Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 2: Mirror of Social Death

Su Yuanning was stunned when he saw the question, thinking he had read it wrong!

After reacting, he felt that his ears were about to burn.

This, this, this... Is this a question that can be asked at will in public? ?

Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise Su Yuanning would have died socially when this problem occurred! !

Such a questioning method... This mirror obviously asks the question because it knows the answer!

"This is privacy. I refuse to answer!" Su Yuanning replied solemnly with a stern face.

It is impossible to answer directly, absolutely impossible!

"The answer is wrong." The blood-red words on the mirror changed again, "Punishment, or task?"

"This is privacy. I refuse to answer." Su Yuanning repeated solemnly.

There is absolutely no compromise on this issue!

Then, a bolt of lightning appeared out of thin air and hit Su Yuanning. The silver-white light hit the top of Su Yuanning's head in an instant.

Above the gray fog, Su Yuanning was in the state of a spirit body, but at this moment, Su Yuanning felt that the spirit body had turned into coke.

His hair stood up straight, his body fell down with a bang, and there was some black color all over his body.

Ten seconds later, Su Yuanning sat up tremblingly against the floor, gasping for breath, as if electricity was still flowing through his fingertips.

The power of lightning is very strong... It is almost a few hundred times that of the lightning technique, at least it should be at least about Sequence 5 lightning.

Su Yuanning took a few breaths, recovered for a while, and rationalized his thoughts.

Mirror Arrodes...

The all-knowing magic mirror...

At this time, Su Yuanning finally understood why the first time he heard Senior Xiao Zhou call that puppy "Arrodes", he felt inexplicably familiar.

In "Judgment of the Tarot", Merlin carried a "magic mirror" that could answer all the questions in the world. The mirror was called "Icondes", which means "giant blue rhizome" in Ruen.

"Icondes" knows the truth of all events in the world. And to get his answer, what needs to be followed is the principle of equivalence. However, the performance of "Icondes" is relatively positive, not as bad as Arrodes.

Although in fact, there are several "anecdotes" about Merlin's mirror in the information that Su Yuanning found. The kind with a little bit of color.


So Arrodes is the prototype of "Icondes"?

Su Yuanning sorted out her mood and decided to follow Senior Xiao Zhou's instructions. There was no need to ask Arrodes any more questions.

But by the time Su Yuanning stood up, the writing on the mirror had already changed.

The ancient Feysac language was red as blood.

"You can ask me any question, including 'Is there still a Nighthawk following me', or 'Where is the enemy I most want to kill now' and I can answer it. And you need to pay for the equivalent answer. "

Arrodes is like a demagogic evil spirit.

Su Yuanning looked at the blood-red writing on the mirror, his eyes sank.

But he only hesitated for a while before making a quick decision.

Su Yuanning took a deep breath and asked, "Arrodes. Can anyone or existence find me now?"

He doesn't need to know the process, he just needs to know the result! Knowing who can find you, you can naturally prepare in advance!

Mirror dazzling.

Su Yuanning first saw the stars in the night, then he saw a mirror in the gray fog, and then he saw a very familiar black-clothed deacon.

"The stars in the night should refer to the goddess. I guessed this before. After all, I swore to the holy relic that it was very reasonable for the goddess to locate me."

"The mirror should be Arrodes himself..."

"This deacon..." Su Yuanning vaguely recalled that this deacon seemed to be Jules Tien, a discipline knight who served in the Abraham family, and was now protecting Igna's father, Liszt Lilance, in Aalto.

"Maybe it's some kind of Sealed Artifact in the family? Or what agreement did 'I' have with Yule?" Su Yuanning couldn't remember the specific details.

Then, Su Yuanning saw the picture in my silver mirror fade away quickly.

No way... is there only three of them? What about the Nighthawks?

Su Yuanning's thoughts came to him, and the picture in the silver mirror quickly faded away.

"What's your real attitude to the phrase 'why would someone put a huge amount of emotion on a non-real-world character who only exists in the picture, and see a person who can't exist in the world as a life partner'?"


Why does Arrodes always ask such questions! ! Again he asked the question in a way he knew the answer. Serious people who would be asked this question? !

Should I get another lightning strike for this problem?

Recalling the pain of losing consciousness just now, Su Yuanning took a deep breath and said quickly, "What's wrong with the paper man wife, I will always like the paper man wife!"

"Correct answer." Arrodes said, "Mr. Fool will praise your honesty."

Su Yuanning closed her eyes in pain, and suddenly felt that life was better than death.

It really takes courage to talk to Arrodes... Fortunately, there is no one else here...

Su Yuanning shook his head and threw these useless thoughts out of his head. Then, he turned to the answer that Arrodes just gave.

Now there are only three who can find his "existence" or "person".

The goddess of the night, Arrodes, Jules Tien.

There is no doubt that Jules Tien is 100% his own Jules is not like other peripheral members of Abraham. He was mainly inspired by his father to become the guardian of the Lilance family, and he also signed a blood contract with his father. Betrayal is not possible.

Arrodes is Senior Xiao Zhou's pet. Senior Xiao Zhou ordered some tasks for me, so although Arrodes will play tricks on me now, he probably won't really reveal my position to anyone. If this is the case, Senior Xiao Zhou will definitely blame him. According to Arrodes' appearance in front of Senior Xiao Zhou, he probably wouldn't do this.

The goddess of the night... Su Yuanning was not sure about the goddess' attitude. He can either inform the Nighthawk of his location, or choose to ignore it.

"But there is no need for the goddess to do this." Su Yuanning analyzed, "The goddess pays attention to me, protects me, and prevents me from being used as a test product by the night watchers in the first demon sacrifice event. I also successfully made the spell of the night field. ."

"If this is regarded as the 'goodwill' of the goddess, he should not reveal my position this time. And I have sworn to him that I cannot do anything against his 'promise'. So, I have not yet The sudden death can be regarded as a statement of the attitude of the goddess."

So now, am I safe?

Just as Su Yuanning came up with this idea, he saw a few blood-red words displayed on the ancient silver mirror.

"I am the great omniscient mirror Arrodes, the most sincere servant of the great beings above the spiritual world. Not everyone can know my name."

"You'd better figure out what you want to ask the next question."

The blood-red words were magnified on the mirror, as if blood was sliding down. Su Yuanning suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, and his back was trembling and shivering involuntarily.

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