Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 300: arrange

I'm afraid it's really possible.

Many people think this way, and Xia Zuo and others who have seen Mr. Mentor's attack have no doubt that he is capable enough to do such a thing.

Sunderland held back his agitated mood and asked respectfully, "Then what should we do next?"

"War is a disaster," Aldrich said. "The 'Mystic Holy See' will not create tragedy for war. We are observers, not participants."

Hearing this, some members were relieved, but more members were disappointed, such as Sunderland and Xia Zuo.

Whenever there is a violent tremor in history, some people will go with the flow and not pursue it, but those who have the ability want to participate in it more than silence.

There is no good or evil in war, only position. They were born as Wagnerian Empire people. Even if their patriotism is not deep, they are biased towards this side. After the news of the coming war has been digested, they are already fantasizing about how to participate.

But now...

Aldridge could see restless emotions from their subtle movements, which was normal and he expected it, so he added:

"Of course, this is only temporary."

His eyes swept across the audience under the black fog: "The Mysterious Holy See is still a young child. Taking responsibility for the war is an conceited idea. We need more... growth."

Sunderland and the others couldn't help but nod their heads.

"This war will never end in a short time." Aldridge chuckled lightly, "Let's think about the meaning of war when we grow up."



At the end of the brief meeting, Aldridge left Michael alone and called Herbert and Carula at the same time.

The two newcomers were a little reserved, and Michaeli, as a regular member, carefully arranged for them to sit down.

Aldrich didn't care about these trivial matters, and he wouldn't give them extra care. After a few people had settled down, he said to Michael: "The 'Mysterious Holy See' decided to fund an orphanage at the suggestion of a certain gentleman. The two are the heads of the 'Sound of the Sea Orphanage' and will also be our members."

Herbert and Karula nodded to the woman wearing the black and gold crane cloak, guessing the meaning of Mr. Mentor leaving them and this young lady.

Michael was very introverted in front of strangers, and under the cover of his white face, he reluctantly introduced himself: "You can call me a 'rebirth flower'."

"Miss Death Flower." The two greeted politely, and Herbert said dullly, "We haven't had time to replace ourselves."

"'Oliver'!" Carula suddenly said, "My code name is 'Oliver'."

She looked at Mr. Tutor and hesitated: "Is it okay, Mr. Tutor?"

Aldridge nodded casually, but wanted to laugh a little in his heart.

As a peripheral member, Karula is a peripheral member dealing with real affairs. She cannot hide her identity as a member of the organization, and she does not need a replacement number at all, just like Naomi.

In addition, about Oliver, if I remember correctly, it is a character in a biographical novel called "Xidolan Villa"... The most notable event is that he married his brother.

This woman is unrepentant, and she is still thinking of going to the orthopaedic department to report.

Aldridge knew because he had too little entertainment when he was a child, and Johnny gave him a lot of these books when he taught him to read.

"Miss Oliver." Michaeli didn't respond, she hadn't read the book at all.

Aldridge waited for them to get to know each other, and then said: "The war will spawn many orphans. Spurszi is close to Gang Sabia, and there will be no problems for the time being. Before the war breaks out, let's gather a group of orphans first."

Michaeli hesitated to say what he wanted to say, but he held back immediately. Mr. Tutor assigned her a task in front of the two newcomers. She must not refuse, nor hesitate—

You have to learn the Black Mamba... No, just like Mr. Chess Player, be a good senior, Michael!

She said seriously: "I will cooperate with their work."

Herbert and Karula glanced at each other quickly, and both breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. It seemed that Aldridge was right. The mentor would really take the orphanage seriously, and even sent an official Member assistance.

After this matter was over, Aldridge found Sunderland and Dylan again.

He chuckled and said, "When the war starts, the Arendine family will be greatly affected. It's time to give more support to Taivalon Arendine."

The Arendine family is in charge of Spursey, and the economic prosperity of this city with no specialties depends on the famous tourism industry of the whole empire. Now that the war has started on the south coast, Spursey, the pearl of the empire, will be mired in the mud for a long time.

In the next few years or even more than ten years, there will be no more beautiful beaches, only a long coastline, and there will be no tourists, and even the city will gradually become depressed.

The Arendine family is about to enter a period of transition. Whether it is Marquis Arendine, Angelo or Ophelia, they must be in a state of utter wreckage at this time, which is a good time to make trouble.

"What do you mean?" Sunderland asked uncertainly.

Aldridge pointedly said: "Remove obstacles for him and let him gain some real power."

The obstacle lies in the marriage contract that is about to be completed. Once he is allowed to marry the third lady of a baron's family, his future will inevitably be limited.

A noble's marriage is not love, but profit.

How much benefit can a baron aristocrat in a small town bring to the Alendine family?

Very few!

Relatively speaking, the mother family of Angelo Arendine's married wife is also the Marquis family, and the exchange of benefits that can be brought is too About this," Sunderland hesitated, Be careful: "Miss Winnie from Baron Rylant's family seems to be related to the 'Giant'. "

Aldridge was a little surprised. Isn't Mundo the Giant an ordinary adventurer? How can you get involved with a lady from a noble family?

However, that's fine too.

Not only can he 'help' Taivalon, but he can also gain Mundo's heart.

Dylan was worried that Mr. Tutor would not allow this relationship to occur, and hurriedly said, "I have seen that Miss Winnie. She is a gentle and kind lady."

Aldridge was noncommittal, and said softly, "You arrange it, but... Helen Town's location is not very good."

Sunderland and Dylan thought about it carefully. Helen Town was roughly north of Spurzi, but in a strict sense it should be northeast, not too far from the Port of Toronto.

It is easy to be affected by war!

Sunderland immediately said, "We're going to Helen Town in two days."

"Let 'Giant', 'Counselor', 'Bloody Mary' go," Aldridge swayed in the dark mist and chuckled, "As a man, you always have to protect your own woman."


For the first time, the two of them were a little confused when they heard such macho words from their mentor.

"The two of you will contact Ophelia Arendine first, about Tai Vallon... and she needs a little help from her."

: . :

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