Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 98: only learned to be stupid

Aldridge held his breath to avoid inhaling the purple mist, and retracted 10 sword wheels in the dark alley. Seeing that 7 of the sword wheels were stained with blood and some minced meat, he relaxed the corner of his mouth.

After thinking about it, he was still worried that Sunderland and Dylan would deal with a phantom thief who didn't know the details, so he lay in ambush in secret.

"What an idiot!"

When he saw Sunderland smear the blood on the ring, Aldridge scolded silently and silently.

Knowing that the other party can't simply submit to it, and operating according to the other party's statement, this is extremely stupid.

He could guess Sunderland's state of mind at that time, the joy and excitement about completing the task, the confident judgment of the current situation, the fluke mentality of extraordinary items...

These factors combine to create this dummy operation.

However, although Sunderland disappointed him, Dylan's subsequent judgment made him shine.

Dylan Mitch's 'prisoner fluid' gave him the extraordinary ability to 'stick', relying on black liquid accompanying substances to express, but this black liquid is light, and throwing all your strength into a human face is not as good as a water slap pain, which means that he lacks lethal attack power.

He also knew this himself. He didn't expect to keep a slippery guy, but stopped the loss in time to save the biggest gain. This is enough. Aldridge thinks he has done well enough.

However, it was too dangerous to let a Beyonder with eccentric abilities escape, so when the opponent just got into the underground waterway, Aldrich sent a dozen sword wheels from the sewers.

He has no vision, but it doesn't prevent him from slashing underground with 10 sword wheels!

In that kind of dark environment, it is estimated that the opponent was hacked to death before he even had time to react.

The marks on the retracted sword wheel prove this.

"Mr. Black Mamba!"

Dylan had already come down from the street lamp, dragged Sunderland with black liquid to a position where the fog was not affected, and shouted eagerly.

Aldrich looked at the remaining purple mist in the dark corner and asked silently:

"what is this?"

"Aiken's Paralyzing Poison".

"Aiken's Paralyzing Poison Antidote Formula"?


The answer given by the Ring of God made Aldrich relieved. As long as it is not a deadly poison and there is an antidote, it will be fine.

If Sunderland was lost because of this mission, he really didn't know how speechless he would be, which basically meant that his power would have to start all over again.

Even if Dylan and Michaely didn't say it, they would have some doubts about the "mentor".

Doubt means loss of loyalty.

He shook his head, turned and left, preparing to go to the mysterious mansion.

Dylan will definitely take Sunderland there to find him. He needs to make some preparations in advance and prepare an antidote.

While Aldridge was glad that the materials were available, he began to think about the arrangement for Sunderland.

This time Sunderland's performance disappointed him. Although he will not abandon this guy, he always needs a little 'show'.

The most deadly weapon in this world is not the strange extraordinary ability of the enemy, but its own ignorance.

Aldridge needs to make Sunderland deeply aware of this.


Where am I?

When Miwo Rook opened his eyes, his mind was still blurry, but his body's instinctive response made him subconsciously think about where he was.

Dim candlelight, narrow masonry space, broken wooden bed, iron fence...

Why does it look like a prison?

Wait...why am I in jail!

Miwo was finally fully awake, cold sweat broke out instantly, his stiff brain began to spin, and several memory fragments emerged in his mind.

He remembered that after hearing the news that his friend was taken away by the Temple of Knowledge, he escaped from the school as quickly as possible, and hid for a while in the chaotic Heicao Street...

The last memory in my mind is on the unpalatable brown bread!

Miwo Rook's body began to tremble, and his heart was filled with fear of the unknown.


A loud noise came from outside the iron fence, and then, a steady rhythm of footsteps sounded, ticking in the darkness.


Suddenly, a roar sounded from the opposite side, and Miwo noticed that there was a similar compartment opposite to where he was, and a pale-faced man was lying on the fence and roaring, his mouth kept biting the iron railings, his mouth was full. There is blood and saliva all around, and it is outrageous to see people in such an environment.


Miwo held his head and let out an unconscious scream.

Where am I... what's going on... I really want to eat something... human flesh...

The other party made him afraid, but there seemed to be another consciousness in his mind that was bewitching him, which made him even more afraid!

The sound of footsteps still echoed in the corridor outside, getting closer and closer to where Miwo was...

Miwo looked out subconsciously, and a figure in a black deacon uniform slowly showed traces.

The deacon of the Temple of Knowledge...?


"Mr. Mentor, please save Mr. Black Mamba!"

In the hall, Dylan knelt on one knee in front of Mr. Mentor with an eager look on his face, while Sunderland was lying on the ground beside him with a purple face.

The embarrassed black robe indicated that he was dragged in.

Under the dark fog, Aldrich didn't say a word, just looked at Dylan quietly.

He was just sitting casually, but Dylan had a heavy feeling that he couldn't breathe.

Dylan knew in his heart that Mr. Mentor was dissatisfied.

He didn't have time to think about the problem from the perspective of Mr. Tutor, and even he felt that Mr. Black Mamba's behavior this time was too...

In this situation, how could Mr. Tutor be satisfied?

But it was impossible for him to see Mr. Black Mamba, who had been taking good care of him,, lowered his head deeper, and pleaded again:


Aldridge chuckled and said calmly, "Dylan, what have you learned?"

What have you learned...

Dylan didn't keep up, but after reacting, he pursed his lips and replied earnestly, "I learned to be cautious, Mr. Tutor."

"No," Aldridge said indifferently, "all you have learned is stupidity."


Dylan was even more dizzy.

"You will never reject his proposal." Aldridge raised his hand and pointed to the guy lying on the ground, "You earnestly complete what he explained, this your attitude?"

"When he's complacent, push him happily?"

"What you learn is only stupidity!"

For the first time, Dylan heard Mr. Mentor swear at someone... But he was silent, he knew that Mr. Mentor was right.

Mr. Black Mamba is not too cautious.

The way Mikuri came into contact with Taivalon... was rough and left too many traces!

But what did Dylan do himself?

In tonight's action, he took the initiative to hand Mr. Black Mamba a dagger...

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