Eighteen moves, just a very simple eighteen moves.

But when Monk Tianming performed it, it was so different. There was a skandha in it, a truth that cannot be explained in words.

Every punch and every move gave Li Su a huge impact.

This is a beauty that has never been felt before.

This is not just a boxing technique, but also a principle and a method.

In an instant, Li Su couldn't help but be deeply immersed in it. He could feel that along with Monk Tianming's movements, there was a flow of Qi in the other person's body, and his muscles, bones, and cells were all jumping and dancing.

Eighteen hands, it seemed like a long time, but it didn't last long.

Soon, Monk Tianming stopped and said: "This is Arhat Quan. From now on, in addition to completing your chanting and assigned tasks in the morning, you must practice Arhat Quan in the afternoon to strengthen your body."


A group of young monks of the Xuan generation were very excited. The lay disciples who had started training together had been practicing martial arts for almost a year, but there was no movement on their side. They could only watch others become stronger. They were really impatient.

I have finally reached myself, and I can’t be unhappy there.

Take a look, the future abbot Xuanci jumped three feet high. If his legs were not weak enough, he might have lifted the roof.

It's a pity that I don't have a camera. Otherwise, if I took a picture and showed it to the other person after he became the abbot, it should be enough to kill him.

Li Su blinked and looked at Monk Tianming eagerly.

Arhat Quan, I’m really looking forward to it.

I just read it once and obviously can't remember it.

Soon, a group of young monks shouted for Monk Tianming to teach. Monk Tianming happily played again, but this time it was much slower, and each hand stopped uniquely to explain.

Soon, the afternoon passed.

After watching all the disciples, including Xuan Kong, fight once, and confirming that the posture was correct, he let everyone disperse.

Although he had been working hard all afternoon, Xuanci, who was sweating profusely, was still full of energy. He dragged Li Su back and said, "Xuankong, go ahead with the punches."

Li Su smiled and liked Xuan Ci a little at this moment. After all, he restrained himself a lot when boxing in front of the old monk.

After all, he is not really a child. With the understanding ability of an adult, he can basically remember it after two times. Most young monks have only mastered one or two hands, which is too shocking. He chose to hide his clumsiness and simply imitate the structure. It does not deeply integrate its own understanding.

Returning to the small courtyard where he was assigned to clean, Xuan Kong started to fight with laughter.

Although the movements are seventy-eight thousand and eighty-fold, they are completely self-developed without a teacher. When combined with the sound, they still give people a similar feeling.

Li Su smiled, pulled up the broom, and started cleaning seriously.

Of course, he is also anxious and wants to practice.

Even if it is just the entry-level Arhat Boxing in Shaolin Temple, it is not that simple.

But he endured it. There were still fifty years before the opening of Tianlong. He had enough time to practice slowly, and this was just his first time entering the world. There was still a lot of time in the future.

Jin Da’s novels are different from Huang Da’s novels and Gu Da’s novels.

It's talent, hard work, and character, all of which are indispensable.

Even a genius like Zhang Wuji, didn't he stay in the valley for five full years before he mastered the Nine Yang Divine Skill?

The Kung Fu of this world, especially the Kung Fu of Shaolin Temple, is the most impatient.

Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo are examples.

Li Su didn't want to rush into practice and then become possessed and die.

Anyway, he is not seeking to be the best in the world, or to strive for world hegemony. Regarding the book Tianlong, the only plot that makes him depressed is probably that Gang Leader Xiao is so miserable. Not only is he ruined, but his beloved sister A'Zhu is also slapped by him. Death, and finally committed suicide in order to fulfill loyalty. If it were not for the three protagonists, the happiness would be all on Duan Yu and Xu Zhu's side, and Jin Dada might not know how many blades he would receive.

In other words, after Tianlong is activated, going down the mountain to save A'Zhu's life is probably the only thing Li Su wants to do in this world.

So, no doubt.

He will stay in Shaolin Temple for the next fifty years.

If you don’t want to go to Bodhidharma Academy or Discipline Academy, just be a big shot of Xuanzi generation.

After struggling for a while, Xuanci got tired and stopped and said, "Xuankong, I'll get some food and bring it to you."

Li Su nodded, stretched out his hand, and raised three fingers.

"Three steamed buns, okay."

Watching Xuan Ci leave, Li Su slowly swept away the last fallen leaves, put away the tools, and stood in the yard.

He closed his eyes slightly and began to recall the memory of the first time Monk Tianming practiced Arhat Boxing.

As if the scene was reappearing, the content directly echoed in his mind. Not only that, but the words Tianming taught the young monk later were directly and seamlessly connected.

Unable to bear it, Li Su opened his eyes.

Is this the bonus brought by analyzing the world?

Naturally, he would not think that his martial arts understanding is unrivaled in the world and should be a bonus from the World Book.

I just don’t know whether this bonus is 75% or 175%.

If it is a 75% bonus, it is obvious that his talent is not top-notch. If it is 175%, it is really awesome. I am afraid it is still above Xiao Feng. In terms of martial arts talent, Jin Dali is undoubtedly Xiao Feng and Zhang Wuji.

In particular, the combination of his character and his skills, and the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms in Xiao Feng's hands, are truly profound and unforgettable.

Thinking about it, Li Su started to fight according to the Arhat Boxing taught by Monk Tianming.

However, it is not as fast as Xuanci and the others, nor as smooth as Monk Tianming, but very slowly.

Don’t ask for fast boxing skills, but want to have the taste of Tianming.

Arhat Quan, although it is for dismissal.

Monk Tianming also said when teaching, this is more of a pile of exercises, which trains the body and strengthens oneself.

In other words, pile skills are more important than sending.

One punch, one kick.

Li Su played very slowly, with each hand taking several seconds, or even more than ten seconds, but his movements were basically correct.

Soon, a set of moves was completed.

closing type.

In an instant, a stream of heat shot up from the soles of his feet and went straight to his forehead. It was as if something had been opened in his body. His whole body was burning and feeling comfortable.

Taking a long breath, Li Su couldn't help but smile on her face.

Whether it is the Nine Yang Magic Technique or the Beiming Magic Technique, it is not that important in Li Su's heart at this moment.

Compared with these two sets of magical skills, which are just the simplest introductory boxing techniques in Shaolin Temple, Arhat Boxing really made him excited.

Is this martial arts?

Is what is flowing in the body the so-called internal strength?

Interesting, so interesting.

Breathe in and out, the qi flows through the six meridians, guard the mind and keep the conditions, calm the mind and not be distracted, both internal and external, both spiritual and physical, both still and moving...

Li Su couldn't help but recall the description from Monk Tianming's mouth, and Li Su's eyes flashed with fire.

That should be the scene of the great success of Luohan Quan, I don’t know what it looks like specifically! ! !

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