Mystic Dominator

Chapter 1147 Peer decision

As the pirate finished answering the questions.

What Ronald wanted to know from him has basically come to an end.

The rough outline of what happened was that a mountain peak floating on the sea appeared in the south, and it was obviously a base once used by the Spellcaster organization. These pirates who had no chance to learn spells also gained the ability to cast spells.

The time was until a month ago.

The pirates who were trapped on [Anluo Island] had a dispute with other pirates on the floating mountain. In the end, the conflict intensified, and they had to choose to withdraw from there due to heavy losses.

As for other information...

The specific time when the Floating Mountain appeared is unknown. After all, it is suspended above the empty sea. Relying solely on the words of the pirates who arrived there first, when they entered the mountain, it was so clean that there was no dust, as if everyone in the mountain had just left.

And that's what Ronald cares about most.

According to the pirates in front of them, the shape and general structure of the floating mountain are very similar to the base established by the wizard of the Barrier Mountain in the [Infinite Negative Field].

After the world scene, floating mountains appeared on the sea, rooms containing a large amount of mysterious side information, familiar mountain structures...

These conditions hit everything, and it is difficult not to make some relevant associations.


"Sir, can I leave now?"

Ronald lowered his head and thought about the news, and the pirate kneeling in front of him also realized that Ronald had no problem continuing to ask.

Thinking of the fate of his captain and other elites, the pirate couldn't help but say:

"That's all I know."

"No problem, let's go."

Ronald agreed readily.

After hearing such an answer just now, the pirate obviously didn't believe it. He hesitated for a long time, and after finally confirming that Ronald had no intention of killing him, he finally turned around and ran out.

Patricia, who was watching the whole process, also didn't take any action.

It wasn't until the pirate's figure disappeared into the street that she looked at Ronald with a strange look:

"Ronald, did you really let him go like this?"

"I promised him that as long as he answers the questions honestly, I won't embarrass this guy." Ronald answered Patricia in a calm tone, and then explained, "And I let him go, but the person who was kidnapped just now , I wouldn’t think so.”

"They are the most qualified to deal with this guy."


Just under Ronald's perception spell, after the pirates began to escape, the residents of [Anluo Island] actually took action.

The residents here look like a bunch of ordinary people.

But under the management of a cult warlock, even if they were really ordinary in the past, they cannot be viewed with old eyes now.

At least after experiencing the life-threatening kidnapping, the residents who left had a very strong desire for revenge, and this radical mentality officially broke out after the last pirate left.

"Is that so..."

On the other side, Patricia nodded slightly after listening to the explanation.

She silently turned her gaze to the dark outside of the town.

Although Patricia did not have Ronald's exaggerated perception ability, she could guess what would happen next just by hearing these descriptions.

Patricia had a judgment in her heart.

The pirate just now might have been killed by Mayata at the dock, which might be a luckier ending.


"Miss Patricia, what should we do next?"

It didn't take long for the investigators from the dock to join us.

For professionals like them, it is easy to deal with the evil cult warlocks. The enemies on the dock were dying and running away. The remaining few cult warlocks with torture value had been well controlled by them and were only waiting for subsequent disposal.

"Guys, what a beautiful battle."

"Any group of people who come here would not be able to do better than you."

Patricia first praised the investigators for their actions before answering questions:

"As for the next decision - I hope you will return to the fleet and inform His Highness what happened here. Of course, it is most appropriate for His Highness to decide how to act."

"Shall we return to the fleet?" one of the investigators reacted immediately.

His eyes passed over Patricia and Ronald, and he immediately recalled the description of the two people in the Investigation Bureau.

Although Patricia is undoubtedly loyal to [Gred].

But given Ronald's relationship with this Nicklaus guy, it's hard not to think elsewhere.

"Miss Patricia, don't you plan to return to the fleet?"

"Of course I will go back, that's where my responsibility lies." Patricia immediately answered the investigator, but then changed the subject, "It's just that the time to go back is not now."

Upon hearing this answer, the investigator's expression became tense instantly:

"Miss Patricia, I don't think this is a good choice. Your Highness, I'm afraid she won't want to see such a change!"

The investigator's nervous tone was very subtle.

But Patricia didn't change anything because of this. She still answered with her serious attitude:

"Ronald is my best friend, and this trip to [Looney Kingdom] is also an action of great significance."

"Whether it is due to identity or emotional choice, I feel that I must go with him. This is something that has been decided."

The investigators were completely worried.

He thought of the possible consequences of this matter, so he hurriedly stepped forward:


As soon as the investigator started speaking, Patricia interrupted him directly:

"Her Highness Claudia will understand and will definitely agree."

And when he noticed that Patricia added a name to the address of Her Royal Highness, the investigator understood what the other party was implying, and his eyes suddenly froze.


At this moment, the atmosphere between the investigators and Patricia became very bad.

Ronald knew that this incident was caused by him, so he quickly spoke at this moment:

"Mr. Investigator, please rest assured."

"After completing the affairs in [Looney Kingdom], not only Patricia, but also I will return to the fleet. With the speed of my flying spell, I will definitely catch up before the end of the journey."


This time, the investigator was silent.

Facing Patricia, he didn't consider the strength gap between the two parties, so he could still demand the other party based on his identity and responsibility.

But Ronald…

Regardless of his identity or strength, Ronald is a special being that cannot be restrained.

So in front of this original code holder who was so powerful that he could be unreasonable, the investigator simply gave up his plan to dissuade him.

He then took inventory with his companions.

Soon, he took the captured cult warlock and returned to the [Gred] fleet.

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