Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 204 The boiling new god! A whole new era!


At this moment.

Countless new gods are in silence, they are waiting, they are waiting for the results to appear.

after all!

Heaven, earth, sea and darkness.

The four realms have been conquered by countless new gods. It can be said that the victory of the war seems to be under their control, but what is the real result? This is not the case at all!

Where is such a simple thing.

Every new god is very clear that the real victory and result of this Titan God War is actually between the three God Kings and the Titan God King. Who wins and loses will be the real decision. everything.

At this moment, all you have to do is wait quietly.

Every new god is very eager and anxious. After all, they all know very well what will happen if they fail! So what will be the next result for them.

"What happened in the end?"

"I do not know!"

"I have no idea what's going on. I'm so anxious!"


Many new gods are discussing in twos and threes at this moment. They are as anxious as ants on a hot pot. No kidding, for them, it is too eager.

after all!

Who knows what the result will be if it continues?


The new gods are all very nervous, and every one of them is very eager.




Along with the gentle footsteps, figures gradually walked out. Hypnos, Ethel, and Hemera, the three gods of the underworld, were walking on the earth, all with smiles on their faces.


That's right!

Of course they know that this Titan war has been won, and now the whole world is about to usher in the joy of victory.


This is also the best opportunity, and they will naturally seize this opportunity.

"Hypnos." Ethel said in a very soft voice: "The affairs in Hades will be left to you and Thanatos. You must be careful."

"Ethel, Hemera." Hypnos' voice was also extremely solemn; "Things in Hades are easy to deal with after all! The Titan God King has dissipated, and everything has returned to calm. The real trouble Yes, after all..."

"We'll take care of it!"

Ethel and Hemera were very serious, and said extremely seriously: "Master Hades, let it assist us, with its divine power, everything will be very simple."


Hypnos, Aether, and Hemera, the three gods of Hades looked at each other and left one after another.

Battle of the Titans!

The curtain has indeed come to an end, but! This is not the end for the underworld, on the contrary, it is just the beginning, with many methods and preparations that have been laid out.

Everything needs to be mastered step by step, and it needs to be dealt with quickly. Otherwise, if you wait a little longer until the entire mythical world returns to normal operation from the change, it will be too late. .

Within the underworld!


Hestia stretched her muscles and shook her head very cutely and said, "I'm so busy! My brother is really tired too. He is always so busy. Mother Goddess, are you right?"

Next to Hestia, there is a shadow, wearing a pure white dress, with long hair tied up, and matched with that beautiful face, it is the Titan Queen, one of the twelve main gods of the Titans. · Rhea!

Rhea is not dead, but time has been lost. As the goddess of time, her time has been lost, and she naturally disappears.

But at this moment, after placing the stone statue in the underworld, Rhea's time recovered a little.

after all!

The underworld is a place that governs life and death. Theoretically speaking, life and death are intertwined and gathered here, and Rhea has also recovered a little bit, although not much, but overall, a phantom is condensed. That's enough.

"His Majesty……"

"We still lost after all!"

Rhea shook her head with emotion and said softly: "Hestia, from now on, I will be here with you as a neighbor."


"Mother Goddess!"

Hestia was very happy and said with a smile: "Mother God, it is certainly a good thing for you to stay here, and! You! It's better not to think so much. I know your love for Father God. , It’s just! The future era will not be the era of God the Father after all.”

"Yes!" Rhea nodded and said in a very soft voice: "The era that belongs to our Titan God has passed after all, and the future belongs to the era of the new gods."


"It seems good to live like this in the underworld."

Rhea looked into the distance quietly, feeling the peaceful underworld, and a smile emerged from the corner of her mouth.

Now she is just a shadow, called a soul? will? actually! These are not suitable, the real Rhea, time has disappeared without a trace.

The current Rhea is the real Rhea, but it is just an aggregation of her time. It does not belong to the past, present, or future. It is just fixed here. As long as it leaves the underworld, it will disappear instantly.

Hades naturally knew everything that happened in the underworld.

After Hestia discovered her mother's special nature, she brought her mother to her.

"But!" Hestia muttered: "Mother Goddess, actually! Are the two of us just eating rice bugs waiting to die?"

"It doesn't count!"

Rhea smiled and said gently: "Hestia, I am just a collection of time, but you are different, come to think of it! Hestia, you are the real rice insect."

"Mother Goddess!"


Hestia didn't expect that! Her mother goddess would actually say such words, and Rhea was smiling. Although she had lost her husband, she really felt very relaxed at this moment! The kind of relaxation that comes from within!

The other side!






All the new gods also knew about the victory of the Titan God War, and all the excitement led to crazy shouting and roaring, as if they were crazy.



Next, it will no longer be the era that belongs to the Titans, but it will be their era. This will be a brand new era, which is really great!

Countless new gods roared crazily, and they fell into a carnival.


A great carnival in line with the Greek pantheon.

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