Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 38: Responsibility of defending the soil

Dark blue, gently surging, with no edge in sight, as if the sea with endless life was presented in the eyes of the members of the Silver City exploration team. It is no longer recorded in ancient books and documents, nor is it an outsider. word combinations in the mouth of the reader.

Although it is still far away, it seems to have reached the possibility.

The burgundy-haired Antirna stared there obsessively, opened her mouth, and seemed to want to sigh with emotion, but in the end, only the word came out:

"The sea..."

As soon as she finished speaking, a silver-white crack suddenly appeared on her forehead.

The crack jumped up and down rapidly, instantly dividing Antirna into two halves, and the warm and bright red blood spurted out, pouring over Derrick's head and face next to him.

Silently, more silver-white light shot out from Antirna's body, dividing her body into countless small pieces of flesh and blood.

That hopeful and addicted face was like a puzzle that fell to the ground, splashing piece by piece.

It was only at this time that Colin the Demon Hunter reacted, swinging one of the two straight swords horizontally and slashing the other diagonally, as if he was dealing with an invisible enemy.

when! when! when!

The silver light shone, and the sound of metal collisions echoed, and the morning light around Colin Iliad shattered and scattered.

At this moment, the silver-white phantom behind Lovia the Shepherd took a step forward and inserted the vague giant sword into the ground.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Surrounding the people in the City of Silver, one after another of silver sharp lights stood out in different places, trying their best to cut the invisible barriers nearby, like insects struggling desperately in amber.


At that time, the fine and sometimes thick silver rays of light continued to emerge, making the power of protection that enveloped the exploration team crumbling, and it could be broken at any time, but no matter whether Colin the "Demon Hunter", Lovia "The Shepherd", or Derry Ke and others could not find any trace of the enemy.


A huge silver light slashed on the two straight swords, causing Colin the Demon Hunter to sink his feet into the solid slate.

However, he seized this opportunity and roared abruptly, "The Realm of No Darkness!"

Hearing the chief's reminder, Derrick did not hesitate, and stabbed a finger on the thorns of the "No Dark Cross".

His blood overflowed, and a clear, bright, pure, fiery light burst out suddenly, covering all areas between the two buildings.

In this area, no shadow can exist anymore, nothing can be hidden, and light has become the master here.

A huge figure was quickly sketched on the side of the Giant King's Palace. "It" was wearing a silver full-body armor, nearly five meters high. Behind the visor, there was no crimson or orange light. Straight one-eyed.

This is a giant, a giant alive.

He won't wait for the enemy to enter the warning range to try to attack, he has enough wisdom.

Unlike other silver-armored knights, this giant's arm armor has bright patterns, one on the right side, blood red, around the arm, and one on the left side, dotted with black patches.

The giant knight raised the broad sword in his hand, pointed at the people in Silver City, and said in a thunderous voice:

"You dare to trespass into the royal court and disturb the sleep of Lord Saslier!"

Saslier? "Dark Angel" Saslier? Ignat was startled.

One of the former leaders of "Rose of Redemption" is sleeping in the depths of the "Royal Court of Giants", in the residence of the King of Giants?

But time did not leave Igna surprised. At this time, Colin the "Demon Hunter" had already grabbed the giant knight's attack and said abruptly, "Are you a 'Royal Court Stalker'?"

The broad sword in the giant knight's hand did not slash, he paused for a second, and said in a low voice:

"After a long time, there are still people who remember the 'Royal Court Stalker'.

"I am the leader of all the stalkers, Milgongan the Lightslayer, who later followed Lord Saslier.

"I have hunted and killed powerful dragons, elves, demons, wolves, and phoenixes. Today, it is your honor to die under my sword."

This "Light Killer" did not soften his attitude, his body was slightly buried, and he held the long sword with both hands, like a flying meteorite, rushing towards the people in Silver City at a heavy and high speed.

Due to the existence of the "Domain of No Darkness", he can no longer hide his figure as before.

Just when Colin Iliad, Lovia and the others judged that Milgongen's attack would arrive in a second, the giant knight suddenly cut out a silver-white broadsword halfway through.

Colin the Demon Hunter, who was not in Lovia's evil spirit defense circle, suddenly had a premonition of danger and rushed to the side without hesitation.


Where he was standing, a sharp silver light suddenly appeared, destroying everything from the inside out.

This attack is so strange, as if it was generated by itself in the void.

At the same time, Colin Iliad, who threw himself to the ground, also changed. The clothes were torn into pieces and strips of cloth by the rapidly expanding muscles.

In the blink of an eye, this "Demon Hunter" became a four-meter-tall giant with a blue-black knot, a gray-blue base, and a dark crack on his forehead, every inch of which contained majestic power, Infinite mystical and bizarre spiritual influences.

If a Beyonder below Sequence 4 sees this scene, it will definitely be severely impacted. The brain is likely to experience a terrifying stinging pain that makes people lose their minds, and their spirituality will also be polluted. , and even sudden death will become an unavoidable option.

This is the incomplete form of a mythical creature of a demigod.

Before Igna saw it, he felt his vision dimmed.

As if in an instant, he became highly short-sighted, and everything in front of him became a mosaic of moving color blocks. It can only vaguely distinguish the figures of the two sides fighting in the field.

He glanced back at Michelle, who was still normal.

"This is protection." Michelle said.

Igna nodded and continued to "watch" the battlefield.

Originally, Colin Iliad was affected by the "twilight" in the "Royal Court of Giants" and did not dare to release this state, but now he found that the feeling of decay and withering in the "Domain of No Darkness" has weakened a lot.

He then carried the two straight swords that had been covered with the radiance of the morning sun and became huge, and fought fiercely with "Light Killer" Milgongen in the realm where the light shrouded without shadows.


The three swords of the two "giants" sometimes collided and sometimes separated. Although Colin Iliad was at a disadvantage, he still resisted the attack of the leader of the "Royal Court Stalker".

From time to time, he will have a strong sense of danger, and then without warning, he will jump out of the original position, or roll or bounce, and move to another direction.

And at this time, the place where he stayed before would always have silver lights that erupted from the inside to the outside.

Derrick had already closed his eyes, disregarding the flow of blood, trying his best to maintain the "Region of No Darkness". Heim and another "Knight of Dawn" also did not dare to open their eyes to assist Elder "Shepherd" Lovia , let the team move towards the palace that came out just now, slowly and without departing from the power of guardianship.

If it weren't for the help of the evil spirits of the silver armored knights, they would have been cut into small pieces of flesh and blood in the "storm of light" that swept this place, the silver lights that appeared everywhere, and the violent shaking of the ground.

It seemed that the "Light Killer" Milgongen single-handedly crushed the Silver City exploration team to a precarious position, and there was no chance to counterattack.

However, at this moment, Colin the Demon Hunter, who had avoided an attack by Milgongen, suddenly rolled around, bypassed the opponent, and ran towards the giant king's residence from the side.

It was those giant statues that his eyes locked on!

In the fierce battle just now, although the chief of the City of Silver had been at a disadvantage, he did not give up on observing the surrounding environment, nor did he stop thinking.

He also wondered why the leader of the "Royal Court Stalker" could live for thousands of years, and when he discovered that those living giant statues only stood outside the palace and did not participate in the battle, he already had a certain judgment in his heart.

He didn't know exactly what was going on, what principle it was based on, and which field it came from, but his rich exploration experience and the intuition of a "demon hunter" convinced him that those statues were the crux of the problem!

Ding Ding Deng!

With two straight swords in hand, Colin Iliad ran wildly with great strides, but he was not running in a straight line, sometimes turning left and sometimes turning right.

Seeing this scene, "Light Killer" Milgongen let out a roar, holding the broad sword in both hands, and quickly slashed forward.

His reaction justified Colin Iliad's judgment.

boom! boom! boom!

"Demon Hunter" Colin jumped away suddenly and continued to roll, and on his original running track, silver lights appeared out of nowhere, burst open, and formed a "long snake", connecting the hard and firm royal court. The ground was completely lifted, and deep cracks were torn out.

With a slam, "Light Killer" Milgongen took a step, bent his body nearly five meters high, and smashed the silver-white broad sword in his hand to the ground.


The area shook violently, the stone pillars and railings were broken, and they fell into the orange-red cloud that could not see the bottom.

And "Demon Hunter" Colin jumped up ahead of time, in midair, and crossed his swords to create an invisible barrier that blocked the arrow-like rubble.

At this moment, Milgongen, who was bent over, flicked his knee, and his huge body flew out like a meteor, instantly narrowing the distance between him and Colin the Demon Hunter.

During this process, the silver-white broad sword clenched in both hands was lifted from the bottom up.

Seeing that Colin the "Demon Hunter" was unavoidable, suddenly a clear light shot quickly, hitting Milgongen's broadsword accurately.

In the voice of Dang, Colin Iliad rolled to the ground, and at one go, he finally got close to the giant statues.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that the shadow of the silver armored knight in front of the "shepherd" elder Lovia had pulled out the giant sword early, and turned it into a big bow that was condensed by the morning light, and shot arrows of light continuously.

"Light Killer" Milgongen's one eye behind the mask has been dyed with a layer of dark red, and he doesn't care about the long arrows of light, letting them shoot on his body and make a clanging sound.

He kept sprinting forward, wielding his broad sword, and letting silver-white rays of light burst out from different places in the void, chasing after the giant "Demon Hunter" Colin, not letting him have the opportunity to attack those giant statues.

Suddenly, a cluster of bright and pure arrows leaped over Milgongen, and silently hit the gap in the mask of one of the statues.

This came from the evil spirit that "shepherd" Lovia herds.

"Demon Hunter" Colin is the bait, he is the real attacker.

Swish swish, arrow after arrow of light flew by, but this time they were all blocked by Milgongen.

But at this time, the Demon Hunter had already found a good position, and aimed at the remaining giant statues and swung two straight swords covering the dawn.

The light bloomed, and the "storm" covered the area.

In the continuous clicking sound, the statues collapsed and fell to the ground with a bang, and the breath of "Light Killer" Milgongen quickly decayed.

The "Royal Court Stalker" leader immediately roared:

"Let's die together!"

The silver-white broadsword in his hand exploded, splitting into countless fragments of light, and they connected into a terrifying storm that swept over everything around him.

The Evil Spirit of the Shining Armor Knight and Colin the Demon Hunter inserted their swords into the ground at the same time, creating an invisible barrier.

The blazing white brilliance swept between the two buildings, destroying the gray-blue gates and stone pillars behind Derrick and the others.

When they "scraped" to the residence of the giant king, they failed to shake it.

I don't know how long it took, just when Igna thought that the invisible barrier was about to be torn apart by the "Storm of Light", the morning light finally dimmed.

In the ruined area, the silver armor on Milgongen's body faded away inch by inch, revealing his gray-blue body in linen clothes.

Not far away from him, "Demon Hunter" Colin was dripping with blood, and was returning from a giant to a normal state, but his aura was still stable, but it was a little more decayed than before.

With a bang, Milgongen knelt down on one knee, his flesh and blood aging rapidly, rotting and "evaporating".

In the orange-red he seemed to see the vibrant royal court in front of him again. In the frozen twilight, giants came and went, playing the lyre, playing the bone flute, and doing gladiatorial combat. , enjoying the delicacies that are always available, and life passes extremely slowly, while their king, sitting on a high throne, watches everything with majesty.

After that time, it no longer exists, so he chose to follow "Dark Angel" Saslier.

A smile appeared on Milgongen's face, his mouth opened, and he shouted in a low voice:


This "Royal Court Stalker" buried his head, his flesh and blood "evaporated", leaving only a huge white skeleton and a little bit of silver light that re-condensed.


Note: The main content of this volume is the fifth volume, Red Priest, Chapter 174 The Royal Court Stalker, Chapter 173 Weakness.

Certain changes have been made to match the knowledge available to document the third-person perspective and the protagonist of this article.

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