Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 76: good faith advice

"Mystery: Key of the Star(

"This is..." Su Yuanning murmured, "A grievance spirit in the dark night domain?"

"And it seems to have some characteristics of the realm of death."

To be able to make people fall into a deep sleep, there is no doubt that it must belong to the ability of the Insomniac Pathway Nightmare.

However, driving the resentful spirits to capture the spiritual body directly from the human body is somewhat like the ability of the death domain.

Arrodes' mirror flashed.

After he showed Su Yuanning the abilities of the four resentful spirits on the island, he turned the camera and focused on the basement of the castle, where a sarcophagus was placed.

Inside the coffin was a small female corpse. Unlike other corpses in the castle, this female corpse had only bones left, and the bones exuded a strange blue-black light.

It was already obvious that Arrodes gave a hint here.

All the dangers on this island come from female grievances, and to solve this problem, the core pain point is this "skeleton female corpse".

The mirror surface tends to be dark, and all the pictures end here.

"Thank you, Arrodes." Su Yuanning said.

"I still have some advice I want to tell you, do you want to listen?" Silver-white words appeared on Arrodes' mirror surface again.

Su Yuanning was startled again.

This seems a little out of place.

Is Arrodes such a mirror of kindness and kindness?

This is somewhat inconsistent with his understanding of Arrodes.

Perhaps last time in Backlund, Arrodes also gave him some useful tips.

However, when he talked to Arrodes for the first time, Su Yuanning would never forget the question Arrodes asked him.

That almost shameful feeling of wanting to self-determination on the spot is really unforgettable! !

So, why is Arrodes suddenly so kind? It's not quite like it anymore.

No, can't think about it.

Su Yuanning stopped his thoughts in time.

If he remembered correctly, Arrodes also seemed to have the ability to read minds.

"Okay, I want to hear it. Thank you, great Arrodes." Su Yuanning added.

The mirror of Arrodes flickered, and the water rippled again.

This time, it showed Su Yuanning a completely different picture from before.

The main environment in the picture appears to be a wooden hut.

However, this speculation was quickly overturned.

Because the people standing around in the room were obviously pirates.

Six or seven seem to have some status, but in the bounty ranking, pirates with no more than three thousand gold pounds are standing around a table.

A low-quality oil lamp hung above the table, staggeringly pointing at the map on the table.

And the city on that map was obviously Pelizik.


Su Yuanning was silent.

"This is a pirate attacking Pelizik." The message was obvious.

"When?" Su Yuanning muttered.

He didn't see any clues from the picture that could deduce this information.

"Late the day after tomorrow in Rorsted time."

A line of blood-red words was outlined on Arrodes' mirror.

Seeing the sudden change in the handwriting, Su Yuanning suddenly had an ominous feeling.

Did he... just spoke ill of Arrodes and accidentally asked a question?

Sure enough, the next moment, the black mirror of Arrodes outlined blood-like handwriting.

"Your ideal partner is intellectual, rational, powerful, innovative, independent and open-minded, with endless creativity. It has the same value orientation as you, and it is best to have a profound dialogue and philosophical discussion with you. ?"



Above the gray fog, Zhou Mingrui and Su Yuanning fell silent at the same time.

Su Yuanning opened his mouth and felt that his ears were a little hot.

what! !

Arrodes has never been uneasy and kind! ! And... in front of Senior Xiao Zhou...

what! ! Help! !

Su Yuanning's heart was screaming in a frantic groundhog. He didn't dare to see what expression Melissa's brother would have, but he couldn't refuse to answer this question.

Arrodes is right, but how could someone say such a thing in front of the other's family! !

Su Yuanning took a deep breath.


Shame to the extreme, but instead forced him to calm down.

"Thank you for your advice. I will properly resolve the issues related to grievances and pirates."

"I have another piece of advice, do you want to listen?"

Arrodes' mirror floated, and silver-white writing flashed again.

Su Yuanning was also startled again.

What happened to Arrodes? Is he really a very kind mirror?

Su Yuanning was a little unsure for a while, Arrodes was playing with him. Or hit a stick first, then give a candy?

"Okay. Please tell me." Su Yuanning thought for a while, but agreed.

Although Arrodes has a bad personality, he is also an extremely powerful evil spirit.

There is nothing he does not know, there is no truth that he is wrong.

Before setting off, Su Yuanning made a divination about the "destiny" of himself and Perizke.

The results of divination are relatively easy to interpret and accept.

First of all, as far as he is concerned, going to Pelizik has certain dangers, but it is still within the controllable range, and there will be no danger to life.

Secondly, regarding the "urban luck" of Perizic, what Su Yuanning saw is that Perizic is at a low ebb recently, but it is not without hope that things will be resolved, and there may be some minor bloodshed in the middle, but overall The future is clear.

From the information given by Arrodes so far, it seems that is indeed the case.

If it is in the case of knowing the enemy's intelligence, the grievances of the island should be resolved soon. In terms of pirates, if you remind Loen's garrison in advance, you can also prepare in advance.

"Leave Pelizke as soon as possible. And, always stay spiritually full." Arrodes wrote in silver-white handwriting on the mirror, "The facts I can see so far are consistent with your astrological results."

"But." Arrodes turned the conversation, "The influence of the pirates is not controllable. They decided to attack Pelizik because of a certain 'transaction'."

"And the content of that 'transaction' was disturbed, and I couldn't see it clearly."

Su Yuanning's eyes widened a little, did Arrodes even have a time when he "can't see clearly"?

Who organized the deal? Who else could interfere with Arrodes' sight?

"So, be careful, brat," Arrodes wrote on the mirror.

"Don't let anything happen."

Hearing that Su Yuanning's expression became serious, Zhou Mingrui, who was watching from the side, also sat up straight.

He didn't know when a gold coin appeared in his hand, he threw it up high, and saw it landed on the back of his hand.

Su Yuanning also looked at Zhou Mingrui. As a Beyonder capable of divination, Su Yuanning knew very well what Senior Xiao Zhou was doing.

Zhou Mingrui tossed the coin up twice in a row, and then he looked at Su Yuanning.

"My suggestion is," Zhou Mingrui paused, "don't stay, leave as soon as possible."


Hello everyone, this is the mailbox. (Although it used to be timed, but today is a bit special)

Because the author is doing a large-scale nucleic acid screening volunteer again today.

Please say cheers to the author!

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