Miss "Seer" disguised herself as "Bakerland" and walked up the stairs step by step with Miss Zenani whom she just met by her arm. In fact, she was cautious and vigilant at all times.

Louise stood at the stairs, wrapped her stolen long black hair around her index finger, with her back to everyone, chanting words, and the black flame flashed in her palm.

The curse of the "witch".

If this curse falls on the "shepherd", there is a high probability that it will be a harmless result, but Zenani is just an ordinary girl.

There is only one result for ordinary people to be possessed by the "Rose Bishop": death.

Louise just pushed the result a little earlier.

Suddenly, Ze Nani paused slightly, instead of stepping on the next staircase, she showed a painful expression on her face. Black flames quickly burned all over her body. In the next second, her flesh and blood suddenly exploded, and her abdomen was torn apart. Two arms wrapped in viscous liquid protruded from it.

The two arms suddenly stretched out, and a figure came out from the hole the size of a fist in its stomach. The whole body of "it" was covered with blood-colored, viscous, wriggling, dripping liquid, about the size of an ordinary adult man.

That figure revealed its own face, beautiful and seductive like a woman's face, and the blood-colored robe on "it", under the light of the fire, looked like a blooming flower.

"Aurora Order" resident envoy in Backlund, the "Shepherd" of Sequence Five, Mr. A.

This scene that looked like something from a horror story happened in front of everyone, the air in the hall froze for half a second, and with a scream that seemed to pierce the sky, panic and fear occupied most of the people present human mind.

At this time, only the human instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is at play, and all etiquette norms and aristocratic upbringing are all wiped out at this moment.

Everyone scrambled to be the first, with exaggerated expressions, and ran towards the door in a flustered pace. Drinks and food were scattered on the ground...In an instant, the hall was in a mess.

Louise also screamed, and ran out of the hall with the crowd, but in fact, she was circling leisurely, without any actual action to leave, and finally lost track in a corner where no one noticed.

At this moment, she felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart that she had not seen for a long time, as if the madness that had been suppressed for a long time was finally fully released.

For a long time, the idea of ​​acting cautiously and the original moral code have been restraining her, making her unable to feel the true meaning of "witch".

Strolling into the world, he set off a terrible disaster behind him, but he always showed people with a smile.

This is the real "witch".


Mr. A's bewitching and beautiful eyebrows were furrowed together, and he spotted the target person who quickly left his side through a string of flames at first glance: Bakerland.

Then his eyes swept away, and he noticed that in the chaotic hall downstairs, a young man was standing between himself and the fleeing crowd, as if to protect those ordinary people.

Not surprisingly, this person is Kang Si from MI9. Since his attention has been on Bakerland, he immediately noticed the source of the confusion, so he stood up decisively and gave the ordinary people behind him Gain precious time to escape.

The three of them stood like horns, restraining each other, with different thoughts.

The "Bakerland" transformed by Katrin leaned against the wall, and the momentary shock quickly turned into calmness. Although she had learned from Louise about the possible danger tonight, she never expected it. This "danger" is so evil...

If she hadn't been prepared to escape immediately through the "flame jump", she would probably be splashed by the blood and flesh from Zenani's explosion. Look at the place where the stairs are still smoking, and you can see clearly. Judging how corrosive that flesh and blood is!

Kang Si, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs, was very tense. As an intelligence officer of MI9, he roughly guessed the identity of the person in front of him, "Bishop Rose", or even "Shepherd"... In short, he was not able to The presence of resistance.

However, this attacker, who was probably a member of the "Aurora Society", seemed to be aiming at Bakerland. With two against one, his chances of winning were not high, but he should be able to delay the arrival of reinforcements.

Mr. A standing on the stairs felt a little uneasy, because the situation he expected was not what it is now.

Under the current situation, even if he can successfully kill the target Bakerland, he will definitely be wanted by the official Extraordinary. Although he is not afraid, it must not affect the Lord's plan because of this.

What's more, he knew that the enemies he was facing were not limited to the two in front of him, there was also a mysterious enemy hidden in the dark, perhaps the Extraordinary who had just released the curse and caused Zenani's premature death...

After thinking about it, Mr. A no longer hesitated, turned around decisively, turned into a shadow, passed through layers of walls, and disappeared into the darkness outside.

"Bakerland" and Kance were taken aback when they saw this, and looked at each other for two seconds.

Afterwards, Katrin lowered her voice and said angrily:

"I need an explanation."

It's obviously aimed at you, I still need to explain... Kang Si resumed his business-like serious expression, and replied:

"Yes, Mr. Ambassador, please follow me back to MI9 for investigation. By the way, your safety can be guaranteed."

Katrin rolled her eyes and refused, saying, "I only believe in myself. If there is a need for follow-up investigations, come find me at the Intis embassy."

Kance didn't talk nonsense anymore. He knew that Bakerland could not be convicted in this situation, let alone detain a country's ambassador. He could only watch Bakerland walk out of the messy hall.

At this time, Louise, who ran outside at some point, walked into the hall cautiously, and asked in a tone of obvious fear:

"What was that just now?"

Cons looked around, praying silently for Louise, who had suffered such a tragedy when holding a ball for the first time, and then asked sternly:

"Miss Louise, what is your religion?"

"I believe in goddesses." Although Louise put on a puzzled expression, she still gave the answer.

Kang Si nodded slightly, and comforted him: "Someone will investigate this matter, please don't panic too much."

As a rule, such cases should be handed over to the "Nighthawks" of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, but since Ambassador Intis and many nobles are involved, MI9 has the right to fight for the right to handle the case... So Kang Si left in a hurry , he wants to rush back to MI9, report what happened tonight, and follow the next instructions.


A four-wheeled carriage is running on the wide straight road. The badge worn on the outside of the carriage is rare. It is the symbol of the Intis embassy.

And the person sitting in the carriage was naturally Miss "Seer" disguised as Bakerland.

Enduring the turbulence of the carriage and feeling the obvious urgency of the driver, she silently counted the time, nodded with a smile, the fire in her hand flashed, and her figure disappeared into the carriage.

Continuous faint fire flashed, and Katrin appeared in a dark corner, watched the carriage gallop away, smiled silently, and then changed back to her original appearance.

Slightly closing his eyes, the potion of the "magician" in his body was obviously being digested.

The magic show starring her, "Big Transformation", came to a successful conclusion.

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