Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 215 That's it?

In the middle of the canyon, the two queens also felt the dark aura.

"elder sister..."

"Ysera, let's go and see, the others stay where they are!" Alexstrasza took the lead and flew into the depths of the canyon after giving the order. Ysera followed closely behind, and Stellagosa originally wanted to follow. Go, but was persuaded by Lord Isarios of the Green Dragonflight.

"Stella, stay here, I think the two majesties will be able to handle these matters well."

"But..." Stellagosa was a little worried about Aristophanes.

"Relax, little girl," Isarios flapped his wings, bowed his head and let out a mouthful of dragon breath, and a group of chirping little ghosts were sprayed straight on, and instantly lay down in the green fog, "Your Your elf friend will be fine."

On the other side of the cliff, the corpses of three blue dragons lay on the white snow. The blood they bleed formed a huge magic circle on the ground, and that huge and terrifying red figure stood in the center of the magic circle. The red-skinned eredar warlock stood respectfully outside the circle holding a green staff.

There are two long curved horns on his forehead, red mysterious runes are carved on the shoulder armor, two chains hang down from the bottom of the shoulder armor, red light shines through his cracked skin, and the black is reddish Broken wings protruded from the shoulder blades with sparks, and blazing red flames enveloped his head.

"Olysses, Saloras, you did a great job." The figure opened its mouth and praised the two red-skinned eredar, "Okay, you go back to Kil'jaeden and ask for rewards, this world Let me destroy it!"

"Lord Sargeras, we don't need rewards, please let us stay and help you destroy the enemies in front of you!" The Eredar shouted frantically.

"..." Sargeras didn't answer, and waved his hand to summon a green teleportation array at the feet of the two of them. They disappeared into this world before they even had time to exclaim.

Then the tall figure clenched his right hand, felt the strength of this body, and shook his head: "The strength of these three-headed lizards is still too weak, and the body they have created can only bear less than one-tenth of my strength, but It is enough to complete my plan."

At this time, two figures suddenly appeared on the cliff one in front and one behind, facing Sargeras directly.

"Ah, let me see who is here?" Sargeras said, sparks shot out from the corner of his mouth, "Familiar smell, elf, is that you? Long time no see, I wonder if your king is okay? "

"...Sargeras," Aristophanes gripped Ebonchill tightly, staring at the tall figure in front of him vigilantly, he exuded hell-like energy, and the cold wind whizzed past, distorting the surrounding space with sight.

"The guardian of Tirisfal is here, Sargeras, Azeroth is not a place where you can be presumptuous!" Aegwynn waved Aluneth, trying to attract the attention of the fallen titan to her.

"The Council of Tirisfal? Your era is coming to an end, and the Burning Legion will take over the world!" Sargeras grinned grinningly and swung his fists at the two of them, burning with yellow flames and hell-like dark energy Aristophanes and Aegwynn were overwhelmingly pressed.

The elf mage felt that the space around him had been locked, no matter where he dodged, Sargeras' fist would hit him.

So he waved his staff with both hands, and the white magic power formed a line from dots, and then formed a circular magic circle, appearing in front of Aristophanes from small to large.

He stretched his hands forward, and the white "Seraphim Shield" also grew bigger, ready to meet the fist.

And Aegwynn swung Aluneth, the purple arcane energy gathered on the head of the staff, and then the thick purple beam of light went straight to Sargeras' right fist.


The fist hit heavily on Aristophanes' shield, and the strong impact pushed the elf mage back, drawing two black marks, and cracks appeared on the spell shield, but the white light flickered, and the magic power on it The line quickly recovered.

The huge fallen titan was not surprised to see that Aristophanes blocked his fist, so he raised his right fist and continued to punch it down: "Elf, you can take my punch. It seems that you are much stronger than last time, but you can take my punch. How many times can you block the blows?"

"This doesn't feel right, could it be that he..." Although Aristophanes was in the state of being "pile-driven" at this time, he was not panicked. Instead, he was somewhat puzzled as to why Sargeras would use such a method to attack himself.

"I can type all day long!" Aristophanes said suddenly, wanting to make sure of something.

"..." Sargeras glanced at him, and was not irritated by this sentence, but continued to restrict the movement of the elf mage, all his attention was focused on releasing spells to attack his guardian.

He opened his right hand, turned his fist into a palm, and two magic circles flashed across it. The arcane impact released by Aegwynn was easily absorbed by the magic circle, and then released, colliding with the spells Aegwynn released later, sending out Violent explosion.

"Has the Guardian of Tirisfal already fallen so far? Little girl, didn't your teacher tell you not to easily attack enemies you don't understand?"

Aegwynn gritted his teeth, and continued to hold Aluneth high, trying to summon a storm of arcane magic to destroy the leader of the Burning Legion in front of him, but the staff didn't respond.

"Aluneth!!" The guardian was angry and terrified. She tried to communicate with the arcane entity bound in the staff, but there was no response.

Aegwynn had no choice but to subdue Aluneth with will.

At this moment, Sargeras launched a fierce attack on her, countless arcane energies gushed out, and went straight to where Aegwynn was.

"Boom boom boom boom!" The arcane energy hit the ground, setting off countless smoke and dust.

Looking at the smoky cliff, Sargeras took a deep breath to blow away the dust, revealing the situation inside. He then said, "Troublesome elf!", and then continued to punch the two with his fists.

It turned out that Aristophanes saw that the situation was not good, and encouraged the secret energy to expand the defensive range of the "Seraphim Shield", which just protected Aegwynn on the edge and blocked Sargeras's offensive.

"Miss Aegwynn, are you okay?"

"Shut up, elf!" Aegwynn said angrily, then looked down at the dim Aluneth in his hand, threw it to the other side, chanted the spell, and another wooden staff gradually appeared in the air , with a delicate raven carved on the head of the staff.

"Atiesh, long time no see," Aegwynn said softly, and then reached out to hold it, and a violent storm of magic power instantly rose from the ground.

At this time, the two dragon kings also rushed to the battlefield.

"Sargeras, go back to your hometown!" Alexstrasza roared and swooped down to attack Sargeras.

"Just relying on your two big lizards?" Sargeras smiled contemptuously, dodged to avoid the Red Dragon Queen's pounce, and grabbed her slender neck with his hand.

"Ugh!" The Red Dragon Queen struggled, her sharp claws slashed across his body, but did not leave any traces.

"Let her go!" Ysera hovered in the air, opening her mouth to spit out a mouthful of green dragon's breath from time to time, trying to make Sargeras release the red dragon queen.

"You want it? Give it back!" Sargeras threw the red dragon in his left hand at the flying green dragon, regardless of the corroded and creaking skin on his body, and the two huge dragons collided heavily. Their dragon wings instantly deformed and twisted, screaming and falling into the canyon below the cliff.

"Go and save them, leave this place to me!" At this time, Aegwynn's body had gathered a large amount of purple arcane energy, and even Aristophanes looked sideways.

After hearing her words, the elf mage immediately canceled the spell and disappeared in a dodge, and then a huge floating magic circle appeared under the two giant dragons.

Guardian Aegwynn unleashed all his strength to attack Sargeras' body. A frenzied arcane tornado instantly enveloped Sargeras' body. At the same time, countless arcane lightning bolts fell from the sky, striking heavily at the location of the fallen titan.

The guardian was ready for the second round of attack, but with the shout of "Ah! What kind of spell is this?", cracks gradually appeared in the body of Sargeras who was struggling to resist the spell, and then the red light on his body weakened. The flame above his head also slowly extinguished, and the whole person, or rather the corpse, broke into several pieces and fell on the ground washed by the arcane.

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