Mystic Holy See

Chapter 122: Leave

Until Aldridge came to Hodo Station with his luggage, he was still in a trance for the few seconds yesterday.

If Andrea fell in love with him, Aldridge would never believe it, but if Andrea liked him, Aldridge was somewhat sure.

But he also has self-awareness.

Andrea didn't like him deeply, but at an ignorant stage. The most powerful proof is undoubtedly that Andrea chose to go to Spursey University instead of staying in Hodu.

In her heart, maybe yesterday was the last time between them. That hug may be a commemoration or a farewell.

"If Andrea knew that I would go to Spurzi too, I wonder if she would have picked her up yesterday..."

Aldridge thought to himself as he walked to the platform with his two large suitcases.

Hey, thinking about it this way, maybe it was the right decision that I didn't tell her about it!

I earned it!

Aldridge was in a very happy mood. Even though the crowd was crowded on the platform, there were always little ghosts running around in front of him, and even passing travelers often accidentally bumped into his suitcase, but he still smiled.

According to the information on the ticket, Aldrich stepped into the rear compartment of the steam train—a luxury car.

There are only two such carriages on each steam train, and the price is naturally very expensive.

After getting on the train, Aldrich looked along the corridor of the carriage. The floor of the carriage was covered with red carpets, and there were neatly closed compartments on one side.

Aldridge found compartment 3, opened the door and walked in.

This compartment is not big, but it is not small for a steam train. If you really want to compare it, it is about half the size of the soft sleeper compartment on Earth.

There is a single bed covered with white sheets, on which are neatly folded white quilts and pillows, and a hardwood workbench on the other side. On the table is a glass bottle, half filled with water, and white A little yellow Lannis daisy.

This is a common decorative flower in winter in the north of the empire.

The floor was covered with a dark brown carpet, and kerosene lamps were also fixed on the walls of the car, so there was no need to expect gas lamps.

"The environment is not bad."

Aldridge nodded in satisfaction, at least the next two days of travel would not be too painful.

He tucked the two suitcases under the bed one by one, then closed the door and lay on the bed. Today, he woke up early and had nothing to do in the car, so a good night's sleep is serious.

As for exercising...let's forget it, he has a habit of cleanliness and can't stand the feeling of not taking a shower after exercising, and exercising in the carriage, people who don't know think he's doing something strange.

Aldridge probably spent most of the past two days in his sleep.

As soon as he closed his eyes, there was a mess of noise outside, which made him frown very uncomfortable.

In fact, the sound insulation effect here is good, but the sound is too loud.

"Ha! How's it going, isn't the environment here more luxurious than the canned fish in front?"

With the sound of a few suitcases hitting the wall, a frivolous man was talking loudly, as if he was showing off to a woman.

"Mr. Cade, it's really great here!"

This time, it was a charming female voice, which sounded a bit flattering. It also revealed that she was not very familiar with the man named 'Cade', and she still used the honorific title.

"Right! Hahaha, don't worry, come with me to Spurzy and let you enjoy a luxurious vacation!"

Aldridge rolled his eyes speechlessly, this is really the face of a nouveau riche, but... 'you'?

This guy brought more than one.

Well, what do I care about, Aldridge moved his eyelids, but he still closed his eyes tightly and went to sleep.

The voices outside continued.

"Mr. Cade, the box is dead heavy, and you won't help us mention it." Another female voice, who was not the same, said coquettishly.

"Bring it up yourself! I said that you don't need to bring so many things, isn't it the same when you go there and buy it?" The male voice said casually.

"Cars 5, 6, and 7, these three!" the first female voice called at this time.

"Then I live in No. 7, and you can share the remaining two." The male voice commanded.

After struggling for a long time, the sound finally disappeared.

Aldridge pressed his eyebrows and finally felt more comfortable. He didn't like noisy environments.

This also reminded him of a truth - a person's literacy and money really have nothing to do with half a cent.

Fortunately, I don't live next door, otherwise I don't know what the **** it will be like tonight.

Aldridge fell into a deep sleep while thinking about his plans after going to Spurzy.


Accompanied by the sound of the whistle, the steam train slowly drove out of the station and soon left Huodu, but Aldridge was in a dream and did not have much emotion.

Aside from getting up in the afternoon and having the train attendant deliver a lunch and a dinner at night, Aldridge slept the rest of the time, even at night.

Some people say that the sleep on the road is very light, but you can sleep for a long time. Aldridge thinks it is reasonable.

The first day passed without him feeling almost nothing.

In the middle of the night, the carriage where Aldrich was in was pitch-dark, he did not light the kerosene lamp, and there was only the sound of his breathing in the air except for the sound of the train. UU Reading

Suddenly, a hand suddenly emerged from the wall of the car - as if it had grown from the wall of the car!

It drills out little by little, fingers, back of hand, wrist, forearm...

Aldridge was refreshed and suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes reflected dim light in the darkness. He was trying to adapt to the dark environment.

Turning over and sitting up, Aldridge quickly lit the kerosene lamp with the match in the carriage. The orange light came on with the faint black smoke, bringing light.

Aldridge looked around and found nothing unusual.

"It's weird, the 'spirit' was a little touched just now."

Aldridge thought silently, the feeling was slight, but it existed.

He tried to wave his arms in the car, but there was nothing but air.

"Illusion? Or have you left?"

Aldrich frowned, quickly dragged his luggage out, opened it for inspection, and found nothing missing.

"It's better to be vigilant next."

Aldridge rubbed his brows to wake himself up, took out his pocket watch and checked the time, it was only 3:00 in the morning.

With a helpless sigh, Aldrich took out a cowhide notebook and a pen and sat in front of the workbench, intending to write something.

After sleeping for a day, he was in a good state of mind. Once he started to move his mind, he couldn't stop, and he didn't notice the passage of time.

"Someone! I was stolen!"

"Where's the conductor! The conductor! I was stolen!"

It was a familiar male voice who woke Aldridge from his train of thought. It should be the upstart man named Kaizi, no, Kaide just now.


Aldridge frowned, remembering the wonderful feeling just now.

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