Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 9: The demeanor of a saint (thank you for the light cloud)

  Chapter 81 The Demeanor of the Saint

  Ignatius was surprised, but he could not help but look at Miss Fors Wall very restrainedly.

  If it wasn't for knowing this young lady's sequence level in advance, Ignatius really couldn't tell that she was already a demigod.

   She looks very young, graceful and elegant, and is so beautiful that it is impossible to raise vigilance.

   "Good afternoon." Forth Wall and Dorian Abraham bowed to Jules and Igna at the same time.

   "We happened to be at the Presbyterian Church, and we came over after receiving the application." Dorian said with a smile.

   "According to the contribution of the "House of Books" to keep the family history books for a long time, the elders will directly give all the potion materials from Sequence 9 to Sequence 6 of Bernie Abraham's lineage."

   After Dorian finished speaking, he looked at Fors.

   This beautiful young lady nodded slightly and took a step forward.

She looked at Igna with a smile and said softly, "We have brought the astrologer potion you applied for from the Council of Elders and can give it to you. But in order to ensure your safety, we still need to test your potion. Can you start now?"

  Miss Fors's voice had a slight smokey voice, which sounded a little lazy unexpectedly.

  Igna was a little stunned. The efficiency of the Abraham family really exceeded his expectations. It seems that the current family has undergone earth-shaking changes from the Abraham in "Igna's" memory.

   During the period of time when he was promoted to master juggler and "going out to practice".

   What happened during this time?

   However, these are not things to be concerned about right now.

  Fors' question only made Igna hesitate for a moment.

   Soon, Igna nodded and said, "Yes."

   He has finished digesting the magic potion of the magician, and he is not afraid of any test.

   "Very good." Fors Wall nodded slightly.

   At this moment, Igna clearly felt that he and Fors were taken into another secret space.

   His reaction also seemed to be noticed by Fors Wall. She smiled reassuringly at Igna.

   "Don't be nervous." She smiled and comforted.

  Miss Forth Wall looks a little cold, but when she smiles, it really makes people feel very friendly...

   Just as Igna was subconsciously relaxing, he suddenly saw that pages were turning in Miss Fors' eyes. In an instant, he only felt that the light around him disappeared, as if he was swallowed by the darkness. (Note 1)

   He suddenly became very tired, as if he had come to the sleep time marked by his biological clock. However, his spirit was highly tense, and it was difficult to relax. He felt like a hyperactive state where he was too tired to fall asleep.

  The quiet "night" seemed to envelope him, and Ignat seemed to hear the calm breathing of Miss Fors Wall.

   In addition, he did not see anything that should not be seen, nor heard any sound that should not be heard.

   "You did a good job." Miss Fors's elegant voice dispelled the darkness and made the space brighter again.

  Igna suddenly broke away from exhaustion and regained his vigour.

   Affected me unconsciously... Is this a demigod?

   However, this should not be an extraordinary ability that belongs to the field of apprentices. Apprentices should be space-based and involve some abilities of change, secrets, and destiny.

What    has just affected himself should be Miss Fors' ability to "record" other ways.

   Is there a high probability that it is a high sequence of the Insomniac pathway? Igna guessed to himself.

"This is the ability of a Sequence 5 Requiem Master of the Night Path." Forsi smiled, nodded slightly, showing a look of comfort and satisfaction, "Congratulations on passing the test, and your mastery of potions has reached an excellent level. "

   "Next, I want to observe whether there are hidden dangers in your body and mind, and whether your personality has been unknowingly changed by the spirit left by the potion, leaving problems."

   "You have five minutes to adjust your state." Fors Waldo.

  Igna immediately nodded and replied, "Okay."

   He secretly took a breath, let himself slowly enter a state of meditation, got rid of all kinds of bad thoughts, and restrained his spirituality.

  Fors Wall looked at Igna with a smile.

   Five minutes passed quickly, Fors nodded slightly to Igna, and said with a smile.

   "Get ready, the singer is about to start singing."

singer? singing? Igna looked puzzled.

   Before he could speak, Igna saw that there seemed to be pages turning in Forsi's eyes.

  Fors Wall's hand scratched in the air, and Igna saw something swaying in the air.

   In the next instant, Ignat clearly felt that Miss Fors Wall had divided herself into another space.

   Then, Igna heard a low male voice softly humming a melodious melody. This melody makes people seem to see seagulls flying on the sea.

   But the tone was too late to appreciate, and it took a sudden turn and became a bumpy, discordant tone, and the male voice sang in a hoarse voice:

   "Impulse! Impulse! Impulse!

   "O sea, blast the grey and cold rocks!"

   "Impulse! Impulse! Impulse!

   "O sea, crack at the foot of the rock!" (Note 2)

  The singing is bold and heroic, but it is completely out of tune. It is completely contrary to the normal cognition of human beings and creatures, and has its own noise-like roar with metallic texture, which is full of irritating, disgusting and headache-inducing power.

   At this moment, Igna felt that the blood vessels in his forehead were throbbing violently, and the idea of ​​wanting to kill the singer in front of him or destroy the world instantly appeared in his heart.

   There seemed to be something torn in his mind, and the muscles and blood vessels under the skin wiggled slightly on their own.

  Igna, who would accept babbling and screaming when he was in the gray fog every week, struggled and clenched his fists before he suppressed the urge to beat up the person in front of him.

  Sometimes, the male voice that suddenly appeared in the air disappeared. The noise in the space disappears. The independent space has regained its calm.

   It's nice to be quiet! ! !

really good! ! !

   Where is this singer, this is a life-threatening singer!

  Igna sighed from the bottom of his heart, feeling the lingering fear in his heart.

   "Very good, very good. There are no hidden dangers in your body and mind." Forsi applauded softly and praised with a smile. "Of course, it's normal for you to be violent."

"This is the singing voice of the tyrant Sequence 5 ocean singer. Although it has been weakened to a certain extent, you are the first Sequence 8 I have seen that can better restrain his impulses. Under normal circumstances, the extraordinary below Sequence 5 It is difficult for anyone to control their rage when they hear such a 'song'."

   Tyrant? Ocean Singer? Igna was stunned for a moment, unable to correspond for a moment which Extraordinary pathway Miss Fors was referring to.

   "The tyrant is the sequence of the Lord of the Storm." Probably seeing the doubts in Igna's eyes, Fors added. "Congratulations, you passed all the tests. You can be promoted to Sequence 7."

   After finishing speaking, Fors handed the suitcase in his hand to Ignatius.

  Igna took the suitcase with both hands, ready to put it away and get promoted on another day.

   "Make good use of it." Forsi said very solemnly, "Let it continue to shine in Abrahamga."

  This... Ignat felt a little strange after hearing this. You must make good use of the potion, but it seems that there is no need to mention it?

   "This is a legacy from your Abrahamic ancestor, Bethel Abraham."

  Fors added solemnly. (Note 3)


  Note 1: The content of the inspection mainly refers to the steps of Lord Sesima's inspection of See Chapter 166 of the Joker in Volume 1.

  Note 2: Part of the description comes from the terrifying song of Chapter 76 of the Fourth Undead. The original lyrics of the lyrics are excerpted from Tennyson's "Rush, Rush, Rush"

Note 3: In the original text "The End of The Fool, Chapter 2, Volume 8", it is directly written that Amon brought the extraordinary characteristics of the high sequence of the apprentice pathway, but due to the low sequence of the protagonist in this article, for the sake of the plot effect, this article slightly Changed it on this. The characteristic that has become a return is the Extraordinary characteristic of 1-9. (This is also reasonable. At that time, Amon was a dual-path true god. He didn't need to send back the high-order sequence and eat the low-order sequence himself. This is very unnecessary.) I hope that readers understand this change.

  Note 4: Bern (Bern), the capital of Switzerland, the style of Aalto I imagined based on Switzerland + Austria (although it was not written).

   It seems that Xintian Jinyou no longer accepts donations. Or any other way, as long as it can help the children. If you have a reliable channel you know, please leave a message. (p.s I don't trust big institutions, so tb, tx and the like don't need to be recommended~



   (end of this chapter)

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