Mystery: The Star Key

: 2022 Geng Yin New Year's Extras · Happy New Year!

In a blink of an eye, this article is about to enter a new year since it was serialized.

Time flies so fast!

Here's wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!

Learning is progressing, work is advancing step by step, and writing is full of ideas!

New Year's Eve.

Happy New Year!

x Note 1: The knowledge and sequence level of the characters are calculated according to the current plot progress, not the time progress.

x Note 2: Fanwai lacks certain rationality for happiness and cannot be treated as a normal plot clue.

x Note 3: The Spring Festival Extras are independent from the main text and do not affect each other. Think of it as a parallel world.

Is x or more acceptable? If you can! Here we go!

Monday, January 31.

The people of Aalto look the same as usual. They welcome the new day with music and beauty as usual. The sound of music resounded in every corner of Aalto.

On a weekday, at noon, Ignatius might dine at restaurants large and small in Aalto, listening to the musicians of his dreams improvise in the restaurant.

But not today.


Ignat nervously tidied up the collar of his clothes. He was wearing a custom-made dress today. Red blazer and burgundy shirt, custom collar pins and cufflinks.

It was the best outfit he could find in Aalto to wear today.

He let out a small breath and looked out the window at the sky.

Although the moon and stars have not yet risen, he clearly knows.

This is the first Lunar New Year's Eve since he came to this world.

Although there is no lunar calendar in this world for a long time, it is still easy for astrologers who are familiar with the stars to calculate when a Chinese New Year is.

New Year's Eve.

12:59 pm.

The constant ticking sounded.

Igna looked at the altar in front of him and the items he made and placed in front of the altar to please the gods. He took a deep breath and said sincerely:

"A fool who does not belong to this era,"

"The mysterious master above the gray fog,"

"The king of yellow and black in charge of good fortune."

Passing through the familiar process above the gray fog, it is still the familiar living room.

The fire was dancing in the fireplace, the wood made a crackling sound when it burned, the stools were replaced with Igna's familiar mahogany Chinese-style back chairs, and an orange tree covered with oranges stood beside the fireplace. New Year's lanterns hang on the fireplace, and a couplet with gold characters on a red background is pasted by the fireplace.

The blanket that Zhou Mingrui always covered on his legs was also changed to the color he used for the New Year. The red silk bottom was inlaid with gold threads, which outlined a round tiger pattern.

His hands waved gently in the air like a conductor, as if looking for the right angle to hang the lantern.

It was Arrodes who discovered Su Yuanning first.

But this time, he's not a pretty puppy with big ears, but a pretty puppy wearing a majestic tiger headgear!

Arrodes gave an "Ow" without saying "stupid human" or "disrespectful guy". Instead, he shouted loudly: "Happy Chinese New Year! Brat!"

Su Yuanning was stunned.

Zhou Mingrui's voice came over immediately, he turned his head and smiled softly at Su Yuanning: "Happy New Year, Yuanning."

"Happy New Year! Senior Xiao Zhou!" Su Yuanning also slightly curved his eyes.

As usual, he came to the chair in front of Zhou Mingrui almost in the blink of an eye. The mahogany chair was not as comfortable as a sofa, but Su Yuanning still felt very happy.

He saw that the coffee table in front of them had been replaced by a dining table. It was filled with several Chinese New Year dishes that he cooked with his own hands in the kitchen today.

Before he came here, he put all these dishes in cage drawers as items to please the gods.

And Senior Xiao Zhou received it.

"You are quite good at cooking." Zhou Mingrui clapped his hands, and these somewhat cold dishes returned to the steaming heat, with a fragrant aroma.

Su Yuanning scratched his face a little embarrassedly: "It's all something that can't be brought out, it's a shame."

Zhou Mingrui was noncommittal, he snapped his fingers, and chopsticks appeared on the table.

It was the occasional red porcelain bowl and wooden chopsticks.

But Su Yuanning was pleasantly surprised to find that there were three tableware and a third chair.

He blinked and looked at Zhou Mingrui. Zhou Mingrui said with a smile, "I introduced you to a new friend today."

During the conversation, the room seemed to vibrate with ripples, and a confident, handsome and handsome man appeared on the chair. His beard and hair have been carefully trimmed, and there is an air of arrogance between his eyebrows.

Su Yuanning had never seen him, but he immediately reflected his identity.

Huang Tao, Roselle Gustav, the first transmigrator!

"Huang...Senior Tao! Happy New Year!" Su Yuanning said subconsciously.

"Haha, hello, hello. Happy New Year!" Huang Tao laughed heartily, then winked at Zhou Mingrui, "Xiao Zhou, this is your newly adopted child."

"Yeah." Zhou Mingrui smiled and nodded.

Su Yuanning also introduced himself with a smile: "Hello, Senior Huang Tao, my name is Su Yuanning. Thank you for your attention. Happy New Year!"

"Xiao Su, right?" Huang Tao's wrist was raised, and in his hand there was a brilliance of knowledge, which transformed into a red envelope in a moment.

"Here, lucky money."

"Huh" Su Yuanning was stunned, Huang Tao didn't seem to be much older than him, what's the matter with the grandeur of his elders, is it because he already has a wife and children in this world, so he has already regarded himself as his father?

"...Thank you!" Su Yuanning hesitated and took it with both hands, his mind instantly filled with countless knowledge. Mysterious, extraordinary, common sense. It covers almost all the knowledge of the world that can be accessed by the demigods.

"This...the gift is too precious!" Su Yuanning said. The "New Year's money" given by Huang Tao not only has all kinds of common sense, but also all kinds of strange and useful ritual magic.

"Haha! It's easy to say!" Huang Tao waved his hand heartily.

"Yuanning." Zhou Mingrui also beckoned to Su Yuanning.

Facing Su Yuanning's gaze, he also handed out a red envelope.

"Here, New Year's money." Zhou Mingrui smiled and used the same tone as Huang Tao.

Igna was stunned, a little flattered.

The red envelope looked heavy, Su Yuanning took it with both hands respectfully, and the red envelope instantly turned into a delicate red bow tie in his hands.

And the knowledge about this bow tie echoed in Igna's mind instantly.

It should be an extraordinary item corresponding to the faceless man of Diviner Sequence 6. If you wear this bow tie, you can freely change the smell, sound and appearance of your body. But the negative effect is that after using it, the body will shrink for the same time as the use time, and it will make some very childish actions.

"Voice-changing bow tie." Zhou Mingrui said with a smile.

"Ah, thank you Senior Xiao Zhou." This voice-changing bow tie is really interesting.

Huang Tao couldn't help but wonder when he saw this magical item. He seemed to know the function of this extraordinary item at a glance.

"You came to me to ask how to adjust the Beyonder Item, just to fix this," Huang Tao said, "You're really interested in this little kid!"

Zhou Mingrui nodded with a smile and asked, "Do you still like it?"

Su Yuanning resisted the urge to say "there is only one truth" and nodded vigorously.

"I like it very much, thank you!"

After receiving the gifts from the two seniors, Su Yuanning scratched his face in embarrassment.

"I also prepared a gift today... but considering my incompetence... so... I can only spend a little bit."

Su Yuanning took out two tigers made of gold from his clothes, each the size of a fist.

This is the gold he bought at Aalto himself, and then with the ability to manipulate flames, he designed and built the tiger himself.

One is wearing a long with a half-height silk top hat and holding a persimmon.

One is wearing a king's cloak, with a crown, and holding a persimmon.

The shapes and appearances are different, but they are all naive.

Su Yuanning cleared his throat and snapped his fingers. The two tigers ran into the air as if they had come to life, and started playing in the air.

Then slammed into their master's arms.

"Happy New Year!" Su Yuanning said.

"Happy New Year." Zhou Mingrui rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Ha, Happy New Year!" Huang Tao raised the wine glass in his hand.

This year's New Year's Eve happens to be Monday hahaha.

happy New Year!


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