very empathetic.

Igna glanced at the time and saw that it was 6 p.m. Judging from the time from the Siviras field to Bakersfield Street, Jennings should have left work on time at 5:30, and may even sneak a little early.

"It's still early today, do you want to eat something delicious? Even to celebrate the capture of Backlund's ghost." Jennings raised his eyebrows at Igna.

"I heard Mrs. Hudson say before that there is a very delicious Fenport-style restaurant on Northenverde Street that turns two corners ahead. Would you like to try it?"

"My treat." Jennings said.

"That's so embarrassing." Igna said as he stood up.


"Fenebot only honors the Earth Goddess. So their food is very authentic and presents the deliciousness of the food itself." After hearing that Igna had never eaten Fenerpot, Jennings was very impressed. Introduce him enthusiastically.

“So Fenport white bread is delicious, and Fenport’s noodles and risotto are also a must. If you like the taste of spices, I believe I will choose Fenport Seafood Risotto. You will not be disappointed. "

"Mmmm." Igna listened to Jennings' introduction while browsing the menus provided in the restaurant.

When he first entered the store, he could smell a very tempting smell, which was a little bit of chili pepper, and the unique sweet and sour smell of tomatoes.

"Then a Feneport seafood risotto, and... a glass of Sandria." Igna quickly made a decision.

According to the introduction of the menu, Sandria is a special alcoholic beverage of Feneport with a unique flavor.

"Have vision." Jennings gave Igna a thumbs up. Then he waved to the waiter in the shop, and a man who looked like a boss stepped forward.

In addition to the white bread for the starter, Fenport seafood risotto, Fenport noodles, and two glasses of Sandria, Jennings also ordered two "tapas".

"Okay, I understand." The boss bowed to Igna and Jennings, put away the menu, and smiled at the two of them, "I'll hold a candle for the two of them. On a tabletop, it's a little more romantic."

When the white warm candles were placed on the table, Ignat suddenly felt that the boss might have misunderstood something.

But looking at the back of the boss leaving in a dashing manner, Igna felt that it would be even more strange if he said it now. In the end, he decided to keep his mouth shut.

First came the Fenerpot buns.

Unlike Luen's habit of using butter, Fenepot's bread is paired with salt and olive oil. This is a way of eating that Igna never thought of. But it doesn't taste anything like it. Salt and olive oil accentuate the flavor of the bread and can better taste the mellow flavor of the bread.

And the Fenerpot Seafood Risotto surprised Igna.

According to Jennings' intelligence, the restaurant's Fenerpot seafood risotto is particularly orthodox.

Fenerpot Seafood Risotto is made in a frying pan natively in Fenerpot, so the seafood risotto at this shop is served in a large pot. Top with mussels, shrimp, squid and lemon garnished.

As far as Ignatius can eat the part: the rice in the seafood risotto should be boiled with a sauce made from tomato seeds, and each grain of rice is soaked with the taste of red and tomato.

The rice of Fenerpot Seafood Risotto is "braised". Therefore, the taste of rice between rice grains and rice grains is different from the taste of rice in Igna's impression, and there is a certain degree of adhesion. Although it is not the distinctive taste of grains that I am used to, the taste is also very good and very distinctive.

Coupled with the sweet and sour taste of tomatoes and the aroma of fish and shellfish already mixed into the rice grains, Igna, who was accustomed to Luen-style light meals, almost swallowed his tongue.

"Tappa" is an indispensable part of Fenerpot's cuisine.

Each is a relatively small portion of the dish, with meat and vegetarian food. Jennings ordered the octopus "tapa" with cheese-baked potatoes on the bottom and seared octopus on top.

Igna had never eaten such a delicious octopus.

There is no fishy smell from the ocean, the roasting temperature is just right, the fresh juice and the taste of the teeth are retained, and the seasoning does not overwhelm the taste of the octopus itself. If you taste it carefully, you can taste a little fresh and salty.

...If you have the opportunity, you must introduce it to Senior Xiao Zhou. Igna made up his mind secretly.

During the meal, Igna was very attentive. Of course, he also heard some interesting rumors about Feneport shared by Jennings.

For example, the custom of bullfighting, the country of football and so on.

When the wine was full, Jennings drank the after-dinner wine presented by the store and said to Igna in a low voice.

"Shelling. Can you tell me exactly what happened last night?"

"The crystal ball divination is true, isn't it bluffing?"

Igna was stunned. In fact, when he told Jennings, he already knew that Jennings would ask this question.

However, he never imagined that he would choose to say under such circumstances, turning such a serious topic into an after-dinner chat.

As early as when he chose to let Jennings cooperate with himself, Ignat had fortune-telling in advance "to let Jennings know the consequences of his 'astrology'".

The astrological results showed a more optimistic result, and it was beneficial and not harmful to Jennings himself.

It is precisely because of this result that Igna did not choose to skip Jennings, but let Jennings act with him.

However, although Jennings' surprise attack was a little caught off guard. However, Igna still has some drafts in his heart.

So, he said very seriously: "Well, it's not bluffing."


Actually, I really want to be a food writer. This part of the advance story is a little less... But Spanish food is really delicious! ! (I went before the epidemic, not this trip)

All in all, I highly recommend Sangria!

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