Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 360 Ranger and Voodoo Archer

When Aristophanes led Fimsera to enjoy all kinds of meat in the cafeteria, in the northernmost part of the continent, in the jungle on the southern border of Quel'Thalas, the Farstrider rangers and the jungle warriors of Zul'Aman were fighting to the death fight.

"Taz'Dingo!" shouted a shadow hunter holding a double-headed sword with red light and a white skull on his back. Spear, bravely rushed to the Ranger Ranger who kept shooting.

"Three quick shots! Get ready for combat, for Quel'Thalas!" The ranger leader ordered loudly, and after a rush of arrows, she put the longbow behind her back, then drew the long sword at her waist and rushed towards the The troll warrior who rushed to the forefront.

With a sound of "clang", the long sword and spear collided together, the ranger stepped back two steps, and the troll roared and jumped high, a huge shadow instantly enveloped her surroundings.

At this moment, a muffled gunshot came faintly from the distant jungle. The troll who was still in the air seemed to be hit hard by something invisible, and his body paused in the air strangely, and then went straight He fell straight to the open space in the forest, a big gash appeared on his forehead, and the white ice was spreading continuously, freezing his head instantly.

"Akil'Zin! Akil'Zin is coming!" The trolls panicked when they saw the dead troll's wound, and the shadow hunter standing behind was about to speak when another bullet pierced through with red light His eyeballs, the magic flame instantly ignited his head.

Seeing this, the other trolls no longer cared about the elf ranger in front of them, dropped the weapons in their hands, turned and ran into the dense jungle. Although the elves kept bending their bows and arrows, the effect of the "bloodthirsty" spell had not dissipated , those arrows did not cause any fatal damage to them.

Soon the pair of trolls left the battlefield completely after dropping a dozen corpses, and the "Akil'Zin" also appeared in front of everyone leading her team.

"Lord Sylvanas!" The elven rangers saluted the leading female ranger one after another, and the windrunner who had just been promoted to the ranger lord of the Farstriders nodded with a pursed mouth, then turned to ask the team leader , "Lieutenant Wienna, are you sure who this troll belongs to?"

"According to our experience, they should belong to the Ansong tribe, and they were also the tribe that mainly invaded during the last war."

"So those wild beasts are going to attack again?" Cirvanas' blue eyes flashed coldly, and his hand gradually clenched the long sword at his waist. At this moment, a dragon eagle's cry came from the sky Shouting, everyone looked up and found three red dragon eagles gradually approaching them.

"That' emergency messenger?" A ranger's face changed drastically.

"Lord Cirvanas, there is an urgent military situation!" The elf in the lead jumped down before the dragon eagle completely landed.

"Olga Starstreak, what's going on?"

"Our Ranger found movement in the Zul'Aman Fortress, and the Ranger General requests you to return to the Fortress immediately to discuss the situation!"

Cirvanas nodded, and then said to his deputy: "Craig, you and Wienna pack up the battlefield, and I will return to the fort first."

"Yes, my lord!"

Soon she rode the dragon eagle back to the Fortress of the Farstrider. At this time, the whole fortress was far from the prosperity when Aristophanes was there, and the deserted streets still had black traces from the last time the trolls invaded. .

Cirvanas looked at the scattered and listless workers? And the repair work of the fortress wall that lasted for several years but was still unfinished? He couldn't help but miss the era of prosperity and high work efficiency.

The female ranger returned to the tower of the far traveler who was still intact, and the loyal elemental guard Makdos came up to her, took her arcane rifle and cloak? After taking it, Wanas turned and left the Mage Tower? He went straight to the dilapidated fortress hall.

The fierce quarrel just reached the door came to her ears: "Leresa Windrunner! As the Ranger General of Quel'Thalas,

You are responsible and obligated to ensure the safety of the elves' residences in Eversong Forest and the south side of Taquilin! "

"Magiister Dar'Khan? I remember that your territory seems to be on the southernmost side of the kingdom? Across the mountain from the human city of Stratholme? It seems that the trolls of Zul'Aman haven't harassed so far, have they?"


"Oh? I have received reports from some rangers that trolls have attacked some smuggling caravans? Could it be that your team is among them?" Sylvanas walked in with a wine bottle, staring at the pale blonde The elf spoke word by word.

"You are spitting blood!" Dar'Khan blushed, and the magic power poured out of his body unconsciously, "If you have forgotten the superiority and inferiority of Quel'Thalas, I don't mind teaching the Windrunner family a lesson. I will teach you a lesson, Sylvanas Ranger Captain!"

"Oh, just to remind you, Darkan Drashiel, I am now the Ranger Lord, His Majesty Anasteria was just promoted last month," the female ranger took a sip of the wine in her hand indifferently, His right hand seemed to rest casually on the short spear at his waist, "And the distance between us is only five steps, are you sure your crappy spells can stop a ranger lord's surprise attack?"

Darkan froze there, and Adrian quickly stood in front of the magister, and whispered to the magister in front of him.

"Enough!" The purple-haired elf sitting on the main seat suddenly said, "Now that the enemy is at hand, if you continue to confront each other like this, I will definitely report to the king!"

"...Yes, Magister Umbric." Dar'Khan borrowed the slope to get off the donkey, and Sylvanas let go of the handle of the spear with a "cut".

"Lord Sylvanas, you just returned from the front line, did you notice anything unusual?"

When it came to the military situation, the female ranger immediately became serious. She put the wine bottle on the side of the table, and then pointed to the map on the table: "Today our ranger squadrons located here, here, and here were all attacked by a huge voodoo shooter. The demon team attacked, and the personnel are mainly composed of the Ansong tribe and the Amani tribe."

Everyone looked at the position pointed by the ranger lord, and found that they were far away from each other. At this time, Li Reisa also added: "Our elite ranger outside the Zul Aman Fortress also sent information today. A large number of forest trolls came from Swelling from that stone fortress, scattered into the jungle, I think today's attack is just the beginning."

"You are far travellers, the most elite rangers in the kingdom, you can't even defeat this group of beasts..." Darkan couldn't help but get angry.

"Shut up, Darkan!" Umbric, who was thinking with his head down, was interrupted, turned his head and shouted at him, and then looked at the expressionless mother and daughter of Windrunner: "You two, what do you think about the current situation? any idea?"

"In fact, there is no way," Li Reisa said helplessly, "Mage Umbric, far traveler has far fewer manpower than trolls, and the forest is so big, we can only guard a few key points, and those beasts can come from Attack us everywhere. In addition, I believe you have also seen the situation of the fortress. We have repaired the gap in the city wall for several years and have not repaired it. If the trolls invade again, they can quickly break through the gap in the city wall Deep in the hinterland, it's basically irresistible."

On the other side, in the Zul'Aman Fortress, Zul'jin, the leader of the Amani tribe, and a tall troll with blue-green skin were listening to his subordinate's task report.

"So you met that 'Akil' Zin!'?"

"Yes, Honorable Warlord," a forest troll knelt down respectfully, with two long arrows sticking out of his back, "Our captain and vice-captain were both killed by her from a long distance."

"I see, you go down and bandage first!"


Seeing the retreating troll and the red blood on the ground, the turquoise-skinned troll opened his mouth and asked the troll warlord who was sitting on the main seat thinking: "Boss Zul'jin, are you really planning to launch another offensive?"

"That's right, respected Zandalari envoy," Zul'jin bowed his head slightly, "I have ordered the hunters under me to attack together with the voodoo shooters to confuse the sight of the elves, and then I will personally lead the army to raid that fortress, completely Pull out this elf stronghold that is stuck at our throat. Even if they have the 'Eagle Breaker', they will definitely not be able to resist our attack."


"It's nothing to worry about, Your Excellency, we forest trolls must drive out those long-eared monsters, regain our land, and rebuild the glory of the Zul'Aman Empire!" Zul'jin said firmly, and the bobcats, giant bears, The dragon eagle and the spirit of the giant eagle seemed to sense his belief, and roared and shouted at him.

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