Mystic Dominator

Chapter 1130 El’s curiosity

Early next morning.

After getting up, Ronald sat at the table in the cabin, his eyes a little solemn. He should have started working in the past few days by this time, writing and recording the knowledge he gained at [Larchmont].

But now Ronald couldn't calm down.

In the murder incident on the No. 3 ship last night, the victim was rescued and the murderer was found out. It seemed that the whole matter was handled very perfectly.

But Ronald couldn't ignore the part about the Rooney Kingdom revealed by the cult warlock.

Because Heloise, who sent Ronald the letter, is in this country!

So...what is the situation in this country now?

According to Heloise's description in the letter, the Rooney Kingdom should only be in ordinary turmoil. To be on the safe side, she decided to wait for the situation to stabilize before returning to the territory of [Gred].

This is completely opposite to the information provided by the cult warlock.

According to the murderer caught last night, after leaving the [Infinite Negative Realm], Paprol went all the way south to the Looney Kingdom.

Then, taking advantage of the great changes in the world, the cult leader directly led people to capture King Luni City, and then teamed up with the people of the Nine Rings Secret Society to bring this less civilized country under their control.

The current situation is that this already closed and backward country has completely become an area ruled by magicians.


Thinking of this, Ronald sighed.

He already had a vague judgment in his mind - what the cult warlock said was the truth.

As for the news from Heloise, it is very likely that she did not want Ronald to worry too much, so she chose the comforting statement that the current situation was unstable.

If you think about it carefully, this statement is indeed quite flawed.

Even if the Rooney Kingdom is really in turmoil, how could Heloise not be able to escape with her abilities and character?

"Boss, this is the thirteenth time you have sighed this hour."

at this time,

Behind Ronald, El, who was lying on the bed, spoke:

"What on earth could cause a person like you to be troubled to such an extent? I don't understand."


Ronald turned to look at El.

This guy didn't mean to make fun of him, he just asked out of curiosity.

After all, in El's view, Ronald is undoubtedly the best individual in a group. Regardless of appearance, strength, and IQ, he meets the evaluation of excellent, and the materials he obtains far exceed the minimum needs.

With such conditions and environment, it is difficult for El to generate any negative emotions.

Ronald was in a depressed mood at the moment, and he happened to meet El and asked.

Then he simply put down the pen and paper in his hand and began to really talk to El:

"El, you still remember the purpose of our voyage, right?"

El nodded immediately:

"Of course you remember, aren't you going to find your little wife?"

Ronald never expected that El would be able to cure his hypotension as soon as he opened his mouth. He raised his eyebrows and said:

"My little wife, who taught you this...forget it, it means the same thing."

"Anyway, the place where Heloise is currently is controlled by the [Nine Rings Secret Society] and the cult sorcerers. I am very worried about her current situation."

Ronald's concern was that simple.

After all, both the [Nine Rings Secret Society] and the cult warlocks knew about the relationship between Heloise and themselves. If their identity is really exposed in the country they rule, then the consequences will be...

"So it's a problem of human emotions!"

Ronald frowned, but El suddenly understood and was very interested in it.

"Boss, I have studied human emotions before, and I have even continued to study recently. But as for the 'love' part, I still can't figure it out."

Ronald heard what El said:

"What do you want to ask?"

Hearing Ronald's words, El smiled.

She turned around, then lay on her side and looked at Ronald.

At this moment, El's eyes were very quiet. As for El, who is essentially a super life form, there is no doubt that she is also a beauty beyond common sense.

Quiet temperament, serious eyes, and weak posture when lying in bed.

The superposition of these factors makes El's posture when lying in bed directly give people a sense of aesthetic enjoyment.

"Boss, what I want to ask is your opinion on feelings, or love."

"According to my current understanding of human beings, love should be something that is born from the instinct of reproduction but goes beyond instinct. I am very curious about this kind of thing that is not found in the Yuez Forest."

"Love..." Ronald's tone was hesitant.

After El asked such a question, many figures appeared in his mind.

The girls I meet in this world, even my past girlfriends and my crush in school.

These things are all love to him.

"El, I don't know."

Thinking of the human concepts that Il is still cultivating, Ronald did not hesitate on this issue because of shyness, but replied seriously:

"Love is such a thing, even many great people will become irrational when they are in it. How can I, a mere mortal, give you an absolutely correct answer?"

After showing his shortcomings first, Ronald continued:

"But if it's just from a personal point of view, then I can say a little bit."

El is quite satisfied with this:

"Boss, all I care about is your opinion."

"In other words, I am learning human emotions just to get closer to beings like you. I don't care about other people!"

Ronald then continued:

"That being the case - for me, love is a kind of responsibility born from emotion. Once this emotion appears, it means that something that did not need to be done originally must be done now."

After hearing this brief explanation, El thought for a moment, and then asked curiously:

"So boss, what if something goes wrong in Rooney during this trip to find Heloise?"

Ronald replied without hesitation:

"I know this very well."

"If Heloise is in danger or even has an accident in the Looney Kingdom, then I will definitely not be able to control my emotions."

Having said this, Ronald thought about his current abilities.

Then he clenched his fists and laughed at himself:

"At that time, there may be a righteous master who can justifiably attack me."


It was almost the second after Ronald's words fell.

Costat opened the door and placed breakfast in front of Ronald.

"Sir, this is today's breakfast on the ship."

Afterwards, the maid did not go to take care of El directly, but winked at Ronald first:

"Because today's breakfast is all the same."

"So I took it upon myself to get it for you?"

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