Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 362 Sophia? Or Adam?

Miss Maid is not a "passer-by" who can give up at will. Not to mention how much effort Louise has put into her, the emotional connection between the two of them alone cannot allow Louise to let her go so easily. abandon.

However, there is indeed an excellent opportunity in front of you. If you miss it, you might have to wait until sometime next time!

Moreover, it is temporarily doubtful whether the maid can handle Duke Negan... After all, today's invitation is not as simple as eating and chatting!

At this time, Louise was extremely entangled. As time passed, she realized that she could not delay any longer, otherwise she would probably lose both.

So, she packed up her mood, imposed an invisibility state on herself, and swaggered into the villa.

Compared to walking on thin ice when hunting "Puppet" Jakes, Louise at this time seemed very calm.

The ordinary servants in the villa naturally couldn't find Louise, and Duke Negan's extraordinaire guards had already carefully inspected the entire villa when they arrived, so it was inevitable that they were a little lax now.

What's more, Louise now carries almost all the magical items on her body, and is in her strongest state. Relying on "distortion" and "chaos", it is enough to avoid the eyes of all extraordinary people.

Even, the most powerful combat force around Duke Negan is his blond secretary, Sequence Five's "Chaos Mentor", but unfortunately, the latter is an undercover agent.

So, Louise passed through the checkpoints in such a relaxed and happy manner, and soon found the location of Duke Negan... and "Louise".

In a living room on the second floor, Duke Negan and the maid seemed to have just had dinner and were chatting relaxedly.

Mr. Duke tried his best to show his wit and real intentions, but the maid seemed to be unable to understand, she talked about him, and the purpose seemed to be just to delay time.

If I hadn't confirmed that I was really "Louise", I would have almost become confused... Louise who was in the invisible state silently sighed in her heart.

The maid can be regarded as the person who knows me best in this world. It is perfect for her to pretend to be herself. Not only the appearance, but also the manner of speaking, and even the tone of the speech are almost exactly the same... The only question is, why did she want to How to do this?

"Wait, did she find me?"

Louise was startled, and stopped thinking voluntarily, because she found that the version of "Louise" by the maid lady inadvertently glanced in her direction.

"Sophia will definitely not be able to do this, who is she now?" Louise questioned in her heart.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in her mind:

"Is it important?"

A voice that didn't belong to Louise, nor did it belong to the maidservant, emerged in Louise's mind, while Sophia was still talking and laughing with Duke Negan without being affected at all.

Louise had a feeling that she felt a little familiar with this sudden voice... Soon, she remembered that this voice was the same person that asked her to assassinate Duke Negan in her dream that night.

"It's you!" Louise said in her heart.

The voice immediately replied, "Who am I?"

Hehe, you should ask yourself this question... The king of angels in the "spectator" pathway, the leader of the "twilight hermit society", the heir of "God", and the deepest hidden... Wait, Louise suddenly stopped , she almost forgot that she was being "mind-read".

"Don't worry, I can't read minds." The voice in my head sounded again: "At least some things about you, I can't read the answer."

You also said that you don't know how to "read minds", so you're not pretending... Louise curled her lips in her heart, and then she found some clues from the sentence just now.

Of course, this is probably the information that the other party deliberately revealed.

Even the top "audience" can't "read my heart", it seems that I am still very good... Louise thought about it bitterly, and she silently asked in her heart:

"Because of 'Secret'?"

The voice paused for a moment, laughed twice inexplicably, and said:

"Hehe, secret, that's right."

What is "sort of", Louise said, it's the most annoying thing to say half-hidden half of the speech... She sorted out her thoughts and asked:

"You control Sophia, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Obviously, I'm helping you." The voice replied flatly.

Louise sneered and asked:

"The task you entrusted to me, but now you do everything possible to help me complete it, isn't it a little too ridiculous!"

"Why do you need to take such an extra step and take such a big twists and turns on me? You can definitely find a more suitable candidate and use a smoother way to complete this assassination operation."

Suddenly there was a brief silence, only the conversation between Duke Negan and the maid was still heard in the living room.

After a while, the voice appeared and asked:

"What do you want to clarify?"

Although I don't know why, Louise has always had the feeling that many high-ranking beings who appear around her have a high tolerance for herself. arrive.

She smiled, and suddenly became quite confident and said like a treasure:

"I killed the 'Apostle of Desire' who was supposed to carry out the assassination mission, so I passively accepted this mission, which seems very normal and reasonable."

"After all, a person who pokes a hole naturally needs to fill the hole by herself."

"At the beginning, I didn't feel anything was wrong." Louise said here, and suddenly changed the subject:

"However, in retrospect, as soon as I came to Backlund, I had a little friction with the 'Apostle of Desire', and it finally developed to the point where I had to actively hunt the other party. This process is normal and normal, but if Calling it far-fetched is equally understandable."

In the living room, with a satisfied smile on the corner of Duke Negan's mouth, his eyes turned to "Louis", but he didn't know that in this room, there were two other people talking, which were deciding the fate of Mr. Duke's life and death. .

Louise saw that the other party did not speak, so she chose to continue the analysis. Her thoughts were so smooth at this moment, she connected all the things together, cleared the clouds and mist, and finally saw the real picture behind the scenes.

"After accepting the assassination mission, I was actually not in a hurry, because the target was the powerful Duke Negan after all. I needed to find the best time, and I had to retreat without leaving any traces."

"It's not easy, so I have a long, step-by-step plan."

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