Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 7: unseen room

"So this place is a laboratory?" Igna couldn't help but wonder.

If this is really a laboratory, it is reasonable.

"Then the man with a huge cloth bag on his head just now and wearing a suit similar to a restraint suit and a hospital gown should be here... 'experimental subject'?"

Ignatius made simple reasoning. But this result is a little chilling.

If this is really an experimental building, what kind of experiment is it doing?

If the experiment here is to use the "big head doll" as the experimental object.

So what is the experiment conducted here that turns humans into giant "big-headed dolls"?

Or let the "big head doll" return to normal experiments?

Although there is no correct answer yet, Igna is more inclined to the former possibility. Because in the knowledge he had learned before, there was no record of anything similar to this big-headed doll.

"It seems... I still have to be a little more careful." Igna decided to increase the importance of this place by one level.

Then, Igna cautiously approached the heavy wooden door.

In the middle of the wooden door was a small hollow window.

Igna slowly approached the hollowed-out window, and at the same time, he held his breath and listened intently. Want to know if there is any information or clues about the place inside.

However, he saw nothing and heard no other voices.

The light inside was dim, so even Igna, who was slightly adapted to the darkness, couldn't see what was inside.

Igna could only see what seemed to be a ward-like laboratory through the dim firelight at the current location, and the lights outside vaguely outlined the outline of the bottle rack and the operating table.

Seeing this, Igna thought for a while, then tossed a coin and did three divinations, all of which were the same question three times.

"Explore this room for any danger."

Every time, Igna recited the question seven times in his mind, and the gold coins rolled in Igna's hands. Then three times, Gold Coin gave a negative answer without a doubt.

Igna carefully put away the gold coins. Then, he still intends to continue to act cautiously.

After all, this is an angel-level area, and the divination is not necessarily accurate, not to mention that the owner here is a high-level existence of this pathway.

Therefore, before the action, Igna still tested it first, and the door of the laboratory was locked from the inside.

But that didn't stop Igna.

As an Abraham, an apprentice, naturally there is no door that can stop his progress.

However, just when he was going to use the method he had tried before to penetrate the door, he was surprised to find that his "opening the door" failed.

Igna was silent for a while, not feeling any panic.

There must be no doubt that he was able to use psychological invisibility. Explain that in this place, mystery is not forbidden. There must be some other situation preventing him from using "Open Door".

Coincidentally, Igna had encountered a similar situation before and couldn't use "Open Door".

It was a ritual magic that created a "enchantment"-like space through the summoned god-level presence. In that space, it can effectively disintegrate the apprentice's ability to use the door.

Igna thought for a while. Still another test was done first.

In this place, Sequence 8, whether the ability of the trick master is also banned.

"Cloud Mist".

Igna waved his fingers, and a thick cloud appeared beside him. Then he stretched out his palm, and all the clouds and mist disappeared in the next instant.

The abilities of the Sequence 7 astrologers have just been tested. Divination can be used normally. Unless probabilistically there is only a 1 in 6 chance of something happening to him.

As for the ability of the Sequence 6 recorder, Igna doesn't have any chance to test it now. So let it go for the time being.

However, it is also good news that the abilities of the Sequence 8 Trick Master and the Sequence 7 Astrologer can be used.

"At least the means that can be used in hand-to-hand combat can still be varied." Igna was very pleased with this.

If the tricks of the master juggler were removed, he would have fewer powerful weapons and unpredictable moves.

Then, Igna, who had completed all the tests, took out a brand new white paper from his arms.

Then, he quickly folded the paper into a paper airplane that just fit through the cutout window.

"call out--"

The plane flew in with the wind blowing from Ignatius.

Then, the paper airplane slowly burned.

With a burning flame, like a flying flamingo, the locked room was lit up.

Igna seized the limited firelight and had a panoramic view of everything that could be seen in the room.

First of all, based on the picture introduced into the eye, Igna can judge that this should indeed be a laboratory.

Because, in the center of the room, there was an operating table full of restraints. Bottle racks are also found everywhere in the room.

Then, on the dome of this room, there are hanging orbital hanging bottles that can be moved, and each hanging bottle is connected to an infusion tube.

The liquid in the hanging bottle is not like the medicinal liquid that pharmacists may use now or in the past, but a brown-red color similar to half-dried blood.

In addition, the decoration of the room and the standard pattern of the table also inherited the characteristics of the Quaternary.

There are also some daily tables, books, and very noble-looking back but a few stools seem to have been remodeled, with restraint belts tied everywhere, like his Its function is not to let people sit on it, but to tie people up.

Then, the paper plane quickly burned out in the room.

Darkness returned to the room.

Igna blinked before adjusting to the dim light again.

"Master Trickster's ability to manipulate flames is still not precise enough. Even if he has reached Sequence 6 now, he can control flames to such an extent at most." Igna commented.

"But what I saw was enough to reveal something."

Igna just now had a panoramic view of the contents of the room and made a judgment.

Here, it should be a laboratory related to "treatment" or "research" of "human" brain mutations.

Although the man who was looking for the eyes looked harmless to humans and animals, in theory they should still have a certain attacking ability. In other words, it has a strong attack ability.

Because judging from the number of the surgeons and the restraint straps on the chair, it still takes some effort to control these "patients".

Furthermore, there should be relevant researchers in addition to the patients here. There are three "normal" chairs in the room. One for easy observation of patients, one for office use, and another seat for the "master" next to the office.

Who is the "master" here?

With a high probability, Bethel Abraham should have a place here. After all, Igna came here through Bethel's extraordinary characteristics.

But is it really him?

Igna couldn't help drawing a question mark in his heart.

The gloom and eerieness here seems to be inconsistent with Abraham's long-standing glory and family tradition.

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