Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 217 Earth Demon Star: Underworld Butterfly Papillon: Miu

Chapter 217 Earth Demon Star: Underworld Butterfly Papillon: Miu

during a long period of time.

These individual underworld butterflies gradually became a whole, or rather! They have completely gathered into a spiritual body, which is gradually transforming into a complete life.


Hades stood here quietly, waiting quietly, eagerly? I don’t feel rushed at all!

For Hades now, there is nothing to be anxious about. The time is long enough. In this case, naturally, for him, everything is nothing, and he can just wait slowly. .


A demon star emerged and gradually began to devour all the underworld butterflies in front of him.

Earth Demon Star: Underworld Butterfly Papillon.

This is the newly born Ming Yi. Back then, the Demon Star made some moves. However, Hades was not anxious, but was waiting quietly for Ming Yi to grow further.

To this day!

Hades looked at the underworld butterfly being swallowed up in front of him and cast into underworld clothes, while the complete spirit body left behind said indifferently: "Hypnos."


Hypnos bowed his head respectfully, and then wisps of sleep laws spread out from his body, and the endless sleep laws fell on the spirit body in front of him.

As time goes by, the spirit body gradually develops into a human form.

This is a life with Hades Butterfly as its core, absorbing the divine power of the Dream God, the divine power of Hades, and finally using the sleep law of Hypnos to completely conceived it.

Is he human?


But it's not.

To be precise, he is a further evolved existence of the underworld butterfly. It cannot be regarded as a separate life, but! No matter how you say some things, he is also very special.

At this moment.

As time goes by, the spiritual body is gestated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hades said quietly: "Hypnos, this underworld warrior is directly under your management."

"As you command!"

Hypnos hurriedly knelt down on one knee respectfully, his eyes filled with endless fear and glory.

It’s undeniable!

As the god of Hades, Hypnos is absolutely impossible to betray, and this is also impossible to betray, but! One thing is extremely important.

The perfect Hades warrior is essentially the same status as Hades, and Hades actually personally handed over the perfect Hades warrior who was being conceived in front of him to Hypnos.

Let him become the direct subordinate of Hypnos, and this is completely different. To a certain extent, this also represents Hades' trust and favor for Hypnos.

after all!

As the god of Hades, it is self-evident to have a perfect underworld warrior who belongs directly to him.

That’s right!

This life was born from the spirituality with Hades as its core, and finally combined with the divine power of Hades, the divine power of Dream God, and the law of sleep. He is the perfect Hades fighter.

The perfect underworld warrior of the Earth Demon Star.

As this spirit body gradually gave birth to the appearance of a living body, the demon star of the earth demon star also merged into the spirit body with the strange sound of "quacking", and gradually and completely rushed into the spirit body. in vivo.

Wisps of divine power.

Wisps of life.

A short time!

Everything is intertwining quickly. The speed is not fast, but it is very stable. As time goes by, it is gradually gestating.

after all!

As time passed, when a figure gradually emerged, he knelt down on one knee respectfully.

"Earth Demon Star: Underworld Butterfly Papillon: Miu!"

"See Lord Hades!"

Hades looked at Miao, just nodded lightly, and said quietly: "Get up."


After Miao saluted again, he stood up, and then saluted: "Lord Hypnos!"


Hypnos looked at Miao in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he opened his hand, and wisps of sleep law gradually poured into Miao's body.

The perfect Hades Warrior has been a small universe with only a seventh sense since its birth.

Not that!

They cannot have higher strength, but this is the most perfect foundation. The foundation of divine power and laws is perfect enough, and it is extremely important to gradually and steadily grow in the future.

The path taken by the Underworld Warrior is not fixed. It does not necessarily mean that you have to become a god. There are many paths, including understanding the will of the gods, understanding the ninth sense, and understanding Ω.



These are complete paths, and the perfect underworld fighter should gradually choose the path that is most suitable for him and the most perfect.

At this moment, Miao, who was born with the help of Hypnos' sleep law, has absorbed a large amount of Hypnos' sleep law, and his path has been determined.

He already possesses the complete law of sleep, and the seeds of the will of the gods have been completely planted. In the future, as long as he grows and stabilizes step by step, he can become a new master of the law of sleep. gods.

As for Hypnos? !

At this moment, Hypnos's face had gradually turned pale and looked extremely weak. His face was ugly, obviously! Even if Hypnos forcibly releases such a large amount of sleep laws, and it is permanent, it is still very weak.


This is not a problem. Similarly, Hypnos' time is long enough. He just needs to cultivate slowly in the future. In a million years, he can recover no matter what.

"Thank you, Lord Hypnos!" Miao lowered his head respectfully after integrating the law of sleep into himself perfectly.

Although he is still unable to perfectly control and completely control the law of sleep for the time being, he has integrated it into himself. This is his own foundation. Next, he only needs to practice and improve himself step by step.


Hypnos nodded quietly. He didn't say anything more. He was indeed quite tired, but it would be nothing to allow Lord Hades to appoint a perfect Hades warrior who belongs directly to him.


Thanatos remained silent, actually! He is also very envious! This can equip you with a perfect underworld fighter. What is the concept?

This is trust!

This is favor!

This is a dream for any god of the underworld. As for Hypnos, he understands his contribution to the Titan war this time. Naturally, this is also given to Hypnos. award.

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