Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 251 The new Lord of the Underworld? Complement earth, sea and sky? !

The silence of the Pure Land was silent for a long time.

Hades spoke again, and his calm words made Ethel, an elegant and wise god, look extremely disbelieving, and even his eyes widened in shock.

"Lord Hades..."

"Ethel, what do you think of giving up the position of Lord of the Underworld to someone else?"

Hades' words seemed like a heavy hammer hitting Ethel's head. At this moment, Ethel's head was buzzing, and she didn't quite understand what Lord Hades meant.

at the same time!

The entire Pure Land of Bliss seemed to have fallen into silence. In this beautiful place, the beautiful singing voices of angels could be heard from time to time, but at this moment, everything disappeared without a trace.

Hades's expression was very calm and indifferent, as if there was no change at all, he just looked at Ethel quietly.



Ethel was extremely flustered for a moment, but his mentality was stable enough, and he soon stabilized, and stabilized Lord Hades's mind.

After a while.

After Ethel thought carefully, he shook his head and said: "Master Hades, I'm afraid it's impossible. No one can take over the position of the Lord of the Underworld. The most important thing is! I don't think anyone will admit this. Lord of the Underworld, this is something that cannot be changed.”


Hades just uttered one word quietly.

Ethel was thinking carefully, and Hades was not in a hurry, actually! Hades was considering this idea after Etel became the Lord of the Star Boundary.

world Tree!

From the bottom up can also bring about improvement, and since the bottom up can also bring about improvement, then! It is to continue to complete the underworld.

There are two situations in the underworld now.

The World Tree continues to be nurtured. From the initial sky and earth, to the subsequent Optimus Pillar, and now the earth, water, fire and wind, it has entered a new stage step by step. After the local water, fire and wind have been nurtured, it is about to enter the next stage. stage, that is, the creation of the five realms.

Heaven, earth, sea and stars.

The creation of these five realms is the next stage, which cannot be changed. The growth of the World Tree is the inevitable result of experience.


The situation in the underworld is completely different from the world bred by the ordinary World Tree. Hades created the underworld with the World Tree as the core, and forged this intertwined body of the World Tree and the Kingdom of God, which can be said to be extremely special.

And this cannot be changed, just like the absolute god named Chaos in Chaos, and the absolute god of time in the Roman pantheon, Saturn.

In a sense, the Greek pantheon and the Roman pantheon have almost the same relationship. This is because Chaos and Saturn have a very good relationship. When they created the mythical world, they almost corresponded to the creation of the world. of.

But in essence, the two mythical worlds are also different. One origin is chaos, and the other origin is time. They both have all the factors that they should have, but their essences are different.

As for that!

Saturn is known as the embodiment of a certain super god?

This is just like a joke. That super god, such an existence, is not comparable to Saturn, the super god who claims to be able to control all time, space, and all dimensions. Maybe he got a trace, a ray of that super god. God's inheritance, but materialized? !

Stop it!

That is completely unrealistic. Saturn is just an absolute god, and there is no comparison with that super god.

The same is true for Hades. With the transformation of the World Tree of Pluto, what will be born in the future is a World Tree with the underworld as its core. Although everything will be included, the essence is still Pluto!

Chaos, Time, Hades.

The essence of every mythological world that is opened up will not change; it is the essence of an absolute god.

And it is impossible for Hades to cause problems in the development direction of his World Tree.


As Etel has been promoted to become the Lord of the Star World, the underworld has been promoted from bottom to top. This means that the World Tree can also be promoted from the bottom, which is extremely important.

Hades was thinking, if he gave up his position as Lord of the Underworld, would a second Etel be born? It’s time! What will be the result? These are all things to consider and think about.

"Lord Hades." At this time, Ethel thought about it and said: "I believe that it is impossible to give up the position of the Lord of the Underworld. I also know your thoughts, but! The sky, the earth, the sea, the stars, these It’s all okay, but Ming…”

"This matter." Hades said quietly: "Let's put it here for now."


When Etel saw Lord Hades, she temporarily gave up the idea, bowed slightly, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

Etel knew what her Lord Hades was thinking. Hades gave up his position as the Lord of the Underworld and became the master of the Pluto World Tree as pure Hades. Of course, he is also the master now.

But this situation, how should I put it, is like one person holding two positions. Hades is the mayor or the county magistrate. Now Hades's idea is to hand over the county magistrate to someone else. Handle it, and Ethel is the new promoted county magistrate.


The biggest problem is that the county magistrate is the capital! This is a problem. No one can take over as the county magistrate of the capital! But this position is indeed of little significance in the hands of Hades.

It was normal for Ethel to persuade her Lord Hades that no other god of the underworld could take over.

The most important thing is!

Contract hell, space hell, with the birth of each special hell, the underworld is becoming more and more terrifying and perfect. This is no longer just to say that everyone is qualified to inherit it.

The seventy-two demon pillars are also standing on the underworld. They are the pillars of Optimus!

Who dares except Lord Hades? The current situation is that no one can take over this position. It is not a matter of strength, but that no one will be recognized by everyone like Lord Hades.

"Ethel." Hades spoke calmly again at this time.

"Lord Hades!" Ethel said, "What are your orders?"

Hades said calmly: "The verification from bottom to top has been completed. I will not mention the matter of the underworld for the time being, but the star realm is on the right track. Heaven, earth, and sea also need to be completed. This matter , then it’s up to you to handle it.”

Hades quietly issued the order, the completion of this world.

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