Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 11: Unopened Wisdom (Thank you for the reward from Qingsong in the forest)

Latest website: This upstairs is full of big-headed patients.

If nothing else, if he wants to pass through this area next, he must have "intimate contact" with these big-headed patients.

Although the killing process just now went smoothly, Igna still wanted to avoid fighting as much as possible.

This is not only a matter of taking into account the consumption of props and physical strength, but also a matter of the meaning of battle.

If this is really a laboratory building, then these patients whose heads have been transformed should also have been humans. Now it has become like this, and it must not be their original intention. Fights that can be avoided should be avoided as much as possible.

Of course, if a patient actively expresses a desire to attack, Igna will not be timid. After all, these monsters were just "once people".

Facing the large-headed patients patrolling in front of him, Igna did the same. First, use the sound made by the stone to attract the attention of the other party, and then slowly approach the guy with his back to him by grasping the distance.

Then, sure enough, the patient found him.

Even if he turned his back to Igna, even if Igna did not make any sound, when Igna approached him by about 1 meter, the big-headed patient still discovered Igna's existence at the first time. , as if there were eyes behind his back, he quickly turned around and attacked Igna accurately.

However, Igna already has experience with the enemy and has a way to deal with it. So, this time, Ignat managed the patient and his head perfectly with little effort.

After wiping the blood from the thorns with the patient's clothing, Ignatius re-planned according to his existing knowledge.

And, he didn't forget to evenly smear his blood on the cover of Lemano's travel notes.

Since psychological invisibility is invalid, don't use this extraordinary item again.

In this complex and unknown space, he does not have the ability and mental quality, and thinks that he can bear the negative effects of Lemano's travel notes.


"The second floor of the ward floor".

On the plaque outside the door on the second floor, such a logo is written in Old Feysac.

After dealing with a few big-headed patients, Igna came to the door. The door is still in the style commonly used in the Fourth Epoch, and the hollow window on the door can give a glimpse of the interior.

But Igna did not throw the burning paper plane into the door as before.

Because this time, Igna clearly knew that someone was in the room.


Igna put his ear against the door, and could hear the moaning of pain coming from inside.

"Kill me...please...kill me..."

Sentences composed of Old Feysac language came into Igna's ears intermittently.

"Get me out of here...don't let me go crazy..."

The man's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and the uncontrollable pain almost overflowed from his throat.

The content of his words made Igna's heart skip a beat.

"Crazy", "Relieved", "Kill Me".

Who the **** is in this room? Why is there such a plea?

Igna looked inward through the side of the window, and could only vaguely see some hospital beds, bottle racks, and patients who seemed to be tumbling in pain on the beds.

Igna held his breath again cautiously, judging the source of the sound.

On his way up just now, he had to deal with a lot of patients. Every time, he tried to communicate more or less, but never got a response. Those patients seem to have turned into monsters with only the desire to attack at this moment.

Now, can the patient who makes a sound in this room be able to talk?

Igna opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't speak, he grabbed the doorknob.

And this time, the door of the ward was unlocked and he opened it.


Igna opened the door slowly.

He has no choice.

Because of this floor, this is the only room that can be explored further. The other doors have been locked. This is the only way,

The heavy door opened, and the dirty air and heavy dust inside made one's nose choke.

The patients in the room seemed to groan at the arrival of Ignatius.

For a moment, the room seemed silent.

Ignatius clenched the thorn in his hand, ready to hit anyone who came up.


No one attacked him.

After the door opened, those voices started again in twos and threes. It seemed that it was silent before, but because the sound of the door opening was too loud, these small sounds were annihilated in the dust.


"Kill me...please...kill me..."

"Let me get out of here...don't let me go crazy..." The big-headed patient who was kneeling on the second hospital bed at the door said in pain, holding his face in his hands.

If the area of ​​the front of the cloth head near the neck is considered a face.

Igna, who walked in through the door, held a military thorn in his hand and stood in front of his bed, but the big-headed patient seemed to be unaware. Still like a repeater, repeating the same words.


"Kill me...please...kill me..."

"Get me out of here...don't let me go crazy..."

His pain, and his words silenced Igna.

The performance of the patient in front of him reminded him that he was looking for the patient in front of him on the first floor of the laboratory.

They seem to be replayed memories, and they don't seem to have any connection with this world.

Igna tapped his shoulder with a thorn, but the patient still didn't respond. After moaning repeatedly and painfully for a while, he began to repeat the same words.


"Kill me...please...kill me..."

"Get me out of here...don't let me go crazy..."

Igna looked at the big-headed patient in pain with a little pity, and raised the army thorn in his hand.

relieved his pain.

However, next time, Igna heard a lady's voice This lady's voice was very small, so Igna heard it after the death of the previous male patient.

The unexpected voice made Igna take two steps back like a blown-up cat the moment he heard her voice.

But the girl's painful moans and murmurs still got into Igna's ears.

"Ah, is there anyone... help me..."

"I know...I'm guilty...but I'll never do it again. I promise."

"This cold, damp crimson scares me, and something seems to rise from the depths."

"Ah...Miss Marianne, is that you?"

"Please, please hold my hand."

"Save me, don't let me drown in this cold sea..."

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