Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 17: A new journey (thanks to Amen's colleagues)

"In the Rhodes Islands, add more than 10,000 pan-believers to Mr. Fool."

Igna subconsciously repeated the entrustment from Miss Justice.

When Justice said this for the first time, Igna felt as if he had heard it wrong.

Is this really an entrustment to him?

"Why would such a task be given to me? I've never done anything like it," Ignatius asked.

This is not shirk work.

It's a question of whether you can do the job.

Ignatius has a relatively clear understanding of himself, writing biographies and doing research are his expertise.

Therefore, in his expectation, he may receive some tasks related to the history of Abraham, or a new biography.

However, "missionary"...he didn't think about it at all.

This is neither his major, nor his expertise, and the work he has done in this world before is not incompatible with missionary work. To put it bluntly, probably only the writing of a biography has something to do with preaching.

"I'm worried that I'm not up to the job," Igna said honestly.

Justice smiled and nodded, reassuringly said, "This is the Lord's will. Churches and organizations believe in your potential."

"We need your help." Justice said.

She raised her eyes and looked at Igna with those gem-like green eyes. And Igna's original hesitation disappeared under such gaze.

"Okay. I'll do my best." Igna agreed immediately.

If it is really what Mr. Fool needs, he is bound to do so.

Seeing that Igna did not refuse, Justice showed a satisfied smile. Fors Wall, who was on the side, also spoke.

"I also have a commission for you."

She handed the roll of parchment in her hand to Igna, motioning him to open it.

Igna read the contents of the parchment scroll at a glance. The above document is written in Giant language. Igna is not familiar with Giant language, but he has a certain foundation, so it is not particularly difficult to read.

The content of the document is very simple and clear, and it is roughly a well-paid commission.

The client is the New City of Silver, and they can give the client three Beyonder items corresponding to Sequence 6 or higher, or one Beyonder item that corresponds to Sequence 5 or higher.

The content of the commission is about writing.

Write a piece about the City of Silver.

"The Rhodes Islands are the base camp of the Church of The Fool. The New Silver City and Crescent City are new cities that Mr. Fool rescued from the Land Forsaken by God. I believe you already know this." Fors Waldao.

"This commission comes from the new City of Silver." Fors coughed lightly, "They need a channel that can introduce the City of Silver to the public."

"Writing "The Story of the City of Silver" allows you to get paid for completing the commission, and on the other hand, it can spread the faith of Mister Fool. It kills two birds with one stone." Forsi said.

Forsi raised her chin while speaking, as if she was very confident.

"If you can complete this commission, I can also help you when you are promoted to traveller."

"Okay. Miss Fors, I am happy to complete this commission."

Igna answered sincerely.

Different from the previous mission, this entrustment by Miss Fors is within his ability. Writing is his specialty.

And the reward for the entrustment is a magical item that he is very lacking now. Not to mention Miss Fors' promise.

The Traveller's Ritual is here!

Igna had previously worried about how the ritual of Sequence 5 should be completed.

Even if the problem that can be solved with money is not a problem, it is a surprise that Miss Fors can take the initiative to speak.

Igna was worried about how to speak to Miss Fors. After all, always talking about money is also a bit hurtful.

Miss Fors is really kind and generous!

"Then, Miss Judgment, do you have any entrustment to Mr. Ignatius?" After giving the tasks in turn, Miss Justice showed a playful smile.

Igna also involuntarily looked at Hugh Dilza the "Trial".

Miss "Justice" and Miss "Magician" both have commissions, will Miss "Judgment" also have them?

"I don't have an entrustment to you." The petite but majestic shook his head, but still instructed, "When you complete the task outside, don't forget your daily training. When encountering pirates in the Rhodes Islands, also Help me arrest everything and send it to Loen Court."

"Okay, thank you for your advice, Instructor Hugh." Igna smiled, "I will keep your teachings in mind."

Miss Judgment was not entrusted, and today's promotion ceremony may come to an end here.

Igna was thinking so, the next moment, he felt a little trance.

His peculiarity made him quickly realize that he seemed to have entered a dream. And within this layer of dreamland is an endless gray fog.

And Miss Justice, who was standing in front of him, smiled at him, "I'm sorry. I still have a personal commission that I want to give you."

Igna was stunned, and nodded cautiously.

Because in front of him is Miss Justice!

This is not only a respect for the High-Sequence Beyonders, but also an understanding of the role of the Tarot Society's "justice" in the past events.

She is an aristocrat, but she is more of a "spectator".

What kind of entrustment would make Miss Justice come to him alone?

"My commission is very simple, I just need you to answer one question." Justice smiled and comforted.

"And the corresponding reward is that I will help you to successfully record the ability of divinity three times." Justice raised the corners of his lips and showed a sweet smile, "It is a trivial help for you in the digestion of the recorder. ."

Igna's eyes This is really a big deal. Although for high-sequence powerhouses, using extraordinary abilities with divinity is a common thing like drinking water. However, documenting your abilities to others is another matter.

The recorder's success rate in recording divine abilities was "very impressive."

Miss Justice must have understood this before promising a "successful record".

And this not only represents the kindness of Miss Justice, but also the price behind the promise.

What kind of problem deserves such a price for Miss Justice?

Igna did not agree immediately. He believes that there is not much in his knowledge that can match the price.

And what can match the price, whether it is a secret that "does not belong to this era" or the existence of Senior Xiao Zhou, he will never say it.

Seemingly aware of Igna's thoughts, Justice said mildly and firmly, "You don't have to worry, what I do is always for Mr. Fool."

When Igna heard the words of justice, his pupils immediately locked in fear.

How does she know!

He didn't say anything!

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