Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 220 Return to the underworld! Hades begins processing all proceeds from the God War!

Hades's divine thought passed by, and the gate of the underworld expanded again. With the unfolded gate of the underworld, the entire dream world had been swallowed into it, integrated into the underworld, and became a part of the underworld.

That’s it!

It can be said.

The entire underworld is completely perfect.

The dream world is a part of the underworld, and the dream world is a part of the underworld.

Now with the birth of Onilii, or the birth of 3000 Dream Gods, it also represents the integrity of the underworld. With the end of the Titan War, the integrity of the underworld also represents the official beginning of the underworld entering the Greek god system. ·In the big world of myth.

It's completely operational.

"Thanatos." Hades returned to the underworld with the three gods and said calmly: "The underworld has officially been connected to the mythical world. You will deal with all this in the next time."

"As you command, Lord Hades!"

Thanatos bowed his head respectfully, and Hades had already left.

Hypnos also smiled and said: "I'm going back to rest, Oniliyi. Next, you will also be busy with your work."

"This is my job."

A smile appeared on Oniliyi's face, and his figure disappeared without a trace, continuing to merge into the underworld. He dispersed into 3,000 dream gods and began to weave dreams.

And at the same time!

Pieces of Hades clothes were sent into the dream world, and 3,000 dream gods said respectfully at the same time: "Thank you, Lord Hades!"

With the attachment of the Hades God's Clothes, the work of each Dream God became more and more busy.

Hypnos has also returned to his own territory and needs a good rest. He has lost a lot of sleep laws. Next, it will take a long time to repair. This time may take up to a million years, or even longer. time.

On the other side, Thanatos also started to get busy, and the entire underworld needed him to deal with it.

after all!

The underworld, which is just dealing with the docking of small worlds, is also very busy, but this busyness is nothing. The problem is, that is under normal circumstances.

After the Titan War began, the entire underworld also stopped functioning, after all! How can I have time to deal with these basic tasks? I am busy fighting every day.

Under this situation, it can be said that the entire underworld has accumulated an extremely large amount of work. In addition, it is now connected to the Greek gods and mythology world. It can be said that even busier work has begun.

Thanatos also knows how huge his workload is, but he doesn't particularly care about it. Everything that needs to be dealt with has to be dealt with.

This is also a good opportunity to express yourself.

Thanatos is really envious of Hypnos with his real name!

Why? !

ah? !

What are you doing!


Thanatos also wants a perfect Hades fighter for himself! It's not that there must be one person to be driven by him, but it's like having an extra disciple of his.

The relationship between Hypnos and Myu is that of disciples.

And this disciple is still the most perfect underworld fighter belonging to Lord Hades. Now this disciple is following me. What is the concept of this?

This is what Thanatos envied, and other Hades also began to know the news one after another.

All of a sudden.

All the Gods of Hades are starting to get excited, huh? Why don’t I have this? No! no! I also have to work hard, and I must let Lord Hades grant me a favor.

Because of this, this is the current underworld. It is called chaos or boiling. It can be said that the entire underworld is caught in a fiery involution.

Pure land of bliss!

Hades has returned to the Pure Land of Elysium, and everything that needs to be dealt with is over. All the situations of the Titan God War have also come to an end. Next, it is time to deal with all the gains.

Hades opened one hand, and a vast star was rotating in his palm.


They were all treasures that Hades had taken out from the Titan's treasury. Looking at so many divine objects, Hades only hesitated slightly before smashing all the stars, leaving countless ones in their place. of fetish.

Hades casually sent all the artifacts to the Demon Star, and just stored them in the Demon Star.

after all!

As Hades's divine power increases, the size of the Demon Star is also increasing again and again. The current space inside the Demon Star has far surpassed that of a small world, and is continuing to expand over time. expansion.

It can be said.

In addition to the improvements brought by the underworld, in addition to being fed back to Hades, the most obvious improvement brought about by the underworld itself is the magic star.

The expansion inside the Demon Star even made Hades think about one thing.

Is it possible for me to cultivate the magic star into a complete world? It's not a simple small world, that kind of small world doesn't mean much.


If the Demon Star can become a complete world one by one with the help of the World Tree, and grow into a complete multiverse according to its own ideas, the benefits it will bring will be very huge.

Then, with the power of the complete multiverse, blessing the 108 underworld warriors, then! To what extent will the growth of the Underworld Warrior be achieved?

Tell the truth!

While Hades was thinking about this, he also had to admit that if his idea succeeded.


This is like cultivating the Demon Star into a small subsidiary World Tree of the World Tree. When combined perfectly, the improvement will be huge.

"This..." Hades thought about all this and said secretly: "You can try it gradually, but it is okay to take your time. After all, the improvement of World Tree is still at a stagnant stage."

Hades shook his head, not thinking too much about it.

The operation of the World Tree is now stuck on the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind, and except for the Mother Earth Snake, the mythical beast that represents the earth element, he has no idea at all in terms of water, fire and wind.


Hades also requires a little bit of research. The Earth Mother Snake is very special, even though its foundation is very good.

But this also represents a problem. Once the foundation is laid, if you are not qualified for the subsequent buildings, there will be huge backlash problems.

Hades is of course very clear about this, so what he is looking for next is the three divine beasts that almost correspond to the Earth Mother Snake? !

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