Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 84: The sun is setting again (to celebrate the release of the characters, thank you Yoyo an

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"If the wolf did not appear at the beginning, but attacked, then when you noticed it appeared, you immediately left the scene and returned after 10 heartbeats."

This is what Canterbury and Igna say to Igna after confirming that there are "wolves" on the island.

Igna has no objection.

On the one hand, Canterbury is more experienced than him, whether dealing with "wolves" or "wolves."

On the other hand, hearing Canterbury's request, Ignatius had some guesses about the tactics Canterbury was planning to use.

She has a high probability of using the killer of the warrior sequence

- "Storm of Light".

An area-based high-kill decisive battle skill.

A storm that can come in an instant and is completely condensed by the dawn!

According to Igna's understanding of the warrior path, he can be sure that the storm of light used by the guardian Canterbury will definitely be able to destroy any monster in the range, even destroy the human body, destroy the ghosts, and severely damage the evil spirits!

It is also the most terrifying and terrifying decisive combat technique in this battle!

However, even Igna was mentally prepared for the decisive technique that Canterbury was going to use. When he saw the devastation caused by the "storm of light" with his own eyes, he was still cold behind.

The destructive power that seems to be coming from a meteorite should not be too exaggerated!

Moreover, Canterbury who uses this skill is only Sequence 5!

If Igna hadn't avoided in advance as Canterbury said, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to find where he was now.

Is this the difference in combat effectiveness between a "fighter" who specializes in fighting, and an "apprentice" who focuses on change and showmanship?



However, Igna was only stunned for a moment.

He quickly cleared his overwhelming thoughts.

There wasn't that much time for him to be surprised now.

Igna looked at the center of the storm, and raised the revolver that took advantage of the 10 seconds he left to reload the purification bullet.

He stood high, providing cover for Canterbury's back. in case other mishaps occur.

Eyes returned to the field.

Even after the release of "Storm of Light", the guardian was not stunned or gasped.

She immediately drew her straight sword and took a few steps forward.

The red wolf fell in front of the "Guardian" Canterbury, about ten meters away.

Because of being swept away by the "Storm of Light" at close range, this huge and ferocious wolf has passed out.

It's skin is open and fleshy, like reddish-brown feathery hair stained with oil falling everywhere. It was as if it had lost its heartbeat, and there was no heave on its huge but scarred body.

But Canterbury walked up to it, fully armed.

She gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands.

The dawn-like light of dawn re-condensed on her sword.

At this time, the silver sword she used often looked like a broad two-handed sword.

This is a weapon condensed by the morning light.

A warrior's most powerful weapon.

- "Sword of Dawn".

The fainted red wolf seemed to sense the imminent danger, and its body struggled to move, trying to wake up the consciousness that was hit by the storm of light.

However, it fails.

The red wolf's claws moved, and then passed out again.


Smash it!

The Sword of Dawn, which Canterbury clenched in both hands, smashed straight towards the red wolf's heart.

Under the attack of the giant sword, there was not only the sound of flesh and blood, but also a clear sound of bone shattering.


Flesh splattered.

Blood with abnormal black stains splattered on Canterbury's silver-white morning armor.

But the guardian behind the visor lowered his eyes.

Her face was expressionless, and the armor on her body seemed to be brewing justice and compassion at the same time.


The red wolf let out a low cry.

Poor, but only dying.


Canterbury swung the sword again.

"Wow—" cut off its head.

"Crack—" cut open its body.

"Ka-" chopped off its limbs.

The red wolf, who had moved twice more, finally stopped responding.

At the same time, something on the island shattered with the sound of Canterbury's sword swing.

At the moment when the last sword fell.

The sun fell in.

The warmth and fiery sunshine belonging to Bayam embraced the coldness and loneliness of this island for two years with the most selfless gesture.

This originally vibrant island finally returned to its warmth at this moment.

As the most friendly apprentice in the spiritual world, Igna was very aware of the changes in the island's atmosphere.

But in his memory, there is still a resentful spirit that has not yet appeared.

Why did the island anomaly disappear?

Igna was silent, scanning the surroundings cautiously from the heights.

However, Igna did feel the scorching sensation of Bayam's sun on his skin very precisely.

It's not like a hallucination, and it can't be a dream.

He looked at Canterbury.

As it happened, Canterbury, who was standing in the field, raised her head and looked at the heights.

Dawn-like dawn appeared beside the guardian. She silently looked at Igna, who was standing at the top of the castle, and nodded slightly.

Not a hallucination.

The battle is over.


No matter where the high-level resentful spirit went. The environmental changes brought about by the mysterious disappearance are almost instantaneous.

It was just two breaths, and Igna felt that his whole body began to sweat.

But Igna did not take it lightly.

He took a deep breath, and instead of retracting the pistol, he reached out with his left hand unaffected, and a gold coin appeared quietly at his fingertips.

This is the coin taken out of the sleeve pocket by a trick.

Igna whispered the question "All the spirits on the island have been purified" seven times in a low voice, then tossed the coin aloft.

Got a positive answer.

Then he continued to whisper the question "There is no implicit problem on the island".

Again, got an affirmative answer.

"There is currently no danger on the island."

The answer remains the same.

Ignatius raised his eyebrows.

But he was not convinced.

With Senior Xiao Zhou's divination being interfered with, he certainly wouldn't simply trust the results of the divination.

He looked down at Canterbury, the guardian still standing beside the corpse, keeping watch, but also looking down at the huge red monster.

Seeing this, Igna took four steps in the opposite direction and came to the small study above the gray fog. Divination was done on the same question again. Got the same answer.

At this time, Igna was at ease, and the "travel" returned to It is now temporarily safe. ' he said.

"Have you found anything?" asked Igna.

When he came to the red wolf, Igna felt the huge body of the wolf and the abnormality of its existence.

The guardian's eyes on the red wolf were also very serious.

"a lot of."

Canterbury responded.


Warriors can be handsome too (sunglasses)

I am quite satisfied with what I wrote about this battle, please give a five-star praise to readers who think I have written a good battle after reading this. Boots!

Thanks again Yoyo and his friends! The characters are really handsome! !

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