Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 323: asking for trouble

Aldridge never mind being the villain in certain circumstances.

Aldrich made a move with both hands, the black and gold gathered, and the 20 sword wheels were instantly formed, and under his control, he began to cut the space.

The ‘Hunter’ crawled to avoid the first round of sharp incisions, stomped on the ground with both legs, a three-edged thorn-like weapon with a blood groove tightly gripped, and rushed towards Aldridge frantically.

Aldridge was about to hook his fingers, but his mind was in a trance again. The surrounding space suddenly turned into twisted lines, and his visual senses were extremely complicated.

"Hateful psychic abilities."

This time, Aldrich was not defenseless, but as a rank 4, he was still affected by a rank 3 Beyonder, and the simple suppression of 'spirit' could not break through the limitations of the opponent's ability.

The halo of the Ring of God swayed, and the illusion receded like a tide, but in less than a second, the opponent had already stabbed in front of Aldrich!


The 'Hunter' wasn't so naive, but his unhindered poking in still made him dull.

Aldrich is like a monster, the black gold particles directly hugged the 'hunter' into his arms, to be precise, in his body, and then all the black gold particles worked together, stunned and stuck him.

Seriously, as long as the battle situation is dragged into a melee situation, Aldridge is not afraid.

He was still struggling desperately, the space seemed to be cramping in Aldridge's line of sight, and it twisted for a while and then normalized, and it shook. The black gold particles controlled by Aldrich also had resistance, and the other party was desperately destroying Unleash your extraordinary abilities.

The reason why Aldridge hasn't hit the killer is mainly because he is hesitant to bring out the 'mystery' in the opponent's body!

Although the "Reverse Deed Ceremony" is not very good, he still has the "Contract Seizing Ceremony", which can leave a "mysterious" life.

But on the one hand, the current situation does not allow him to arrange the ceremony, and the materials are not complete. On the other hand, he is not sure whether the Church of the Earth Goddess has left anything on the 'hunter'.

There are too many strange things in the Beyonder world, and everything makes sense, but Aldrich doesn’t necessarily have this knowledge. What if the Church of the Mother Earth can trace Aldrich from him?

"never mind."

Aldridge felt a little pity, but he still slashed at his head with the sword wheel. The external potion quietly blocked Aldrich's sharp blade, but the spinning sword wheel finally saw blood.

He didn't touch anything on the 'Hunter', but he was a little interested in the golden pen at the beginning, and then left after checking its information.

3 minutes later, a group of neatly dressed 'Hunters' team arrived at this **** restaurant.

"It's very simple, the attacker is definitely not Johnny Rodriguez." After a simple on-site investigation, one of the team members reported to the leader.

"Backtrack the whole process and document the features."



Sunderland returned to the mysterious mansion from his residence, ready to meet the low-key and mysterious 'scholar'.

To be honest, he is a little jealous of this new member who suddenly joined the organization. Although he is still responsible for most of the things in the organization, he clearly feels that the relationship between the 'scholar' and the mentor is closer!

First was Miss Vivienne 'Assistant', and then Mr. Scholar. Sunderland could only guess that Mr. Mentor's follower sequence didn't start with him. Maybe before him, the two of them had already followed Mr. Mentor.

Sondland has no negative thoughts, and his feelings for Mr. Mentor are probably purer than anyone else's.

He saw the 'scholar' in a corner room. He was playing with the scales. Although he was wearing a black and golden crane cloak with a white face, his mental state did not look very good.

Hmm... the fingers that are playing with the balance are shaking a little, which is caused by working for a long time.

"What a dedicated person." Sunderland sighed slightly, his arrival did not attract the other party's attention too much.

Speaking of which, the deal with Opheli has caused several members to fall into the abyss of potion making... Mikri, who has made it so easy, can't even see a shadow recently.

After a while, Johnny, who had finished weighing, finally noticed Sunderland and said unnaturally, "'Chess Player', sit down."

"Just call me Sunderland, Sunderland Yasuo," Sunderland said politely. "There is no need to conceal identities between the 'executors'."

Johnny was silent for a few seconds, and said, "I'm sorry, I may not be convenient..."

"No, please don't mind." Sunderland waved his hand quickly and smiled: "I can understand."

If his identity can be made public, perhaps at a meeting where the executors can only attend, Mr. Mentor will introduce them to them.

Sunderland changed the subject and said, "After you sent me your letter, I have communicated with Baron Ryrant and Miss Winnie, and the results were not good."

"Well... it's Baron Ryrant?" Johnny fiddled with the utensils on the table with his fingers, but his thoughts were very clear.

"Not only him, Miss Winnie didn't agree." Sunderland shook her head.

Johnny pursed his lips under the white face and said, "What a considerate lady."

"Yes," Sunderland said with a wry smile, "As a nobleman who has lost his territory, Baron Rylant can't give up the opportunity to marry the Arendine family, while Miss Winnie is simply sympathetic to her father."

Poor 'Giant'... Sunderland took him on purpose during the conversation, but was 'stabbed' by the complicated Miss Winnie... Although it was understandable.

Johnny didn't answer, no matter what opinions the father and daughter had, it was decided by the mysterious Holy See whether to listen or not.

In the past, Miss Winnie was Taivalon's 'oil bottle'. Now that Baron Ryrant lost his territory, her value was further compressed. Once Taivalon Arendine married her, there was almost no need to talk about the subsequent development. .

Sunderland paused for a few seconds before saying: "I have decided to hand over the war potion to Ophelie on September 1, and the engagement between Tyvaron Arendine and Miss Winnie will also be included in the transaction."

"Okay," Johnny nodded, "I'll deliver all the war potions by August hard work."

Johnny waved his hand unnaturally.


Aldrich felt that he was in trouble. After killing the three 'hunters' at noon, a team of 'hunters' entered the restaurant soon after, and then the people of the Church of the Mother Earth became active in the city, obviously There is a task at hand.

Although it is unlikely to find him directly, the use of extraordinary abilities cannot be used casually. He will not pay attention to some traces, which does not mean that guys with a keen sense of smell will not pay attention—

Aldridge's black gold flow is very environmentally damaging.

"So, why am I calling out Johnny's name?"

Ask yourself for trouble.

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