Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 254 The idea of ​​Othrys Mountain! The first goal: the supplement of ‘Heaven’!


Hestia knew a lot, and the other Hades didn't ask too many questions. Since they didn't tell, then! Even before it was time for them to know, they nodded quietly and clearly moved past this topic.

That's it.

"In that case." Ethel thought for a moment and said: "Then, let's put all this aside for the time being. Before the destruction of each era comes, it is the best era and the best opportunity. Seize this opportunity, we There’s more to be gained.”

Ethel's meaning was clear.

The destruction of the golden age!

This is already coming, and the destruction of the coming golden age is definitely the best opportunity. After all, in the era of chaos, what can be gained is the most. This is just like the end of the Titan War.

The Titan War came to an end, and the benefits gained by the underworld can be said to be very huge.

"The destruction of the Golden Age..." Hypnos thought for a moment and considered: "Miss Hestia, do you know about this matter?"

"I know." Hestia nodded and said: "The destruction of the Golden Age is a good opportunity for Moirai. Of course, the problem is not big. If the Golden Age fails, wait until the Silver Age to continue. Enough."

Hestia didn't think anything of it. Even if she failed, she would have a backup backup, making everything much simpler.

Compared with the Golden Age, this was purely a little planning, and the mastery was not particularly comprehensive. However, in the Silver Age, it was more comprehensive, with basically a 99% probability of success.


In the Silver Age, the 99% probability still failed? That! It can only be said that Moilai's outcome is destined. It would be better to just give up. There is no possibility of success anymore.

Hypnos nodded understandingly.

As for Baal, he is the head of the seventy-two demon gods.

It can be said.

In fact, Baal would not normally participate in this. However, in everything in the Silver Age, the Seventy-Two Demon Gods sometimes need to take action. This is the reason why Baal came here.

Barr thought for a moment and said quietly: "Ethel, how do you plan to complete the heaven, earth, and sea? This is not easy! If you want to complete the heaven, earth, and sea, you must either plunder directly from the mythical world, or It’s just a little bit of nurturing.”

Barr's voice was calm, but his meaning was very clear.

That's right!

This is just like the perfection of the star realm. The former was chosen for the perfection of the star realm. 365 stars including the sun and the moon were directly plundered from the star realm of the mythical world, so that everything was completely perfected.

And this is only a small star realm, with the addition of 108 magic stars, it is barely taking shape. After Etel becomes the lord of the star realm, it will begin to be steadily conceived.

At this glance, you know that it is not a simple matter at all, and the same is true even for the world. How can it be so easy to succeed!

Completing the world and the sea!

It's easy to say.

In reality?


It is as difficult as ascending to the sky. After having things in the star realm, it is extremely difficult to supplement the heaven, earth and sea. It is even said that the star realm has no master.

But the world and the sea each have their own masters, and everyone will know what you do!

As for creating and nurturing slowly, it is meaningless. In Barr's view, if creation and nurturing are done bit by bit, the time consumed will be extended indefinitely.

The end of the Silver Age may not necessarily lead to success, but if it really reaches this level.


In fact, for many things, there is nothing to say at all. Doesn’t that mean that this plan went bankrupt?

Hypnos, Thanatos, Hemera, and Charon, the four brothers and sisters looked at their eldest brother quietly. They were also thinking and considering Baal's words.


This is not an easy thing at all!

Hestia just sat here with a smile from beginning to end. Except for the issues about Hades, she was not involved in anything else.

Hestia has always been extremely clear about her own positioning, and will not do anything that is not in line with her own positioning. She just looks at it all with a smile.

Ethel thought for a moment and said quietly: "Although it is indeed quite troublesome, it is not particularly difficult to handle it well."


Ethel's words represent that Ethel has an idea.

Barr said extremely seriously: "Etel, you should know very well that replenishing the world will never be an easy task."

Ethel smiled and said, "Barr, you can rest assured that it is impossible for me to joke about this matter. I know very well the importance of this matter."


Barr nodded, he didn't ask any more questions, after all! Barr himself is not looking for trouble.

Barr just wants to ask carefully, don't have any problems, don't really have any problems, this is the most important thing.

It would be really strange if Baal was simply looking for trouble. For gods, there is naturally healthy competition, just like the gift Hypnos received.

Everyone is very envious, but they don't want to kill people and buy goods. Their first thought is that they also have to work hard to get gifts.

This is normal!

Naturally, Ethel would not think that Barr was looking for trouble. He thought for a moment and considered: "Mount Othris!"

"Mount Othrys?!"*N

All the gods looked at Etel, thinking about this problem.

Ethel nodded and said: "Yes, it is Othrys Mountain! The nature of Othrys Mountain is very special. It can even be called a small mythical world in itself, and the special nature of Othrys Mountain is Sex, we are the core to create a heaven."

"Forging a heaven?" Barr thought for a moment and said: "It is feasible to use Othrys Mountain as the core and the World Tree to devour it to create a heaven. However, it seems that we still need a primer, right?"

As the Seventy-Two Demon Gods, Baal naturally learned more knowledge and information from the moment he was born.


Ethel nodded extremely seriously and said: "Introduction! Othrys Mountain can be swallowed by the World Tree, but! If there is no introduction, Othrys Mountain will be swallowed up, and it will only become a pure power of the world to continue to improve. world Tree."

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