Mystic Holy See

Chapter 58: War Potions

"I'm not familiar with it yet, I'm just taking a look at it." Aldridge replied naturally.

Rand smiled lightly and said: "I hope you are satisfied with this place, last time was my rudeness, and now I will officially introduce myself, I am Rand Hall, a rank 2 Beyonder, and the owner of this house. Owner."

He actually revealed his own order?

Hmm... It should be to show his strength and prove his control over the party.

But even so, is this sincere a bit too much? Once he knows the order in which an Extraordinary is in, and then knows the type of "mystery", his Extraordinary ability is almost no different from exposure.

Wait, sincerity... Aldridge had an idea in his mind, maybe sincerity is what this gentleman really wants to show.

Rand Hale might be an ambitious man.

However, Aldridge feels that it has little to do with him. Even if Rand Hale has big ambitions, he is not the same.

"The extraordinary party you organized was great, and I feel like everyone enjoyed it." Aldridge didn't mind being official.


Then Rand Haar walked away again and entered another small group chatting together, showing good communication skills.

Aldridge didn't care about the master and continued to think about his own problems. Except for Kana, Aldridge didn't plan to think about it for the time being.

On the one hand, without a suitable target, the potion formula for 'Grey-eared Rat' is not difficult to find, at least Aldrich has seen it at Johnny's house, and the price is not high.

And 'Fleet Liquid' and 'Fenrir Giant Wolf' are too precious. It is estimated that the owner is not a simple character, and it is better not to contact them at will. If there is a chance to know each other in the future, it is not too late to contact them.

Aldrich initially settled on this matter, and then went to the sales list, but unfortunately there was nothing in it that he was most interested in, neither the materials he wanted nor the war demons that he couldn't turn around in his mind recently. Medicine.

Hmm... I've been resisting going to the Forest Bar lately. Maybe I should go and see it today to find out about the War Potions.

Aldridge thought for a while and decided to wait for the party to end. It wasn't too far from where he lived anyway.

As for now, Aldridge looked at the lively atmosphere around him, and felt their gazes from time to time. He smiled lightly, and stepped forward to take the initiative to socialize.

This is the way to be really low-key and unobtrusive.

It was not until about 11 o'clock in the evening that the party finally ended. Everyone left in twos and threes. Aldridge mixed in in the middle, greeted Rand and Emily and left.

Aldridge once again truly felt the benefits of extraordinary gatherings. Even if he didn't get what he wanted, sometimes the news he heard was enough to gain.

"It's amazing..."

Aldrich was walking on the cold and deserted street and sighed in a low voice. He heard the most valuable news that he was still reminiscing about—the Church of the Earth Goddess recently devoted all its energy to the Great Gorrant Forest!

Of course, he would not forget where the Vagan Tree people appeared, so he was curious about what was hidden in the Gorante Great Forest, so that the Church of the Earth Goddess started to move the crowd.

Aldridge couldn't help but be interested. Although he was an unbeliever, if his surroundings were implicated in the Church of the Mother Earth, it was hard to say that some major events would not affect him.

This is what it means when the fire at the city gate affects Chiyu.

Furthermore, what caught his attention the most in this news was 'recent'.

'Recently' the energy of the Church of the Mother Earth... This 'recent' refers to when he brought the Vaganshu people back. If this 'recent' happened to be based on this matter, then this matter he It is very likely that you have unconsciously participated in it!

"Hopefully it won't go in a bad direction."

While thinking about things in a mess, Aldrich walked into the lively forest bar.

"Good evening, Mills."

Aldrich sat down in front of the bar and said hello.

Mills poured a glass of wine and responded, "Aldridge, good evening, what would you like to drink?"

"Listen to the forest."

After drinking it last time, he could not forget the taste of this glass of wine.

"Also..." Aldridge motioned for Mills to wait a moment, then handed him a note.

Mills put down the wine glass, took a look, tore it up, and threw it into the trash.

"Five kinnars." Mills leaned over and whispered.


Aldridge didn't hesitate, and happily gave him a gold note with a face value of 5, and then handed him two silver coins with a face value of 1.

2 silver nars are wine money.

Knowledge always costs money, especially knowledge that is not circulated on the market.

The party Aldrich attended tonight did not have any information about the war potion, indicating that this thing is not a common item, nor is it a commodity allowed by the Church of the Mother Earth to circulate.

As for the definition of this thing... Anyway, it's not the thing itself, it doesn't matter if you sell it for money, this is the logic approved by Mills.

Soon, Mills took out a rolled up document from nowhere and casually handed it to Aldrich.

This kind of thing is quite normal, but bars are also a common place for intelligence transactions, so people next to them will not be surprised to see it.

Resisting his curiosity, Aldridge quietly finished listening to the forest and then walked out the door slowly. He didn't open the rolled up documents until he returned to his residence.

"About war potions, it refers to short-acting functional potions, which are generally used to enhance a certain aspect of the user's ability in a short period of time.

There are two types: ready-to-use and ready-to-use:

Reserve potions refer to potions that can be configured in advance and have a longer duration of use.

Ready-to-use potions refer to potions that cannot be configured in advance, have a short duration of use, require temporary configuration, and are used immediately.

The way of use is divided into external application, internal application, and blessing:

External application refers to smearing on the surface of the skin. Oral application is divided into oral, injection, and **** blessing refers to acting on foreign objects.

Special Note 1:

War potions have negative effects.

Special note 2:

The effect of potions is 'mysterious' and has a limited scope of application.

There is a distinction between specific and generic types.

The special type means that some of the "mysteries" are available, and the generic type means that all the "mysteries" are available. "

It's similar to what I guessed... As expected, I have experienced a lot of mysticism education in my previous life... Aldridge thought helplessly.

However, some things are still beyond expectations. For example, ready-to-use potions need to be prepared on the spot, and potions are temporarily prepared during the ever-changing battle... This requires not only proficiency in the preparation process, but also speed, mentality, and rhythm.

Of course, only using preparatory potions is also a solution, but existence is reasonable, and ready-to-use potions must have their advantages, so that Beyonders must overcome all difficulties and use them.

For another example, there is actually a way of taking it internally called **** suit... If you kill me, I wouldn't use this method!

Aldridge thought firmly.

I hope that one day I won't receive a 'True Fragrance Warning'.

Having said that, even if you know what the war potion is, it is still a big problem if you don't have the source of the war potion. If you buy it from the Extraordinary Party, it will be expensive.

Aldridge shook his head helplessly, feeling that he had no chance of taking drugs.

"I don't know what the war potion is for the Black Gold Beast..." Aldrich muttered.


Aldridge was suddenly stunned, startled by the large text in his mind!

After a while, he laughed!

My 'Golden Finger' really gave him a big surprise!

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